Route model binding route with hash and slug parameters - laravel

Say I have some routes:
Route::get('items', 'ItemController#index')->name('item.index');
Route::get('items/{hash}/{slug}', 'ItemController#show')->name('');
While using route model binding I want to handle the following cases:
/items/<correct_hash>/<incorrect_slug> permanent redirect to correct hash and slug
/items/<correct_hash> permanent redirect to correct hash and slug
Anything else redirect to /items/
I currently understand the shortcut benefit of route model binding which reduces controller code but is typically used for a simple /items/{id} cases. Is it possible to extend what is shown in the documentation for my case? Or should I scrap the entire model binding approach and go back to caveman controller logic?
Currently it seems the documentation can only bind one parameter at a time not a combination:
Route::bind('user', function ($value) {
return App\User::where('name', $value)->first() ?? abort(404);


Custom Routes not working - 404 not found

I'm trying to create a custom route. The must be in this format: http://localhost:8000/home-back-to-school but instead I get a 404 not found error. http://localhost:8000/posts/home-back-to-school works, but that's not what I'm trying to get working.
My routes on web.php are defined as: Route::resource('posts',PostsController::class);
I modified the Route Service Provider by adding the code below:
return Post::published()->where('slug',$slug)->first();
The published scope is defined in the Post Model file(Post.php) as:
public function scopePublished()
return $this->where('published_at','<=',today())->orderBy('published_at', 'desc');
I've done previously with laravel 5.x, now struggling with laravel 8.x
Link to the Documentation: Laravel 8 Documentation
You should define a custom route since you don't want to use the resourceful route for this method.
In your web.php
// Keep all your resource routes except the 'show' route since you want to customize it
Route::resource('posts', PostsController::class)->except(['show']);
// Define a custom route for the show controller method
Route::get('{slug}', PostsController::class)->name('');
In your PostController:
public function show(Post $post)
return view('', compact('post'));
In your Post model:
// Tell Laravel your model key isn't the default ID anymore since you want to use the slug
public function getRouteKeyName()
return 'slug';
You may have to fix your other Post routes to make them work with this change since you are now using $post->slug instead of $post->id as the model key.
Read more about customizing the model key:
You should also remove the code you have in the boot method and use the controller instead.
Finally, make sure your post slug is always unique for obvious reason.
You may run into problems if your other routes are not related to the Post model.
Imagine if you have a route called Laravel has no way to "guess" if this route should be sent to the PostController or the ContactController. contact-us could be a Post slug or it could be a static route to your contact page. That's why it's generally a good idea to start your urls with the model name. In your case, it would be a good idea for your Post route to start with "/posts/" like this: Otherwise you may run into all sorts unexpected routing issues.
Don't fight the framework: Always follow best practices and naming conventions when you can.

