Outlook web add-ins grayed out in delegate calendar in Outlook Desktop app - outlook

Outlook web add-ins are showing grayed out in a delegate calendar in Outlook Desktop app on appointments/meetings windows. By delegate calendar I mean a calendar shared with me by another person in the company, with full permissions on share - so I can create/edit meetings/appointments from his calendar from my personal profile. Please see pictures below.
The web add-ins are not grayed out in Outlook Web App. There they work just fine, so it looks to me like a Outlook Desktop App-only issue.
This came as a complaint from one of our customers.

Delegate Access support for Mail/ Calendar across Outlook end points (except Mobile) is currently in preview. You can check out the documentation here:
and give it try with the latest Outlook build.
Making the feature generally available is in progress and we hope to release soon but we cannot share a specific timeline at this stage.


Outlook add-in event based activations not working on web browser

I'm working on an outlook add-in I can't get event-based activations to work on the web client (but do actually work on the Mac Outlook app). I've been trying to run the examples hosted on github, both outlook-set-signature and outlook-encrypt-attachments provided by the Microsoft team.
And add-in is correctly loaded. I can manage to open the sidepanel and follow the instructions, but nothing changes. Trying the same thing using the Outlook client on Mac OS works as expected.
Here are my reproduction steps:
Visit https://outlook.live.com/calendar/
New event > Get Add-ins > My Add-ins > "Add Custom Addins" > From URL > Paste "https://officedev.github.io/Office-Add-in-samples/Samples/outlook-encrypt-attachments/manifest.xml"
Go back to the calendar app > Click on the three dots button > click "Event Activation Example" addin > The sidepanel shows as expected
Discard the event and create a new one
Add a new participant to the event and expect a notification / or add any lightweight attachment and expect an automatically generated encrypted version of the attachment
Nothing happens 🤷 . According to the docs, a notification message should be shown
This "unresponsiveness" also happens with my own add-in and also in another example provided by the outlook team https://github.com/OfficeDev/Office-Add-in-samples/tree/main/Samples/outlook-set-signature.
BUT, these add-ins do actually work when I use them on my Mac OS Outlook app (OS Version: Ventura). So I'm wondering if there's any limitation for event-based activations for non-365 users using outlook on a web browser.
I'm wondering if there's any limitation for event-based activations for non-365 users using outlook on a web browser
Classic Outlook UI when connected to Exchange on-premises doesn't support the requirement set 1.10 where the event-based activation was introduced.
Modern Outlook UI when connected to Exchange Online: Microsoft 365 subscription, Outlook.com supports the Outlook add-in API requirement set 1.10.
You can find the Outlook client support for specific requirement sets in MSDN.
Also you may find the Debug your event-based Outlook add-in page helpful.
Event based add-ins are currently supported for commercial accounts as they are only available as part of admin deployment. Supporting event-based activation for user acquired add-ins is on the road map and we will consider this as part of that requirement. We don't have an ETA for this yet.

How to detect the current account type in a Outlook Web Add-In

We have an Office Web add-in that is targeting the Appointment Items in Outlook (the calendar). It failed validation because, it was not possible to use it with gmail:
1120.3.3 Office Compatibililty
The add-in did not pass compatibility tests for Gmail.
I was thinking about if i can we detect what the current account type is from the:
However i am uncertain about what properties are available and if any can tell me if it is an Exahnge Account the user is running on
Please help?

Unable to see store icon in outlook on POP/IMAP server

I am working on outlook addin. But to add addin to outlook I need to see store icon. See image 1.
but when I switch to exchange mail server inbox i start seeing store icon. See image 2.
I am using outlook for mac 16.16.4. please let me know if this is mandatory requirement or I am doing something wrong.
Store functionality is only available for Exchange accounts, just the way Outlook works. Keep in mind that installed web addins are account based, so for multiple Exchange accounts you will have different addins, and for non-Exchange account you will have none.

Make Outlook add-ins working with Office 365 shared mailboxes

I am building apps with the new technology of Office add-ins (formerly app for Office).
The add-ins activate well when registered globally for the Office 365 tenant or individually by user (mechanical gear > manage add-ins).
I would like my add-in to work with Office365's shared mailboxes. The add-ins do not load in Outlook desktop or in OWA when the shared mailbox is open alone.
However, I managed to make it work when setting the shared mailbox as a shared folder displayed under my primary mailbox, as explained here (see picture below). It is better than nothing but not an acceptable solution, I would like my add-ins to be displayed when consulting my mailbox in Desktop client and in OWA when using the "Open another mailbox" (see link above).
My question is then: how to make add-ins working with shared mailboxes? A possible solution is: a shared mailbox seems to be related with a special kind of user. Would it be possible to install the add-in for this special user in order to have the add-ins always working with shared mailboxes?
Not supported for now. I created a feature request in Office365 User Voice. Consider bringing your vote to it.
There is a new feature request to cover this functionality.
This feature request has theoretically been implemented and is in public preview.
Theoretically if you add the following under <DesktopFormFactor> it enables this feature:
However, people are having issues with this throwing Schema errors. See GitHub or StackOverflow. (NOTE: StackOverflow has a solution, but I didn't find it actually worked).
It maybe there is some undocumented magic so it could work now.
Outlook add-ins are not supposed to activate outside of your primary mailbox. This is intentionally disabled. What you're seeing with it displaying when opened under your primary mailbox there Benoit is likely a bug.
The office add-in can be configured to show on a mail item. it does not matter the type of mailbox, if the item you are viewing is a mail message, your add-in should show.
The simple test you can do, does your add-in show in your mailbox mail messages? if yes, this means it should show in mail messages from the shared mailbox. It is divide and conquer issue we need to resolve.
Let me know if you have more questions or need clarifications.

New Outlook API (2015) mail add-in send event

Does the new Microsoft Outlook API, which enables development of Outlook addins for cross platform, have the ability to trigger an event off the user clicking the send button?
I currently have an Outlook VSTO addin that uses the Application.ItemSend event to check an email for specific content and present the user with a popup asking them if they still want to send or not. This is only compatible with Outlook 2007-16 on Windows though, and I was hoping the new API might enable me to build something similar for Outlook on Mac/mobile/web, but I haven't found any examples or documentation on this particular event trigger yet.
Link to Outlook API
Some support for handling a "send" event was recently added for Outlook Add-ins.
There are several limitations, so be sure to read all the documentation. In particular, this is currently only supported in the Web version of Outlook, and the send event feature cannot be used in any add-ins that will be published in the Office Store.
No, there is no such event. It will most likely be added in the future from what I hear...
