createMany equivalent for updateOrCreate - laravel

Is there a createMany equivalent for updateOrCreate in Laravel for when you want to "updateOrCreate" many records in one call?
In other words, is there a sort of updateOrCreateMany function?
From the documentation there doesn't appear to be a function with that name, but maybe there's another friendly Laravel way of doing this... or should I just use a foreach (maybe also using MySQL's insert on duplicate feature)?

Based upon the documentation of Laravel, no there is no method on eloquent like updateOrCreateMany
If you give it a thought, it makes sense because the execution will anyway need to be sequential. As its possible that some entry might affect the previous one so the insertion or updation mode cannot be concurrent. So even if there was some method like that, it would anyway use a loop internally to execute query one by one.
To clear further let's say there was a method updateOrCreateMany which would probably take input like array of arrays like so:
'email' => ''
'email' => ''
'email' => ''
'name' => 'X Y'
'name' => 'X2 Y2'
'name' => 'X Y Updated'
As you can see that record 3 is supposed to update the record 1 so basically, you cannot enter all at once by only comparing each with the database image of the insertion time of record1, that way you will enter in error of duplicated email as did not exist initially.
Hence, there is no updateOrCreateMany method because it cannot be done concurrent, it needs to be sequential which means some kind of looping mechanism like foreach.
By the way Good Question! +1
Makes sense?

I suggest using a foreach loop on your data and using updateOrCreate method
foreach($records as $record){
Model::updateOrCreate([$record->id, $record->name], [$record->likes, $record->dislikes]);


How to add validation for preventing duplicate level points in laravel query?

Here is a table named stages and below are the fields
I don't want to allow to add the same from and to points example, if points from 1 to 10 is already added means not allow them to add the same range, another one condition is don't allow to add in between points example in-between 1to 10 like 5 to 7 are also not allowed.
Tried laravel query
$isexist = Stage::whereBetween('from', [$request->from, $request->to])
->orWhereBetweenColumn('to','from', [$request->from, $request->to])->exists();
but it not satisfying all conditions.
Any one please help, thanks in advance.
you can validate the data like this
$validator = Validator::make($inputData, [
'label' => 'required|unique:tableName,label'
//Throw validation errors
Or you can use
Model::query()->updateOrCreate(['label' => $request->label], [
'from' => $request->from,
'to' => $request->to
Read more on unique validation reference:

Laravel Eloquent updateOrCreate doesn't work properly

I once wrote probably same question last time and I'm back..
Laravel Eloquent firstOrCreate doesn't work properly
On the last question, I found that fillable property filters update field manifest. So, if you want to update a table based on fieldA and fieldB, then your code might be..
['fieldA' => 'a', 'fieldB' => 'b'], ['otherfields' => 'update value']
and you MUST specify those fields on fillable property. $fillable = ['fieldA', 'fieldB', ...]
This is what I know about firstOrCreate and updateOrCreate.
At this time, following code generate many same rows. It looks like, the first parameter ['candle_date_time_kst'] do nothing..
// candleRelation is hasMany relation..
$candleRelation = $market->candles($period);
$created = $created->add($candleRelation->updateOrCreate(
'candle_date_time_kst' => $time,
This creates many same candle_date_time_kst value rows. At this time, fillable property already filled target fields.
What else do I miss?
Is updateOrCreate should not trust? I didn't think so.. There are something I miss... any insight?
#220114 update
So, I do my homework..
Using DB::getQueryLog(), I get this query..
It looks like, updateOrCreate() remembers the last update value. Then if I reuse same eloquent relation object for another updateOrCreate(), method use last update parameter again. It makes and clause, so return record is none..
So, I use newQuery() method for initialize query bindings.
'candle_date_time_kst' => $time
Unfortunately, retest reveals newQuery() actually not helping..
I tried $relation->newModelInstance() and getting same bindings.
What I trying to do is getting same parent binding without anything else. .. anyone knows?
Based on binding, when I get relation model I can get clean binding also. So I just do below..
'candle_date_time_kst' => $item['candle_date_time_kst']
Only change is $candleRelation to $market->candles($period).
On each attempt, new relation instance produce so binding problem won't even exists.
.... I'm mad.
you need to supply an array in the format
[ column => value, ... ] not [ value ]
I had a similar problem a time ago. And the UpdateOrInsert method solved it.
Unfortunately, this method is Query Builder, not eloquent. But to achieve this result that was the only really working solution to me.
The issue for only happened when I tried to use more than 1 column on where clause, like in your example.

