How to delegate tombstone event to a KTable using selectKey - apache-kafka-streams

I have the following kafka stream configuration.
StreamBuilder builder = stream("TopicA", Serdes.String(), new
.filter((key, value) -> value!=null)
.selectKey((key, value) -> value.getSomeProperty())
.groupByKey(Grouped.with(Serdes.Long(), new
.reduce((oldValue, newValue) -> newValue),"someStore"));
This works as I expect but I can't figure put how I can deal with Tombstone message for TestObject, even I remove
.filter((key, value) -> value!=null)
I can't figure out how can I deal with 'selectKey' while when the value arrives as null I can't send a tombstone message with 'value.getSomeProperty()' while value will be also null..
How would you deal with this problem?

You can use transform() instead of selectKey() and store the old <key,value> pair in a state store. This way, when <key,null> is processed, you can get the previous value from the store, and get the previously extracted new key and send a corresponding tombstone.
However, reduce() cannot process any record with null key or null value (those would be dropped). Thus, you will need to use a surrogate value instead of null to get the record into the Reduce function. If the surrogate is received, Reduce can return null.


Getting non compacted key/value from day window based statestore

Topology Definition:
KStream<String, JsonNode> transactions =, Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), jsonSerde));
KTable<Windowed<String>, JsonNode> aggregation =
.aggregate(() -> new Service().buildInitialStats(),
(key, transaction, previous) -> new Service().build(key, transaction, previous),
Materialized.<String, JsonNode, WindowStore<Bytes, byte[]>>as(statStoreName).withRetention(Duration.ofSeconds((windowDuration + windowGraceDuration + windowRetentionDuration)))
.to(outputTopic, Produced.with(windowedSerde, jsonSerde));
State Store API: Fetch key by looking up all timewindows.
Instant timeFrom = Instant.ofEpochMilli(0);
Instant timeTo =;
WindowStoreIterator<ObjectNode> value = store.fetch(key,timeFrom,timeTo);
As a part of test,performed 2 transactions and it produces key 1, My requirement is to get key1 twice(current & previous) without compaction when i lookup statestore. Result always returns final result with key and final aggregated value.
Txn1 --> Key - Key1 | Value - {Count=1,attribute='test'}
Txn2 --> Key - Key1 | Value - {Count=2,attribute='test1'}
Current Behavior after statestore lookup: Always get compacted key1 with value = {Count=2,attribute='test1'}
Instead I would like to get all key1 for that window duration.
As part of solution I did below changes but unfortunately it did not worked.
Disabled caching at topology level
cache.max.bytes.buffering to 0
Removing compact policy manually from internal changelog topic
Suspecting changelog topic is compacted and thus get compacted keys upon calling statestore api.
What changes are needed to get noncompated keys through statestore API?
If you want to get all intermediate result, you should not use the suppress() operator. suppress() is designed to emit a single result record per window, i.e., it does the exact opposite of what you want.

kafka streams DSL: add an option parameter to disable repartition when using `map` `selectByKey` `groupBy`

According to the documents, streams will be marked for repartition when applied map selectKey groupBy even though the new key has been partitioned appropriately. Is it possible to add an option parameter to disable repartition ?
Here is my user case:
there is a topic has been partitioned by user_id.
# topic 'user', format '%key,%value'
user1,{'user_id':'user1', 'device_id':'device1'}
user1,{'user_id':'user1', 'device_id':'device1'}
user1,{'user_id':'user1', 'device_id':'device2'}
user2,{'user_id':'user2', 'device_id':'device3'}
user2,{'user_id':'user2', 'device_id':'device4'}
I want to count user_id-device_id pairs using DSL as follow:
.groupBy((user_id, value) -> {
JSONObject event = new JSONObject(value);
String userId = event.getString('user_id');
String deviceId = event.getString('device_id');
return String.format("%s&%s", userId,deviceId);
Actually the new key has been partitioned indirectly. There is no need to do it again.
If you use .groupBy(), it always causes data re-partitioning. If possible use groupByKey instead, which will re-partition data only if required.
In your case, you are changing the keys anyways, so that will create a re-partition topic.

