Bridge and Torch Problem for 'n' people with Go [closed] - algorithm

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Problem: Given an array of positive distinct integer denoting the crossing time of ‘n’ people. These ‘n’ people are standing at one side of bridge. Bridge can hold at max two people at a time. When two people cross the bridge, they must move at the slower person’s pace. Find the minimum total time in which all persons can cross the bridge.
I am not able to find the pattern as of how to scale this for 'n' people. But somehow I managed to find the case with 4 people. Can someone help me with this. I am new to Golang and I am stuck with this problem.
package main
import (
type conf struct {
Person []map[string]float32 `yaml:"person"`
func (c *conf) getConf() *conf {
filename := os.Args[1] // Taking file input
yamlFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename) // Yaml parse
if err != nil {
log.Printf("yamlFile.Get err #%v ", err)
err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFile, c)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unmarshal: %v", err)
return c
func main() {
var c conf // Object of struct conf
c.getConf() // calling getConf function
// Sorting the current conf map
n := map[float32][]string{} // Map to store current conf map
var a []float32 // Store values from conf map
for k, v := range c.Person {
v := float32(v)
fmt.Println(k, v)
n[v] = append(n[v], k)
for k := range n {
a = append(a, k)
// Converting float32 as float64 in order to sort the values in conf map
float32AsFloat64Values := make([]float64, len(a))
for i, val := range a {
float32AsFloat64Values[i] = float64(val)
for i, val := range float32AsFloat64Values {
a[i] = float32(val)
var time float32
fmt.Printf("\n%v\n", a)
for _, k := range a {
min1 := a[0]
min2 := a[1]
min3 := a[2]
for _, s := range n[k] {
fmt.Printf("%s, %g\n", s, k)
if len(a) > 3 {
time = (3 * min2) + min1 + a[3] //Formula for minimum time in case of 4 people
} else if len(a) == 3 {
time = min1 + min2 + min3
} else {
fmt.Println("Enter valid arguments in config.yaml")
fmt.Printf("Minimum time taken to cross the bridge is:\t%g\n", time)
Config.yaml is:
person_1: 2
person_2: 1
person_3: 5
person_4: 8
person_5: 9
One could run this as: 'go run main.go config.yaml'.
My scenario is that there could be 4,5 or 'n' number of people given in this yaml. Then what would be the minimum time for them to cross the bridge given the constraints.

I think the original problem is a bit more interesting than the one stated (yes, there has to be a Torch in the "Bridge and Torch" problem!).
Based on the Wikipedia description, for example,
Four people come to a river in the night. There is a narrow bridge, but it can only hold two people at a time. They have one torch and, because it's night, the torch has to be used when crossing the bridge. Person A can cross the bridge in 1 minute, B in 2 minutes, C in 5 minutes, and D in 8 minutes. When two people cross the bridge together, they must move at the slower person's pace. The question is, can they all get across the bridge if the torch lasts only 15 minutes?
In our case, of course, there are N people instead of just four, and it takes them variable amount of time to cross the bridge, but the rest of the story is the same.
Here's the implementation:
import (
func minCrossingTime(x []int) int {
if len(x) == 1 {
return x[0]
t := 0
a, b := x[0], x[1]
x = x[2:]
for len(x) >= 2 {
n := len(x)
c, d := x[n-2], x[n-1]
x = x[:n-2]
t1 := 2*b + a + d
t2 := d + c + 2*a
if t1 < t2 {
t += t1
} else {
t += t2
if len(x) == 1 {
c := x[0]
t += a + b + c
} else {
t += b
return t
func main() {
x1 := []int{1, 2, 5, 8}
fmt.Printf("x = %x, time = %d\n", x1, minCrossingTime(x1))
x2 := []int{3, 8, 1, 6, 2, 9}
fmt.Printf("x = %x, time = %d\n", x2, minCrossingTime(x2))
x = [1 2 5 8], time = 15
x = [1 2 3 6 8 9], time = 27
Note: the first example [1 2 5 8] is straight from the Wikipedia, so the answer is yes, they can cross in 15 minutes
Key idea:
Let X = [X1,X2,...,XN] be the sorted array of crossing times with X1 being the fastest and XN the slowest
Let's denote as {XI,XJ} crossing by the pair of people XI and XJ, and {XK} crossing by one person XK, with +{...} indicating the crossing in the desired direction and -{...} in the opposite direction
If N < 4 the problem is trivial:
N = 1 => t = X1 (+{X1})
N = 2 => t = X2 (+{X1,X2})
N = 3 => t = X1 + X2 + X3 (+{X1,X2} -{X1} + {X1,X3})
If N >= 4 consider the following problem: how to make two slowest people (and only them) cross the bridge and have the torch brought back in minimal time. There are two "good" ways to do it, with times
t1 = X1 + 2*X2 + XN (+{X1,X2} -{X1} +{X[N-1],XN} -{X2}) and
t2 = 2*X1 + X[N-1] + XN (+{X1,X[N-1]} -{X1} +{X1,XN} -{X1}), so we choose the best (minimum) out of these two
Now the two slowest have crossed the bridge, and the torch is on the same side where it started, so we are left with the original problem for X' = [X1, X2, ..., X[N-2]], which can be solved iteratively by applying the same logic and summing up the crossing times
For mathematical proof and more context see e.g.
Code golf solutions in different programming languages:

