Is there anything is ASCII doc where I can fetch the domain for the site. For example: if I am viewing the docs on website then the doc should display HOST: If I am viewing on local instance then doc should display HOST: localhost:8443
You can use JavaScript to extract the Host-Name, like
var host =
And then you could set this value the JavaScript way, like
var hostDiv = document.getElementById('hostDiv');
hostDiv.innerHTML = host;
I use docinfo-footer for such snippets. See
I'm trying to query my Server 2012 Essentials R2 server to determine the most recent Client Backup time for a given Device, so I can display nag screens at signon for forgetful users. (They're on laptops, so I can't depend on the machine being available during the automatic window.)
The closest thing in the way of documentation I've been able to find is this: (
GET services/builtin/DeviceManagement.svc/devices/index/{index}/count/{count}
But it requires a preceding call to get the token: (
Accept: application/xml
Host: servername
Authorization: Basic VXNlcjpQYXNzd29yZCE=
AppName: Sample App Name
AppPublisher: publisher
AppVersion: 1.0
Does anyone know what the values for those last three headers should be—or how to discover them—for a standard WSE 2012 R2 installation? The documentation provides no assistance here.
Or if someone knows a better way to accomplish this, please let me know.
OK, I got it working. The code is below.
As it turns out, the value of the AppName header is irrelevant—it can be any string, but it can't be empty.
I already knew it couldn't be empty from a look at the WSE source in Wssg.WebApi.Framework in the GAC, but the code is decoupled to the point that it's next to impossible to find out what process picks up the the RemoteConnectionClientInfo object once it gets dropped into the HTTP session.
The part that was misleading me was—go figure—the documentation itself.
There's a bang (!) after the password on the Authentication page, suggesting that it should trail the actual password prior to encoding. This was why I was getting an authentication error, which in turn I was (mistakenly) attributing to the statement in the documentation: "Add Appname, Apppublisher, and Appversion values in HTTP header fields. These values are also required to log on."
So once I cleared all that up, I sailed right in.
And there are other errors in the documentation. On the Devices page we are told that the Host header should be set to the domain name, and that a Content-Length header should be added.
These are both incorrect. The Host header should be the server's hostname and there should be no Content-Length header (that's a response header, not a request header).
AND...! After all this, I find that the Device info returned doesn't contain the most recent backup time. I'll have to dig further for that. But at least now I can connect.
So Microsoft's incomplete, inaccurate and sloppy documentation has cost me a day's work. Hopefully somebody else can use this and avoid the pain I went through.
Module Main
Public Sub Main()
Dim aCredentials() As Byte
Dim _
oDeviceListUri As Uri
Dim _
sDevices As String
aCredentials = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{USERNAME}:{PASSWORD}")
Using oClient As New HttpClient
oAuthenticateUri = New Uri($"https://{HOST}/services/builtin/session.svc/login")
oDeviceListUri = New Uri($"https://{HOST}/services/builtin/devicemanagement.svc/devices/index/0/count/99")
oClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(New MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/xml"))
oClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = New AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(aCredentials))
oClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Host = HOST
oClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("AppPublisher", String.Empty)
oClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("AppVersion", String.Empty)
oClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("AppName", "None")
Using oAuthenticateResponse As HttpResponseMessage = oClient.GetAsync(oAuthenticateUri).Result
If oAuthenticateResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode Then
sCanary = oAuthenticateResponse.Headers.Single(Function(Pair) Pair.Key = CANARY_HEADER).Value(0)
sCookie = Split(oAuthenticateResponse.Headers.Single(Function(Pair) Pair.Key = COOKIE_HEADER).Value(0), ";")(0)
oClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Host = HOST
oClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(CANARY_HEADER, sCanary)
oClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(COOKIE_HEADER, sCookie)
Using oDeviceListResponse As HttpResponseMessage = oClient.GetAsync(oDeviceListUri).Result
If oDeviceListResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode Then
sDevices = oDeviceListResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync.Result
Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1})", oDeviceListResponse.StatusCode, oDeviceListResponse.ReasonPhrase)
End If
End Using
Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1})", oAuthenticateResponse.StatusCode, oAuthenticateResponse.ReasonPhrase)
End If
End Using
End Using
End Sub
Private Const CANARY_HEADER As String = "Canary"
Private Const COOKIE_HEADER As String = "Set-Cookie"
Private Const USERNAME As String = "domain.admin"
Private Const PASSWORD As String = "admin.password"
Private Const HOST As String = "server"
End Module
Here is a snippet from a Sinatra app where users will be submitting urls. I must ensure that http:// is prepended to the url in order to route outside my application. How can I state site once and access it's attributes? (Line 3)
p.params= ""
site = URI(p.params[:url])
site = "http://" + + site.path + site.query
If you need to ensure the url begins with http://, why not use a regex?
