ScaLapack installation fails with its auto installer package on Centos7 but it succeeds on Centos 6.7. Why? - gcc

I am trying to install the ScaLAPACK with the help of Python-based installer available at on CentOS 7(64bit). It is installing successfully but failing in test routines step and showing the error. how to fix it?
The command used for the compilation is as follows:
./ --prefix=/home/tools/scalapack --blaslib="-L/usr/lib64 -lblas" --lapacklib="-L/usr/lib64 -llapack -lblas" --mpiincdir=/opt/apps/mpich32/include --fcflags="-fbounds-check" --mpirun=mpirun --mpicc=mpicc --mpif90=mpif90
The process description is as follows
Installing scalapack-2.0.2 ...
Writing done.
Compiling BLACS, PBLAS and ScaLAPACK... done
Getting ScaLAPACK version number... 2.0.1
Installation of ScaLAPACK successful.
(log is in /home/tools/scalapack_installer/build/log/scalog )
Compiling test routines... done
Running BLACS test routines... done
Running PBLAS test routines...
PBLAS: error running PBLAS test routines xcpblas2tst
PBLAS: Command mpirun -np 4 ./xcpblas2tst
At line 1 of file ctzpad.f
Fortran runtime error: Actual string length is shorter than the declared one for dummy argument 'herm' (-960965440/1)


Error while installing Boost MPI on macOS

I'm trying to install boost mpi from boost 1_78_0 on macOS, but I'm getting this error:
error: Unable to find file or target named
error: '/mpi//mpi'
error: referred to from project at
error: 'libs/mpi/build'
I've tried various different entries in my project-config.jam:
using mpi ;
using mpi : /Users/nick/sfw/openmpi-4.1.2/bin/mpicxx ;
and putting the mpi bin directory in my PATH. I've run ./b2 with debugging output and it looks like my mpicxx is being used, but I'm still getting the error. I've installed this successfully many times on linux using the using mpi directive without a problem.

Perl can't install Glib on Mac Big Sur

I'm trying to install Gtk2 from CPAN on my Mac (Big Sur), but it requires Glib, and Glib install is failing. The tail of the installer output is here:
echo Generating POD...
Generating POD...
"/usr/bin/perl" -I blib/lib -I blib/arch -MGlib::GenPod -MGlib \
-e "add_types (qq(doctypes)); Glib::GenPod::set_copyright(qq/Copyright (C) 2003-2011 by the gtk2-perl team.\n\nThis software is licensed under the LGPL. See L<Glib> for a full notice.\n/); Glib::GenPod::set_main_mod(qq(Glib)); xsdoc2pod(q(build/, q(blib/lib), q(build/podindex));"
Can't load 'blib/arch/auto/Glib/Glib.bundle' for module Glib: dlopen(blib/arch/auto/Glib/Glib.bundle, 0x0001): open("", O_RDONLY) failed with errno=2 at /System/Library/Perl/5.30/darwin-thread-multi-2level/ line 197.
at blib/lib/Glib/ line 21.
Compilation failed in require at blib/lib/Glib/ line 21.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at blib/lib/Glib/ line 21.
Compilation failed in require.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
make: *** [build/podindex] Error 2
! Installing Glib failed. See /Users/principal/.cpanm/work/1626461722.68580/build.log for details. Retry with --force to force install it.
Retry with --force gives the same results. The specified build.log file gives less detail than the console output above.
If I understand what it's telling me, it is that the GenPod.m module fails at the point where it is trying to "use Glib;". But when I look at the specified search point (blib/arch/auto/Glib/Glib.bundle) there is such a file there.
I'm using the Mac-installed Perl (5.30) and have had no other issues installing via CPAN. Any help would be appreciated. I would even welcome knowing how to bypass the "GenPod" step, as having working code is better than having documentation. The latest post I could find on the topic of Glib failing to install on Mac was four years ago in the El Capitan days, and the OP there was having an entirely different problem.

Building parallel hdf5 with cygwin

I recently attempted to install parallel hdf5-1.10.1 from source with cygwin 2.8.2 and stumbled into a "SIG_SETMASK undeclared" error during make. I wanted to use h5py to write hdf files in parallel (in windows environment).
I tried to follow the instructions from
First I ran the c version of the Sample_mpio.c and it seems it worked:
Proc 2: all tests passed
Proc 3: all tests passed
Proc 1: all tests passed
Proc 0: all tests passed
So, the first step was configure:
CC=mpicc ./configure --enable-parallel --enable-shared
and then make
However, at some point make exited with several SIG_SETMASK undeclared error messages pointing to sigsetjmp(J,N) of the #define HDsigsetjmp(J,N) sigsetjmp(J,N) part followed by in expansion of macro ... for several macros.
Since there are no separate building instructions for cygwin, like for the serial case, I thought it might be an issue of cygwin.
What is the proper way to install parallel hdf5 (and h5py) on windows?
Edit 1:
Thanks to #varro 's suggestion, setting make CFLAGS=-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE resolved the error.
Nevertheless, now make check gives a segmentation fault...
Testing testhdf5.exe
/bin/sh: line 30: 22284 Segmentation fault (core dumped) srcdir="." ./${tname} >> ${log} 2>&1

Error while installing sentry `unable to execute 'clang': No such file or directory`

I am trying to install sentry by following the instruction from the link:
However when I try to execute command pip install -U sentry, I receive the error InstallationError: Command python egg_info failed with error code 1 in /webapps/sentry/env/build/symsynd
Here is the detail from log file:
self.run_setup(setup_script, setup_base, args)
File "/webapps/sentry/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 1003, in run_setup
raise DistutilsError("Setup script exited with %s" % (v.args[0],))
distutils.errors.DistutilsError: Setup script exited with 1
Complete output from command python egg_info:
unable to execute 'clang': No such file or directory
unable to execute 'clang': No such file or directory
No working compiler found, or bogus compiler options
passed to the compiler from Python's distutils module.
See the error messages above.
It would be nice if someone can figure out what am I doing wrong.
Thank you,
You need a C compiler to build the symsynd dependency.
If you are on a Debian based distribution (Ubuntu, etc.) just do :
sudo apt-get install clang
It seems that specifying a C compiler will be ok, but not. In some packages clang is hard-coded. The only way is to install clang.

Error building openssl-sys crate on Windows

I am trying to compile a Rust program on Windows, but I get this error message:
Compiling openssl-sys v0.6.4
failed to run custom build command for `openssl-sys v0.6.4`
failed to execute command: The system couldn't find the specified file. (os error 2)
Is `gcc` not installed? (see for help)
--- stderr
thread '<main>' panicked at 'explicit panic', C:\Users\User\.cargo\registry\src\\gcc-0.3.12\src\
Cargo compiled every other package without problem, but it can't compile the openssl package.
I searched for help with this specific error and found a github issue for hyperium. The first answer references the openssl building guide for Windows.
I don't understand exactly how I have to build openssl in Windows. I installed MinGW and added the bin path to the global PATH variable, so gcc is reachable, but this did not solve the error.
I use Rust 1.2 and Cargo 0.4.0. My project is an example for a Telegram API wrapper.
1) Download ssl
Installs Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.2d
Install it here: C:\OpenSSL-Win32,C:\OpenSSL-Win32\include,C:\OpenSSL-Win32\lib
2) Install MinGW,and add system env path ,,C:\MinGW\bin,important,MinGW's installed path contain char 'MinGW '
3) cmd run env OPENSSLLIBDIR=C:/OpenSSL-Win32/lib OPENSSLINCLUDEDIR=C:/OpenSSL-Win32/include cargo build
