I try this command on raspberry pi 3b+ google-oauthlib-tool --client-secrets ~/googleassistant/credentials.json \ --scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/assistant-sdk-prototype \ --scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gcm \ --save --headless and I have this error: missing option "--scope"
I use this tutorial: https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-google-assistant/
you have to paste the url and press enter and wait for a while until you get the complete url on your command line, and then you can copy that and paste search to get your google assistant accesss.
I'm trying to use metaplex to upload NFTs and im having some issues with the uploading.
i'm running this command
ts-node c:/server3/NFT/metaplex/js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-v2-cli.ts upload \ -e devnet \ -k C:\server3\NFT\keypair.json \ -cp config.json \ -c example \ c:/server3/NFT/assets
and getting this error
now i know WHY im getting the error, it says because its skipping unsuported file "/server3" which is where the files are located. how do i make it not skip that folder? i believe thats why path is returning undefined.
Windows has a issue with multi line commands. These new lines are indicated with the \ after every parameter. If you remove the extra \ and leave everything on one line it should resolve your issue for you.
ts-node c:/server3/NFT/metaplex/js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-v2-cli.ts upload -e devnet -k C:\server3\NFT\keypair.json -cp config.json -c example c:/server3/NFT/assets
As a user I want to execute Robot Framework's robot command with some command line options. I put everything in a script to avoid retyping the long command each time - see example below. On Linux an Mac OS I can execute this script from any terminal emulator, i.e.
# Linux
. run_local_tests.sh
# Mac OS
On Windows an application (VSCode Editor) associated with .sh file type is opened instead of executing the robot command or an error like robot: command not found is returned
# Windows
# OR
# OR
bash run_local_tests.sh
shell script - filename: run_local_tests.sh
# Set desired loglevel: NONE (less details), INFO, DEBUG, TRACE (most details)
robot -i CONTRIBUTION -e circleci \
--outputdir results \
--log NONE \
--report NONE \
--output XML/CONTRIBUTION.xml \
--noncritical not-ready \
--flattenkeywords for \
--flattenkeywords foritem \
--flattenkeywords name:_resources.* \
--loglevel $LOG_LEVEL \
--name CONTRI \
Renaming the script from .sh to .bat doen't help :(
entering bash, then activating venv and calling the script doesn't work
What other options are there (without installing additional tools like Cygwin etc.)?
I'm actually trying to answer the same question in the opposite direction (how to trigger/run them on my machine as .sh). Looks like we may help each other out. 8)
I believe this is what you're looking for:
Your file would be run_local_tests.bat
#echo off
cd C:\path\to\robot\project
call robot -d relative/path/to/test/output/dir relative/path/to/run_local_tests.bat
Of course you can use any other valid robot cli syntax in the call also. You may have to make it executable too. I'm not sure.
Hey friends i had installed Omnet++ 4.2.2 and Castalia 3.2.I had tried to run the example simulations,but it saying an run time error.i had attached it as a image.Please help me.Please tell me the solutions.Help indeed please.
You probably didn't build the Castalia. In order to build it under Windows do the following:
Open in any text editor the file makemake from main Castalia-3.2 directory, and change the line: OPTS=" -f -r --deep -o CastaliaBin -u Cmdenv -P $ROOT -M release" into:
OPTS=" -f -r --deep -P $ROOT -M release"
Open console mingwenv.cmd.
Change directory to the Castalia directory. Example: assuming that Castalia-3.2 is in d:\Castalia-3.2 you should type: cd /d/Castalia-3.2
Then type in mingwcmd console:
In order to check it try to start a simulation by typing in console:
cd Simulations/BANtest/
The simulation should start in graphical mode.
I am a biginner with docker, I try to make my transmission container work!
First I am running on a debian 8.1.
To make things work I created this 2 folder:
mkdir -p /opt/docker/transmission/config
mkdir -p /opt/docker/transmission/downloads
after this I added the "good" right:
chown -R root:docker /opt/docker
chmod -R 775 /opt/docker
At the end I tried to create my docker by doing this:
docker run -d \
--net="host" \
--name="Transmission" \
-e USERNAME="root" \
-e PASSWORD="mdp" \
-v /opt/docker/transmission/config:/config \
-v /opt/docker/transmission/downloads:/downloads \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
The command docker logs transmission gives:
Couldn't save temporary file "/config/resume/myfile.resume.tmp.hYhTPF": No such file or directory
I guessed that the folder resume in config was not created so I created it, but I didn't work.
The message in transmission GUI is:
unable to save resume file: permission denied
I cannot reproduce you errors using your commands. I suggest you delete your /opt/docker/transmission/ directory and then run the docker run command.
Docker will take care of creating those repositories.
I didn't find a solution for gfjardim/transmission container
But by changing container it worked directly.
I followed the dperson/transmission in the hub site, and it work perfectly.
Thanks for your help.
I'm trying to record video from a firefox run by xvfb-run but it always output nothing in the video file except black screen.
Here's what I did:
start a firefox, open google.com:
$ xvfb-run firefox https://google.com
Then it will use the default display server number 99. I can see the display information by command xdpyinfo -display :99.
A screenshot works very well by command:
$ xwd -root -silent -display :99.0 | xwdtopnm |pnmtojpeg > screen.jpg
Start using ffmpeg to record a video:
$ ffmpeg -f x11grab -i :99.0 out.mpg
When I play the video file out.mpg, there's black screen all the time.
Is there any parameter I missed?
I don't know if you have fixed this bug but if you haven't let me help out because I ran into same issue. Here's a solution (I'm running on Fedora 30):
Your need to Configuring Xorg as the default GNOME session. On your terminal open your custom.conf by typing the this command sudo nano /etc/gdm/custom.conf and uncomment WaylandEnable=false if it's commented but must be set to false
Then, on the [daemon] section just under WaylandEnable=false add this line DefaultSession=gnome-xorg.desktop and save the file. Then try running your Screen Recorder program again.
However, if nano command is not working please try installing it by running the command
sudo dnf install nano or sudo apt-get install nano which ever works for you.