How to uninstall an application that is already stopped - websphere

The problem is that if the application is "stopped" this will return nothing. But i still want to uninstall it anyway. I don't know the application name, i'm getting all applications installed on a Server and then uninstalling them all.
apps = AdminControl.queryNames('type=Application,node=' + nodeName + ',process=' + serverName + ',*').split()
Here is my code.
serverObj = AdminControl.completeObjectName('type=Server,node=%s,name=%s,*' % (nodeName, serverName))
serverID = AdminConfig.getid('/Node:%s/Server:%s/' % (nodeName, serverName))
if serverID == "":
print "Can't find the server, exiting..."
cellName = AdminControl.getAttribute(serverObj, 'cellName')
#Uninstall Apps
apps = AdminControl.queryNames('type=Application,node=' + nodeName + ',process=' + serverName + ',*').split()
appManager=AdminControl.queryNames('type=ApplicationManager,node=' + nodeName + ',process=,*')
if len(apps) > 0:
for app in apps:
appName = AdminControl.getAttribute(app, 'name')
AdminControl.invoke(appManager,'stopApplication', appName)
print "Uninstalling application: " + appName
print "No applications to uninstall"

You can use the below snippet to uninstall all Apps deployed on the target server:
#Get the list of all Apps deployed in target server
installedApps=AdminApp.list("WebSphere:cell=%s,node=%s,server=%s" % (cellName, nodeName, serverName))
#Check if there are any installed Apps on the server
if len (installedApps) > 0:
#if there are installed Apps, iterate through the list and uninstall Apps one by one
for app in installedApps.splitlines():
print "uninstalling "+ app +" ...."
#Save the changes
#if there are no installed Apps, do nothing
print "No applications to uninstall"

You can use AdminApp.list() to obtain the list of apps for a target scope. So for server scope:
With that information, you can then use AdminApp.uninstall() to uninstall the app, for example:


Changing container managed authentification alias

I'm using WebSphere and jython
I need to change the 'Container-managed authentication alias', unfortunatelly I can't find anything in API, inspecting attributes of existing DataSources or any example for that task.
I have succesfully changed the 'composant-managed authentication alias' with:
AdminConfig.modify(DataSourceProvider, '[[name "basename"] [authDataAlias "' + nameNode + '/' + aliasJaas + '" ] ')
How can i do that?
thank you!
Here is some logic which you could use to solve your problem.
# Create new alias
cellName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.list("Cell"), "name")
security = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:' + cellName + '/Security:/')
myAlias = 'blahAlias'
user = 'blah'
pswd = 'blah'
jaasAttrs = [['alias', myAlias], ['userId', user], ['password', pswd ]]
print AdminConfig.create('JAASAuthData', security, jaasAttrs)
print "Alias = " + myAlias + " was created."
# Get a reference to your DataSource (assume you know how to do this):
myDS = ...
# Set new alias on DataSource
AdminConfig.modify('MappingModule', myDS, '[[authDataAlias ' + myAlias + '] [mappingConfigAlias DefaultPrincipalMapping]]')
Note that if you can figure out how to do a given task in the Admin Console, you can use the "Command Assist" function to get a Jython snippet to do the equivalent via wsadmin. See here.

How to get installed VisualStudio extensions programmatically?

How can I get a list of installed VisualStudio extensions? Somehow through DTE? Just the names would be fair enough.
Does this help:
System.IServiceProvider serviceProvider = package as System.IServiceProvider;
Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.IVsExtensionManager em =
string result = "";
foreach(Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.IInstalledExtension i in em.GetInstalledExtensions())
Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.IExtensionHeader h = i.Header;
if (!h.SystemComponent)
result += h.Name + " (by " + h.Author + ") v" + h.Version + " " + h.MoreInfoUrl + System.Environment.NewLine;
Copied from #20.
Another possibility, if you don't want DTE, because you are not running from within Visual Studio or are concerned about performance you can query the extensions from the file system / registry:
For User Extensions
For General Extensions
IF you want to be 100% correct you can look up the paths in
NOTE: There can be additional paths in the PkgDefSearchPath.
To check wether a User Extensions is enabled or not you have to query the registry:
There are some other rules that apply, which you can find in this blog from Microsoft:

Attaching shared-libs to WebSphere application's module

Based on IBM documentation, I wrote a jython script that adds shared libs to an existing application.
# Application name
app = sys.argv[0]
dep = AdminConfig.getid('/Deployment:' + app + '/')
depObject = AdminConfig.showAttribute(dep, 'deployedObject')
classldr = AdminConfig.showAttribute(depObject, 'classloader')
for x in range(1, len(sys.argv)):
AdminConfig.create('LibraryRef', classldr,
[['libraryName', sys.argv[x]], ['sharedClassloader', 'true']])
Unfortunately, this is setting the shared library only for the application and not for the modules. How could I achieve setting the libraries for both ?
I tried to get the modules of an application but I cannot get the classloader of it.
BTW, what is the sharedClassloader attributes used for ?
Note: I know this is bad practice, but I inherited a bunch of legacy applications, so please don't advice to get rid of shared libs or to add a deployment.xml
Well, here is the working script <application-name> shared-lib [shared-lib...]
def addSharedLibrary(holder):
classldr = AdminConfig.showAttribute(holder, 'classloader')
for x in range(1, len(sys.argv)):
AdminConfig.create('LibraryRef', classldr, [['libraryName', sys.argv[x]], ['sharedClassloader', 'true']])
def handleWebModules(applicationName):
webModules = AdminConfig.list('WebModuleDeployment').split('\n')
for webModule in webModules:
if (webModule.find(applicationName) != -1):
print 'Setting for ' + webModule
dep = AdminConfig.getid('/Deployment:' + sys.argv[0] + '/')
addSharedLibrary(AdminConfig.showAttribute(dep, 'deployedObject'))
I think a good way to accomplish this is to create a shared library at the server level, and then create a classloader also on the server level in order to load the libraries.
set serv [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:mycell/Node:mynode/Server:server1/]
print AdminConfig.create('Library', serv, [['name', 'mySharedLibrary'], ['classPath',
AdminConfig.create('Library', serv, [['name', 'mySharedLibrary'],
appServer = AdminConfig.list('ApplicationServer', serv)
print appServer
classLoad = AdminConfig.showAttribute(appServer, 'classloaders')
cleanClassLoaders = classLoad[1:len(classLoad)-1]
classLoader1 = cleanClassLoaders.split(' ')[0]
classLoader1 = AdminConfig.create('Classloader', appServer, [['mode', 'PARENT_FIRST']])
print AdminConfig.create('LibraryRef', classLoader1, [['libraryName', 'MyshareLibrary']])
Thanks poussma for your jython script, it works on the previous version of WAS...
so i adjusted your code to make it work also on WAS8 :
Run the cmd line with : <application-name> [shared-lib...]
def addSharedLibrary(holder):
classldr = AdminConfig.showAttribute(holder, 'classloader')
for x in range(1, len(sys.argv)):
AdminConfig.create('LibraryRef', classldr, [['libraryName', sys.argv[x]], ['sharedClassloader', 'true']])
def handleWebModules(applicationName):
webModules = AdminConfig.list('WebModuleDeployment').split('\r')
webModules = map(lambda s: s.strip(), webModules)
for webModule in webModules:
if (webModule.find(applicationName+'.ear') != -1):
print 'Setting for ' + webModule
dep = AdminConfig.getid('/Deployment:' + sys.argv[0] + '/')
addSharedLibrary(AdminConfig.showAttribute(dep, 'deployedObject'))

Server Not Found Exception in wsadmin

I have a jython script to create a server, deploy and application and then start the server.
But I am geeting the following exception while running it.
WASX7017E: Exception received while running file ""; exception information:[[ Server, SERVERNAME, not found.
Here is the entire code...
Update: He is the entire log
Can't figure out where I am going wrong.
But When I am issuing a start all servers in wsadminlib.. the server gets started
The problem might be in the way how you deploying and/or configuring your application.
# Your script sample
# Deploy the WAR
AdminApp.install(APP_PATH, ARGS_LIST)
You need to add another parameter into your arguments list ARGS_LIST : args = "[-server " + SERVER_NAME + "]"
# Since 6.0.X version
# Server Deployment
args = "[-server " + serverName + "]"
# Cluster Deployment
# args = "[-cluster " + clusterName + "]"
AdminApp.install(applicationFilePath, args)
After the server configurations...
#Sync the Nodes
Sync1 = AdminControl.completeObjectName( "type=NodeSync,node="+ NODE_NAME +",*")
print "Getting Sync Info.. " + "\n" + Sync1
AdminControl.invoke(Sync1, 'sync')
print NODE_NAME + " Sync Completed.. "
We have to sync the nodes first before trying to start the server.

How to connect to ftps site using microsoft internet transfer control 6.0 in vb6

In my exisiting visual basic 6 application I was connecting to an ftp site. Now the other side changed protocol to ftps and changed the port to 22.
My code do not work properly. I get error vb FTP run-time error '35753' "protocol not supported for this method".
I only changed the port in my code and the url
my old url was like
I changed the url to
I am trying to connect to the same location using filezilla and it changes the url to sftps:// so I copied it. There are similar questions in stackover (Transfer PDF file to ftp server in MS access 2007) but not for ftps. This is my code
With xControl
.AccessType = icDirect
.Protocol = icFTP
.RemotePort = 22
.RequestTimeout = 50
.url = xURL
.UserName = xUserName
.Password = xPassword
.Execute , "DIR " & xFileName
Do While .StillExecuting
DoEvents: DoEvents: DoEvents
gLogonFtp = "Connected to Host"
End With
Thank you for your time,
I used psftp as – wqw (Mar 11 at 13:53) suggested on his comment. Here is my new code.
This is my script file
cd to_remotedir
lcd C:\path2 'local dir
mget * *
result = ChangeFileContent("*", xOnlyFileName) //here I change the content of my script file psftpcommand.bat to get a specific file
Sleep 1000
Shell "C:/path/psftp.exe -v -pw " & xPassword & " " & xUserName & "#" & xURL & ":22 -b C:/path/psftpcommands.bat"
Sleep 1000
result = ChangeFileContent(xOnlyFileName, "*")//here I rechanged the content of the file. Change file name to ->*
'In the below I check if the requested file has come
Sleep 1000
If Dir("C:\path2\" & xOnlyFileName) <> "" Then
gLogonFtp = "Successful"
frmDataTransfers.lblTransferInfoDownLoad.Caption = "Dosya Çekildi " & xOnlyFileName
End If
That's all.
Thank you for your help.
