I am trying to implement a case where a client sends a POST request to subscribe to some service to a server.
The server has to respond with the subscription data, however after some time if there is a change in the subscription information in the server, the server has to send a notification to the client about the changes using the "nfStatusNotificationUri" in the request body ("nfStatusNotificationUri" in the JSON
data below).
I do not know how to do this.
I have implemented the POST subscription part but have no idea how to implement the notification part.
Can anyone help me or give me some guidance onenter code here how to do this.
This what I have done so far:
// server
// functions
func (m *NfInstanceDataAccess) Insertsub(nfinstancesub Subscriptions) error {
err := db.C(COLLECTION).Insert(&nfinstancesub)
return err
func CreateNewSubscriptionPost(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var nfinstancesub Subscriptions
id := uuid.New()
subscriptionID := id.String()
if r.Header.Get("Accept") != "application/json" {
WriteError(w, ErrNotAcceptable)
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&nfinstancesub); err != nil {
respondWithError(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid request payload")
nfinstancesub.ID = bson.NewObjectId()
nfinstancesub.SubscriptionID = subscriptionID
if err := da.Insertsub(nfinstancesub); err != nil {
respondWithError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
w.Header().Set("Response-Code", "201")
w.Header().Set("Response-Desc", "Success")
w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "max-age=2592000") // 30 days
respondWithJson(w, http.StatusCreated, nfinstancesub)
// Main function
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/nnrf-nfm/v1/subscriptions, CreateNewSubscriptionPost)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
The JSON data to request subscription including the notification uri "nfStatusNotificationUri" field.
Am using mongodb to store this JSON data request is sent.
"nfStatusNotificationUri": "string",
"subscriptionID": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"validityTime": "2019-02-11T09:45:52.015Z",
"reqNotifEvents": [
"plmnId": {
"mcc": "string",
"mnc": "string"
"notifCondition": {
"monitoredAttributes": [
"unmonitoredAttributes": [
"reqNfFqdn": "string"
I have problem in Golang echo framwork Error response like this.
{ERROR Response json struct}
{"code":-208,"message":"Fail to login","internal":"{ERROR Message}","title":null,"btn_text":null} {"code":-208,"message":"Fail to login","internal":"{ERROR Message}","title":null,"btn_text":null}
Whenever I use BodyDump, duplicate error responses are returned, but I can't find the reason.
Below is the source code of the body dump. I commented out all the actual use parts, but simply applying the body dump returns redundant json body data.
func MWBodyDumpForELS() echo.MiddlewareFunc {
config := middleware.BodyDumpConfig{
Skipper: middleware.DefaultSkipper,
Handler: func(c echo.Context, reqBody, resBody []byte) {
//session, _ := c.Get(SESSION_KEY).(*service.Session)
//go els.Send(c.Path(), session.UserID, session.MembershipType, c.RealIP(), c.Request().RequestURI,
// c.Request().UserAgent(), c.Request().Method, c.Response().Header().Get("Content-Type"),
// c.QueryParams(), c.Response().Status, reqBody, resBody)
return middleware.BodyDumpWithConfig(config)
The HTTPErrorHandler I defined is It only seems to happen whenever it returns to that case.:
func HTTPErrorHandler(err error, c echo.Context) {
// code := http.StatusInternalServerError
switch t := err.(type) {
case *echo.HTTPError:
c.JSON(t.Code, NewAPIError(t.Code, fmt.Sprint(t.Message)).internal(t.Internal))
case *APIError:
c.JSON(t.httpCode, t)
if err == nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, ErrUnknown)
} else {
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, ErrUnknown.internal(err.Error()))
Someone know anything about this?
We want to unmarshal (in golang) a GRPC message and transform it into a map[string]interface{} to further process it. After using this code:
err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(resource, config)
configMarshal, err := json.Marshal(config)
var configInterface map[string]interface{}
err = json.Unmarshal(configMarshal, &configInterface)
we get the following structure:
"name": "envoy.filters.network.tcp_proxy",
"ConfigType": {
"TypedConfig": {
"type_url": "type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.network.tcp_proxy.v3.TcpProxy",
"value": "ChBCbGFja0hvbGVDbHVzdGVyEhBCbGFja0hvbGVDbHVzdGVy"
Where the TypedConfig field remains encoded. How can we decode the TypedConfig field? We know the type_url and we know the value, but to unmarshal the field, it needs to be of the pbany.Any type. But because the TypedConfig structure is a map[string] interface {}, our program either fails to compile, or it crashes, complaining that it is expecting a pbany.Any type, but instead it is getting a map[string] interface {}.
