Nativescript prompt dialog select all text - nativescript

I was just wondering if it was possible to have a nativescript prompt dialog select all of the text upon opening without going so far as to create an entire custom dialog. I don't see any settings when creating it, but I was wondering if someone knew of a way to do this?
Thanks in advance.

The native dialog controller or the UI components inside are private to the dialogs module, not exported for public use. Hence you will need a custom one in order to operate on the textfield.


MFC:CDHtmlDialog Purpose/Usages to open other views?

I was thinking of writing a new app where a users selects an option of what procedure they want to perform and the view changes to that until done then goes back to the main menu. I came across CDHtmlDialog and looked like a nice easy way to add a nice looking menu using html. But I wonder if that is the purpose of that class? Can I set it up so when a button or graphic link is clicked it changes out the view to another one (I would need to use traditional things like CTreeView with CListView with a splitter) or is it more for staying within the HTML world?
From the MSDN MSDN documentation
CDHtmlDialog Class is used to create dialog boxes that use HTML rather than dialog resources to implement their user interface.
From what I can gather from your post, I think you should consider SDI application using view classes that you want. To switch views on the command you do not need a splitter window. A static splitter is used to display a number of views in a different part of the splitter simultaneously.

Activereports (under VB6) issue

I have to modify an old VB6 program that uses ActiveReports 2.0 at work and I am having some problems (BTW I have never used this program before and only have a basic knowledge of VB6)...
I have to make some text boxes biggers which is pretty easy to do but as soon as I move them a whole section of text (and not simply the content of that text box) disappear.
I have noticed that it was in some sort of section (sorry, I don't know how they call that) which englobed those text boxes so I made it bigger and that made no difference.
What could be causing this?
Thank you!
It sounds like the TextBox is inside a UserControl. A UserControl is created by a developer, and is basically one control with any number of other controls in it. You can check to see if there are any User Controls in your project in the Project Explorer (Ctrl+R).
One way to know exactly what class the control belongs to is to open your form in design mode (Shift+F7), click on the control, and look at the Properties window (F4). The drop-down list should show the currently selected control's class name in bold, then the name of the object.
What is the control's class? If it is anything other than TextBox, then this would explain the unexpected behavior you experienced.

How to create a view for a single control?

What is the best way to create a view for a single control that I need to load into a Shell region in a Prism app. I know I can wrap the control in a UserControl, but I suspect there may be a better way.
I am working on a demo app to learn Prism 4. Each module will load a navigation button into an ItemsControl in a region in the Shell. These navigation buttons will function like the Mail, Calendar, and other buttons in Outlook.
I am creating the view in each module that will hold the module's navigation button. The simplest way to create the view seems to be to wrap it in a UserControl. My question is this: Is there a better way to do it? Thanks for your help.
If you need graphical control, what you are doing is the way to go. If you find yourself making all of the buttons look the same (copy - pasting) you might find that a menu registration service is the way to go.
You'd have a service like IMenuService that you register with your container and modules can come around and register menu items to. You can then create buttons for the module. I've provided a sample for this here:
Your question, though, seems to be about whether or not you need to wrap a control in a UserControl to register them with a region? If that's the question, I believe the answer is no, although you might amend your question to tell us what you are running up against that makes you think this.
I ended up wrapping the control in a UserControl, and it seems to work fine. I am still interested in seeing if there is a better way to load the button, so I will hold this question open for a few days.
Edit 02/22/2011: I tried using a control without a UserControl wrapper, and I got the following error:
Library project file cannot specify ApplicationDefinition element.
I wrapped the control in a UserControl and the error went away.

CTaskDialog hyperlinks in vc++

Hi I am using CTaskDialog class in my MFC application. I am trying to customize it.
In this if i want to add hyperlinks, as of now there is no specific provision for this. But to add the buttons we can use "AddCommandControl" and can handle the button.
If I want to implement similar to this AddHyperlinkControl and want to handle can any suggest how i can achieve it. My goal is I want to handle the click event of that hyperlink. Please share your suggestions if any one tried this.
Hi I am mainly looking for button alternative with hyperlink. Please share your suggestions.
Thanks a lot.
If you would want to have a hyperlinks in a dialog and would want to handle the click event on it, You should be using SysLink common control (CLinkCtrl)... Check this out -> SysLink common control

How to add GtkMozEmbed browser into a tab with Ruby/Glade/GtK?

I am trying to add a browser using GtkMozEmbed into a gui I am designing using Glade. I want the browser to take up a tab in a notebook widget, but I cannot figure out how to actually do this. I am wondering what container to use to put the browser in, and the associated ruby code to actually embed the browser in this container. Any help would be appreciated thanks!
What I ended up doing eventually was to insert a window element into the tab, and in the ruby code associated with the glade file configure the GTKMozEmbed there. I do not think it is possible to get it setup using the Glade GUI, so you will have to get down into the code for this.
To add a new tab with any widget use this.
