How to reduce PostgreSQL max_connections parameter in Greenplum? - greenplum

I am installing Greenplum DB and every time I try to initialize, i get a semaphore error that says
could not create semaphores: No space left on device
I have increased the values in /etc/sysctl.conf but I still keep getting the errors.
Does anyone know what am missing or know where I can reduce the max connections in Greenplum to get past this?


Greenplum error "Canceling query because of high VMEM usage."

We have a small Greenplum cluster in which some queries abort.
System related information:
Greenplum Version: 6.3
Master Host: 1
Segment Host: 2
RAM per Segmenthost: 32GB
SWAP per Segmenthost: 32GB
TOTAL segment: 8 Primary + 0 mirror
segment per host: 4
vm_overcommmit_ratio: 95
gp_vmem_protect_limit: 8072MB
statement_mem: 250MB
The queries are executed with a none superuser.
The query failed with the following error massage:
Canceling query because of high VMEM usage. Used: 7245MB, available 801MB, red zone: 7264MB (runaway_cleaner.c:189)
What we tried:
We calculate the Greenplum Parameter with this information:
This help us for some "simple" queries but for more complicated ones the error happend again.
In the next Step we configured the max_statement_mem: 2000MB
This didn't have any effect to the memory consumption on the segmenthosts. We track this with following Query:
select segid, sum (vmem_mb) from session_state.session_level_memory_consumption
where query like '%<some snippet of the query>%'
group by segid
order by segid;
The memory consumption increases very quickly and the error happend again.
We tried to restrict the memory consumption by setting the following resource queue for the user:
The Database is set to use the resource queue with the parameter gp_resource_manager: queue
We see in the Table 'gp_toolkit.gp_resqueue_status' when we execute a statement that the 'rsqmemoryvalue' is 1048 but the memory consumption in the session_state.session_level_memory_consumption table shows higher values for the segments until the error occurs again.
Has anyone a tip to fix this problem?
Each query will ask for 250MB memory and you set gp_vmem_protect_limit to 8GB. In this case, you can probably run (8GB- primary process memory)/250MB =~ 20-30 queries at the same time. The size of primary process depends on other settings, shared_buffers, wal_buffers,...
Statement_mem can be set in a session. This means some users can set statement_mem higher (up to max_statement_mem) and you will see less queries in concurrent.
When the memory allocated to those concurrent queries reach 90(OR 95) % of gp_vmem_protect_limit, runaway detector will start to cancel queries to protect primary process from OS OOM Kill.
To "fix" the problem (it is not a problem actually), you can
1) set lower default statement_mem, so you can have more queries running concurrently but slower.
2) increase RAM on segment hosts, such that you can increase gp_vmem_protect_limit.

Execute Select Statement at Cassandra

I have been a problem in Cassandra. Please help me..
I am executing Select statement at 500K rows table at intervals 1 millisecond. After some time I get message "All host(s) tried for query failed. First host tried, Host considered as DOWN. See innerErrors".
I run select statement the fallowing:
select * from demo.users
this returning to me 5K rows. There are 500K rows in the users table.
I don't know what is wrong. I have not changed the cassandra.yaml file.
I need to make settings for the memory cache? There is too much disk i/o when I run select statement.
Please help me
A range query (select * with no primary key or token ranges) can be a very expensive query that has to hit at least 1 of every replica set (depend on size of dataset). If your trying to read the entire dataset or doing batch processing either be best to use spark connector or behave like it, and query individual token ranges to prevent putting too much load on coordinators.
If you are going to be using inefficient queries (which is fine, just don't expect the same throughput as normal reads) you will probably need more resources or some specialized tuning. You could add more nodes or look into whats causing it to go DOWN. Most likely its GCs from heap load, so can check GC log. If you have the memory available you can increase heap. Would be good idea to max heap size since with reading everything, system caches are not going to be as meaningful. Use G1 once over 16gb (which you should be) in the jvm.options.