Tombstone messages not removing record from KTable state store?

I am creating KTable processing data from KStream. But when I trigger a tombstone messages with key and null payload, it is not removing message from KTable.
sample -
public KStream<String, GenericRecord> processRecord(#Input(Channel.TEST) KStream<GenericRecord, GenericRecord> testStream,
KTable<String, GenericRecord> table = testStream
.map((genericRecord, genericRecord2) -> KeyValue.pair(genericRecord.get("field1") + "", genericRecord2))
reduce((genericRecord, v1) -> v1,"test-store"));
GenericRecord genericRecord = new GenericData.Record(getAvroSchema(keySchema));
genericRecord.put("field1", Long.parseLong(test.getField1()));
ProducerRecord record = new ProducerRecord(Channel.TEST, genericRecord, null);
Upon triggering a message with null value, I can debug in testStream map function with null payload, but it doesn't remove record on KTable change log "test-store". Looks like it doesn't even reach reduce method, not sure what I am missing here.
Appreciate any help on this!
As documented in the JavaDocs of reduce()
Records with {#code null} key or value are ignored.
Because, the <key,null> record is dropped and thus (genericRecord, v1) -> v1 is never executed, no tombstone is written to the store or changelog topic.
For the use case you have in mind, you need to use a surrogate value that indicates "delete", for example a boolean flag within your Avro record. Your reduce function needs to check for the flag and return null if the flag is set; otherwise, it must process the record regularly.
Apache Kafka 2.6 adds the KStream#toTable() operator (via KIP-523) that allows to transform a KStream into a KTable.
An addition to the above answer by Matthias:
Reduce ignores the first record on the stream, so the mapped and grouped value will be stored as-is in the KTable, never passing through the reduce method for tombstoning. This means that it will not be possible to just join another stream on that table, the value itself also needs to be evaluated.
I hope KIP-523 solves this.

How to send record on topic when window is closed in kafka streams

So i have been struggeling with this for a couple of days, acctually. I am consuming records from 4 topics. I need to aggregate the records over a TimedWindow. When the time is up, i want to send either an approved message or a not approved message to a sink topic. Is this possible to do with kafka streams?
It seems it sinks every record to the new topic, even though the window is still open, and that's really not what i want.
Here is the simple code:, Consumed.with(Serdes.ByteArray(),
.flatMap(new ExceptionSafeKeyValueMapper<String,
FooTriggerMessage>("", Serdes.String(),
.filter((key, value) -> value.getTriggerEventId() != null)
.groupBy((key, value) -> value.getTriggerEventId().toString(),
Serialized.with(Serdes.String(), fooTriggerSerde))
.aggregate(() -> new BarApprovalMessage(), /* initializer */
(key, value, aggValue) -> getApproval(key, value, aggValue),/*adder*/
.<String, BarApprovalMessage, WindowStore<Bytes, byte[]>>as(
storeName) /* state store name */
Produced.with(windowedSerde, barApprovalSerde));
As of now, every record is being sinked to the outgoingTopic, i only want it to send one message when the window is closed, so to speak.
Is this possible?
I answering my own question, if anyone else needs an answer. In the transform stage, I used the context to create a scheduler. This scheduler takes three parameters. What interval to punctuate, which time to use(wall clock or stream time) and a supplier(method to be called when time is met). I used wall clock time and started a new scheduler for each unique window key. I add each message in a KeyValue store and return null. Then, In the method that is called every 30 seconds, I check that the window is closed, and iterate over the messages in the keystore, aggregates and use context.forward and context.commit. Viola! 4 messages received in a 30 seconds window, one message produced.
You can use the Suppress functionality.
From Kafka official guide:
I faced the issue, but I solve this problem to add grace(0) after the fixed window and using Suppressed API
public void process(KStream<SensorKeyDTO, SensorDataDTO> stream) {
.to(outputTopic, Produced.with(String(), new SensorAggregateMetricsSerde()));
private KStream<String, SensorAggregateMetricsDTO> buildAggregateMetricsBySensor(KStream<SensorKeyDTO, SensorDataDTO> stream) {
return stream
.map((key, val) -> new KeyValue<>(val.getId(), val))
.groupByKey(Grouped.with(String(), new SensorDataSerde()))
(String k, SensorDataDTO v, SensorAggregateMetricsDTO va) -> aggregateData(v, va),
.map((key, value) -> KeyValue.pair(key.key(), value));
private Materialized<String, SensorAggregateMetricsDTO, WindowStore<Bytes, byte[]>> buildWindowPersistentStore() {
return Materialized
.<String, SensorAggregateMetricsDTO, WindowStore<Bytes, byte[]>>as(WINDOW_STORE_NAME)
.withValueSerde(new SensorAggregateMetricsSerde());
Here you can see the result

