Spring Boot - test without spring context with Spock - spring-boot

I have a service class and method with signature:
public class FileService {
public Optional<FileDescr> upload(MultipartFile uploadFile){...}
public Resource downloadFile(int linkID){...}
And test file (Groovy):
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category
import org.springframework.mock.web.MockMultipartFile
import spock.lang.Shared
import spock.lang.Specification
class FileServiceTestWithoutSpringContext extends Specification{
FileService fileService = Mock()
MockMultipartFile mockMultipartFile = Mock()
def setupSpec(){
def setup(){
def clean(){
def cleanSpec(){
def "upload file"(){
fileService.upload(mockMultipartFile) >> true
def result = fileService.upload(mockMultipartFile)
def "download file if exists"(){
fileService.downloadFile(1) >> true
def result = fileService.downloadFile(1)
I would like to test method with Mock, without spring context. How should I do it ? Now, the result variable return null.
I would like to set the return value of the method.

You can't annotate mocks with #Shared and there is no sense in it. #Shared is for other purposes:
Sometimes you need to share an object between feature methods. For example, the object might be very expensive to create, or you might want your feature methods to interact with each other. To achieve this, declare a #Shared field.
And further:
...mock objects should not be stored in static or #Shared fields.
Just remove #Shared and the spec will work just fine


Autowired not working in Scala Spring Boot project

Taking into account the following example where I'm trying to use the Sample configuration bean within SampleStarter to start the service with the bean properly filled. The .scala file has SampleStarter.scala as name, with Sample being defined within that exact same file.
object SampleStarter {
#(Autowired #setter)
var sample: Sample = _ // always null, #Autowired not working?
def getInstance() = this
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
SpringApplication.run(classOf[Sample], args: _*)
class Sample {
var myProperty: String = _
def run(): Unit = { // bean config seems OK, when debugging with #PostConstruct the 'myProperty' value is filled properly
Whenever I hit sample.run() after SpringApplication.run(classOf[Sample], args: _*), sample property is always null. I reckon this has something to do with object in Scala since all their members are static AFAIK. I took this SO question How to use Spring Autowired (or manually wired) in Scala object? as inspiration but still can't make my code to work.
Is there something wrong the way I'm instantiating the classes or is it something related to Scala?
Following #Rob's answer, this is what I did trying to replicate his solution.
object SampleStarter {
#(Autowired #setter)
var sample: Sample = _
def getInstance() = this
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
SpringApplication.run(classOf[Sample], args: _*)
#Configuration // declares this class a source of beans
#ConfigurationProperties("sample") // picks up from various config locations
#EnableConfigurationProperties // not certain this is necessary
class AppConfiguration {
var myProperty: String = _
// Error -> Parameter 0 of constructor in myproject.impl.Sample required a bean of type 'java.lang.String' that could not be found.
def sample: Sample = new Sample(myProperty)
class Sample(#BeanProperty var myProperty: String) {
def run(): Unit = {
#Configuration declares a source file that is capable of providing #Beans. This is not what you want. You want/need to have Sample as a POJO class (POSO?) and then have another class "AppConfiguration" (say) annotated with #Configuration that creates an #Bean of type Sample
My scala is very rusty so this may not compile at all but the structure should be roughly correct.
#Configuration // declares this class a source of beans
#ConfigurationProperties("sample") // picks up from various config locations
#EnableConfigurationProperties // not certain this is necessary
class AppConfiguration {
def getSample(#BeanProperty myProperty: String): Sample = new Sample(myProperty)
class Sample {
var myProperty: String
def Sample(property : String) = {
this.myProperty = myProperty
def run(): Unit = {
Now you have a Sample class as an #Bean and it can be #Autowired in where ever necessary.
object SampleStarter {
// note its typically better to inject variables into a constructor
// rather than directly into fields as the behaviour is more predictable
var sample: Sample
def getInstance() = this // not required ??
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
SpringApplication.run(classOf[Sample], args: _*)
FWIW, you can start the SpringBoot application independently and have the logic for #Service entirely separate. An #Service is another type of #Bean and is made available to the rest of the SpringBootApplication.

groovy spock mocking spring autowired beans

I have bean:
public class EQueueBookingService {
public EQueueBookingClient eQueueBookingClient;
And I try to write some test for this bean EQueueBookingService using Spock.
My mock is
class EQueueBookingServiceTest extends Specification {
EQueueBookingService testedService;
EQueueBookingClient eQueueBookingClient = Mock(EQueueBookingClient);
def setup() {
testedService.eQueueBookingClient = eQueueBookingClient;
and test method:
CancelBookingResponse response = new CancelBookingResponse();
eQueueBookingClient.cancelBooking(_, _) >> response;
def result = testedService.cancelBooking(request);
result != null && result.bookId == bookId
Why eQueueBookingClient doesn't mock?
When I debug it: in test - I see Mock instance, when I go to method - I see real bean instance.
Thanks a lot!
I've found solution!
need implement setter for this client and use it in setup like:
private EQueueBookingClient eQueueBookingClient = Mock(EQueueBookingClient);
def setup() {
If define client in service as public and use = it doesn't work;
For example:
testedService.eQueueBookingClient = eQueueBookingClient;//mocked instance doesn't work