We have the following questions:
Is there a way to turn the structure under TypedConfig into a pbany.Any type that can be subsequently unmarshalled?
Is there a way to recursively unmarshal the entire GRPC message?
Edit (provide more information about the code, schemas/packages used)
We are looking at the code of xds_proxy.go here: https://github.com/istio/istio/blob/master/pkg/istio-agent/xds_proxy.go
This code uses a *discovery.DiscoveryResponse structure in this function:
func forwardToEnvoy(con *ProxyConnection, resp *discovery.DiscoveryResponse) {
The protobuf schema for discovery.DiscoveryResponse (and every other structure used in the code) is in the https://github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/ repository in this file: https://github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/blob/main/envoy/service/discovery/v3/discovery.pb.go
We added code to the forwardToEnvoy function to see the entire unmarshalled contents of the *discovery.DiscoveryResponse structure:
var config proto.Message
switch resp.TypeUrl {
case "type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.route.v3.RouteConfiguration":
config = &route.RouteConfiguration{}
case "type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.listener.v3.Listener":
config = &listener.Listener{}
// Six more cases here, truncated to save space
for _, resource := range resp.Resources {
err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(resource, config)
if err != nil {
proxyLog.Infof("UnmarshalAny err %v", err)
return false
configMarshal, err := json.Marshal(config)
if err != nil {
proxyLog.Infof("Marshal err %v", err)
return false
var configInterface map[string]interface{}
err = json.Unmarshal(configMarshal, &configInterface)
if err != nil {
proxyLog.Infof("Unmarshal err %v", err)
return false
And this works well, except that now we have these TypedConfig fields that are still encoded:
"name": "virtualOutbound",
"address": {
"Address": {
"SocketAddress": {
"address": "",
"PortSpecifier": {
"PortValue": 15001
"filter_chains": [
"filter_chain_match": {
"destination_port": {
"value": 15001
"filters": [
"name": "istio.stats",
"ConfigType": {
"TypedConfig": {
"type_url": "type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct",
"value": "CkF0eXBlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL2Vudm95LmV4dGVuc2lvbnMuZmlsdG"
One way to visualize the contents of the TypedConfig fields is to use this code:
for index1, filterChain := range listenerConfig.FilterChains {
for index2, filter := range filterChain.Filters {
proxyLog.Infof("Listener %d: Handling filter chain %d, filter %d", i, index1, index2)
switch filter.ConfigType.(type) {
case *listener.Filter_TypedConfig:
proxyLog.Infof("Found TypedConfig")
typedConfig := filter.GetTypedConfig()
proxyLog.Infof("typedConfig.TypeUrl = %s", typedConfig.TypeUrl)
switch typedConfig.TypeUrl {
case "type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.network.tcp_proxy.v3.TcpProxy":
tcpProxyConfig := &tcp_proxy.TcpProxy{}
err := typedConfig.UnmarshalTo(tcpProxyConfig)
if err != nil {
proxyLog.Errorf("Failed to unmarshal TCP proxy configuration")
} else {
proxyLog.Infof("TcpProxy Config for filter chain %d filter %d: %s", index1, index2, prettyPrint(tcpProxyConfig))
But then the code becomes very complex, as we have a large number of structures, and these structures can occur in different order in the messages.
So we wanted to get a generic way of unmarshalling these TypedConfig message by using pbAny, and hence our questions.
I'm working with framework GIN and Gin-JWT in Golang.
So far so good, I was able to authorize and authenticate my REST API with JWT following the example in Gin-JWT package.
I'm trying now to implement some kind of Role in my API.
