a Kafka Stream back to itself - apache-kafka-streams

I have just defined a KStreams topology for the first time and wanted a quick sanity check to make sure I'm not doing something stupid (or if there's a better way.) Essentially what I have boils down to:
[input-topic] --> alltime-store
--> thisweek-store --> (logic) --> {new-record} -->[input-topic]
Records are read from the input-topic and then groupBy() and Materialized onto two separate counting stores.
The thisweek-store is windowedBy a specific time duration and passed onto a filter that applies some logic, which an example might be:
if value > 10
then send new-record
If it's not obvious, at a very high level, I am trying to award a bonus if somebody does something enough times in one week.
Is it OK to create a cycle like this in your topology?
The only obvious problem I can see is you might create an infinite loop; but hopefully this could be prevented in the [logic] block.

It is perfectly fine to use the Streams.to() output topic as builder.stream() input topic in the same application.
As there can be valid scenarios i.e. reinforcement learning. If you are training some data where you produce newer events based on previous one.


CQRS Where to Query for business logic/Internal Processes

I'm currently looking at implementing CQRS driven by events (not yet event sourcing) in for a service at work; the reasoning being:
I need aggregate data to support a RestAPI coming out of this service (which will be used to populate views)- however the aggregated data will not be used by the application logic/processing (ie the data originating outside this service, the bits that of the aggregate originating within it will be used)
I need to stream events to other systems so that they can react to the data (will produce to a Kafka topic, so the 'read'/'projection' side of this system will consume the same events as the external systems, from these Kafka topics
I will be consuming events from internal systems to help populate the aggregate for the views in first point (ie it's data from this service and other's)
The reason for not going event sourced currently is that a) we're in a bit of a time crunch, and b) due to still learning about it. Having said which, it is something that we are looking to do in the future- though currently, we have a static DB in the 'Command' side of the system, which will just store current state
I'm pretty confident with the concept of using the aggregate data to provide the Rest API; however my confusion is coming from when I want to change a resource from within the system (for example via a cron job triggered 5 times a day) Example:
If I have resource of class x, which (given some data), wants a piece of state changing
I need to select instances of the class x which meet the requirements (from one of the DB's). Think select * from {class x} where last_changed_ date > 5 days ago;
Then create a command to change the state of these instances of x (in my case, the static command DB would be updated, as well as an event made to update the read DB)
The middle bullet point is what is confusing me. If I pull the data out of the Read DB, and check some information on it, then decide to change a property; I then have to convert the object from the 'Read Object' to the 'Command Object', so that I can then persist it and create an event? With my current architecture- I could query the command DB no problem, to find all the instances of {class x} that match the criteria, however I don't know if a) this is the right thing to do, and b) how this would work if I was using an event store as a DB? I'd have to query a table with millions of rows to find the most recent bit of state about the objects, to then see if they match?
Lots of what I read online has been very conceptual- so I think when it comes to implementations it maybe seems more difficult than it is? Anyhow, if anyone has any advice it would be hugely appreciated!
TIA :)
CQRS can be interpreted in a "permissive" way: rather than saying "thou shalt not query the command/write side", it says "it's OK to have a query/read side that's separate from the command/write side". Because you have this permission to do such separation, it follows that one can optimize the command/write side for a more write-heavy workload (in practice, there are always some reads in the command/write side: since command validation is typically done against some state, that requires some means of getting the state!). From this, it's extremely likely that there will be some queries which can be performed efficiently against the command/write side and some that can't be (without deoptimizing the command/write side). From this perspective, it's OK to perform the first kind of query against the command/write side: you can get the benefit of strong consistency by doing that, though be sure to make sure that you're not affecting the command/write side's primary raison d'etre of taking writes.
Event sourcing is in many ways the maximally optimized persistence model for a command/write side, especially if you have some means of keeping the absolute latest state cached and ensuring concurrency control. This is because you can then have many times more writes than reads. The tradeoff in event sourcing is that nearly all reads become rather more expensive than in an update-in-place model: it's thus generally the case that CQRS doesn't force event sourcing but event sourcing tends to force CQRS (and in turn, event sourcing can simplify ensuring that a CQRS system is eventually consistent, which can be difficult to ensure with update-in-place).
In an event-sourced system, you would tend to have a read-side which subscribes to the event stream and tracks the mapping of X ID to last updated and which periodically queries and issues commands. Alternatively, you can have a scheduler service that lets you say "issue this command at this time, unless canceled or rescheduled before then" and a read-side which subscribes to updates and schedules a command for the given ID 5 days from now after canceling the command from the previous update.

BaseStatefulBolt (Storm Core) vs StateFactory (Storm Trident)

i am confused about using storm. I am going to measure status of data source using its streamed data. Status will be calculated with combine of some fields, and these field can be achieved different time interval. That's why i need to save fields to measure status of data source.
Can i use BaseStatefulBolt? Or the only solution is trident for this cenario?
What is the difference btw them. Because there is a statefactory inside trident too.
Thank you.
I think the difference is trident is higher level than BaseStatefulBol, it has some options for counting like group by,persistentAggregate,aggregate .
I have used trident for counting total view per user. If we only care about current total count, I think we can use trident by using MemoryMapState.Factory() and class implement action for counting or summing.
In your case you need to managing status of some current fields , I think implement BaseStatefulBolt is a good choice, it has KeyValueState for save current state.

