Scheme function definition how to do it - scheme

Use comp to define the pos-cos function:
pos-cos(x) =
cos(x) if cos(x) ≥ 0 else
−cos(x) if cos(x) < 0
(define (comp f g)
(lambda (x) (f (g x))))
(define (pos-cos x)
(if (< (comp (cos x) x) 0)
(* -1 (cos x))
(cos x)))
This is what I have so far. But it gives me an error saying contract violation. I am new to scheme and cannot figure out the error. Can someone please look over my code? Thank you.

I believe you're using function composition in the wrong place. Truth is, you don't need it at all...
(define (pos-cos x)
(if (< (cos x) 0)
(- (cos x))
(cos x)))
But ok - just to satisfy some arbitrary requirement, we can compose abs and cos to take the absolute value of the result of the cosine of x, that's equivalent to the if expression we had before:
(define (pos-cos x)
((comp abs cos) x))
Notice the double parentheses up there at the start of the second line? that's important! remember that when we apply comp it returns a new lambda, and we have to apply it again to x to obtain the expected result.


Racket: Trying to subtract numbers, getting list

I'm currently learning Racket/Scheme for a course (I'm not sure what's the difference, actually, and I'm not sure if the course covered that). I'm trying a basic example, implementing the Newton method to find a square root of a number; however, I ran into a problem with finding the distance between two numbers.
It seems that for whatever reason, when I'm trying to apply the subtraction operator between two numbers, it returns a list instead.
#lang racket
(define distance
(lambda (x y) (
(print (real? x))
(print (real? y))
(abs (- x y))
(define abs
(lambda x (
(print (list? x))
(if (< x 0) (- x) x)
(distance 2 5)
As you can see, I've added printing of the types of variables to make sure the problem is what I think it is, and the output of all those prints is #t. So:
In calling distance, x and y are both real.
In calling abs, x is a list.
So, the conclusion is that (- x y) returns a list, but why?
I double-checked with the documentation and it seems I'm using the subtraction operator correctly; I've typed (- 2 5) and then (real? (- 2 5)) into the same REPL I'm using to debug my program (Dr. Racket, to be specific), and I'm getting the expected results (-3 and #t, respectively).
Is there any wizard here that can tell me what kind of sorcery is this?
Thanks in advance!
How about this...
(define distance
(lambda (x y)
(print (real? x))
(print (real? y))
(abs (- x y))))
(define abs
(lambda (x) ;; instead of (lambda x ...), we are using (lambda (x) ...) form which is more strict in binding with formals
(print (list? x))
(if (< x 0) (- x) x)))
Read further about various lambda forms and their binding with formals.

Make procedure in Scheme by lambda

I am learning Scheme by 'Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs'
In Chapter 1.3.2 Constructing Procedures Using lambda.
I understood lambda like this.
The value to match the lambda is written outside the parenthesis of the lambda.
((lambda (x) (+ x 4) 4) ; (x) is matched to 4, result is 8
But in SICP, another example code is different.
The code is :
(define (sum x y) (+ x y))
(define (pi-sum a b)
(sum (lambda (x) (/ 1.0 (* x (+ x 3))))
(lambda (x) (+ x 4))
(pi-sum 3 6)
I think if (lambda (x) (/ 1.0 (* x (+ x 3)))) want match to a, lambda and a must bound by parenthesis.
But in example code, don't use parenthesis.
When I run this code, error is occurs.
error is this :
***'sum: expects only 2 arguments, but found 4'***
When I use more parenthesis like this :
(define (sum x y) (+ x y))
(define (pi-sum a b)
(sum ((lambda (x) (/ 1.0 (* x (+ x 3))))
((lambda (x) (+ x 4))
(pi-sum 2 6) ; result is 10.1
Code is run.
I'm confused because of SICP's example code.
Am I right on the principle of lambda?
If I am right, why SICP write like that?
It says to use the sum from 1.3.1. On page 77 (actually starting on 77 and ending on 78) it looks like this:
(define (sum term a next b)
(if (> a b)
(+ (term a)
(sum term (next a) next b))))
As you can see it looks a lot different from your sum that just adds two number together. You also had a typo in pi-sum:
(define (pi-sum a b)
(sum (lambda (x) (/ 1.0 (* x (+ x 2)))) ; multiplied by 2, not 3!
(lambda (x) (+ x 4))
(* 8 (pi-sum 1 1000))
; ==> 3.139592655589783
So the point here is that you can pass lambdas instead of named procedures. Since (define (name . args) body ...) is just syntax sugar for (define name (lambda args body ...)) passing (lambda args body ...) instead of defining it and pass a name is just an equal refactoring.
Parentheses around a variable (+) or a lambda ((lambda args body ...)) calls whatever procedure the operator expression evaluates. It is not what you want since you pass procedures to be used by sum as an abstraction. sum can do multiplications or any number of things based on what you pass. in sum term is the procedure (lambda (x) (/ 1.0 (* x (+ x 2)))) and you see it calls it as apart of its code.