Problem: Given an array of positive distinct integer denoting the
crossing time of ‘n’ people. These ‘n’ people are standing at one side
of bridge. Bridge can hold at max two people at a time. When two
people cross the bridge, they must move at the slower person’s pace.
Find the minimum total time in which all persons can cross the bridge.
person_1: 2
person_2: 1
person_3: 5
person_4: 8
person_5: 9
Your algorithm looks complicated.
For example,
package main
import (
func minCrossingTime(people []int) int {
sort.Slice(people, func(i, j int) bool {
return people[i] > people[j]
min := 0
for i := 0; i < len(people); i += 2 {
min += people[i]
return min
func main() {
people := []int{2, 1, 5, 8, 9}
fmt.Println(len(people), people)
crossingTime := minCrossingTime(people)
fmt.Println(len(people), people)
5 [2 1 5 8 9]
5 [9 8 5 2 1]


Task scheduling algorithm

How do I go about the following problem? I have a sense to use DP
Given an array of the complexity of task, Note that the complexity is also the order of the task they need to be executed. The constraint is to have at least one task scheduled every day. The complexity of that day is the highest task complexity of that day. What is the overall minimum complexity that can be achieved with optimal planning?
For example, let's say there are n = 5 tasks, where:
complexity = [1, 5, 3, 2, 4]
and the length of the test is days = 2. The best option is to execute the first task on the first day and the rest on the second day. The complexity of the first day would be 1, since that's the only task, and the complexity of the second day would be 5, because that's the complexity level of the most complex task that day. Therefore, the answer is 1 + 5 = 6.
Example 1:
5 -> complexity[] size n = 5
2 -> Days =2
I think this is O(n2), so not super optimal, but it works. It's written in Go.
package main
import "fmt"
func optimize(tasks []int, days int) int {
// edge case 1: empty c or days <= 0
// (this is really for data input validation)
if len(tasks) == 0 || days <= 0 {
return 0
// edge case 2: single day - return max
if days == 1 {
max := tasks[0]
for _, v := range tasks[1:] {
if v > max {
max = v
return max
// edge case 3: tasks = days
if days == len(tasks) {
total := 0
for _, v := range tasks {
total += v
return total
// all other cases:
possibilities := []int{}
i := 0
max := tasks[0]
for {
tasksLeft := len(tasks[i+1:])
daysLeft := days - 1
if tasksLeft < daysLeft {
if tasks[i] > max {
max = tasks[i]
possibility := max + optimize(tasks[i+1:], days-1)
possibilities = append(possibilities, possibility)
// minimize
min := possibilities[0]
for _, p := range possibilities[1:] {
if p < min {
min = p
return min
func main() {
tasks := []int{1, 5, 3, 2, 4}
days := 2
fmt.Println(optimize(tasks, days))

