AWS - Docker Swarm on 1 EC2 possible (for training)? - amazon-ec2

Is it possible to create a Docker Swarm on 1 AWS EC2? Of course this is for training purposes.
If possible, what are the steps to create a manager and 2 workers on that 1 EC2?
Can I use the public URL of the AWS to use the docker swarm commands?
And the same URL for reaching the docker services / stack items?

It is of course possible to turn Docker Swarm on in a (regular) Docker environment.
As normal, just use the following command:
$ docker swarm init
You will see the default node (as Leader). Now you can move forward using the regular 'docker stack deploy' command.


Kubernetes - Add a Windows node to a Windows-based control plane

I have installed Docker Desktop and Kubernetes on a Windows machine.
When i run the kubectl get nodes command, I get the following output:
docker-desktop Ready control-plane 2d1h v1.24.0
So my cluster/control-plane is running properly.
I have a second Windows machine on the same network (in fact its a VM) and I'm trying to add this second machine to the existing cluster.
From what I've seen the control-plane node has to have kubeadm installed but it seems it's only available for Linux.
Is there another tool for Windows-based clusters or is it not possible to do this?
Below are details of docker desktop from docker documentation.
Docker Desktop includes a standalone Kubernetes server and client, as well as Docker CLI integration that runs on your machine. The Kubernetes server runs locally within your Docker instance, is not configurable, and is a single-node cluster..
You can refer kubernetes documentation and create kubernetes cluster with all your windows machines.
The other windows machine can be joined into cluster. Please refer Kubernetes documentation for windows and install kubeadm and run kubeadm join ,which will bootstrap and join the node into kubernetes cluster.
It turns out that the control-plane can only run on a Linux node.
I suspect that the output from the kubectl get nodes command was from a control-plane running on the WSL that Docker-Desktop uses.
So the only option for running a master node on Windows, is to run in a Linux VM.

Docker containers onlys up when access the host with ssh

I have two containers it was builded with command > docker-compose up --build -d.
All containers build normally and stays up, but when I leave the machine the containers stays up at least 2 hours until que he drops again.
This containers is running an API in PHP LARAVEL Framework and a nginx reverse proxy.
Docker Image Started as 46Hours ago and UP 2 seconds
When I start the application and leave the machine where Docker is installed, it is in max two hours running. If I access the machine via ssh and then after that access the application and it is running without the need to do a docker-compose up. And the api was written in Laravel PHP with a Nginx container making a reverse Proxy.
What do I have to do to make these containers stand up as a productive environment?
There is a command that can help you when it goes down or stops:
sudo docker run --restart unless-stopped --name <Name you want to use> <Name of your container>
don't use these <> in your command
after doing this anytime that container is down it will restart the container for you automatically.
I think this trick is really useful when you have multiple containers running, and helpful when you want to update the server packages too.

is there any way to run a docker image on host from other docker image? [duplicate]