The flow would be:
Login and auth
Create the JWT with inside the userID and the RoleID
When I call a REST API I confront the role associated to the API with the RoleID in JWT to authorized
So far I have this in my main:
jwtAfp := InitJwtMiddleware(db)
afb := r.Group("api/v1/afb")
afb.GET("/ping", afbController.Ping)
and this for the InitJwtMiddleware using Gin-JWT
func InitJwtMiddleware(db *gorm.DB) *jwt.GinJWTMiddleware {
return &jwt.GinJWTMiddleware{
Realm: "afb",
Key: []byte("secret pwd"),
Timeout: time.Hour,
MaxRefresh: time.Hour,
PayloadFunc: func(data interface{}) jwt.MapClaims {
if v, ok := data.(*model.User); ok {
return jwt.MapClaims{
"afb": v.ID,
return jwt.MapClaims{}
Authenticator: func(c *gin.Context) (interface{}, error) {
var loginVals login
if err := c.Bind(&loginVals); err != nil {
return "", jwt.ErrMissingLoginValues
email := loginVals.Username
password := loginVals.Password
var u model.User
db.Where("email = ?", email).First(&u)
if service.CheckPasswordHash(password, u.Password) {
return &u, nil
return nil, jwt.ErrFailedAuthentication
Authorizator: func(data interface{}, c *gin.Context) bool {
claims := jwt.ExtractClaims(c)
v, ok := data.(float64)
if ok && v == claims["afb"] {
return true
return false
Unauthorized: func(c *gin.Context, code int, message string) {
c.JSON(code, gin.H{
"code": code,
"message": message,
TokenHeadName: "Bearer",
TimeFunc: time.Now,
I would like to add the checking on the Role in the Authorizator section but I'm struggling on how i can do this.
I come up with passing in the InitJwtMiddleware(db) function also the role, this will work but I don't like the idea to "instaziate" a GinJWTMiddleware for each ROLE/API. Or if I could know inside the middleware which function (controller) will be called later I can then figure out if authorize or not. But even this solutin sound awkward to me. I think there will be a most elegant solution, any ideas?
You can try this:
It's the simplest auth[orization/entication] library.
The VerifyPerm function could be helpful for role management.
There's a complete example
func main() {
auth, err := jwt.New(jwt.Auth{
SecretKey: []byte("must change here"),
// Authenticator authenticates a request and return jwt.MapClaims
// that contains a user information of the request.
Authenticator: func(c *gin.Context) (jwt.MapClaims, error) {
var loginForm LoginForm
if err := c.ShouldBind(&loginForm); err != nil {
return nil, jwt.ErrorAuthenticationFailed
u, ok := authenticate(req.Username, req.Password)
if ok {
return nil, jwt.ErrorAuthenticationFailed
return jwt.MapClaims{
"username": u.Username,
"role": u.Role,
}, nil
// UserFetcher takes a jwt.MapClaims and return a user object.
UserFetcher: func(c *gin.Context, claims jwt.MapClaims) (interface{}, error) {
username, ok := claims["username"].(string)
if !ok {
return nil, nil
return findByUsername(username)
// some lines
// issue authorization token
e.POST("/login", auth.AuthenticateHandler)
// refresh token expiration
e.POST("/auth/refresh_token", auth.RefreshHandler)
// role management
e.GET("/operator/hello", Operator(auth), SayHello) // this is only for Operator
e.GET("/admin/hello", Admin(auth), SayHello) // this is only for Admin
func Operator(m jwt.Auth) gin.HandlerFunc {
return m.VerifyPerm(func(claims jwt.MapClaims) bool {
return role(claims).IsOperator()
func Admin(m jwt.Auth) gin.HandlerFunc {
return m.VerifyPerm(func(claims jwt.MapClaims) bool {
return role(claims).IsAdmin()
Is it possible to perform batch requests using the Google API Client Library for Go?
More precisely, I'd like to delete some disks; it would be great if I could avoid a request for each disk.
The batch request feature I'm referring to:
The client library I'm using:
It seems there's also another client library, but without support for the Compute Engine, only metadata (?):
I'm not sure but i think it can be done since we can dlete a disk using API call.
A batch request consists of multiple API calls combined into one HTTP request, which can be sent to the batchPath specified in the API discovery document. The default path is /batch/api_name/api_version.