How to wait for transactions to commit using Propagation REQUIRES_NEW

I want to integration test a service method that calls a method that uses #Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW). However, assertions based on the inner (new) transaction fail.
class MyService {
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NESTED)
def method1() {
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
def method2() {
// some code that will modify the DB
class MyServiceNonTransactionalIntegrationSpec extends IntegrationSpec {
static transactional = false
def myService = new MyService()
setup() {
// populate database here
cleanup() {
// teardown database here after tests complete
def method1() {
when: "we test the main method"
then: "we should be able to see the result of method 1 and method 2"
// BUT: (!!!)
// assertions based on state of database fail, perhaps because new transaction
// wrapped around method 2 has not yet committed
How do I integration test method1()?
In an attempt to work around the proxy issue, I've tried the following, but still can't get it to work:
class MyService {
def myService2
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NESTED)
def method1() {
class MyService2 {
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
def method2() {
// some code that will modify the DB
class MyServiceNonTransactionalIntegrationSpec extends IntegrationSpec {
static transactional = false
def myService = new MyService()
def myService2 = new MyService2()
setup() {
myService.myService2 = myService2
// populate database here
// rest as before
It's only a self-invoking problem if you're using org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional - you should be using #grails.transaction.Transactional instead which has the same configuration options but uses AST transforms instead of runtime proxies to avoid the issue of not calling the proxied method. When using the Grails annotation each method is rewritten to simulate creating a proxy for each one, wrapping the code in a transaction template that's configured based on the annotation settings for that method (either explicit on the method, or inferred from a class-scope annotation).
But your tests are broken because you're using new to create the services. Always use dependency injection in integration tests so you get the configured Spring bean, not just a new uninitialized POGO. To do this, add the same property syntax you would outside of your tests:
def myService
def myService2
and remove unnecessary wiring code (e.g. myService.myService2 = myService2) that Spring does for you.
You've faced self-invoking. Look here: Spring - #Transactional - What happens in background? or Spring #Transactional Annotation : Self Invocation
Here is excerption from one of my classes:
public class AuthorizationService implements IAuthorizationService {
private IAuthorizationService self;
I use this private member for self invoke methods with #Cached annotation.

How to initialise/wire beans in Grails Spock unit tests?

I'm wanting to test a Grails controller that contains a bean (I'll move it to a Service when I get it working, but I just want to keep it simple now).
beans {
// MyBean.java
// this needs to be in java as it is playing with spring-data-neo4j
package com.me;
public class MyBean {
String show() {
return "Hello";
// TestController.groovy
package com.me
import com.me.MyBean
class TestController {
def myBean
def index() {
render myBean.show()
// TestControllerSpec.groovy
package com.me
import grails.test.mixin.TestFor
import spock.lang.Specification
import com.me.*
class TestControllerSpec extends Specification {
def myBean
def setup() {
defineBeans {
myBean(com.me.MyBean) {bean->
bean.autowire = true
def cleanup() {
def "show() returns Hello"() {
def rc = controller.myBean.show()
def rc2 = myBean.show()
rc == "Hello"
rc2 == "Hello"
Within TestControllerSpec, myBean is null. controller.myBean is also null. I think this is because Spring is not picking the bean up and wiring it in. I gather that in unit tests not all spring beans are available, but what do I need to do to get controller.myBean to be instantiated and wired up correctly?
You must be mocking the myBean as below
def myBean = Mock(MyBean)
MyBean myBean = Mock()
and then stub out method for your need if required as below:
myBean.show >> "test data"
and then assign it to controller object which is already mocked for you.
controller.myBean = myBean
and there you go.
Or optionally you can stub out myBean and give stubbed implementations. For example,
MyBean myBean = Stub(){
show() >> {return "sample text"}
controller.myBean = myBean
The reason for doing this is we are not testing the integration of application entities like controller, views or domain but we are testing a single unit i.e. a method and hence we should be just testing it and for integration we should be using integration test cases which would be similar in everything except you won't require any mocking in normal scenarios.
found another useful feature to mock services or beans using defineBeans closure as below:
defineBeans {
This will allow beans to be accessed from grailsApplication.
Hope it helps.

How do I mock an autowired #Value field in Spring with Mockito?