Aggregating processor or aggregating reader

I have a requirement, which is like, I read items from a DB, if possible in a paging way where the items represent the later "batch size", I do some processing steps, like filtering etc. then I want to accumulate the items to send it to a rest service where I can send it to in batches, e.g. n of them at once instead one by one.
Parallelising it on the step level is what I am doing but I am not sure on how to get the batching to work, do I need to implement a reader that returns a list and a processor that receives a list? If so, I read that you will have not a proper account of number items processed.
I am trying to find a way to do it in the most appropriate spring batch way instead of hacking a fix, I also assume that I need to keep state in the reader and wondered if there is a better way not to.
You cannot have something like an aggregating processor. Every single item that is read is processed as single item.
However, you can implement a Reader that groups items and forwards them as a whole group. to get an idea, how this could be done have a look at my answer to this question Spring Batch Processor or Dean Clark's answer here Spring Batch-How to process multiple records at the same time in the processor?.
Both use a SpringBatch's SingleItemPeekableItemReader.

Consisntent N1QL Query Couchbase GOCB sdk

I'm currently implementing EventSourcing for my Go Actor lib.
The problem that I have right now is that when an actor restarts and need to replay all it's state from the event journal, the query might return inconsistent data.
I know that I can solve this using MutationToken
But, if I do that, I would be forced to write all events in sequential order, that is, write the last event last.
That way the mutation token for the last event would be enough to get all the data consistently for the specific actor.
This is however very slow, writing about 10 000 events in order, takes about 5 sec on my setup.
If I instead write those 10 000 async, using go routines, I can write all of the data in less than one sec.
But, then the writes are in indeterministic order and I can know which mutation token I can trust.
e.g. Event 999 might be written before Event 843 due to go routine scheduling AFAIK.
What are my options here?
Technically speaking MutationToken and asynchronous operations are not mutually exclusive. It may be able to be done without a change to the client (I'm not sure) but the key here is to take all MutationToken responses and then issue the query with the highest number per vbucket with all of them.
The key here is that given a single MutationToken, you can add the others to it. I don't directly see a way to do this, but since internally it's just a map it should be relatively straightforward and I'm sure we (Couchbase) would take a contribution that does this. At the lowest level, it's just a map of vbucket sequences that is provided to query at the time the query is issued.

#Storm: how to setup various metrics for the same data source

I'm trying to setup Storm to aggregate a stream, but with various (DRPC available) metrics on the same stream.
E.g. the stream is consisted of messages that have a sender, a recipient, the channel through which the message arrived and a gateway through which it was delivered. I'm having trouble deciding how to organize one or more topologies that could give me e.g. total count of messages by gateway and/or by channel. And besides the total, counts per minute would be nice too.
The basic idea is to have a spout that will accept messaging events, and from there aggregate the data as needed. Currently I'm playing around with Trident and DRPC and I've came up with two possible topologies that solve the problem at this stage. Can't decide which approach is better, if any?!
The entire source is available at this gist.
It has three classes:
used to emit the messaging data
simulates the real data source
creates a separate DRPC stream for each metric needed
also a separate query state is created for each metric
they all use the same spout instance
creates a single DRPC stream with all the metrics needed
creates a separate query state for each metric
each query state extracts the desired metric and groups results for it
Now, for the problems and questions:
is it necessary to use the same spout instance or can I just say new RandomMessageSpout() each time?
I like the idea that I don't need to persist grouped data by all the metrics, but just the groupings we need to extract later
is the spout emitted data actually processed by all the state/query combinations, e.g. not the first one that comes?
would this also later enable dynamic addition of new state/query combinations at runtime?
I don't really like the idea that I need to persist data grouped by all the metrics since I don't need all the combinations
it came as a surprise that the all the metrics always return the same data
e.g. channel and gateway inquiries return status metrics data
I found that this was always the data grouped by the first field in state definition
this topic explains the reasoning behind this behaviour
but I'm wondering if this is a good way of doing thins in the first place (and will find a way around this issue if need be)
SnapshotGet vs TupleCollectionGet in stateQuery
with SnapshotGet things tended to work, but not always, only TupleCollectionGet solved the issue
any pointers as to what is correct way of doing that?
I guess this is a longish question / topic, but any help is really appreciated!
Also, if I missed the architecture entirely, suggestions on how to accomplish this would be most welcome.
Thanks in advance :-)
You can't actually split a stream in SeparateTopology by invoking newStream() using the same spout instance, since that would create new instances of the same RandomMessageSpout spout, which would result in duplicate values being emitted to your topology by multiple, separate spout instances. (Spout parallelization is only possible in Storm with partitioned spouts, where each spout instance processes a partition of the whole dataset -- a Kafka partition, for example).
The correct approach here is to modify the CombinedTopology to split the stream into multiple streams as needed for each metric you need (see below), and then do a groupBy() by that metric's field and persistentAggregate() on each newly branched stream.
From the Trident FAQ,
"each" returns a Stream object, which you can store in a variable. You can then run multiple eaches on the same Stream to split it, e.g.:
Stream s = topology.each(...).groupBy(...).aggregate(...)
Stream branch1 = s.each(...)
Stream branch2 = s.each(...)
See this thread on Storm's mailing list, and this one for more information.
