Is there any way to change the orientation of the text 90º?
Initial graph:
Desired graph:
My code:
digraph G {
node[style=filled fillcolor="white", fixedsize=true]
circunferencia[label="", pos="0.0, 0.0!", shape = "circle", width=2, color="grey", style=boldsi];
1[label="1()", pos="0.30901699437494745,0.9510565162951535!", shape = "circle"];
5[label="5()", pos="-0.8090169943749473,0.5877852522924732!", shape = "circle"];
4[label="4()", pos="-0.8090169943749476,-0.587785252292473!", shape = "circle"];
3[label="3()", pos="0.30901699437494723,-0.9510565162951536!", shape = "circle"];
2[label="2()", pos="1.0,-2.4492935982947064e-16!", shape = "circle"];
centro[label="", pos="0.0, 0.0!", shape = "point", fillcolor=black];
It is not possible to natively rotate labels in graphviz.
Your options may be:
1. Supply labels as images. In this case you can rotate them in your graphic editor as you want:
digraph {
a [
b [
a -> b [label=<<TABLE border="0">
<TR><TD><IMG SRC="rot.png"/></TD></TR>
2. If you need to rotate labels in the whole graph, you can try and draw graph rotated initially and then rotate the whole image, for example with rotate graph attribute:
digraph {
a [
b [
a -> b [label="label"];
Custom Font
(Only works for single letters)
Load any font in a font editor (e.g fontforge)
Select all glyphs and apply a 90 degree transformation
Save and install the font under new name.
Supply the new font to fontname in your graph.
digraph G {
node[style=filled fillcolor="white", fixedsize=true, fontname="Arial_rotated"]
circunferencia[label="", pos="0.0, 0.0!", shape = "circle", width=2, color="grey", style=boldsi];
1[label="1", pos="0.30901699437494745,0.9510565162951535!", shape = "circle"];
5[label="5", pos="-0.8090169943749473,0.5877852522924732!", shape = "circle"];
4[label="4", pos="-0.8090169943749476,-0.587785252292473!", shape = "circle"];
3[label="3", pos="0.30901699437494723,-0.9510565162951536!", shape = "circle"];
2[label="2", pos="1.0,-2.4492935982947064e-16!", shape = "circle"];
centro[label="", pos="0.0, 0.0!", shape = "point", fillcolor=black];
I am trying to create flow chart as shown in the image #2 (with the red lines) but I am not able to position the lines from the left side of the onset node to the left side of the sampling node. If :w or :s is added to the node, line is broken and goes from the inside of the node. Is it possible to route the lines like that and put the text to the side so it doesn't collide with the line?
digraph G {
graph [splines=ortho];//, nodesep=0.8]
node [shape=record]
sampling [
label = "Sampling";
shape = rect;
onset [
label = "Onset\ndetection";
shape = diamond;
collect [
label = "Collect 1024 samples";
shape = rect;
xcorr [
label = "Compute\ncross correlation";
shape = rect;
display [
label = "Display data";
shape = rect;
onset->sampling [label = "No"];
onset->collect [label = "Yes"];
xcorr->sampling [ label = "Return"; ];
rank = same;
collect; xcorr;
I use pyreverse to create class diagrams from python code and this results in graphs like this:
as can be seen, some classes are not related. I would like to have the subgraphs laid out below each other so that I can include the image in a document.
Is there a simple way to modify a dot file so that disconnected parts of a graph are placed below each other?
Connect the disconnected parts with invisible edges:
digraph so
node[ shape = box ];
A[ label = "Message" ];
B[ label = "MetaMessage" ];
C[ label = "TrainingMessage" ];
D[ label = "MessageBundle" ];
A -> { B C };
{ B C } -> D[ style = invis ];
I'm trying to use dot to layout several non-connected graphs at the same time using clusters for drawing and styling boxes around each.
The problem is that while on a rendering without clustering, the layout is very neat and separates out unconnected graphs within one cluster, but once I try to use clustering it squashes these together, using less space but rendering the output much less clearly understandable (especially once it starts packing together differently sized labels).