Oracle connection with Spark SQL

I'm trying to connect to Oracle DB from Spark SQL with following code:
  option("driver", config.getString("oracledriver")).
  option("url", config.getString("jdbcUrl")).
  option("user", config.getString("usernameDH")).
  option("password", config.getString("passwordDH")).
  option("dbtable", targetQuery).
  option("partitionColumn", "ID").
  option("lowerBound", "5").
  option("upperBound", "499999").
  option("numPartitions", "10").
By default when we connect with Oracle through Spark SQL it'll create one connection for one partition will be created for the entire RDD. This way I loose parallelism and performance issues comes when there is huge data in a Table. In my code I have passed option("numPartitions", "10")
which will create 10 connection. Please correct if I'm wrong as I know, the number of connections with Oracle will be equal to the number of partitions we pass.
I'm getting below error if I use more connection because may be there is a connection limit to Oracle.
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-02391: exceeded simultaneous
To create more partitions for parallelism if I use more partitions, error comes but if I put less I face performance issues. Is there any other way to create a single connection and load data into multiple partitions (this will save my life).
Please suggest.
Is there any other way to create a single connection and load data into multiple partitions
There is not. In general partitions are processed by different physical nodes and different virtual machines. Considering all the authorization and authentication mechanisms, you cannot just take connection and pass it from node to node.
If problem is just in exceeding SESSIONS_PER_USER just contact the DBA and ask for increasing the value for the Spark user.
If problem is throttling you can try to keep the same number partitions, but decrease number of Spark cores. Since this is mostly micromanaging it might be better to drop JDBC completely, use standard export mechanism (COPY FROM) and read the files directly.
One work around might be to load the data using a single Oracle connection (partition) and then simply repartition:
val dataTargetPartitioned = dataTarget.repartition(100);
You can also partition by a field (if partitioning a dataframe):
val dataTargetPartitioned = dataTarget.repartition(100, "MY_COL");

Upgrade to SonarQube 4.5.1 fails at UpdateMeasuresDebtToMinutes

I am trying to update from 4.0 to 4.5.1 but the process always fails at UpdateMeasuresDebtToMinutes. I am using MySQL 5.5.27 as a database with InnoDB as table engine.
Basically the problem looks like this problem
After the writeTimeout exceeds (600 seconds) there is an exception in the log
Caused by: Can not read response from server. Expected to read 81 bytes, read 15 bytes before connection was unexpectedly lost.
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.readFully( ~[mysql-connector-java-5.1.27.jar:na]
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.reuseAndReadPacket( ~[mysql-connector-java-5.1.27.jar:na]
Adding the indexes as proposed in the linked issue did not help.
Investigating further I noticed several things:
the migration step reads data from a table and wants to write back to the same table (project_measures)
project_measures contains more than 770000 rows
the process always hangs after 249 rows
the hanging happens in org.sonar.server.migrations.MassUpdate when calling update.addBatch() which after the BatchSession.MAX_BATCH_SIZE (250) forces an execute and a commit
is there a way to configure the DB connection to allow this to proceed?
First of all, could you try to revert your db to 4.0 and try again ?
Then, could you please give us the JDBC url (sonar.jdbc.url) you're using ?
As I need that sonar server to run I finally implemented a workaround.
It seems I cannot write to the database at all, as long as a big result set is still open (I tried with a second table but the same issue as before).
Therefore I changed all migrations that need to read and write the project_measurestable (org.sonar.server.db.migrations.v43.TechnicalDebtMeasuresMigration, org.sonar.server.db.migrations.v43.RequirementMeasuresMigration, org.sonar.server.db.migrations.v44.MeasureDataMigration) to load the changed data into a memory structure and after closing the read resultset write it back.
This is as hacky as it sounds and will not work for larger datasets where you would need to this with paging through the data or storing everything into a secondary datastore.
Furthermore I found that later on (in 546_inverse_rule_key_index.rb) an index needs to be created on the rules table which is larger than the max key length on mysql (2 varchar(255) columns with UTF-8 is more than 1000bytes .. ) so I had to limit the key length on that too ..
As I said, it is a workaround and therefore I will not accept it as an answer ..

Snapshot too old error

I am getting 'snapshot too old error' frequently while i am running my workflow when it runs for more than 5 hrs.My source is oracle and target is Teradata. Please help to solve this issue.Thanks in advance
The best explanation of the ORA-01555 snapshot too old error that I've read, is found in this AskTom thread
The snapshot too old error is more or less directly related to the running time of your queries (often a cursor of a FOR loop). So the best solution is to optimize your queries so they run faster.
As a short term solution you can try to increase the size of the UNDO log.
The UNDO log stores the previous version of a record before it's updated. It is used to rollback transactions and to retrieve older version of a record for consistent data snapshots for long running queries.
You'll probably need to dive into Oracle DB administration if you want to solve it via increasing the UNDO log. Basically you do (as SYSDBA):
21600 is 6 hours in seconds.
However, Oracle will only keep 6 hours of old data if the UNDO log files are big enough, which depends on the size of the rollback segments and the amount of updates executed on the database.
So in addition to changing the undo retention time, you should also make sure that few concurrent updates are executed while your job is running. In particular, updates of the data your job is reading should be minimized.
If everything fails, increase the UNDO logs.