Rotate Array in Go

This is a LeetCode problem: 189. Rotate Array:
Given an array, rotate the array to the right by k steps, where k is
Example 1:
Input: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] and k = 3
Output: [5,6,7,1,2,3,4]
And here is my solution:
func rotate(nums []int, k int) {
k = k % len(nums)
nums = append(nums[k:],nums[0:k]...)
It is a straight forward algorithm but it does not work.
I am new to Go. I suppose nums is passed by value and changes to nums won't affect the real nums.
How can I get this right?
In Go, all arguments are passed by value.
A Go slice is represented at runtime by a slice descriptor:
type slice struct {
array unsafe.Pointer
len int
cap int
If you change any of the slice descriptor values in a function then communicate the change, typically by returning the changed slice descriptor.
Your rotate function changes the values of the slice num pointer to the underlying array and the slice capacity, so return num.
For example, after I fixed the bugs in your rotate algorithm,
package main
import "fmt"
func rotate(nums []int, k int) []int {
if k < 0 || len(nums) == 0 {
return nums
fmt.Printf("nums %p array %p len %d cap %d slice %v\n", &nums, &nums[0], len(nums), cap(nums), nums)
r := len(nums) - k%len(nums)
nums = append(nums[r:], nums[:r]...)
fmt.Printf("nums %p array %p len %d cap %d slice %v\n", &nums, &nums[0], len(nums), cap(nums), nums)
return nums
func main() {
nums := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
fmt.Printf("nums %p array %p len %d cap %d slice %v\n", &nums, &nums[0], len(nums), cap(nums), nums)
nums = rotate(nums, 3)
fmt.Printf("nums %p array %p len %d cap %d slice %v\n", &nums, &nums[0], len(nums), cap(nums), nums)
nums 0xc00000a080 array 0xc00001a1c0 len 7 cap 7 slice [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
nums 0xc00000a0c0 array 0xc00001a1c0 len 7 cap 7 slice [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
nums 0xc00000a0c0 array 0xc00001a240 len 7 cap 8 slice [5 6 7 1 2 3 4]
nums 0xc00000a080 array 0xc00001a240 len 7 cap 8 slice [5 6 7 1 2 3 4]
Reference: The Go Blog: Go Slices: usage and internals
Here's a way do rotate a float 32 slice, you can change it for another type.
//RotateF32Slice positive n rotate to the left, negative to right
func RotateF32Slice(slice []float32, n int) (rotateSlice []float32) {
var begin []float32
var end []float32
size := len(slice)
rotateSlice = make([]float32, size)
nAbs := math.Abs(float64(n))
if int(nAbs) > size {
remainder, _ := QuotientAndRemainderF32(float32(n), float32(size))
n = int(remainder)
if n != 0 {
if n > 0 {
index := size - n
begin = slice[index:]
end = slice[0:index]
copy(rotateSlice, begin)
copy(rotateSlice[n:], end)
} else {
n = int(nAbs)
index := size - n
begin = slice[n:]
end = slice[0:n]
copy(rotateSlice, begin)
copy(rotateSlice[index:], end)
} else {
copy(rotateSlice, slice)
return rotateSlice
//QuotientAndRemainderF32 Computes the integer quotient and the remainder of the inputs. This function rounds floor(x/y) to the nearest integer towards -inf.
func QuotientAndRemainderF32(x, y float32) (Remainder, Quotient float32) {
Quotient = float32(math.Floor(float64(x / y)))
Remainder = x - y*Quotient
return Remainder, Quotient
Solution 1 :
func rotate(ar []int,d,n int) []int{
var newArray []int
for i:=0;i<d;i++{
newArray = ar[1:n]
newArray = append(newArray,ar[0])
ar = newArray
return ar
Solution 2 :
func rotateR(ar []int,d,n int) []int{
ar = append(ar[d:n],ar[0:d]...)
return ar
func rotate(nums []int, k int) {
k = k % len(nums)
result := append(nums[len(nums)-k:], nums[:len(nums)-k]...)
for i := 0; i < len(nums); i++ {
nums[i] = result[i]
Answering this late as i came across this while reading the book "The Go Programming language". It presents a quite elegant algo to use the reverse function and apply it thrice to achieve the desired rotation by k elems. Something like this
// function to rotate array by k elems (3 reverse method)
func rotate(arr []int, k int) {
Please note, you will have to write a reverse function. Go does not provide one. This is an O(n) solution and takes O(1) space.