Laravel compound validation rule

I would like to create a validation rule which checks if the combination of two values is unique.
There is a field for the street (id) and the house number. Both fields are required. Further, no new entry should be created if a certain combination of street and house number already exists.
How can I achieve this with Laravel?
What I have so far is only this:
protected $rules = [
'street_id' => 'required',
'tree_number' => 'required',
I guess this would be possible by using Rule Objects. Then I would query the DB if a certain combination is already stored. But can this be done in a simpler way as well?
Something like below
'street_id' => ['required', 'unique:table,street_id,'.$request->input('street_id').',NULL,id,tree_number,'.$request->input('tree_number')]

OctoberCMS Should this throw an error?

If I (incorrectly) define a belongsToMany as follows (Note the ] after the table key):
public $belongsToMany = [
'phonetypes' => [
'table' => 'niggleslogic_suitespots_contact_phonetypes'],
'pivot' => ['phone_number']
I can view the page and no error is thrown. However the pivot data does not show.
If I change the above to this (with the ] after the pivot key, where I intended it to be):
public $belongsToMany = [
'phonetypes' => [
'table' => 'niggleslogic_suitespots_contact_phonetypes',
'pivot' => ['phone_number']
The pivot data is shown when I refresh the page.
I realize that I made a typing error but I should OctoberCMS at least warn me about this situation?
Hmm, code structure of October CMS mostly check configuration and if its not correctly formatted then it ignore that thing.
Why ? : Because October CMS is based on Laravel and all the relational configuration is passed to the Laravel then it will initialize relations.
so it's really hard to predict what kind of mistake user will made, it's rather easy to just use key which needed for configuration and ignore rest.
So in your case: (I have rewritten your code in proper structure)
public $belongsToMany = [
'phonetypes' => [
'table' => 'niggleslogic_suitespots_contact_phonetypes'
'pivot' => ['phone_number']
You can see that after restructuring it looks like we have defined 2 relations, one is phonetypes and other pivot, so when we try to fetch one of them
in first case [phonetypes] : it can not find proper relational data from table, but table exists so it returns null not an error
in second case [pivot] : we are not using it as we dont consider it as relation, still if we try to use it, it will not find table phone_number so it may throw an error.
for detecting error we need something like more predictable behavior.
[ Yes October CMS could show you a warning but to show that warning they need to write more code and it seems code size get double if they check everything :( ]
(we can not show warning for this) for ex if we define route:
Route::get('/som-item', function() { ...code... })
see, I mistakenly write /som-item but but, I need to use /some-item url so laravel can not able to give me warning about this as its correct route for it, it will show me that /some-item not defined error BUT it will not tell me that dude you did spelling mistake kind of WARNING :).
[ we don't see warning until we get some AI in code :) ]

unique between 2 columns

i need to create a validation to my table "candidate_knowledges", basically in this table it accepts to columns (candidate_id, software_id), i cannot let create user_id and software more then one. but i think my validation is wrong or im not doing it right.
What im trying to say in validation is that can only exist one software_id and one candidate_id on the table, this way the candidate dont have duplicate entries.
Ex: 'software_id' => 'required|integer|unique:candidate_knowledges,candidate_id,'.$candidate->id,
Here is a way to allow only one software for each candidate:
$rules = [
'software_id' =>
Rule::unique('candidate_knowledges')->where('candidate_id', $candidate->id),
In general I would suggest using fluent validation syntax (it's match easier to use and update), but if you can't (laravel < 5.3 or any other reasons):
'software_id' => 'required|integer|unique:candidate_knowledges,NULL,NULL,candidate_id,' . $candidate->id,
Hope it helps.
