Disabling the Automagic Property Name "Helpers" in Visual Studio / Resharper - visual-studio

How do I get rid of these bits highlighted in yellow that keep auto-appearing (like a codelens feature):
I just got a new computer so this is a fresh install of both VS and Resharper - I have been unable to determine which is responsible for this "feature", but I hate it.
Anyone know how to disable it?

This is a ReSharper 2018.3-introduced feature called Inline Parameter Hints. In Visual Studio 2017, go to (your menu choices may differ slightly, but you'll get the idea...) Tools | Options | ReSharper Ultimate | General and click Options. From there you will see a screen similar to this:
You can customize the behavior of this feature there.


How to disable resharper go to implementation

when I press f12 I usually can see decompiled code via visual studio. But now when I go to implementation with resharper installed, it shows this
May I ask if anyone knows how to disable this and revert back to visual studio's go to implementation.
I've tried suggestions here as well, disabled rich mouse navigation and it still doesn't work https://resharper-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360001686139-How-can-I-disable-Resharper-Go-to-Implementation-
In Tools | Options | Keyboard you'll be able to bind the F12 key to the VS command rather than the ReSharper one. Search for Edit.GoToDefinition and assign that.

Angular 2 Code Snippet extension (from Mads) not working in VS 2017

I should have quite a lot of snippets available to me but when I type in "ng" I am not seeing them. All I get is what is in the below image. Is there a chance Resharper can be overriding it? If so, does anyone know how to resolve it? I have not been able to research a solution so this was my last hope.
Default key for using an non resharper snippet when resharper is installed is ctrl k x that should bring up the menu.
There are two ways to invoke Visual Studio's own code snippets when using ReSharper.
If you want to show VS's own code snippets menu, set your own shortcut for "Edit | Intellisense | Insert Snippet" item (via VS options -> Environment -> Keyboard).
If you want to have VS's code snippets in code completion, you can override code completion to come from Visual Studio instead of ReSharper. Go to ReSharper | Options | Environment | IntelliSense | General, and set code completion type to 'Visual Studio'. But please note that this disables ReSharper's own code completion.
ReSharper will include Angular 2 live templates since 2017.2, created a ticket for that: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSRP-464025.

VS2013 IntelliSense overlapping ReSharper's one

After installing ReSharper I've noticed a problem with the IntelliSense;
In the image it is clearly visible that the IntelliSense of Visual Studio is displayed over the one of ReSharper (which by the way has the focus, so using the arrow keys will move the highlight section of the completion list below).
I've tried to do several things without any result (always with VS restart):
Switch from ReSharper IntelliSense to VS (back and forth)
Limit ReSharper IntelliSense to some selected languages (i.e. C#)
Completely disable VS IntelliSense ('Tools | Options | Text Editor | All languages' and 'Tools | Options | Text Editor | C# | IntelliSense')
Resize ReSharper's completion list
Re-applying the keyboard shortcuts (Visual Studio)
Reset VS and repairing the ReSharper installation
Re-install ReSharper
Clear all temp folders
None of them helped me fix this issue which results in a particular annoying problem while trying to write anything.
JetBrains ReSharper 8.2 C# Edition
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013 Version 12.0.30110.00 Update 1
This is a conflict with the "plain text completion" feature of the Viasfora extension. It's been fixed in source by detecting when ReSharper is installed: https://github.com/tomasr/viasfora/issues/51 Should be fixed in a new release soon, I guess.
If you have this problem without the Viasfora extension:
Go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> XML -> General
And Disable "Auto list members" and "Parameter information".
seems that resharper disables this features in xaml, but not in xml.
Worked for me with vs2015. Hope this helps.

Why does Auto List Members keep getting turned off?

In Visual Studio 2010, sometimes within the same session (not having rebooted the app) intellisense gets turned off. The checkboxes in Tools > Options > Text Editory > C# > Statement Completion, "Auto List Members" and "Parameter Information" become unchecked.
I have Resharper installed as well. But Resharper does not control that setting, as far as I know.
This can happen a couple times a day to me, all without restarting Visual Studio.
There is, apparently, a documented bug for Resharper: http://blogs.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2011/02/resharper-513-is-released/
ReSharper 5.1.3 provides exactly one bug fix that prevents disabling Parameter
Information and auto-completion when you’re using native Visual Studio
IntelliSense (as opposed to ReSharper IntelliSense).
Please note that if you’re been using ReSharper IntelliSense as a workaround in
5.1.2, as soon as you switch back to Visual Studio IntelliSense, you’ll have to
initially set Auto-list members and Parameter information check boxes manually,
but that is only required once.
I've noticed this in ReSharper 7.1.1 as well, at least regarding javascript intellisense having the same problem. My workaround was to tell Reshaper to use 'Visual Studio' as its Intellisense option Resharper > Options > Intellisense > General. (you can still bring up Resharper's intellisense with Ctrl + Alt + Space)
Once I did that it kept my Visual Studio options checked for good.

What intellisense dropdown is this, and how do I turn it off?

I'm having some problems with Visual Studio and Intellisense - whenever I click Ctrl+Space to get the regular intellisense dropdown, I get the one shown in the picture instead.
Which setting should I change to prevent this behavior?
How do I get the regular intellisense? http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/8737/vsdropdown.png
This happens in all sorts of files, not just xml...
This problem has appeared since I installed some extensions - I believe this is related either to the Visual Studio Pro Power Tools extension or R#, but I'd rather solve it without uninstalling either of them.
Those look like live templates from ReSharper. You might be able to turn them off by going to ReSharper -> Live Templates -> Predefined Templates and unchecking the items you do not want.
From your screen shot, the a template is under the XML node, the ctx and nguid are under the <no language> node.