This is my solution to the same hackerrank problem
func rotateLeft(d int32, arr []int32) []int32 {
for ; d > 0 ; d-- {
left := arr[0]
arr = arr[1:]
arr = append(arr, left)
return arr
for me this worked for many of array rotating but not for hundreds nums[].
func rotate(nums []int, k int) {
for count:=k; count>0; count--{
if len(nums) >= 1 && len(nums) <= 10^5 {
for i:=len(nums)-1; i>0; i--{
nums[i], nums[i-1] = nums[i-1], nums[i]
Given an array, rotate the array to the right by k steps, where k is
Example 1:
Input: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] and k = 3 Output: [5,6,7,1,2,3,4]
First, for k=3, shouldn't be the output [4,5,6,7,1,2,3] ?
For most array operations, it is always simplier to add elements to a newly created array rather than change the source array. If the array is not really large (takes Gigs of memory / billions of items, etc..), you can use a function that adds elements to the newly created array in the order you require and returns new one:
// GO 1.18
func rot[T any](slice []T, k int) (newSlice []T){
l := len(slice)
for i := range slice {
newSlice = append(newSlice, slice[(k+i) % l])
fmt.Printf("Slice %v after rotation %v\n", []int{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, rot[int]([]int{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, 3))
//Slice [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] after rotation [4 5 6 7 1 2 3]
If you insist on using "slicing", the code looks like this:
func rotationBySlicing[T any](slice []T, k int) (newSlice []T) {
if len(slice) == 0 {
return slice
return append(slice[(k%len(slice)):],slice[0:k%len(slice)]...)
fmt.Printf("Array %v after rotation %v\n", []string{}, rotationBySlicing[string]([]string{},1))
fmt.Printf("Array %v after rotation %v\n", []string{"a"}, rotationBySlicing[string]([]string{"a"},1))
fmt.Printf("Array %v after rotation %v\n", []string{"a","b"}, rotationBySlicing[string]([]string{"a","b"},1))
fmt.Printf("Array %v after rotation %v\n", []string{"a","b","c"}, rotationBySlicing[string]([]string{"a","b","c"},1))
fmt.Printf("Array %v after rotation %v\n", []string{"a", "b", "c", "d"}, rotationBySlicing[string]([]string{"a", "b", "c", "d"},1))
fmt.Printf("Slice %v after rotation %v\n", []int{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, rotationBySlicing[int]([]int{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, 3))
Array [] after rotation []
Array [a] after rotation [a]
Array [a b] after rotation [b a]
Array [a b c] after rotation [b c a]
Array [a b c d] after rotation [b c d a]
Array [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] after rotation [4 5 6 7 1 2 3]
Also instruction says:
where k is non-negative
, for completeness the code should handle case when k is less than 0
In my case, I preferred this algorithm below because I wanted to keep slice capacity the same:
// Rotation by keeping the capacity same
func Rotate(nums []int, k int) {
k %= len(nums)
new_array := make([]int, len(nums))
copy(new_array[:k], nums[len(nums)-k:])
copy(new_array[k:], nums[:len(nums)-k])
copy(nums, new_array)
Also, I tested it in Leet code and it looks good :)
You can also add a condition at the top of your function to make it ready for negative shifts (rotates),
Whole code again:
func Rotate(nums []int, k int) {
k %= len(nums)
// Condition below is added.
if k < 0 {
k += len(nums)
new_array := make([]int, len(nums))
copy(new_array[:k], nums[len(nums)-k:])
copy(new_array[k:], nums[:len(nums)-k])
copy(nums, new_array)
This doesn't work because []byte is a slice which is sort of a "pointer to an array". Doing:
func f(v []T) {
v = ... //
won't have any observable effect for the caller. Assuming your append way is correct (didn't really check it) you could do something like this:
func rotate(nums []int, k int) {
k = k % len(nums)
temp := append(nums[k:], nums[0:k]...)
copy(nums, temp) // this actually writes to where nums points to
func main() {
nums := []int{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
rotate(nums ,3)

