Evaluate and log multiple variables at breakpoint in CLion? - clion

In CLion, is it possible to "Evaluate and Log" multiple variables or make a string expression at a breakpoint? Simple syntax that I try (e.g. printf) doesn't work.
For example, if I wanted to display the value of variables "a" and "b" in the console at a breakpoint, what do I put in the "Evaluate and Log" text box on the Breakpoints dialog? Note that "a" and "b" may be different types.
Thanks! -- Adam


How to "Evaluate and Log" a formatted string in Goland IDE breakpoint?

I'm using the "Evaluate and log" feature in Goland and can only print a string or a variable.
How can I log a string with a variable value embedded? I want something like "foo is now {fooVariableName}", but go doesn't have formatted strings.
This IDE feature says "evaluate", which means you can put some expression there. So you can use something like this (if your variable is a string):
"foo is now " + fooVariableName
Or, if your variable is numeric
"foo is now " + strconv.Itoa(fooVariableName)
However it seems to be quite limited as you can only use already imported functions. So in example above you'll only be able to use strconv.Itoa if it's already used somewhere in your module.
P.S. I didn't know about this function, but tried and it looks useful, although a bit limited

How can I use a variable inside one or multiple hotkeys?

(Very new to AHK, so sorry if this sounds very stupid/trivial)
I have a small AHK script (see below) with a variable called var. I would like to call and modify this variable from within multiple hotkeys. However, even when trying to "yield" its value (with the F8 hotkey) the value doesn't get printed. How can I go about with this?
#SingleInstance, force
var := 42
MsgBox % "Var value is " . var . "."
;blabla not relevant yet
Your variable declaration is unreachable code.
The code execution stops when the first hotkey label is encountered. This is called the Auto-execute Section.
Move your hotkey definition to be at the very bottom.
(All hotkeys defined by hotkey labels always get created regardless of being in the auto-execute section or not)
And as a bonus, the concatenation operator . is redundant, you don't need to use it, you can just leave it out.
(Unless you prefer to use it, of course)

How do I quickly inspect the value of an arbitrary variable in Xcode 4.6.x?

It seems reasonably widely acknowledged that it is slow to use the po command in Xcode 4.6.x. What are the options for inspecting the values of arbitrary variables unspecified at compile time (which rules out usage of NSLog()) which don't take > 15s?
Just set a breakpoint where you want to learn the variables' value. Once the program is paused, a summary of all the variables' value will appear on the Varibles view on the left-bottom of the screen. Here is a screenshot :
You can use the lldb commands:
p (int) myInt
po myObject
po myObject.memberObject
p (float) myObject.floatMember
Just a note, you could also use p instead of po in the newest version of Xcode. If you run the help -a in llb, it will present you with command aliases, below is a snippet of the commands you could use.
> (lldb) help -a
p -- ('expression --') Evaluate a C/ObjC/C++ expression in the current
program context, using user defined variables and variables
currently in scope.
po -- ('expression -o --') Evaluate a C/ObjC/C++ expression in the
current program context, using user defined variables and
variables currently in scope
print -- ('expression --') Evaluate a C/ObjC/C++ expression in the current
program context, using user defined variables and variables
currently in scope.
Turns out the answer is pretty simple: download Xcode 4.6.2 where LLDB debugging speed has been increased significantly. Note some discussion over here

How do I use Ruby debugger in Emacs?