StateMap keys across different instances of the same processor

Nifi 1.2.0.
In a custom processor, an LSN is used to fetch data from a SQL Server db table.
Following are the snippets of the code used for:
Storing a key-value pair
final StateManager stateManager = context.getStateManager();
try {
StateMap stateMap = stateManager.getState(Scope.CLUSTER);
final Map<String, String> newStateMapProperties = new HashMap<>();
String lsnUsedDuringLastLoadStr = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(lsnUsedDuringLastLoad);
//Just a constant String used as key
newStateMapProperties.put(ProcessorConstants.LAST_MAX_LSN, lsnUsedDuringLastLoadStr);
if (stateMap.getVersion() == -1) {
stateManager.setState(newStateMapProperties, Scope.CLUSTER);
} else {
stateManager.replace(stateMap, newStateMapProperties, Scope.CLUSTER);
Retrieving the key-value pair
final StateManager stateManager = context.getStateManager();
final StateMap stateMap;
final Map<String, String> stateMapProperties;
byte[] lastMaxLSN = null;
try {
stateMap = stateManager.getState(Scope.CLUSTER);
stateMapProperties = new HashMap<>(stateMap.toMap());
lastMaxLSN = (stateMapProperties.get(ProcessorConstants.LAST_MAX_LSN) == null
|| stateMapProperties.get(ProcessorConstants.LAST_MAX_LSN).isEmpty()) ? null
: Base64.getDecoder()
When a single instance of this processor is running, the LSN is stored and retrieved properly and the logic of fetching data from SQL Server tables works fine.
As per the NiFi doc. about state management :
Storing and Retrieving State State is stored using the StateManager’s
getState, setState, replace, and clear methods. All of these methods
require that a Scope be provided. It should be noted that the state
that is stored with the Local scope is entirely different than state
stored with a Cluster scope. If a Processor stores a value with the
key of My Key using the Scope.CLUSTER scope, and then attempts to
retrieve the value using the Scope.LOCAL scope, the value retrieved
will be null (unless a value was also stored with the same key using
the Scope.CLUSTER scope). Each Processor’s state, is stored in
isolation from other Processors' state.
When two instances of this processor are running, only one is able to fetch the data. This has led to the following question:
Is the StateMap a 'global map' which must have unique keys across the instances of the same processor and also the instances of different processors? In simple words, whenever a processor puts a key in the statemap, the key should be unique across the NiFi processors(and other services, if any, that use the State API) ? If yes, can anyone suggest what unique key should I use in my case?
Note: I quickly glanced at the standard MySQL CDC processor code class( and it has a similar logic to store and retrieve the state but then am I overlooking something ?
The StateMap for a processor is stored underneath the id of the component, so if you have two instances of the same type of processor (meaning you can see two processors on the canvas) you would have something like:
/components/1111-1111-1111-1111 -> serialized state map
/components/2222-2222-2222-2222 -> serialized state map
Assuming 1111-1111-1111-1111 was the UUID of processor 1 and 2222-2222-22222-2222 was the UUID of processor 2. So the keys in the StateMap don't have to be unique across all instances because they are scoped per component id.
In a cluster, the component id of each component is the same on all nodes. So if you have a 3 node cluster and processor 1 has id 1111-1111-1111-1111, then there is a processor with that id on each node.
If that processor is scheduled to run on all nodes and stores cluster state, then all three instances of the processor are going to be updating the same StateMap in the clustered state provider (ZooKeeper).
