Pass an array to a function and output each line - bash

I was wondering if anybody could help.
I have the below code, it has an array of variables, arr, this is being passed to the method outputArray(), I require this to output each of the individual elements on their own line, when I run this code it only outputs the value of var1 and then finishes executing. The function does return a 0 or 1 (true or false) but this is functioning as expected anyway.
function outputArray() {
for i in "$#"; do
echo $i
# Condition omitted, this would manipulate data and return either 1 or 0
#Variable definition omitted
arr=($var1 $var2 $var3)
if outputArray "${arr[#]}"; then
echo "True"
I hope this makes sense, I don't post here often so please let me know if not and I'll try again.


bash - Can local variable assignment return false?

Say I have the following code where is_wednesday is a function that returns 0 on Wednesdays and 1 on other days.
print_wednesday() {
is_wednesday && local WEDNESDAY="Yes!" || local WEDNESDAY="No!"
echo "Is today Wednesday? $WEDNESDAY"
Is there a way that assigning a value to a local variable would return 1, which in this example would result in printing Is today Wednesday? No! on a Wednesday?
Yes, a (simple, syntactically correct) local variable assignment can return false. In particular, it happens if the variable has already been declared readonly elsewhere in the code, or declared with declare -r outside of a function. This Shellcheck-clean program demonstrates the issue:
#! /bin/bash -p
readonly WEDNESDAY='No!'
function test_local_return_value
local WEDNESDAY='Yes!'
echo "'local' returned $?"
The output looks like:
...: line 7: local: WEDNESDAY: readonly variable
'local' returned 1
This is a serious limitation of local because it means that changes elsewhere in a program can break a function that appears to be completely self-contained. I have seen this happen in practice. The problem is made worse by the fact that readonly creates a global read-only variable even if it is used in a function. readonly needs to be used very carefully. It shouldn't be used in functions (use local -r instead) and it it's best to have a naming convention that ensures readonly variable names don't clash with other variable names.
The readonly issue is covered in the Bash man page (at least for Bash version 4.4). The section on local includes: "The return status is 0 unless local is used outside a function, an invalid name is supplied, or name is a readonly variable".
Can local variable assignment return false?
The built-in local will:
return 2 when called with --help
return 2 when called with invalid -flags.
return 1 if not called inside a function
return 0 ever otherwise
(or the whole Bash process will terminate, in case of like "out of memory" errors)
Note that variable assignment (I mean, without local) will return the exit status of the last process executed. The following will print No:
true && WEDNESDAY="Yes$(false)" || WEDNESDAY="No"
Is there a way that assigning a value to a local variable would return 1, which in this example would result in printing Is today Wednesday? No! on a Wednesday?
I would recommend:
separate local from assignment
do not use && || chain, always use if.
do not use upper case variables for local variables.
and to write the function in the following way:
print_wednesday() {
local wednesday
if is_wednesday; then
echo "Is today Wednesday? $wednesday!"

Bash 4.3+ - Recursive fibonacci

I am working on my programming language which compiles into bash 4.3+ code. I am in the final stages of my language, but I have a small issue with recursion functions. Here's the bash code which is supposed to return the fibnacci number given an index.
function fib() {
local a=$1
declare -n ret=$2
if (( $a <= 2 )); then
fib $((a-1)) fib1
fib $((a-2)) fib2
echo "fib($((a-1))) + fib($((a-2))) = $ret"
fib $num result
echo "fib($num) = $result"
The problem in this code is that the fib(5) is giving 3 which is clearly wrong. What I think the problem is, when I pass fib1 and fib2 as a way to store the return value, they get overwritten by each call which assigns them. If that was the problem, how can I make fib1 and fib2 local to their execution scope.
Please note that I do not want to use a return statement to return the values, I want to try finding a solution using declare -n namerefs.
Thank you
What I think the problem is, when I pass fib1 and fib2 as a way to store the return value, they get overwritten by each call which assigns them.
Yep, and you can see that by printing the value of fib1 between and after the recursive calls:
fib $((a-1)) fib1
echo "fib($a): fib1: $fib1"
fib $((a-2)) fib2
echo "fib($a): fib1: $fib1 fib2: $fib2"
You should see the value of fib1 change during the second call. That's to be expected, since it wasn't declared local and there only is one global copy of fib1.
If you make them local... it doesn't help much.
Assume you start by calling fib 4 result. The first iteration will make fib1 local, and call fib 3 fib1. Now the second iteration will also make fib1 local, but it will also try to assign its return value to a variable of the same name. Since the access is by name, it saves the return value to its own copy of fib1.
This can be seen with a somewhat simpler script too, this tries to return a fixed value up from the bottom of the recursion:
foo() {
declare -n ret=$2
if (( $1 == 0 )); then
echo "foo($1) returning"
ret=end # this is the value that should bubble up
local x=initial$1 # use $1 here to track the level the value came from
foo $(($1 - 1)) x
echo "foo($1) = $x"
foo 3 result
echo "main: $result"
The workaround I can think of is to have a separate global variable for the return value, and to immediately copy it to a local variable:
local fib1 fib2
fib $((a-1)) retval
fib $((a-2)) retval