Example take a look on the Format of a batch request Here
// method id "compute.disks.delete":
type DisksDeleteCall struct {
s *Service
project string
zone string
disk string
urlParams_ gensupport.URLParams
ctx_ context.Context
header_ http.Header
// Delete: Deletes the specified persistent disk. Deleting a disk
// removes its data permanently and is irreversible. However, deleting a
// disk does not delete any snapshots previously made from the disk. You
// must separately delete snapshots.
// For details, see https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/reference/latest/disks/delete
func (r *DisksService) Delete(project string, zone string, disk string) *DisksDeleteCall {
c := &DisksDeleteCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)}
c.project = project
c.zone = zone
c.disk = disk
return c
// RequestId sets the optional parameter "requestId": An optional
// request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that
// if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the
// request if it has already been completed.
// For example, consider a situation where you make an initial request
// and the request times out. If you make the request again with the
// same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the
// same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second
// request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate
// commitments.
// The request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID
// is not supported (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
func (c *DisksDeleteCall) RequestId(requestId string) *DisksDeleteCall {
c.urlParams_.Set("requestId", requestId)
return c
// Fields allows partial responses to be retrieved. See
// https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/2.0/basics#PartialResponse
// for more information.
func (c *DisksDeleteCall) Fields(s ...googleapi.Field) *DisksDeleteCall {
c.urlParams_.Set("fields", googleapi.CombineFields(s))
return c
// Context sets the context to be used in this call's Do method. Any
// pending HTTP request will be aborted if the provided context is
// canceled.
func (c *DisksDeleteCall) Context(ctx context.Context) *DisksDeleteCall {
c.ctx_ = ctx
return c
// Header returns an http.Header that can be modified by the caller to
// add HTTP headers to the request.
func (c *DisksDeleteCall) Header() http.Header {
if c.header_ == nil {
c.header_ = make(http.Header)
return c.header_
func (c *DisksDeleteCall) doRequest(alt string) (*http.Response, error) {
reqHeaders := make(http.Header)
for k, v := range c.header_ {
reqHeaders[k] = v
reqHeaders.Set("User-Agent", c.s.userAgent())
var body io.Reader = nil
c.urlParams_.Set("alt", alt)
c.urlParams_.Set("prettyPrint", "false")
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative(c.s.BasePath, "{project}/zones/{zone}/disks/{disk}")
urls += "?" + c.urlParams_.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("DELETE", urls, body)
req.Header = reqHeaders
googleapi.Expand(req.URL, map[string]string{
"project": c.project,
"zone": c.zone,
"disk": c.disk,
return gensupport.SendRequest(c.ctx_, c.s.client, req)
// Do executes the "compute.disks.delete" call.
// Exactly one of *Operation or error will be non-nil. Any non-2xx
// status code is an error. Response headers are in either
// *Operation.ServerResponse.Header or (if a response was returned at
// all) in error.(*googleapi.Error).Header. Use googleapi.IsNotModified
// to check whether the returned error was because
// http.StatusNotModified was returned.
func (c *DisksDeleteCall) Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*Operation, error) {
gensupport.SetOptions(c.urlParams_, opts...)
res, err := c.doRequest("json")
if res != nil && res.StatusCode == http.StatusNotModified {
if res.Body != nil {
return nil, &googleapi.Error{
Code: res.StatusCode,
Header: res.Header,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer googleapi.CloseBody(res)
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := &Operation{
ServerResponse: googleapi.ServerResponse{
Header: res.Header,
HTTPStatusCode: res.StatusCode,
target := &ret
if err := gensupport.DecodeResponse(target, res); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// {
// "description": "Deletes the specified persistent disk. Deleting a disk removes its data permanently and is irreversible. However, deleting a disk does not delete any snapshots previously made from the disk. You must separately delete snapshots.",
// "httpMethod": "DELETE",
// "id": "compute.disks.delete",
// "parameterOrder": [
// "project",
// "zone",
// "disk"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "disk": {
// "description": "Name of the persistent disk to delete.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "project": {
// "description": "Project ID for this request.",
// "location": "path",
// "pattern": "(?:(?:[-a-z0-9]{1,63}\\.)*(?:[a-z](?:[-a-z0-9]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?):)?(?:[0-9]{1,19}|(?:[a-z0-9](?:[-a-z0-9]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?))",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "requestId": {
// "description": "An optional request ID to identify requests. Specify a unique request ID so that if you must retry your request, the server will know to ignore the request if it has already been completed.\n\nFor example, consider a situation where you make an initial request and the request times out. If you make the request again with the same request ID, the server can check if original operation with the same request ID was received, and if so, will ignore the second request. This prevents clients from accidentally creating duplicate commitments.\n\nThe request ID must be a valid UUID with the exception that zero UUID is not supported (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
// "zone": {
// "description": "The name of the zone for this request.",
// "location": "path",
// "pattern": "[a-z](?:[-a-z0-9]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
// "path": "{project}/zones/{zone}/disks/{disk}",
// "response": {
// "$ref": "Operation"
// },
// "scopes": [
// "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform",
// "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/compute"
// ]
// }
Here is my simple rest service:
// Package classification User API.
