Print output of two commands in one line - bash

I'm got this working:
while sleep 5s
lscpu | grep 'CPU MHz:' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | awk '{$1=$1};1' && grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)} END {print usage "%"}'
And it gives me the following output:
But I'd really like to get the two values onto a single line. Every time I try to do this I run into a double / single quote variable issue. Granted I pulled some of this awk stuff from online so I'm not really up to speed on that. I just want to print per line, CPU clock and load ever 5 seconds.
Can you help me find a better way to do that?

You may use process substitution to run lscpu and cat /proc/stat and feed to single command. No need to use pipes.
while sleep 5; do
awk '/CPU MHz:/{printf "%s ", $NF} /cpu /{print ($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)"%"}' <(lscpu) /proc/stat
If there is only one input command:
date| awk '{print $1}'
awk '{print $NF}' <(date)
If more then one command: Example , get the year of of the two date command in same line. (not very useful example, only for sake of demo)
awk '{printf "%s ", $1=NF}END{print ""}' <(date) <(date)
2019 2019

pipe the output of the 2 commands into paste
while sleep 5; do
lscpu | awk -F':[[:blank:]]+' '$1 == "CPU MHz" {print $2}'
awk '$1 == "cpu" {printf "%.4f%%\n", ($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)}' /proc/stat
done | paste - -
The 2 columns will be separated by a tab.

Writing this for readability rather than efficiency, you might consider something like:
while sleep 5; do
cpu_pct=$(lscpu | awk -F': +' '/CPU MHz:/ { print $2 }')
usage=$(awk '/cpu / {usage=($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)} END {print usage "%"}' /proc/stat)
printf '%s\n' "$cpu_pct $usage"
Command substitutions implicitly trim trailing newlines, so if lscpu | awk has output that ends in a newline, var=$(lscpu | awk) removes it; thereafter, you can use "$var" without that newline showing up.

All you need to do is change the newline on the first line to a different separator. Something like:
lscpu | ... | tr \\n : && grep ...

You can also use echo -n $(command_with_stdout). The -n switch specifies that the new line (\n) will be omitted.
while sleep 5s; do
echo -n $( lscpu | grep 'CPU MHz:' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | awk '{$1=$1};1' )
echo -n ' **** '
echo $( grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)} END {print usage "%"}' )
Or the same representation in one line:
while sleep 5s; do echo -n $( lscpu | grep 'CPU MHz:' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | awk '{$1=$1};1' ); echo -n ' **** '; echo $( grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)} END {print usage "%"}' ); done
EDIT: (remove -n switch from echo according to Charles Duffy's comment)
while sleep 5s; do echo "$( lscpu | grep 'CPU MHz:' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | awk '{$1=$1};1' ) **** $( grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)} END {print usage "%"}' )"; done


How to grep first match and second match(ignore first match) with awk or sed or grep?

> root# ps -ef | grep [j]ava | awk '{print $2,$9}'
> 45134 -Dapex=APEC
> 45135 -Dapex=JAAA
> 45136 -Dapex=APEC
I need to put the first APEC of first as First PID, third line of APEC and Second PID and last one as Third PID.
I've tried awk but no expected result.
> First_PID =ps -ef | grep [j]ava | awk '{print $2,$9}'|awk '{if ($0 == "[^0-9]" || $1 == "APEC:") {print $0; exit;}}'
Expected result should look like this.
> First_PID=45134
> Second_PID=45136
> Third_PID=45135
With your shown samples and attempts please try following awk code. Written and tested in GNU awk.
ps -ef | grep [j]ava |
awk '
val=$2 OFS $9
match(val,/([0-9]+) -Dapex=APEC ([0-9]+) -Dapex=JAAA\s([0-9]+)/,arr)
print "First_PID="arr[1],"Second_PID=",arr[3],"Third_PID=",arr[2]
How about this:
$ input=("1 APEC" "2 JAAA" "3 APEC")
$ printf '%s\n' "${input[#]}" | grep APEC | sed -n '2p'
input=(...) - input data in an array, for testing
printf '%s\n' "${input[#]}" - print input array, one element per line
grep APEC - keep lines containing APEC only
sed -n - run sed without automatic print
sed -n '2p' - print only the second line
If you just want the APECs first...
ps -ef |
awk '/java[ ].* -Dapex=APEC/{print $2" "$9; next; }
/java[ ]/{non[NR]=$2" "$9}
END{ for (rec in non) print non[rec] }'
If possible, use an array instead of those ordinally named vars.
mapfile -t pids < <( ps -ef | awk '/java[ ].* -Dapex=APEC/{print $2; next; }
/java[ ]/{non[NR]=$2} END{ for (rec in non) print non[rec] }' )
After read from everyone idea,I end up with the very simple solution.
FIRST_PID=$(ps -ef | grep APEC | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'| sed -n '1p')
SECOND_PID=$(ps -ef | grep APEC | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'| sed -n '2p')
JAWS_PID=$(ps -ef | grep JAAA | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')

