Flutter - Getting an error archiving with Xcode - xcode

I finished up my small flutter app, where I am using a webview (webview_flutter: ^0.3.5+3). All works great on simulator.
I have run flutter build iOS --release, selected runner from targets and set it to generic iOS device.
Now I want to archive it in Xcode but I keep getting this error about "Library not found for -lwebview_flutter"
I can't seem to find a solution and would really appreciate some help

If you're using Flutter plugins that installed Pods in the iOS build, make sure that you've opened the Xcode project with .xcworkspace
If that still didn't work, you can try regenerating the iOS build folder by deleting the /ios folder and run flutter create --platforms=ios to generate project files for the iOS build.


How to open a Flutter Android studio project in xCode?

I've developed an application with Flutter with Android Studio. Now I want to build the app for iOS. I installed xCode on my Mac and git cloned the repository from github in xCode. How could I open the project in xCode? If I try to open the folder i get "Unable to open the file".
With Xcode You can open ios specific part of the project which is located in ios/xcworkspace.
To open a Flutter project in Xcode, you first need to make sure that you have built the correct Flutter files for ios, so, first, run:
flutter build ios
And then open your file under the directory ios/MYPROJECT.xcworkspace

Nativescript: Error Building for iOS Simulator

I have followed the complete install guide for nativescript on a Mac (Big Sur). Also when running tns doctor everything seems fine. However, when i'am running tns build ios or tns run ios i get the following error:
error: Building for iOS Simulator, but the linked and embedded framework 'TNSWidgets.framework' was built for iOS + iOS Simulator. (in target 'projectapp' from project 'projectapp').
Could someone please tell me how to fix this. I installed nativescript 7.0.11 and
x-code 12.3
Yesterday with the Xcode update (12.3) I've got the same error, after seeing a lot of posts about this error the solution from Niko Dovidija IS THE CORRECT ONE.
My environment:
Xcode 12.3
iOS platform 6.5.3
Nativescript 6.7.8
In order to build the application in CLI update build.xconfig in iOS platform and add this line:
Posts about "similar" errors and didn't work for me.
Building for iOS simulator
Building for iOS simulator 'AFNetworking.framework'
So I just updated Xcode to 12.3 today, using nativescript 7.0.11 in my project and I got a simular issue. What worked for me was:
Open the platforms/ios folder using Xcode
Select "yourprojectname.xcodeproj" from the list
Select yourprojectname from the Targets
Expand Build Options and find Validate Workspace
Change to Yes
Rebuild the project
After that, I got a successful build.
Please note that I also needed to run ns platform clean ios command in order to make the build work after updating my Xcode to 12.3

React native project deleted on xcode, can't run "run-ios react-native"

I've deleted my React native project while trying to make Google maps work on Xcode being .xcodeproje and .xcworkspace. Which means I am unable to run IOS simulator.
I've tried deleting Xcode and reinstalling but it doesn't find the react native project on Xcode. Tried linking the files and creating another project but no result. It gives the error below when I try building the simulator. The files that were in the deleted file are in my VS Codde within the ios file.
react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone7"
error Could not find Xcode project files in "ios" folder. Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details.
Upgrade your react-native project to restore your deleted files.
1 - Delete your ios and android folder
2 - In your project directory:
react-native upgrade
3 - link for any native dependency:
react-native link
4 - And after that:
react-native run-ios

Getting error while running flutter project in simulator in debug mode

Error comes after running flutter run
The Xcode project does not define target "Runner" which is needed by
Open Xcode to fix the problem:
open ios/Runner.xcworkspace
Encountered error while building for device.
Just make sure that your app target called "Runner". It seems that flutter tooling relies on this target name.

Nativescript SideDrawer not able to run in iOS emulator but working fine in android

Hit the below when running in iOS emulator but working fine in andriod.
JS ERROR ReferenceError: Can't find variable: TKSideDrawerDelegate
Thanks for the help
Possible solution as originally posted here
I spent quite some time and finally get it work by using the following
steps (in my project folder):
tns platform remove ios
rm -rf node_modules lib platforms
tns plugin add nativescript-telerik-ui
Modify app.module.ts and add the nativescript-telerik-ui directives respectively
In iOS emulator, delete the existing app (I found this is critical)
tns run ios --emulator
I found the critical step seems to first delete the app manually on
iOS emulator after the plugin was added.