// the purpose of this application is to provide an application
// that is using plain go code to define an API
// This should demonstrate all the possible comment annotations
// that are available to turn go code into a fully compliant swagger 2.0 spec
// Terms Of Service:
// there are no TOS at this moment, use at your own risk we take no responsibility
// Schemes: http, https
// Host: localhost
// BasePath: /v2
// Version: 0.0.1
// License: MIT http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
// Contact: John Doe<john.doe#example.com> http://john.doe.com
// Consumes:
// - application/json
// - application/xml
// Produces:
// - application/json
// - application/xml
// swagger:meta
package main
import (
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
// swagger:model
// User represents the user for this application
// A user is the security principal for this application.
// It's also used as one of main axis for reporting.
// A user can have friends with whom they can share what they like.
type User struct {
// the id for this user
// required: true
// min: 1
Id int64 `db:"id" json:"id"`
// the first name for this user
// required: true
// min length: 3
Firstname string `db:"firstname" json:"firstname"`
// the last name for this user
// required: true
// min length: 3
Lastname string `db:"lastname" json:"lastname"`
func main() {
r := gin.Default()
v1 := r.Group("api/v1")
v1.GET("/users", GetUsers)
v1.GET("/users/:id", GetUser)
v1.POST("/users", PostUser)
v1.PUT("/users/:id", UpdateUser)
v1.DELETE("/users/:id", DeleteUser)
v1.OPTIONS("/users", OptionsUser) // POST
v1.OPTIONS("/users/:id", OptionsUser) // PUT, DELETE
func GetUsers(c *gin.Context) {
// swagger:route GET /user listPets pets users
// Lists pets filtered by some parameters.
// This will show all available pets by default.
// You can get the pets that are out of stock
// Consumes:
// - application/json
// - application/x-protobuf
// Produces:
// - application/json
// - application/x-protobuf
// Schemes: http, https, ws, wss
// Security:
// api_key:
// oauth: read, write
// Responses:
// default: genericError
// 200: someResponse
// 422: validationError
var users []User
_, err := dbmap.Select(&users, "SELECT * FROM user")
if err == nil {
c.JSON(200, users)
} else {
c.JSON(404, gin.H{"error": "no user(s) into the table"})
// curl -i http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users
func GetUser(c *gin.Context) {
id := c.Params.ByName("id")
var user User
err := dbmap.SelectOne(&user, "SELECT * FROM user WHERE id=?", id)
if err == nil {
user_id, _ := strconv.ParseInt(id, 0, 64)
content := &User{
Id: user_id,
Firstname: user.Firstname,
Lastname: user.Lastname,
c.JSON(200, content)
} else {
c.JSON(404, gin.H{"error": "user not found"})
// curl -i http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users/1
func PostUser(c *gin.Context) {
var user User
if user.Firstname != "" && user.Lastname != "" {
if insert, _ := dbmap.Exec(`INSERT INTO user (firstname, lastname) VALUES (?, ?)`, user.Firstname, user.Lastname); insert != nil {
user_id, err := insert.LastInsertId()
if err == nil {
content := &User{
Id: user_id,
Firstname: user.Firstname,
Lastname: user.Lastname,
c.JSON(201, content)
} else {
checkErr(err, "Insert failed")
} else {
c.JSON(422, gin.H{"error": "fields are empty"})
// curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"firstname\": \"Thea\", \"lastname\": \"Queen\" }" http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users
func UpdateUser(c *gin.Context) {
id := c.Params.ByName("id")
var user User
err := dbmap.SelectOne(&user, "SELECT * FROM user WHERE id=?", id)
if err == nil {
var json User
user_id, _ := strconv.ParseInt(id, 0, 64)
user := User{
Id: user_id,
Firstname: json.Firstname,
Lastname: json.Lastname,
if user.Firstname != "" && user.Lastname != ""{
