Graphql data modeling: extending types and interfaces - graphql

This is a very basic question but how do you call an extended type or interface?
All the documentations points to using extend type Person to add fields based on Person.
I would expect it to work like this
Employee extend type Person {
salary: Int!
But the documentation suggests it's like this:
extend type Person{
salary: Int!
So, how do I query for an Employee salary? What if there are multiple extensions of Person, e.g. Employee and Renter? I think I might be hampered by traditional thinking but I would expect the extension to result in something named and queryable.

The extend keyword is effectively used to modify an existing type within a schema. This is most commonly used in two scenarios:
1. Concatenating multiple strings that represent a single schema. You can have your schema broken up across multiple files, divided by domain. You can then do something like:
type Query {
viewer: User
# user.graphql
extend type Query {
users: [User!]!
# post.graphql
extend type Query {
post: [Post!]!
This results in a schema that's effectively the same as:
type Query {
viewer: User
users: [User!]!
post: [Post!]!
2. Extending from a base schema. You might have multiple schemas that build on top of some base schema. Or you might be stitching together remote schemas. In these scenarios, we often want to add fields specific to our new schema that don't exist on the base types. This can be used to implement directives that are missing from the base schema as well:
extend type SomeType #customDirective
The extend keyword can only modify existing types; it is not a vehicle for inheritance. In fact, GraphQL does not support type inheritance. Interfaces provide a level of abstraction over existing types, but types that implement an interface do not inherit any fields from that interface. There's no way to do that, unless you use some library like graphql-s2s.


How to create a GraphQL query that returns data from multiple tables/models within one field using Laravel Lighthouse

Im trying to learn GraphQL with Laravel & Lighthouse and have a question Im hoping someone can help me with. I have the following five database tables which are also defined in my Laravel models:
I'd like to create a GraphQL endpoint that allows me to get back an array of users and the books they own, where I can pull data from multiple tables into one subfield called "books" like so:
query {
users {
books {
To accomplish this in SQL is easy using joins like this:
$users = User::all();
foreach ($users as $user) {
$user['books'] = DB::select('SELECT
user_books.notes as user_notes
FROM user_books
JOIN book_copies ON user_books.book_copy_id =
JOIN books ON book_copies.book_id =
JOIN book_series ON books.series_id =
WHERE user_books.user_id = ?',[$user['id']])->get();
How would I model this in my GraphQL schema file when the object type for "books" is a mashup of properties from four other object types (Book, UserBook, BookCopy, and BookSeries)?
Edit: I was able to get all the data I need by doing a query that looks like this:
users {
userBooks {
bookCopy {
book {
series {
However, as you can see, the data is separated into multiple child objects and is not as ideal as getting it all in one flat "books" object. If anyone knows how I might accomplish getting all the data back in one flat object, Id love to know.
I also noticed that the field names for the relationships need to match up exactly with my controller method names within each model, which are camelCase as per Laravel naming conventions. Except for my other fields are matching the database column names which are lower_underscore. This is a slight nitpick.
Ok, after you edited your question, I will write the answer here, to answer your new questions.
However, as you can see, the data is separated into multiple child objects and is not as ideal as getting it all in one flat "books" object. If anyone knows how I might accomplish getting all the data back in one flat object, Id love to know.
The thing is, that this kind of fetching data is a central idea of GraphQL. You have some types, and these types may have some relations to each other. So you are able to fetch any relations of object, in any depth, even circular.
Lighthouse gives you out of the box support to eloquent relations with batch loading, avoiding the N+1 performance problem.
You also have to keep in mind - every field (literally, EVERY field) in your GraphQL definition is resolved on server. So there is a resolve function for each of the fields. So you are free to write your own resolver for particular fields.
You actually can define a type in your GraphQL, that fits your initial expectation. Then you can define a root Query field e.g. fetchUsers, and create you custom field resolver. You can read in the docs, how it works and how to implement this:
In this field resolver you are able to make your own data fetching, even without using any Laravel/Eloquent API. One thing you have to take care of - return a correct data type with the same structure as your return type in GraphQL for this field.
So to sum up - you have the option to do this. But in my opinion, you have to write more own code, cover it with tests on you own, which turns out in more work for you. I think it is simpler to use build-in directives, like #find, #paginate, #all in combination with relations-directives, which all covered with tests, and don't care about implementation.
I also noticed that the field names for the relationships need to match up exactly with my controller method names within each model, which are camelCase as per Laravel naming conventions.
You probably means methods within Model class, not controller.
Lighthouse provides a #rename directive, which you can use to define different name in GraphQL for your attributes. For the relation directives you can pass an relation parameter, which will be used to fetch the data. so for your example you can use something like this:
type User {
user_books: [Book!]! #hasMany(relation: "userBooks")
But in our project we decided to use snak_case also for relations, to keep GraphQL clean with consistent naming convention and less effort

Is there any way to read GraphQL Directives on a Type with Query Introspection?