Flipping a slice with a for loop logic error

So I am trying to write a method that takes two slices, flips both of them and then gives them to each other.
s1 = {1,2,3,4,5}
s2 = {6,7,8,9,10}
Should return:
s1 = {10,9,8,7,6}
s2 = {5,4,3,2,1}
Here is my code:
package main
func main(){
f:= [5]int{1,2,3,4,5}
h:= [5]int{6,7,8,9,10}
var sliceF []int = f[0:5]
var sliceH []int = h[0:5]
func reverseReverse(first []int, second []int) ([]int, []int){
//creating temp arrays to hold the traversed arrays before swapping.
var tempArr1 []int = first
var tempArr2 []int = second
//count is used for counting up the tempArrays in the correct order in the For loops
var count int= 0
//goes through the first array and sets the values starting from the end equal to the temp array
//which increases normally from left to right.
for i :=len(first)-1; i>=0;i--{
tempArr1[count] = first[i]
count =0
//same as first for loop just on the second array
for i :=len(second)-1; i>=0;i--{
tempArr2[count] = second[i]
//trying to replace the values of the param arrays to be equal to the temp arrays
second = tempArr1
//returning the arrays
return first,second
When run here is the output:
[10 9 8 9 10]
[5 4 3 4 5]
*Not I included a print statement in the for loop to check if the index is decreasing properly.
I understand there are better ways to do this but for proof of concept I want to use a for loop.
Any help appreciated. I am new to go and tend to have java habits so I assume somehow my problem is related to that.
This can be done much simpler by realizing there's no need to actually swap the individual elements. Instead, reverse each array and swap their order. Much simpler!
func reverseReverse( a, b []int ) ([]int, []int) {
return reverse(b), reverse(a)
func reverse( a []int ) []int {
end := len(a) - 1
// Allocate a new array slice of the same length to copy to.
ret := make( []int, len(a) )
// Copy each element of a into ret, reversed.
for i := range a {
ret[end-i] = a[i]
return ret
With that revelation, there's little need for the very specialized reverseReverse function. Swap the order yourself.
fmt.Println(reverse(sliceH), reverse(sliceF))
Note that if you just want to take a slice of an array, it's sufficient to write sliceH []int := h[:] without specifying the start and end. The start is assumed to be 0 and the end is the end. Also note there's no need to declare the type, := takes care of that for you.
Even better, you can declare and initialize them directly.
sliceF:= []int{1,2,3,4,5}
sliceH:= []int{6,7,8,9,10}
Short answer:
tempArr1[count] = first[i]
This line is logically identical to:
first[count] = first[i]
Detailed answer:
x := [5]int{} and x := []int{} are in fact two very different assignments. In the first case x is actually a static array. In the second case x is a slice which is in fact a data structure which has a length, capacity and a pointer to the underlying array. Therefore, var tempArr1 []int = first means copy the pointer to the underlying array of first into the tempArr1, so any modification to first[i] will be reflected in tempArr1 and vice versa
For example,
package main
import "fmt"
func reverse(s []int) []int {
for i := 0; i < len(s)/2; i++ {
s[i], s[len(s)-1-i] = s[len(s)-1-i], s[i]
return s
func main() {
s1, s2 := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, []int{6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
fmt.Println(s1, s2)
s1, s2 = reverse(s2), reverse(s1)
fmt.Println(s1, s2)
[1 2 3 4 5] [6 7 8 9 10]
[10 9 8 7 6] [5 4 3 2 1]