Laravel route difference between {id} vs {tag}

I am new in Laravel pardon me if question is silly. I have seen a doc where they used
For get request
For put request
What is the difference and benefit between this ? I understood 1st one, confusion on put route.
There’s no real difference as it’s just a parameter name, but you’d need some way to differential parameters if you had more than one in a route, i.e. a nested resource controller:
Route::get('articles/{article}/comments/{comment}', 'ArticleCommentController#show');
Obviously you couldn’t use just {id} for both the article and comment parameters. For this reason, it’s best to use the “slug” version of a model for a parameter name, even if there’s just one in your route:
Route::get('articles/{article}', 'ArticleController#show');
You can also use route model binding. If you add a type-hint to your controller action for the parameter name, Laravel will attempt to look up an instance of the given class with the primary key in the URL.
Given the route in the second code example, if you had a controller that looked like this…
class ArticleController extends Controller
public function show(Article $article)
…and you requested /articles/123, then Laravel would attempt to look for an Article instance with the primary key of 123.
Route model binding is great as it removes a lot of find / findOrFail method calls in your controller. In most instances, you can reduce your controller actions to be one-liners:
class ArticleController extends Controller
public function show(Article $article)
return view('', compact('article'));
Generally there's no practical difference unless you define a custom binding for a route parameter. Typically these bindings are defined in RouteServiceProvider as shown in the example in the docs
public function boot()
Route::model('tag', App\Tag::class);
When you bind tag this way then your controller action can use the variable via model resultion:
public function update(Tag $tag) {
// $tag is resolved based on the identifier passed in the url
Usually models are automatically bound so doing it manually doesn't really need to be done however you can customise resolution logic if you do it manually
Normal way
$tag = Tag::find($id);
dd($tag); // tag
With route model bindings
function(Tag $tag) // Tag model binding
dd($tag); // tags
ref link
It's just a convention. You can call it all you want. Usually, and {id} refers to the id in your table. A tag, or similarly, a slug, is a string value. A tag could be 'entertainment' for video categories, while 'my-trip-to-spain' is a slug for the description of a video.
You have to chose the words what you are comfortable with. The value will be used to find in your database what record is needed to show the correct request in the view. Likewise you can use video/view/{id}/{slug} or any combination thereof.
Just make sure your URLs don't get too long. Because search engines won't show your website nicely in search results if you do. Find the balance between the unambiguous (for your database) and logic (for your visitors).
Check this out: Route model bindings
Use id, Laravel will get the id from route, and it will be the tag's id, it is integer.
function show($id) {
$tag = Tag::find($id);
Use tag, Laravel automatically resolves Eloquent models defined in routes or controller actions whose type-hinted variable names match a route segment name.
In URL, your tag parameter is integer, however in your controller action $tag will be a model object:
function action(Tag $tag) {
So you don't need to get the $tag by eloquent in your controller action. You just need to specify it is From model Tag $tag
It will do it automatically.

Dynamically Map Routes in Laravel

Are there any solutions to make Laravel routes dynamically call the controller and action? I couldn't find anything in the documentation.
function ($controller, $action) {
->where('controller', '.*')
->where('action', '.*');
Laravel does not have an out of the box implementation that automatically maps routes to controller/actions. But if you really want this, it is not that hard to make a simple implementation.
For example:
Route::get('/{controller}/{action}', function ($controller,$action) {
return resolve("\\App\\Http\Controllers\\{$controller}Controller")->$action();
})->where('controller', '.*')->where('action', '.*');
Keep in mind, this example will not automatically inject objects in your action and url parameters are also not injected. You will have to write a bit more code to do this.

Laravel Routes and 'Class#Method' notation - how to pass parameters in URL to method

I am new to Laravel so am uncertain of the notation. The Laravel documentation shows you can pass a parameter this way:
Route::get('user/{id}', function ($id) {
return 'User '.$id;
Which is very intuitive. Here is some existing coding in a project I'm undertaking, found in routes.php:
Route::get('geolocate', 'Api\CountriesController#geolocate');
# which of course will call geolocate() in that class
And here is the code I want to pass a variable to:
Route::get('feed/{identifier}', 'Api\FeedController#feed');
The question being, how do I pass $identifier to the class as:
Also one further sequitir question from this, how would I notate {identifier} so that it is optional, i.e. simply /feed/ would match this route?
You should first create a link which looks like:
Then, in your controller the method would look like this:
// Do something with $identifier
Laravel is smart enough to map router parameters to controller method arguments, which is nice!
Alternatively, you could use the Request object to return the identifier value like this:
Both methods have their merits, I'd personally use the first example for grabbing one or two router parameters and the second example for when I need to do more complicated things.

Is good practice for view sending param by assign to controller property?

For sending param to view, document in CodeIgniter use as following:
$data['name'] = $this->name;
$data['color'] = $this->color;
$this->load->view('you_view',$data);//Load view with $data param
But currently i use like this:
//Controller file
$this->params = [Big Object or Array ];//Here I assigned my OJBECT or Array to controller property PARAMS
$this->load->view('you_view');//***** Wthout send with load view*******
//View file
$var_dump($this->params);//Notice after I print_r( $this) i found that it is current controller, that why i use without sending params during load view, but i afraid any problem or make my system slow.
In many different ways you can pass variables to the view, for example through controller as you did, then through config file, model, language file, or defining a variables with define(), but then the point of MVC model was to separate data, logic and design, so i don't thing your way is a bad way, just not in the spirit of idea of MVC. Do you get any better performance?