I am writing Ruby in Emacs, but my Emacs skills are actually pretty low. What I can do, is open the project, TDD using M-x rinari-test, or play inferior Ruby in the second window using M-x run-ruby. Now I woul like to start using debugger from StdLib. I am able to summon it from irb by saying:
require 'debug'
Upon which I get into a prompt
but there my aptitude ends. I don't even know how to step into a file. Typing 'help' brought a screenful, but it didn't help me to finally start debugging my buggy gem. Online, everybody writes about things such as "rdebug" or "ruby-debug" or whatever which I firstly don't want to use and secondly, being a muggle, I am unable to install on my Debian. Please help!!!
You really need to try reading the output of help in the debugger. It explains the commands nicely.
For instance, for practice, try this at the command-line, not inside an editor/IDE:
ruby -rdebug -e 'p 1'
Ruby's debugger will output the help summary:
Debugger help v.-0.002b
b[reak] [file:|class:]<line|method>
b[reak] [class.]<line|method>
set breakpoint to some position
wat[ch] <expression> set watchpoint to some expression
cat[ch] (<exception>|off) set catchpoint to an exception
b[reak] list breakpoints
cat[ch] show catchpoint
del[ete][ nnn] delete some or all breakpoints
disp[lay] <expression> add expression into display expression list
undisp[lay][ nnn] delete one particular or all display expressions
c[ont] run until program ends or hit breakpoint
s[tep][ nnn] step (into methods) one line or till line nnn
n[ext][ nnn] go over one line or till line nnn
w[here] display frames
f[rame] alias for where
l[ist][ (-|nn-mm)] list program, - lists backwards
nn-mm lists given lines
up[ nn] move to higher frame
down[ nn] move to lower frame
fin[ish] return to outer frame
tr[ace] (on|off) set trace mode of current thread
tr[ace] (on|off) all set trace mode of all threads
q[uit] exit from debugger
v[ar] g[lobal] show global variables
v[ar] l[ocal] show local variables
v[ar] i[nstance] <object> show instance variables of object
v[ar] c[onst] <object> show constants of object
m[ethod] i[nstance] <obj> show methods of object
m[ethod] <class|module> show instance methods of class or module
th[read] l[ist] list all threads
th[read] c[ur[rent]] show current thread
th[read] [sw[itch]] <nnn> switch thread context to nnn
th[read] stop <nnn> stop thread nnn
th[read] resume <nnn> resume thread nnn
p expression evaluate expression and print its value
h[elp] print this help
<everything else> evaluate
The important commands to start with are s, n, c and b, and q.
s steps into a method.
n steps over a method.
c number runs (continue) until you reach line number.
b number sets a breakpoint on line number. After setting your breakpoints use c to continue running until that line is executed.
q exits the debugger.
Personally, I use the debugger gem. Others use PRY, which is similar to IRB, but with debugger-like extensions.
Knowing how to use a debugger is a good skill. There are problems you can trace down quickly using a debugger, that will take longer trying to use puts statements, because you can see what a variable contains interactively, or loop conditionally until a variable contains a certain value.

Lua Debugging - Detect when the value of a variable changes

Is it possible to detect when the value of a variable has changed using the lua debug library.
Something like A callback function which would give details like the function in which the value was changed, previous value, etc.
Is such a thing possible?
I read about hooks, but I'm not sure hooks can be set to variables.
If you don't mind using a debugger, then some debuggers allow you to set Watch expressions, which will be triggered when the condition in the expression is true. I'll show how this can be done in MobDebug (it is using lua debug library, but there is no direct way to detect a variable change as far as I know).
Let say we have a script start.lua like the one below and want to detect where foo gets value 2:
local foo = 0
for i = 1, 3 do
local function bar()
print("In bar")
foo = i
Download mobdebug.lua and make it available to your scripts (the simplest way is to put it into the folder with your scripts).
Start the server using lua -e "require('mobdebug').listen()" command.
Start the client using lua -e "require('mobdebug').loop()" command.
You will see the prompt in the server window: '>'. Type load start.lua to load the script.
Type step and then step again. You will see "Paused at file start.lua line 3".
Let's see what the value of foo is. Type eval foo and you should see 0.
Now we can set up our watch. Type setw foo == 2. You can specify any Lua expression after setw command; the execution of your script will be stopped when the condition is evaluated as true.
Continue execution of the script using "run" command.
The watch now fires, which will show you the message like: "Paused at file start.lua line 8 (watch expression 1: [foo == 2])". This means that the previous expression changed the value of foo to 2 and the execution is stopped at line 8. You can then inspect your script and the current values (you can use "eval" and "exec" commands to run any Lua code to be evaluated in your script environment) to find what triggered the change.
The benefit of this approach is that you are not limited to monitoring table values and can specify any expression. The main disadvantage is that your script runs under a debugger and the expression is evaluated after each step, which may get really slow.
You can do this to a certain extent in Lua by using metatables and keeping a "proxy" table, and using the __newindex function call to detect attempts to add a variable.
This is covered here in the Programming in Lua book under the section "Tracking Table Accesses":
See Also