p.params = ""
site = p.params.gsub(/^(?!http:\/\/)/, "http://")
# site =
^(?!http:\/\/) matches only when the beginning of the string is not followed by http://
I am using Ruby on Rails v3.0.9 and I am finding the best way to retrieve the "last part" of a email string and the related web site URL (that is, the web site that provides the email service).
For example, if I have
I would like to retrieve
and "transform" that so to have the following:
How can I accomplish that?
You could do something like this:
a = ""
b = a.split("#").last
=> ""
"http://www." + b
=> ""
You could do it all in one line with:
"http://www." + "".split('#').last
There may be better ways, but this is fairly simple.
The mail exchange server will often be on a different domain than the email address, so you will have to lookup the MX records using the DNS server to get that information:
require 'resolv'
def mx_host_of_domain(domain)
mx = nil do |dns|
servers = dns.getresources(domain, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::MX)
if servers && !servers.empty?
mx = servers.sort_by(&:preference)
email = 'stackoverflow' + '#' + ''
mxhost = mx_host_of_domain email.split('#').last
# =>
url = "http://www.#{mxhost.split('.').last(2).join('.')}/"
# =>
Note that there is no guarantee for a web server to be located at this address. In my case the real web address to the email service is, but luckily the one generated by using the above method will forward you there.
Ruby's Net:HTTP needs to be given a full URL in order for it to connect to the server and get the file properly. By "full URL" I mean a URL including the http:// part and the trailing slash if it needs it. For instance, Net:HTTP won't connect to a URL looking like this:, but will connect just fine to Is there any way to make sure a URL is a full URL, and add the required parts if it isn't?
EDIT: Here is the code I am using:
parsed_url = URI.parse(url)
req =
res = Net::HTTP.start(, parsed_url.port) {|http|
If this is only doing what the sample code shows, Open-URI would be an easier approach.
require 'open-uri'
res = open(url).read
This would do a simple check for http/https:
if !(url =~ /^https?:/i)
url = "http://" + url
This could be a more general one to handle multiple protocols (ftp, etc.)
if !(url =~ /^\w:/i)
url = "http://" + url
In order to make sure parsed_url.path gives you a proper value (it should be / when no specific path was provided), you could do something like this:
req = ? '/' : parsed_url.path)
Im looking a way to use different IP addresses for each GET request with standard Net::HTTP library. Server has 5 ip addresses and assuming that some API`s are blocking access when request limit per IP is reached. So, only way to do it - use another server. I cant find anything about it in ruby docs.
For example, curl allows you to attach it to specific ip address (in PHP):
$req = curl_init($url)
curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, '';
$result = curl_exec($req);
Is there any way to do it with Net::HTTP library? As alternative - CURB (ruby curl binding). But it will be the last thing i`ll try.
Suggestions / Ideas?
P.S. The solution with CURB (with dirty tests, ip`s being replaced):
require 'rubygems'
require 'curb'
ip_addresses = [
ip_addresses.each do |address|
url = ''
c =
c.interface = address
ip = c.body_str.scan(/<h2>My IP address is: ([\d\.]{1,})<\/h2>/).first
puts "for #{address} got response: #{ip}"
I know this is old, but hopefully someone else finds this useful, as I needed this today. You can do the following:
http =, uri.port)
http.local_host = ip
response = http.request(request)
Note that you I don't believe you can use Net::HTTP.start, as it doesn't accept local_host as an option.
There is in fact a way to do this if you monkey patch TCPSocket:
Curb is awesome but won't work with Jruby so I've been looking into alternatives...
Doesn't look like you can do it with Net:HTTP. Here's the source
Line 644 is where the connection is opened
s = timeout(#open_timeout) {, conn_port()) }
The third and fourth arguments to are local_address and local_port, and since they're not specified, it's not possible. Looks like you'll have to go with curb.
Of course you can. I did as below:
# remote_host can be IP or hostname
uri = URI.parse( "http://" + remote_host )
http =, uri.port )
request =
request.initialize_http_header( { "Host" => domain })
response = http.request( request )