I'm using Spring 3.1.4.RELEASE and Mockito 1.9.5. In my Spring class I have:
private String defaultUrl;
private String defaultrPassword;
// ...
From my JUnit test, which I currently have set up like so:
#ContextConfiguration({ "classpath:test-context.xml" })
public class MyTest
I would like to mock a value for my "defaultUrl" field. Note that I don't want to mock values for the other fields — I'd like to keep those as they are, only the "defaultUrl" field. Also note that I have no explicit "setter" methods (e.g. setDefaultUrl) in my class and I don't want to create any just for the purposes of testing.
Given this, how can I mock a value for that one field?
You can use the magic of Spring's ReflectionTestUtils.setField in order to avoid making any modifications whatsoever to your code.
The comment from Michał Stochmal provides an example:
use ReflectionTestUtils.setField(bean, "fieldName", "value"); before invoking your bean method during test.
Check out this tutorial for even more information, although you probably won't need it since the method is very easy to use
Since the introduction of Spring 4.2.RC1 it is now possible to set a static field without having to supply an instance of the class. See this part of the documentation and this commit.
It was now the third time I googled myself to this SO post as I always forget how to mock an #Value field. Though the accepted answer is correct, I always need some time to get the "setField" call right, so at least for myself I paste an example snippet here:
Production class:
private String defaultUrl;
Test class:
import org.springframework.test.util.ReflectionTestUtils;
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(instanceUnderTest, "defaultUrl", "http://foo");
// Note: Don't use MyClassUnderTest.class, use the instance you are testing itself
// Note: Don't use the referenced string "#{myProps[‘some.default.url']}",
// but simply the FIELDs name ("defaultUrl")
You can use this magic Spring Test annotation :
#TestPropertySource(properties = { "my.spring.property=20" })
For example, this is the test class :
#ContextConfiguration(classes = { MyTestClass.Config.class })
#TestPropertySource(properties = { "my.spring.property=20" })
public class MyTestClass {
public static class Config {
MyClass getMyClass() {
return new MyClass ();
private MyClass myClass ;
public void myTest() {
And this is the class with the property :
public class MyClass {
private int mySpringProperty;
I'd like to suggest a related solution, which is to pass the #Value-annotated fields as parameters to the constructor, instead of using the ReflectionTestUtils class.
Instead of this:
public class Foo {
private String foo;
public class FooTest {
private Foo foo;
public void setUp() {
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(Foo.class, "foo", "foo");
public void testFoo() {
// stuff
Do this:
public class Foo {
private String foo;
public Foo(#Value("${foo}") String foo) {
this.foo = foo;
public class FooTest {
private Foo foo;
public void setUp() {
foo = new Foo("foo");
public void testFoo() {
// stuff
Benefits of this approach: 1) we can instantiate the Foo class without a dependency container (it's just a constructor), and 2) we're not coupling our test to our implementation details (reflection ties us to the field name using a string, which could cause a problem if we change the field name).
You can also mock your property configuration into your test class
#ContextConfiguration({ "classpath:test-context.xml" })
public class MyTest
public static class MockConfig{
public Properties myProps(){
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("default.url", "myUrl");
properties.setProperty("property.value2", "value2");
return properties;
private String defaultUrl;
public void testValue(){
Assert.assertEquals("myUrl", defaultUrl);
I used the below code and it worked for me:
private ClassABC classABC;
public void setUp() {
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(classABC, "constantFromConfigFile", 3);
Reference: https://www.jeejava.com/mock-an-autowired-value-field-in-spring-with-junit-mockito/
Also note that I have no explicit "setter" methods (e.g. setDefaultUrl) in my class and I don't want to create any just for the purposes of testing.
One way to resolve this is change your class to use Constructor Injection, that can be used for testing and Spring injection. No more reflection :)
So, you can pass any String using the constructor:
class MySpringClass {
private final String defaultUrl;
private final String defaultrPassword;
public MySpringClass (
#Value("#{myProps['default.url']}") String defaultUrl,
#Value("#{myProps['default.password']}") String defaultrPassword) {
this.defaultUrl = defaultUrl;
this.defaultrPassword= defaultrPassword;
And in your test, just use it:
MySpringClass MySpringClass = new MySpringClass("anyUrl", "anyPassword");
Whenever possible, I set the field visibility as package-protected so it can be accessed from the test class. I document that using Guava's #VisibleForTesting annotation (in case the next guy wonders why it's not private). This way I don't have to rely on the string name of the field and everything stays type-safe.
I know it goes against standard encapsulation practices we were taught in school. But as soon as there is some agreement in the team to go this way, I found it the most pragmatic solution.
Another way is to use #SpringBootTest annotation properties field.
Here we override example.firstProperty property:
#SpringBootTest(properties = { "example.firstProperty=annotation" })
public class SpringBootPropertySourceResolverIntegrationTest {
#Autowired private PropertySourceResolver propertySourceResolver;
public void shouldSpringBootTestAnnotation_overridePropertyValues() {
String firstProperty = propertySourceResolver.getFirstProperty();
String secondProperty = propertySourceResolver.getSecondProperty();
Assert.assertEquals("annotation", firstProperty);
Assert.assertEquals("defaultSecond", secondProperty);
As you can see It overrides only one property. Properties not mentioned in #SpringBootTest stay untouched. Therefore, this is a great solution when we need to override only specific properties for the test.
For single property you can write it without braces:
#SpringBootTest(properties = "example.firstProperty=annotation")
Answer from: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-tests-override-properties#springBootTest
I also encourage you to whenever possible pass property as a parameter in constructor like in Dherik answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/52955459/1673775) as it enables you to mock properties easily in unit tests.
However in integration tests you often don't create objects manually, but:
you use #Autowired
you want to modify property used in a class that is used in your integration test indirectly as it is deep dependency of some directly used class.
then this solution with #SpringBootTest might be helpful.