New to go; how to use math/big

I am new to Go but not to programming. I am trying to implement a few functions on prime numbers as a way to learn. Here's my code, which you can run at
// prime numbers
package main
import (
// list of primes less than n:
// sieve of eratosthenes
func primes(n int) (ps []int) {
sieve := make([]bool, n)
for i := 2; i < n; i++ {
if !(sieve[i]) {
ps = append(ps, i)
for j := i * i; j < n; j += i {
sieve[j] = true
return ps
// true if n is prime, else false:
// trial division via 2,3,5-wheel
func isPrime(n int) (bool) {
wheel := [11]int{1,2,2,4,2,4,2,4,6,2,6}
w := 0
f := 2
for f*f <= n {
if n % f == 0 { return false }
f += wheel[w]
w += 1
if w == 11 { w = 3 }
return true
// greatest common divisor of x and y:
// via euclid's algorithm
func gcd(x int, y int) (int) {
for y != 0 {
x, y = y, x % y
return x
// absolute value of x
func abs(x int) (int) {
if x < 0 {
return -1 * x
return x
// list of prime factors of n:
// trial division via 2,3,5-wheel
// to 1000 followed by pollard rho
func factors(n int) (fs []int) {
wheel := [11]int{1,2,2,4,2,4,2,4,6,2,6}
w := 0 // wheel pointer
f := 2 // current trial factor
for f*f <= n && f < 1000 {
for n % f == 0 {
fs = append(fs, f)
n /= f
f += wheel[w]; w += 1
if w == 11 { w = 3 }
if n == 1 { return fs }
h := 1 // hare
t := 1 // turtle
g := 1 // greatest common divisor
c := 1 // random number parameter
for !(isPrime(n)) {
for g == 1 {
h = (h*h+c) % n // the hare runs
h = (h*h+c) % n // twice as fast
t = (t*t+c) % n // as the tortoise
g = gcd(abs(t-h), n)
if isPrime(g) {
for n % g == 0 {
fs = append(fs, g)
n /= g
h, t, g, c = 1, 1, 1, c+1
fs = append(fs, n)
return fs
func main() {
That works fine. I would like to know how to initialize wheel as a constant at compile time so that it can be shared by isPrime and factors, and I would appreciate any comments on style or other aspects of my program.
I eventually want to implement some factoring algorithms on big integers, using the math/big package. But I'm having much trouble. Simplifying to just the trial division via a 2,3,5-wheel part of the algorithm, here's my code:
package main
import (
func factors(n big.Int) (fs []big.Int) {
zero := big.NewInt(0);
one := big.NewInt(1);
two := big.NewInt(2);
four := big.NewInt(4);
six := big.NewInt(6);
wheel := [11]big.Int{*one,*two,*two,*four,*two,*four,*two,*four,*six,*two,*six}
w := 0;
f := two;
for big.Mul(*f, *f).Cmp(n) <= 0 {
for big.Mod(n, *f).Cmp(*zero) {
fs = append(fs, *f)
n = big.Div(n, *f)
f = big.Add(f, wheel[w])
w += 1
if w > 11 { w = 3 }
fs = append(fs, n)
return fs
func main() {
That doesn't work; ideone complains that the Add, Div, Mod and Mul functions are not found. And it looks rather ugly to me, stylistically.
Please tell me how to fix my factors function.
EDIT 1: Thanks to #TClaverie, I now have a function that compiles. Now I am getting a runtime error, and ideone points to the Mul function. Once again, can anyone help? My revised code is shown below and at
package main
import (
func factors(n *big.Int) (fs []big.Int) {
var z *big.Int
zero := big.NewInt(0)
one := big.NewInt(1)
two := big.NewInt(2)
four := big.NewInt(4)
six := big.NewInt(6)
wheel := [11]*big.Int{one,two,two,four,two,four,two,four,six,two,six}
w := 0
f := two
z.Mul(f, f)
for z.Cmp(n) <= 0 {
z.Mod(n, f)
for z.Cmp(zero) == 0 {
fs = append(fs, *f)
n.Div(n, f)
z.Mod(n, f)
f.Add(f, wheel[w])
w += 1
if w > 11 { w = 3 }
z.Mul(f, f)
fs = append(fs, *n)
return fs
func main() {
EDIT 2: Thanks to #TClaverie, I've learned a lot about Go, and I'm close to a solution. But I still have one problem; the program
package main
import (
func main() {
one := big.NewInt(1);
two := big.NewInt(2);
four := big.NewInt(4);
six := big.NewInt(6);
wheel := [11]*big.Int{one,two,two,four,two,four,two,four,six,two,six}
f := two; w := 0
for f.Cmp(big.NewInt(40)) < 0 {
fmt.Println(f, w, wheel)
f.Add(f, wheel[w])
w += 1; if w == 11 { w = 3 }
prints the following output, which shows that wheel is being modified in the call to Add:
2 0 [1 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 6 2 6]
3 1 [1 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 6 3 6]
6 2 [1 6 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 6 6]
12 3 [1 12 12 4 12 4 12 4 6 12 6]
16 4 [1 16 16 4 16 4 16 4 6 16 6]
32 5 [1 32 32 4 32 4 32 4 6 32 6]
36 6 [1 36 36 4 36 4 36 4 6 36 6]
What's the right way to prevent that from happening?
So, if you look at the documentation, you'll see that Add, Div and Mul are defined for the type *big.Int, so you have to call them using a *big.Int with the dot notation. Also, they expect arguments of type *big.Int, but you're giving them big.Int.
If you look at the documentation, you'll also see that those functions are of the type: z.Op(x, y). They apply x Op y and store the result into another *big.Int called z. So, you need a dummy *big.Int, that I'll call z (the methods return it at the same time).
Finally, it's better to work with pointers in this case, as all methods work with pointers.
func factors(n big.Int) (fs []big.Int) --> func factors(n *big.Int) (fs []big.Int)
wheel := [11]big.Int{*one,*two,*two,*four,*two,*four,*two,*four,*six,*two,*six} -->
wheel := [11]*big.Int{one,two,two,four,two,four,two,four,six,two,six}
big.Mul(*f, *f) --> z.Mul(f, f)
big.Mod(n, *f) --> z.Mod(n, f)
n = big.Div(n, *f) --> n.Div(n, f)
f = big.Add(f, wheel[w]) -−> f.Add(f, wheel[w])
A last thing: your condition is broken in the second for, because you are giving it an int instead of a boolean.
So, I do not guarantee the code works after those modifications, but you will be able to make it compile and debug it.