Here's the version without clustering:
And here's with:
And the source -- to get the version without clustering I just deleted the "r" off the end of "cluster".
digraph G {
node[shape="rectangle",fontname="Nimbus Sans"];
subgraph cluster_a {
node [style=filled,color=white];
a_vq; a_lvt; a_wvw; a_yvy;
a_zgxl; a_hqz; a_yqq; a_zofv;
a_qvr; a_qlz; a_ycr; a_ilq;
a_ouw; a_ryq; a_lgl; a_qvr->a_lgl;
a_kwr; a_qlz->a_kwr; a_yl; a_ilq->a_yl;
a_kgyr; a_hqz->a_kgyr; a_llq; a_ryq->a_llq;
a_llo; a_ryq->a_llo; a_ll; a_ryq->a_ll;
a_ito; a_ll->a_ito; a_rql; a_lgl->a_rql;
a_ier; a_kwr->a_ier; a_lql; a_yl->a_lql;
a_vhgp; a_lql->a_vhgp;
subgraph cluster_b {
node [style=filled,color=white];
I tried fiddling with the packmode attribute in a few places, but it just seemed to break styling without fixing the problem and I wasn't entirely sure whether it would fix anything even if it worked properly.
I'd like to retain the neat, spatially separated graphs with clustering layouts -- does anyone know whether this can be done?
More of a hack than a real answer but it works for your sample - use invisible nodes and edges. I have also simplified your code, not sure whether this is suitable for your task but it makes looking at it easier.
digraph G
node[ shape = "rectangle", fontname = "Nimbus Sans", height = .5, width = 1 ];
subgraph cluster_a
style = filled;
bgcolor = lightgrey;
node[ style = invis ]; // create
inv_1; inv_2; // invisible nodes
node[ style = filled, color = white ];
// first unconnected graph
a_hqz -> { a_ouw a_yqq a_kgyr }
a_ouw -> { inv_1 } [ style = invis ] // insert invisible nodes
a_kgyr -> { inv_2 } [ style = invis ] // using invisible edges
a_yqq -> a_ryq;
a_ryq -> { a_llq a_llo a_ll }
a_ll -> a_ito;
// second unconnected graph
a_vq -> { a_lvt a_zgxl }
a_lvt -> { a_wvw a_yvy a_zofv }
a_zgxl -> { a_qlz a_ycr }
a_yvy -> a_qvr -> a_lgl -> a_rql;
a_qlz -> a_kwr -> a_ier;
a_ycr -> a_ilq -> a_yl -> a_lql -> a_vhgp;
subgraph cluster_b
style = filled;
bgcolor = lightgrey;
node[ style = filled, color = white ];
I am creating a graph with manually positioned nodes and use the splines="curved" type of edges between them.
digraph graphname {
node[shape = box, margin="0.03,0.03", fontsize=11, height=0.1, width=0.1, fixedsize=false];
"LeftFoot\nRightHand" [pos="-150,-150!"];
"RightFoot\nRightHand" [pos="-90,-150!"];
"LeftFoot\nRightFoot" [pos="0,-150!"];
edge[style = solid,fontsize=11];
"LeftFoot\nRightFoot":n -> "RightFoot\nRightHand":n [label = "3", penwidth = 1, color = "red"];
"LeftFoot\nRightFoot":s -> "LeftFoot\nRightHand":s [label = "7", penwidth = 1, color = "red"];
The problem is that one of the edges is bent to the wrong side, so it passes through a node:
Is there an easy way to fix this, like e.g. "bend left" or "bend right" in TikZ?
I tried to use the pos attribute on the edge to set a spline control point to change the bend, however this does not appear to change the edge at all.
In Grapvhiz 2.38 this seems to be fixed. I've scaled the pos slightly but left the rest of the code alone:
Dot source:
digraph graphname {
node[shape = box, margin="0.03,0.03", fontsize=11, height=0.1, width=0.1, fixedsize=false];
"LeftFoot\nRightHand" [pos="-2,-2!"];
"RightFoot\nRightHand" [pos="-1.2,-2!"];
"LeftFoot\nRightFoot" [pos="0,-2!"];
edge[style = solid,fontsize=11];
"LeftFoot\nRightFoot":n -> "RightFoot\nRightHand":n [label = "3", penwidth = 1, color = "red"];
"LeftFoot\nRightFoot":s -> "LeftFoot\nRightHand":s [label = "7", penwidth = 1, color = "red"];
dot -Kneato -Tpng input.gv > output.png
In the following code, the head and tail labels overlap the arrow, which I do not want. What do I have to do?
digraph G {
node [shape = "record"];
edge [
arrowhead = "normal"
headlabel = "0..*"
taillabel = "longlabel"
N1 [ label="N1"];
N2 [label = "N2" ];
You can't really control the position of head and tail-labels as it is possible for the edge label (using labelangle, labeldistance, etc.)
However, as a hack, you could add whitespace to the head/tail-label and that way force the center of the label to be on the left or right of the label text:
headlabel = " 0..*"
taillabel = "longlabel "