'for' loop with dynamic array size

I have an array that gets elements added to it when it calls the function findVar. The problem seems to be on the for loop that does not update the number of elements once started running.
When I do echo at the end of the for loop I get the correct number of elements and the last element but it seems not to be checking on the for conditions once started.
for var in "${tempV[#]}"
let i=i+1
if ! [ $i -gt $num_words ]
findVar $objBKP $var
Your attempt is looping over every original element in the array and then ensuring that you haven't looped more times than that and calling your function.
That doesn't work because the original expansion of tempV happens once and so the added entries are never seen. But that also doesn't make sense since, by definition, if you are looping over the elements of the array you can't loop more times then there are elements in the array.
What you want to be doing (assuming a non-sparse, integer-indexed array that is only appended to) is looping numerically and checking that you haven't exceeded the array size as the loop condition.
Something like this (untested):
while [ "$i" -lt "${#tempV[#]}" ]; do
findVar "$objBKP" "$var"
i=$((i + 1))
You're not using $i for anything other than an iteration counter. It's completely unnecessary in your posted example. Instead, just iterate over the contents of the variable expansion. For example:
for var in "${tempV[#]}"; do
findVar "$objBKP" "$var"

Is it possible to pass parameters by reference in Rebol?

Here, I have attempted to set the value of a global variable from inside a function, but the value has not changed:
setGlobalScope: func [theVar1] [
theVar1: 10
theVar: 1
setGlobalScope theVar
print theVar
"This prints 1 instead of 10. The value of theVar has not changed."
Is it possible to modify the value of a function's parameter from inside the function itself, so that the value is modified within the global scope instead of the function's scope?
You passed an integer value, not a word. Within the function, the word theVar1 is assigned the value of that integer. Reassigning it doesn't change it, because values like integers and dates and decimal numbers aren't "pointers" under the hood.
Hence, the answer from #sqlab where you can get around this by various ways of getting the word itself. The difference between function ['x] [code] and function [:x] [code] may interest you as an aside...
Why doesn't Rebol 3 honor quoted function parameters that are parenthesized?
But note that series values in Rebol do have modifying functions that affect the target, vs. just reassignment of where the word points. Consider:
setGlobalScope: func [theVar1 [string!]] [
clear theVar1
insert theVar1 "Modification"
theVar: "Original"
setGlobalScope theVar
print theVar
That prints Modification.
If you need to pass non-series values by reference, you need to put them in a series and use series modification operations instead of assignment. Because an assignment would just overwrite the "pointer" you have to the block or whatever. Worst case scenario you can wrap a single value in a block--if you must. But Rebol has a lot of "wait, look at it this other way..." where dialecting comes to the rescue in creating a better interface than that thing you were trying to clone from another less cool language. :-)
Mitigating the complexity of passing by reference is Rebol's simplicity at handling multiple return results:
foo: function [value1 value2] [
return reduce [
value1 + 7
value2 + 16
set [a b] foo 03 04
print a
print b
That outputs 10 and 20.
By using a combination of lit-word and get-word there is more than one way.
>> setGlobalScope: func ['theVar1] [set :theVar1 10]
>> theVar: 1
== 1
>> setGlobalScope theVar
== 10
>> print theVar
>> setGlobalScope: func [theVar1] [set :theVar1 10]
>> theVar: 1
== 1
>> setGlobalScope 'theVar
== 10
>> print theVar
I think you can just modify your variable theVar directly in your setGlobalScope funct.

Return a value via a gdb user-defined command

I'm debugging with a core-file, so I have no active process in which to run anything.
I'm using gdb user-defined commands to inspect a bunch of data from the core file, and attempting to simplify the process using user-defined commands.
However, I cannot find a way to make the user-defined commands return values which could be used in other commands.
For example:
(note the comment on the "return" line)
define dump_linked_list
set $node = global_list->head
set $count = 1
while $node != 0
printf "%p -->", $node
set $node = $node->next
set $count = $count + 1
return $count ## GDB doesn't understand this return
Ideally, my dump_linked_list command would return the number of nodes found in the list, so that it could be used in another defined command:
define higher_function
set $total_nodes = dump_linked_list
printf "Total Nodes is %d\n", $total_nodes
Is such a thing possible in gdb commands?
I feel it must be, but I've been searching documentation and cannot find a mention of it, or any examples.
I found out gdb seems to pass by name which can be used to pass back a return value. A little more flexible that just using a single global variable.
(gdb) define foo
Type commands for definition of "foo".
End with a line saying just "end".
>set $arg0 = 1
(gdb) set $retval = 0
(gdb) p $retval
$3 = 0
(gdb) foo $retval
(gdb) p $retval
$4 = 1
As far as I know GDB does not have such a functionality. You can set a variable of some name that you know and use it as a "return" value. For example always set the variable retval like this:
set $retval = <whatever value>
Then all your newly defined functions can use it as a return value from previously called functions. I know this is only workaround, but it is relatively simple and it works.