What is wrong with the following merge sort algorithm?

As the question states, I'm having trouble finding where is the issue within the following algorithm. It is the aux function for mergesort, i.e. the one used for combining sorted arrays.
func Merge(toSort *[]int, p, q, r int) {
arr := *toSort
L := arr[p:q]
R := arr[q:r+1]
i := 0
j := 0
for index := p; index <= r; index++ {
if i >= len(L) {
arr[index] = R[j]
j += 1
} else if j >= len(R) {
arr[index] = L[i]
i += 1
if L[i] > R[j] {
fmt.Println("right smaller")
arr[index] = R[j]
j += 1
if L[i] <= R[j] {
fmt.Println("left smaller")
arr[index] = L[i]
i += 1
For arr := []int{1,7,14,15,44,65,79,2,3,6,55,70} it gives as output [1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 6 55 70].
Golang Play link
The JavaScript equivalent for this function works as expected, but I don't know why it isn't working in Go
Thank you
Golang slices are passed by reference. So you don't need to pass a pointer into the function in the first place, but you do need to take explicit copies of L and R or else merge into a different slice entirely. You are currently writing into the same underlying memory from which you are getting your values.
Code like L := arr[p:q] does not create a copy. I suppose you are overwriting your L and R parts during the assignments to arr. Have a look at to understand how slices work. (E.g. you'll basically never write stuff like toSort *[]int as []int is almost kinda pointer)
This seems to work:
You don't need all the indexes: slices are already views into an array. Here's a complete example using purely slice manipulation:
package main
import "fmt"
// Merge takes two sorted, increasing slices of ints and
// returns a slice combining them into a single sorted, increasing
// slice.
func Merge(a, b []int) []int {
res := make([]int, 0, len(a)+len(b))
for len(a) > 0 || len(b) > 0 {
if len(b) == 0 || len(a) > 0 && a[0] <= b[0] {
res = append(res, a[0])
a = a[1:]
} else {
res = append(res, b[0])
b = b[1:]
return res
func main() {
a := []int{1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 4, 7, 9}
fmt.Println(Merge(a[:4], a[4:]))