Get avg of cpu temp's as a one line script

I need to average the temperatures of the four cpu cores on my system. I am obtaining the temperatures of the individual cores using the command:
sysctl -a | awk '/temperature/ {print $2;}'
This spits out the following output:
I then pass this to sed and tr and with some script-fu I ended up with the following-one liner:
echo `sysctl -a | awk '/temperature/ {print $2;}' | sed s/C// | tr '\n' '+' | sed 's/\(.*\)+/\1/'` | bc`
which then results in:
I now simply need to divide 210/4 to get my average but am stumped on how to achieve this as an extension to the one-liner that I have already brewed up. And due to some other constraints, I need to keep this as a one-liner.
I am sure there's a simpler way to achieve what I am after, any pointers are appreciated!
With awk:
sysctl -a | awk -F '[ C]' '/temperature/{sum+=$2} END{print sum/NF}'
See: 8 Powerful Awk Built-in Variables – FS, OFS, RS, ORS, NR, NF, FILENAME, FNR
You can add parenthesis and division by 4 around your expression with:
{ echo -n "("; tr '\n' '+'; echo -n")/4"; }
The final result is:
echo `sysctl -a | awk '/temperature/ {print $2;}' | sed s/C// | { echo -n "("; tr '\n' '+'; echo -n")/4"; } | sed 's/\(.*\)+/\1/'` | bc`

using date variable inside sed command

I am storing date inside a variable and using that in the sed as below.
DateTime=`date "+%m/%d/%Y"`
Plc_hldr1=`head -$i place_holder.txt | tail -1 | awk -F ' ' '{ print $1 }'`
Plc_hldr2=`head -$i place_holder.txt | tail -1 | awk -F ' ' '{ print $2 }'`
sed "s/$Plc_hldr1/$DateTime/;s/$Plc_hldr2/$Total/" html_format.htm >> /u/raskar/test/html_final.htm
While running the sed command I am getting the below error.
sed: 0602-404 Function s/%%DDMS1RT%%/01/02/2014/;s/%%DDMS1C%%/1235/ cannot be parsed.
I suppose this is happening as the date contains the following output which includes slashes '/'
I tried with different quotes around the date. How do I make it run?
Change the separator to something else that won't appear in your patterns, for example:
sed "s?$Plc_hldr1?$DateTime?;s?$Plc_hldr2?$Total?"
Not the direct quertion but replace
Plc_hldr1=`head -$i place_holder.txt | tail -1 | awk -F ' ' '{ print $1 }'`
Plc_hldr2=`head -$i place_holder.txt | tail -1 | awk -F ' ' '{ print $2 }'`
Plc_hldr1=`sed -n "$i {s/ .*//p;q}"`
Plc_hldr2=`sed -n "$i {s/[^ ]\{1,\} \{1,\}\([^ ]\{1,\}\) .*/\1/p;q}"`
and with aix/ksh
sed -n "$i {s/\([^ ]\{1,\} \{1,\}[^ ]\{1,\}\) .*/\1/p;q}" | read Plc_hldr1 Plc_hldr2

Print out onto same line with ":" separating variables

I have the following piece of code and would like to display HOST and RESULT side by side with a : separating them.
HOST=`grep pers results.txt | cut -d':' -f2 | awk '{print $1}'`
RESULT=`grep cleanup results.txt | cut -d':' -f2 | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/K/000/' -'s/M/000000/'`
echo ${HOST}${RESULT}
Please can anyone assist with the final command to display these, I am just getting all of hosts and then all of results.
You probably want this:
HOST=( `grep pers results.txt | cut -d':' -f2 | awk '{ print $1 }'` ) #keep the output of the command in an array
RESULT=( `grep cleanup results.txt | cut -d':' -f2 | awk '{ print $1 }' | sed -e 's/K/000/' -'s/M/000000/'` )
for i in "${!HOST[#]}"; do
echo "${HOST[$i]}:${RESULT[$i]}"
A version that works without arrays, using an extra file handle to read from 2 sources at at time.
while read host; read result <&3; do
echo "$host:$result"
done < <( grep peers results.txt | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}' ) \
3< <( grep cleanup results.txt | cut -d':' -f2 | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/K/000/' -'s/M/000000/')
It's still not quite POSIX, as it requires process substitution. You could instead use explicit fifes. (Also, an attempt to shorten the pipelines that produce the hosts and results. It's probably possible to combine this into a single awk command, since you can either do the substitution in awk, or pipe to sed from within awk. But this is all off-topic, so I leave it as an exercise to the reader.)
mkfifo hostsrc
mkfifo resultsrc
awk -F: '/peers/ {split($2, a, ' '); print a[1]}' results.txt > hostsrc &
awk -F: '/cleanup/ {split($2, a, ' '); print a[1]}' results.txt | sed -e 's/K/000' -e 's/M/000000/' > resultsrc &
while read host; read result <&3; do
echo "$host:$result"
done < hostsrc 3< resultsrc

Bash: "xargs cat", adding newlines after each file

I'm using a few commands to cat a few files, like this:
cat somefile | grep example | awk -F '"' '{ print $2 }' | xargs cat
It nearly works, but my issue is that I'd like to add a newline after each file.
Can this be done in a one liner?
(surely I can create a new script or a function that does cat and then echo -n but I was wondering if this could be solved in another way)
cat somefile | grep example | awk -F '"' '{ print $2 }' | while read file; do cat $file; echo ""; done
Using GNU Parallel it may be even faster (depending on your system):
cat somefile | grep example | awk -F '"' '{ print $2 }' | parallel "cat {}; echo"
awk -F '"' '/example/{ system("cat " $2 };printf "\n"}' somefile