Squaring a Procedure in Scheme

I am an electrical engineer who is trying to learn scheme in internet.I want to take the square of sin x but i fail.I think I need a function which makes (Number,Number) - (Number,Number).So it should take lambda x and lambda f and calculate square (f x).But I am stuck and I cant write this code. Can anyone write this?
Just nest the function calls. An easy way would be:
(define (square x)
(* x x))
(square (sin x))
Or create a composed function:
(define square-sin (compose square sin))
(square-sin x)
Two ideas here:
(define (sqr-f f) (compose sqr f))
((sqr-f sin) 1)
Or an uncurried version:
(define (sqr-f-u f . x) (sqr (apply f x)))
(sqr-f-u + 1 2)

Gaussian functions and currying in Scheme

I am currently trying to learn Scheme to run FDTD simulations and I am having trouble building a Gaussian function in 2 dimensions.
In a forum I found this possibility for 1D:
(define ( (gaussx sigma) x)
(exp (- (/ (vector3-dot x x) (* 2 sigma sigma)))))
which if I understood currying correctly is equivalent to:
(define (gauss sigma)
(exp (- (/ (vector3-dot x x) (* 2 sigma sigma))))))
Now I would like the function to be gaussian along both x and y directions but I don't understand why this doesn't work:
(define (gauss sigma)
(exp (- (/ (+ (vector3-dot y y) (vector3-dot x x)) (* 2 sigma sigma))))
When I call
(gauss 1)
I get the following message:
ERROR: Wrong type (expecting real number): # <procedure> #f (y)
Does someone see what I am doing wrong? I also tried other solutions but I don't seem to get the logics here...
Thanks a lot for your help!
Best regards
I don't think there's need for a double currying here, try this:
(define (gauss sigma)
(lambda (x y)
(exp (- (/ (+ (vector3-dot y y) (vector3-dot x x)) (* 2 sigma sigma))))))
Call it like this:
(define gauss-1 (gauss 1))
(gauss-1 some-x some-y)
But if you definitely need the double currying, this should work:
(define (gauss sigma)
(lambda (x)
(lambda (y)
(exp (- (/ (+ (vector3-dot y y) (vector3-dot x x)) (* 2 sigma sigma)))))))
Using it like this:
(define gauss-1 (gauss 1))
((gauss-1 some-x) some-y)

Convert to CPS (Continuation Passing Style)

How do I convert these procedures in Scheme to CPS form?
(lambda (x y)
((x x) y))
(lambda (x)
(lambda (f)
(f (lambda (y)
(((x x) f) y))))
((lambda (x) (x x)
(lambda (x) (x x))
*This is not any homework!
See Programming Languages, Application and Interpretation, starting around Chapter 15. Chapter 18 talks about how to do it automatically, but if you're not familiar with thinking about expressing a function that does "what to do next", you'll probably want to try the finger exercises first.
Don't have someone do it for you: you'll really want to understand the process and be able to do it by hand, independent of Scheme or otherwise. It comes up especially in Asynchronous JavaScript web programming, where you really have no choice but to do the transform.
In the CPS transform, all non-primitive functions need to now consume a function that represents "what-to-do-next". That includes all lambdas. Symmetrically, any application of a non-primitive function needs to provide a "what-to-do-next" function, and stuff the rest of the computation in that function.
So if we had a program to compute a triangle's hypothenuse:
(define (hypo a b)
(define (square x) (* x x))
(define (add x y) (+ x y))
(sqrt (add (square a)
(square b))))
and if we state that the only primitive applications here are *, +, and sqrt, then all the other function definitions and function calls need to be translated, like this:
(define (hypo/k a b k)
(define (square/k x k)
(k (* x x)))
(define (add/k x y k)
(k (+ x y)))
(square/k a
(lambda (a^2)
(square/k b
(lambda (b^2)
(add/k a^2 b^2
(lambda (a^2+b^2)
(k (sqrt a^2+b^2)))))))))
;; a small test of the function.
(hypo/k 2 3 (lambda (result) (display result) (newline)))
The last expression shows that you end up having to compute "inside-out", and that the transformation is pervasive: all lambdas in the original source program end up needing to take an additional argument, and all non-primitive applications need to stuff "what-to-do-next" as that argument.
Take a close look at section 17.2 of the cited book: it covers this, as well as 17.5, which talks about why you need to touch ALL the lambdas in the source program, so that the higher-order case works too.
As another example of the transform, applied for a higher-order case, let's say that we have:
(define (twice f)
(lambda (x)
(f (f x))))
Then the translation of something like this is:
(define (twice/k f k1)
(k1 (lambda ...)))
... because that lambda's just a value that can be passed to k1. But of course, the translation needs to run through the lambda as well.
We must first do the inner call to f with x (and remember that all non-primitive function applications need to pass an appropriate "what-to-do-next!"):
(define (twice/k f k1)
(k1 (lambda (x k2)
(f x (lambda (fx-val)
... take that value and apply it again to f...
(define (twice/k f k1)
(k1 (lambda (x k2)
(f x (lambda (fx-val)
(f fx-val ...))))))
... and finally return that value to k2:
(define (twice/k f k1)
(k1 (lambda (x k2)
(f x (lambda (fx-val)
(f fx-val k2))))))
;; test. Essentially, ((twice square) 7)
(define (square/k x k) (k (* x x)))
(twice/k square/k
(lambda (squaresquare)
(squaresquare 7
(lambda (seven^4)
(display seven^4)
You need to choose to what level you need/want to CPS-transform.
If you just want (lambda (x y) ((x x) y)) in continuation-passing(CP) style, then (lambda (k x y) (k ((x x) y))) will do fine.
If you want its arguments to be treated as being in CP style too, then you need a little more.
Suppose first that only the second argument (y) is in CP form and is thus really something like (lambda (k) (k y0)) and so needs to be called with some continuation to extract its value, then you would need:
(lambda (k x y)
(y (lambda (y0) (k ((x x) y0)) )) )
Finally assume that both x and y are in CP style. Then you would need something like:
(lambda (k x y)
(x (lambda (x0)
(x (lambda (x1)
(y (lambda (y0)
(k ((x0 x1) y0)) ))))
Here you have the freedom to reorder the calls to x and y. Or maybe you only need one call to x, because you know its value does not depend on the continuation it is called with. For example:
(lambda (k x y)
(y (lambda (y0)
(x (lambda (x0)
(k ((x0 x0) y0)) ))))
The other expressions you asked about can be transformed similarly.
