TOAD elapsed time for the complete data set - oracle

Toad by default gives only 500 rows. I have a query returning 100,000 rows. How can I determine the elapsed time for the query. When I do ctrl+end to fetch all records it still displays the time taken to fetch first 500 rows only.

One option is to run
select * from your_table order by 1;
as it requires Oracle to fetch all data in order to be able to sort them. Though, you'll get some overhead (because of sorting, of course), but it will still be way faster than CTRL + END option.


Speed up updates on Oracle DB which a lot of records

I have to update table which has around 93 mln records, at the beginning DB updated 10 k records per 5 seconds, now after around 60 mln updated records, update next 10k records take 30-60 s, don't know why I have to update columns which are null.
I use loop with commit each 10 k records:
SET DATE_COLUMN = v_hist_date
AND ROWNUM <= c_commit_limit
Have you any ideas why it slow down so much and how is possible to speed up this update ?
Updates are queries too. You haven't posted an explain plan but given you are filtering on columns which are null it seems probable that your statement is executing a Full Table Scan. That certainly fits the behaviour you describe.
What happens is this. The first loop the FTS finds 10000 rows which fit the WHERE criteria almost immediately. Then you exit the loop and start again. This time the FTS reads the same blocks again, including the ones it updated in the previous iteration before it finds the next 10000 rows it can update. And so on. Each loop takes longer because the full table scan has to read more of the table for each loop.
This is one of the penalties of randomly committing inside a loop. It may be too late for you now, but a better approach would be to track an indexed column such as a primary key. Using such a tracking key will allow an index scan to skip past the rows you have already visited.

SQL Azure - query with row_number() executes slow if columns with nvarchar of big size are included

I have the following query (generated by Entity Framework with standard paging. This is the inner query and I added the TOP 438 part):
SELECT TOP 438 [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],
[Extent1].[MemberType] AS [MemberType],
[Extent1].[FullName] AS [FullName],
[Extent1].[Image] AS [Image],
row_number() OVER (ORDER BY [Extent1].[FullName] ASC) AS [row_number]
FROM [dbo].[ShowMembers] AS [Extent1]
WHERE 3 = CAST( [Extent1].[MemberType] AS int)
ShowMembers table has about 11K rows, but only 438 with MemberType == 3. The 'Image' column is of type nvarchar(2000) that holds the URL to the image on a CDN. If I include this column in the query (only in SELECT part), the query chokes up somehow and generates result in a range between 2-30 seconds (it differs in different runs). If I comment out that column, query runs fast as expected. If I include the 'Image' column, but comment out the row_number column, query also runs fast as expected.
Obviously, I've been too liberal with the size of the URL, so I started playing around with the size. I found out that if I set the Image column to nvarchar(884), then the query runs fast as expected. If I set it up to 885 it's slow again.
This is not bound to one column, but to the size of all columns in the SELECT statement. If I just increase the size by one, performance differences are obvious.
I am not a DB expert, so any advice is welcomed.
PS In local SQL Server 2012 Express there are no performance issues.
PPS Running the query with OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT 438 ROWS ONLY (without the row_count column of course) is also slow.
Row_number has to sort all the rows to get you things in the order you want. Adding a larger column into the result set implies that it all get sorted and thus is much slower/does more IO. You can see this, btw, if you enable "set statistics io on" and "set statistics time on" in SSMS when debugging problems like this. It will give you some insight into the number of IOs and other operations happening at runtime in the query:
In terms of what you can do to make this query go faster, I encourage you to think about some things that may change the design of your database schema a bit. First, consider whether you actually need the rows sorted in a specific order at all. If you don't need things in order, it will be cheaper to iterate over them without the row_number (by a measurable amount). So, if you just want to conceptually iterate over each entry once, you can do that by doing an order by something more static that is still monotonic such as the identity column. Second, if you do need to have things in sorted order, then consider whether they are changing frequently/infrequently. If it is infrequent, it may be possible to just compute and persist a column value into each row that has the relative order that you want (and update it each time you modify the table). In this model, you could index the new column and then request things in that order (in the top-level order by in the query - row_number not needed). If you do need things dynamically computed like you are doing and you need things in an exact order all the time, your final option is to move the URL to a second table and join with it after the row_number. This will avoid the sort being "wide" in the computation of row_number.
Best of luck to you