_, err = dbmap.Update(&user)
if err == nil {
c.JSON(200, user)
} else {
checkErr(err, "Updated failed")
} else {
c.JSON(422, gin.H{"error": "fields are empty"})
} else {
c.JSON(404, gin.H{"error": "user not found"})
// curl -i -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"firstname\": \"Thea\", \"lastname\": \"Merlyn\" }" http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users/1
func DeleteUser(c *gin.Context) {
id := c.Params.ByName("id")
var user User
err := dbmap.SelectOne(&user, "SELECT id FROM user WHERE id=?", id)
if err == nil {
_, err = dbmap.Delete(&user)
if err == nil {
c.JSON(200, gin.H{"id #" + id: " deleted"})
} else {
checkErr(err, "Delete failed")
} else {
c.JSON(404, gin.H{"error": "user not found"})
// curl -i -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users/1
var dbmap = initDb()
func initDb() *gorp.DbMap {
db, err := sql.Open("mysql",
checkErr(err, "sql.Open failed")
dbmap := &gorp.DbMap{Db: db, Dialect: gorp.MySQLDialect{"InnoDB", "UTF8"}}
dbmap.AddTableWithName(User{}, "User").SetKeys(true, "Id")
err = dbmap.CreateTablesIfNotExists()
checkErr(err, "Create table failed")
return dbmap
func checkErr(err error, msg string) {
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln(msg, err)
func Cors() gin.HandlerFunc {
return func(c *gin.Context) {
c.Writer.Header().Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
func OptionsUser(c *gin.Context) {
c.Writer.Header().Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
c.Writer.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "DELETE,POST, PUT")
c.Writer.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type")
Now when I'm executing :
swagger generate spec -o ./swagger.json
to generate the json spec I'm getting:
"consumes": ["application/json", "application/xml"],
"produces": ["application/json", "application/xml"],
"schemes": ["http", "https"],
"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"description": "the purpose of this application is to provide an application\nthat is using plain go code to define an API\n\nThis should demonstrate all the possible comment annotations\nthat are available to turn go code into a fully compliant swagger 2.0 spec",
"title": "User API.",
"termsOfService": "there are no TOS at this moment, use at your own risk we take no responsibility",
"contact": {
"name": "John Doe",
"url": "http://john.doe.com",
"email": "john.doe#example.com"
"license": {
"name": "MIT",
"url": "http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT"
"version": "0.0.1"
"host": "localhost",
"basePath": "/v2",
"paths": {
"/user": {
"get": {
"description": "This will show all available pets by default.\nYou can get the pets that are out of stock",
"consumes": ["application/json", "application/x-protobuf"],
"produces": ["application/json", "application/x-protobuf"],
"schemes": ["http", "https", "ws", "wss"],
"tags": ["listPets", "pets"],
"summary": "Lists pets filtered by some parameters.",
"operationId": "users",
"security": [{
"api_key": null
}, {
"oauth": ["read", "write"]
"responses": {
"200": {
"$ref": "#/responses/someResponse"
"422": {
"$ref": "#/responses/validationError"
"default": {
"$ref": "#/responses/genericError"
"definitions": {}
Note that my definitions are empty, not sure why.
If I paste the same json spec in http://editor.swagger.io/#/
It says
message: "options.definition is required"
Any directions on what is the right way to generate swagger documentation would help
It's because go-swagger can't detect the usage of your definitions. I made the assumption that you'd always have a struct describing the parameters and that those would always use the definitions that are in use.
It would be great if you could submit this question as an issue on the repo with your sample program. I'll add it to my tests.