Creating a grouped and stacked bar chart with nvd3 - d3.js

I am looking to create a chart with nvd3 that looks like the one below:
In this chart, it is essentially a nested x-axis where I have a price ranges, and I am tracking the prices from different stores (and the categories within each store) in those ranges. I know I can do a simple chart with just one store and then I wouldn't need the nested x-axis, but I need to be able to do the side-by-side comparison as well.
Looking through the examples and documentation, it appears that nvd3 does not support this advanced chart type. I have used nvd3 to create plenty of simple bar charts, but this is my first attempt at a more advanced chart. If nvd3 does not support this, is there a library outside of d3 itself that you can recommend. I have looked at dimple.js, but it does not look like that it is being actively supported as the last commit was in 2016.


can you add filterHandler for composite chart, dc.js?

I created a grouped-stacked composite chart using dc.js.
I am wondering if I can add a filterHandler to a composite chart.
I want to filter on each stacks.
It seems that, there is no straight forward way to build a composite chart and hook the parent chart to the volumeChart that would filter all the individual child components at once via dc.js, as Gordon suggested. I came up with a solution for one of my dashboards which is not so modular but works fine & also keep in mind the downsides to this approach pointed out below.
For the above dashboard to work, I defined 3 barCharts and 3 lineCharts overlaid on top the barCharts and chaining them all together linearly to volumeChart.
Although this works fine with a fixed y-axis scale, lineChart fails to align with the barCharts when the I set elasticY(true) on all of them, since the lineChart components seem to pic its own yMax and when I pass the yMax value as window.value from barCharts to the lineChart via .on('renderlet'..., again I fail to read these values due the misalignment of individual chart render times. And of course when I overlay the lineCharts I intrinsically loose/block the interaction with the barCharts and use the line moving average tooltips to view bar data.
I have not tried this yet but found a better way to do the same from Scott Miller -
Hope it helps!

How to draw timeseries chart by month,year with d3js

I'm looking for a way to visualize data with d3.js.
Currently i have bar charts for each week but i want to be able to have an options that can allow me to visualise bar charts monthly or yearly.
Is there any option to draw Bar Chart with weekly, monthly values ?
Without having any other context around what your data looks like etc., this should serve as a good starting point:

Kendo Scatter Chart - Different background colors for different areas

Consider the Kendo scatter chart HERE in the telerik demos. What I want is to visually separate the chart area with some background colors. As I know Kendo itself doesn't facilitate such configuration.
I'm tring to solve it within the Kendo. I guess it can be done through svg drawings. But I've never done it before. If it's really impossible is there any way to do it or is there any other scatter chart to fulfill this requirement.(saw somewhat similar thing in google charts)
I'm including the expected result as below.
I came up with this code . It does the exact thing what I want. This is the solution.

parameters passed when clicking a point on a NVD3 line chart or a slice in a pie chart

I have just started using NVD3 for drawing simple charts such as line/pie/bar and such.
I would like to add some mouse interactivity to these charts but cannot find specific documentation nor example code:
allow user to click a specific line point, pie slice, bar component
receive in my program notification of the click with details of the series and point/data row pertinent to the click.
E.g., if I drew sales versus years, I would like user to be able to drill down to sales of a particular year. The line graph onclick example I have seen here are way too coarse for such detailed interaction.
Is there a relevant page(s) that documents the mouse click specifications for these types of charts?
Is it even possible with NVD3?
here you can see the plunker example ,may be you can get some help .
this example is for the pie chart drill down using angularjs and Nvd3 charting lib.

Multi bar chart using NVD3.js

I need to create a multibar chart using NVD3.js. All the example are showing bars belongs to the same Y1-Axis. I need to show bar1 for Y1-Axis and bar2 for Y2-axis.
Is it possible? How can I achieve it?
It's not possible with NVD3 as it's built for re-usability. You could try drawing multiple bar charts alongside each other or try using pure d3.
Have not done/tried stuff like this.
If you manage to find a solution, please do share your solution. It's interesting.
Have you noticed how the charts in the NVD3 homepage work. All 4 charts change based on the selection of categories on the MultiBarChart legend. You could try something similar.