Oracle - Can't Find Long Running Queries

What am I missing here? I am trying to test identifying long running queries.
I have a test table with about 400 million rows called mytest.
I ran select * from mytest in sqlplus
In another window, I ran the script below to see my long running query
select s.username, s.sid, s.serial#, s.schemaname,
s.program, s.osuser, s.status, s.last_call_et
from v$session s
where last_call_et >= 1 – this is just for testing
My long running query does not show up in the result from the query above. If I change the criteria to be >=0, then I see my query showing the status as INACTIVE and last_call_et of 0 despite the fact that the query is still running. What can I do to see my long running queries like the select * from... above so that I can kill it?
First, you need to understand what a query like select * from mytest is really doing under the covers because that's generally not going to be a long-running query. Oracle doesn't ever need to materialize that result set and isn't going to read all the data as the result of a single call. Instead, what goes on is a series of calls each of which cause Oracle to do a little bit of work. The conversation goes something like this.
Client: Hey Oracle, run the query for me: select * from mytest
Oracle: Sure thing (last_call_et resets to 0 to reflect that a new call started). I've generated a query plan and opened a cursor,
here's a handle (note that no work has been done yet to actually
execute the query)
Client: Cool, thanks. Using this cursor handle,
fetch me the next 50 rows (the fetch size is a client-side setting)
Oracle: Will do (last_call_et resets to 0 to reflect that a new call started). I started full scanning the table, read a couple of
blocks, and got 50 rows. Here you go.
Client: OK, I've processed
those. Using this cursor handle, fetch the next 50 rows
Repeat until all the data is fetched
At no point in this process is Oracle ever really being asked to do more than read a handful of blocks to get the 50 rows (or whatever the fetch size the client is requesting). At any point, the client could simply not request the next batch of data so Oracle doesn't need to do anything long-running. Oracle doesn't track the application think time between requests for more data-- it has no idea whether the client is a GUI that is in a tight loop fetching data or whether it is displaying a result to a human and waiting for a human to hit the "next" button. The vast majority of the time, the session is going to be INACTIVE because it's mostly waiting for the client to request the next batch of data (which it generally won't do until it had formatted the last batch of data for display and done the work to display it).
When most people talk about a long-running query, they're talking about a query that Oracle is actively processing for a relatively long time with no waits on a client to fetch the data.
You can use the below script to find long running query:
select * from
order by start_time desc
where rownum <=1;

jqGrid takes 30 seconds to count that i have 1.1 million rows in grid

I have a dataset that has about 1,100,000 rows.
When I load this into my jqGrid, SQL Profiler tells me it takes 29.7 seconds just to return the count of records and then a further 29.8 seconds to return the data to display in the grid.
Please see below the SQL that does the row count against my SQL Server table.
[GroupBy1].[A1] AS [C1]
COUNT(1) AS [A1]
FROM [dbo].[vw_ProductSearch_FULL] AS [Extent1]
) AS [GroupBy1]
Can anyone suggest how to improve the performance of this "count" query that is generated by jqGrid?
We need more information about your database in order to recommend improvements to your query. But as Oleg said, you may not need to query for the count.
As to the data in the grid, you have seen that having ~1 million rows in the grid just does not work well. I suggest you either use Pagination or True Scrolling Rows to only load a small subset of the rows at any given time. This should get your performance back up to an acceptable level.

SQLAlchemy raw sql vs expression language statements

When inserting multiple rows in a MySQL-DB via a SQLA-Expression-Language statement, f.e.
Foo.__table__.insert().execute([{'bar': 1}, {'bar': 2}, {'bar': 3}])
it´s extremly slow, when compared to the execution of a "raw" sql statement for the same task, i.e.
engine.execute("insert into foo (bar) values (1),(2),(3)")
What is the reason for this? Can´t SQLA generate a single bulk insert statement and therefore executes multiple inserts? Due to the speed limits of the orm, i need a fast way to add several thousand rows at once, but the SQLA-Expression-Language-Version is too slow. So, do i need to write the raw sql by myself? The documentation isn't too clear about this.
I ran a speed test with the ORM insert, the ORM with preassigned PK and the SQLA bulk insert (see SQLA bulk insert speed) like this (
SqlAlchemy ORM: Total time for 500 records 9.61418914795 secs
SqlAlchemy ORM pk given: Total time for 500 records 9.56391906738 secs
SqlAlchemy Core: Total time for 500 records 9.5362598896 secs
SQLAlchemy RAW String Execution: Total time for 500 records 1.233677 secs
As you can see, there is practically no difference between the three versions. Only the execution of a raw string insert, where all the records are included in the raw sql statement is significantly faster. Thus, for fast inserts, SQLA seems sub-optimal.
It seems that the special INSERT with multiple values only became recently supported(0.8 unreleased), you can see the note at the bottom of this section regarding the difference between executemany(what execute with a list does) and a multiple-VALUES INSERT:
This should explain the performance difference you see. You could try installing the development version and repeating the tests with the altered calling syntax, mentioned in the link, to confirm.