I am using a docker container to build and deploy my software to a collection of ec2's. In the deployment script I build my software and then package it in a docker image. The image is pushed to my private registry, pulled by my production ec2's and then run. So essentially I will need to run docker within a docker container.
The problem is that I can't actually start docker on my container. If I try
service docker start
I get
bash: service: command not found
And if I try
docker -d
I get
2014/10/07 15:54:35 docker daemon: 0.11.1-dev 02d20af/0.11.1; execdriver: native; graphdriver:
[e2feb6f9] +job serveapi(unix:///var/run/docker.sock)
[e2feb6f9] +job initserver()
[e2feb6f9.initserver()] Creating server
2014/10/07 15:54:35 Listening for HTTP on unix (/var/run/docker.sock)
[error] attach_loopback.go:42 There are no more loopback device available.
loopback mounting failed
[e2feb6f9] -job initserver() = ERR (1)
2014/10/07 15:54:35 loopback mounting failed
The service command doesn't exist on the docker container so I can't start docker. I'm not sure what I should be doing now to start docker so I'm a bit stuck here, any help is appreciated.
A bit more information
Host machine is running fedora 20 (will eventually be running amazon linux on an ec2)
Docker container is running centos 7.0
Host is running Docker version 1.2.0, build fa7b24f/1.2.0
Container is running docker-0.11.1-22.el7.centos.x86_64
How about not running 'docker inside docker' and run docker on your host, but from within your docker container? Just mount your docker.sock and docker binary:
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/run/docker.sock -v $(which docker):/bin/docker [your image] uses this approach to spin up docker containers, take a look at this image.
You can also take a look at:
UPDATE on july 2016
The most current approach is to use docker:dind image, as described here:
Short summary:
$ docker run --privileged --name some-docker -d docker:dind
and then:
$ docker run --rm --link some-docker:docker docker info
While in almost all cases I would suggest following #cthulhu's answer and not running "docker in docker", in the cases when you must (e.g. a test suite which tests against multiple docker version), use the following to create additional loopback devices:
for i in {0..6}
mknod -m0660 /dev/loop$i b 7 $i
(Taken from the thread for Docker Issue #7058)
You can simply run docker inside the docker container using dind. Try this image from Jerome, as follows:
docker run --privileged -t -i jpetazzo/dind
Check this page for more details:

Kubernetes remote cluster setup

How I can setup and securely access a kubernetes cluster on EC2 instance from my laptop? I want it to be a single-node cluster, like running only one instance. Have tried run minikube at EC2 instance, but can't config laptop to connect to it.
So, in the result, I want to run like 10 services/pods in EC2 instance and just debug run on my dev laptop.
You can use KOPS (Kubernetes Ops) to Accomplish this. Its a really handy tool. There's a whole section for configuring a cluster on AWS. I use it on a couple of projects and id really recommend it. Its an easy to understand setup and straight forward.
After the cluster is up you can use kubectl proxy to proxy locally and interact with the cluster. Or use kubectl with config files to set up services and pods.
It does not create a new instance per service or pod it creates a pod on the node(s) that is already existing on the cluster.
In your case you could have a single master and a single node in whatever size that suits your needs.t.2 micro or otherwise
A command to accomplish that would look like:
kops create cluster \
--cloud aws \
--node-count $NODE_COUNT \
--zones $ZONES \
--master-zones $MASTER_ZONES \
--node-size $NODE_SIZE \
--master-size $MASTER_SIZE \
--ssh-public-key $SSH_KEY_PATH \
Where the $NODE_COUNT would be 1 thus having a single Node or EC2 Instance and another instance as the master
To connect to it locally you can also deploy the kubernetes dashboard on your cluster.
kubectl apply -f
To access Dashboard from your local workstation you must create a secure channel to your Kubernetes cluster. Run the following command:
kubectl proxy
Now you can access the Dashboard at:

Creating docker containers on Windows

So getting boot2docker up and running, and pulling containers from the Docker Hub are non-issue on a windows environment. But if I wish to create a container and run it, how do I go about doing this? I've read about using fig, but is fig installed via Windows or from the container? I've attempted to do it from the container, but it often results in a permissions error, and even CHOWNing the folder doesn't solve the issue of not being able to call fig in the container.
Is it even possible to just run docker via Boot2Docker on windows as a development environment? Or should I just use Vagrant as the host VM and play with a bunch of docker containers in it?
Just some clarification and direction would be appreciated.
Fig is a tool for working with Docker. It runs on the host (which could mean your Windows host communicating with Docker via the TCP socket, or could mean your boot2docker VM which is a guest of your windows machine and a host of your Docker containers).
All that Fig's doing is streamlining the process of pulling, building and starting Docker images. For example, this fig.yml
image: postgres
build: .
- "db:db"
- FOO=bar
is (roughly) the same as this series of Docker commands in Bash:
docker run -d --name db postgres
docker build -t app .
docker run -d --name app --link=db:db --env=FOO=bar app
