How can I fix Xcode's open quickly? - xcode

I wonder if I'm doing something to make it not work, but simply put after tapping cmmd + shift + O or going to File >> Open quickly the option doesn't show up. It's like I did nothing.
Wondering if this is a known Xcode bug or if I'm doing something.
I'm using Xcode 10.1

You probably have more than one monitor connected.
This is something that confused me a lot of times as well; the quick search prompt will remember its position (you can drag it around) even on secondary monitors.
For what is worth, in my opinion, that field should always be presented on the current (in focus) editor.


Stop R studio from jumping to the next function

There's this one issue with Rstudio that has been bothering me for a long while now and I cannot find a solution.
I like to use a lot of shortcuts and move around the editor with arrow keys and also scroll the editor using Ctrl + arrow shorts. The issue is that if the script contains a user defined function and I press Ctrl+Up/Down the cursor jumps to that function even if it's nowhere near. Like sometimes hundreds of lines. EXTREMELY ANNOYING!!! And I have looked through shortcuts and this is the only thing I have found:
There are no more different Ctrl+Up/Down shorts. So it doesn't seem to be a multi mapping issue. Also if I change this mapping to something else the annoying jumping still continues. I just want it to stop! Can anybody help? Doesn't it annoy anyone else?
The behaviour of RStudio where Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down step the cursor between function definitions is not configurable and cannot be changed. Oddly, the same pair of keystrokes were chosen to move the scroll bar.
Your only option to avoid the conflict is to redefine the scroll up and scroll down keystrokes to something else (e.g. F8/F9 or something) so that they not longer conflict with this hardcoded option. You can then control the scroll bar using the keystrokes you have chosen without it conflicting with the behaviour where it steps between functions.
If you find you have accidentally navigated to a function you didn't want using Ctrl+Down, you can return the cursor to where it was using the "Source Navigate Back" keystroke which defaults to Ctrl+F9.
IMO this is clearly a bug in RStudio. I would report it to them and hope that it is fixed for a future version.

How to fast delete highlighted code in Xcode

Often times I want to delete a highlighted code or lines, the habit comes from other languages like Java, C++: I would high light the code that I want to delete, then hit the delete key. But in Xcode when I high light, let us say "Dictionary", it would pop up a new frame which tells me the API or something else, and Xcode would switch focus onto the new frame and don't respond to the delete key like in the link above.
What do I do to get this fixed, so that I can highlight something and hit delete key to delete it, or is there a better way to delete stuffs in Xcode?
That's Quick Help. The problem is that you held down the Option key when clicking on the word. Don't do that.
If you have a recent mac or an external Apple trackpad, try just tapping twice instead of pressing.
It seems to me like you're pressing too hard, which the trackpad can detect since it has "force touch", and it shows information about what you are pressing.

Xcode keyboard shortcut: jump to test file?

Is there an Xcode keyboard shortcut to jump from MyObject.m to MyObjectTests.m, and vice versa? If so, what is it?
I haven't found a way to do this. Feature request material I think.
At the bottom of "Project Navigator" you can type your filename in the search area to dynamically search for files you would be interested in. They will be filtered as you type.
If you always place your ClassTests next to its Class, you can use Control + 5 followed by Up/Down and Return. Three keystrokes. Not ideal but works.
Command + Shift + O works fairly well. It is an open quickly command, so you can type in the name of the file and get a list of:
It remembers what you typed last too, so next time you Command + Shift + O (in the same XCode instance) you can now down arrow twice and return to get from source to test file. Works in XCode 6.3 / 6.4; I am not sure about other versions.
If you already know the name of the test file where the relevant tests are located, then of course the above answers work well. But if you don't know where the tests are (such as when you inherited an old code base or it's been more than 2 days since you wrote it), there are two ways to do it.
The keyboard shortcut ctrl-cmd-up will take you to the "generated interface" (a leftover from the objc days) for that file, but pressing it a second time will take you to the associated test file
Use the assistant editor, which can be turned on either through the little menu in the top right corner, or through the keyboard shortcut ctrl-opt-cmd-enter. This will usually show the test file for an associated file (or vice versa if you're looking a test file!)

Xcode 4 code editor questions

How can I turn on curly brace matching?
This worked fine in Xcode 3.x. In Xcode 4 is doesn't work. I've already checked the box for "Automatically insert closing '}'" in the Preferences->Text Editing->Editing panel.
How can I turn on parenthesis matching?
How can I turn on code compeletion for "if/else-if", "for" etc?
In Xcode 3.x I would start to type "for" and autocomplete would provide the parenthesis, curly braces, semi-colons etc. I could then press escape for a menu containing (amongst other things) the option to do a "for i" loop (in which case Xcode would fill in "int i; i < n; i++" with n selected so I could just type a value).
In Xcode 3.x I could do something similar for if/else-if blocks. I could just start to type "if" and autocomplete would provide parenthesis, curly braces etc.
Edit: after looking for the "get info" option for a source code file (was simply right click the file name in Xcode 3) for five minutes I decided to downgrade to version 3.2.x. Which means hours of downloading. This really stinks :-(
Auto-} works a little differently in Xcode4. It doesn't appear as soon as you type the {. You have to hit return after to get the closing brace. So typing { gives the autocomplete. It feels a little odd at first, it took me awhile to adjust, but I think it makes sense. Most coding styles dictate a return after the opening brace, so it pretty much will always auto-close when you want it to. It doesn't give the } though in a case like making a single line if into a multi-line one. You can now add in the opening brace, move the curser to after the line, and enter the closing brace. Before when I did something like that I'd have to spend time deleting the auto-}.
For code completion, it sounds like you're having an indexing issue. Code completion still works as you want (it's actually a lot smarter now) in Xcode4. Your syntax coloring is also usually off when this happens. I ran into it with one of my projects and fixed it by editing my build settings, I had a bad one in it. You might also try deleting the project's derived data in the organizer. That'll force a rebuild of the index.
The "get info" items have moved. It's one of the land mines of the IDE rewrite. They're not in the file inspector. Show the utilities pane and then select the file inspector (the first icon in the tab bar).
Xcode 4 is a bit alien when coming from Xcode 3. They changed a lot of stuff. I'd recommend getting a feel for it. At some time in the near future Xcode 3 will be deprecated and you won't get the new SDks for it. You can have Xcode 3 and 4 both installed at once which is helpful for making the switch. That way you can fall back to Xcode 3 when you get stuck on something and will allow you to gradually make the change.

In Visual Studio 2010, intellisense isn't showing for long method signatures

The problem is exactly as asked in the question title.
When I'm typing in the text editor and referencing a public method that has a long signature (lots of parameters, usually 10 or more) the intellisense just stops working. It will sometimes flicker; other times it will not show at all.
Only seen this happen with C#, but I don't use anything else. It might happen in VB too. Don't know.
Anyone else seeing this?
I've Googled for an hour but can't seem to iron it out. I've restarted VS, rebooted the machine, enabled/disabled intellisense in Tools -> Options. NOTHING works.
You can hit CTRL Shift Spacebar to bring it back up.
Even better, Ctrl Shift Alt + C copies it to the clipboard.
Then Ctrl Shift Alt + P pastes it. Handy for templates.
I've discovered one cause for the problem.
If the method is at the top of the screen, it pops downwards.
If the method is at the bottom of the screen is pops upwards.
However in the middle of the screen if it's too big to go either way it gets confused - flickers or just won't open.
Unfortunately, no matter what I do I can't seem to get it to display more than 37 parameters...
Found a partial solution - change the font size
Was supposedly scheduled to be fixed in SP1...