For use cases like authentication it may be of use to add custom directives to a GraphQL schema as shown in the documentation:
For example the Employee type has a salary field that had a directive on it meaning that only the manager role is allowed to read it:
directive #auth(role: String!) on FIELD_DEFINITION
type Employee {
id: ID
name: String!
startDate: String!
salary: Float #auth(role: "manager")
From the client side I would like to be able to read these directives on the Employee type using an Introspection query.
Is that possible at all? Would you be able provide a sample query for the example above?
This is not currently supported by GraphQL. You can use introspection to find out what directives exist in the schema, but you cannot use it to find out which fields had directives applied to them. You can see additional discussion around this issue here.

Nested mutation GraphQL

I'm using AWS Appsync and Amplify.
A snippet of my GraphQL schema look like this:
type Recipe
#auth(rules: [{allow: owner}])
id: ID!
title: String!
key: String!
courses: [Course!]!
type Course
#auth(rules: [{allow: owner}])
id: ID!
name: String!
On amplify push it creates the DynamoDB tables Recipe and Course
After reading many tutorials I still don't get it how to add a recipe in GraphiQL.
How can i insert a new Recipe that has a reference to a course and avoid duplicates in the Courses table?
To create multiples Recipe referencing the same Course without duplicates in the Course table, you need to design a many-to-many relationship.
So far the relationship you have designed is not enough for AppSync to understand, you are missing #connection attributes. You can read this answer on github to have an explanation of how to design this many-to-many relation in AppSync
After designing the relation, you will use a mutation to insert data, and it's likely that AppSync will generate the mutation code for you (if not, use amplify codegen in the console). You will then be able to create data.
Since you use DynamoDB with multiple tables (default mode for amplify / AppSync), you will have to either :
Call multiple mutations in a row
Use a custom resolver, as described in this SO answer

How to query Apollo GraphQL server with a specific context?

I am writing an Apollo GraphQL API that returns product information from various brands. A simplified version of the schema looks like this:
type Query {
products: [Product]!
type Product {
name: String!
brand: String!
I want to be able to query products from a specific brand. Normally this would be simple to achieve by adding a brand argument to the Product object:
type Query {
products(brand: String!): [Product]!
However, I have multiple GraphQL clients in different apps and each is associated with a specific brand so it seems redundant to always pass the same brand argument in every query. I also have many other objects in my schema (orders, transactions, etc.) that are specific to a brand and would require a brand argument.
Furthermore, my resolvers need to query a different API depending on the brand so even objects in my schema such as User, which are conceptually unrelated to a brand, would potentially need a brand argument so that the resolver knows which API to fetch from.
Is there a way to set the brand context for each client and have this context received by the server? Or maybe there is a better way to achieve this brand separation?
I would probably make Brand be a first-class type in your GraphQL query. That doesn't save you from having to qualify many of the queries you describe by a specific brand, but it at least gives you a common place to start from. Then you'd wind up with an API somewhat like:
type Query {
brand(name: String!): Brand
allProducts: [Product!]!
type Brand {
name: String!
products: [Product!]!
# users: [User!]!
type Product {
name: String!
brand: Brand! # typical, but not important to your question
If the differences between kinds of brands are visible at the API layer, you also could consider using a GraphQL interface to describe the set of fields that all brands have, but actually return a more specific type from the resolver.
The way you describe your application, it could also make sense to run one copy of the service for each brand, each with a different GraphQL endpoint. That would let you straightforwardly parameterize the per-brand internal object configuration and make the "current brand" be process-global context. The big constraints here are that, at a GraphQL level, one brand's objects can never refer to another, and if you have a lot of brands, you need some good way to run a lot of servers.

define associative model in Golang gorm

I am using golang gorm in my RestFul service, however, now I have a doubt that might be simple but I cannot find any example or specific documentation, its not clear to me.
Let's say that I have the tables users and languages, any user can have many languages and any language can have many users, in this case for theory of relational database modeling we have to create a table users_languages, and checking gorm I see that I will have to use many to many relationship.
By now, I have the structs that define the user and language tables, lets say:
type User struct {
Languages []Language `gorm:"many2many:user_languages;"`
type Language struct {
Name string
Then I ran the migrations and the tables User and Language were created. My question is, how should I define then the structure of the user_languages table? how the foreign keys are set there?
how should I define then the structure of the user_languages table?
You should also describe the user_languages model for many2many relations like User and Language as example
type UserLanguages struct {
UserId int
LanguageId int
And probably you should define primary keys for User and Language models
how the foreign keys are set there?
GORM generates names of foreign keys in queries yourself, in underscore format (like user_id, language_id), for redefining it you can use special AssociationForeignKey annotation on model fields, I hope it will help!
