How to extract value from Jmeter get property and save as variables. These values will be used in api call - jmeter

getproperty values passed from Thread Group 1 to Thread group2
Result from BeanShell assertion
Step 1- USing jdbc request to get data from database with 2 columns and multiple rows.
Step 2 - From ThreadGroup 1, Set property to the database results using ${__setProperty(StateCodeProperty,${stateDetails})};
Step 3 - Access in Thread Group 2 by get property using beanshell assertion- String result = (vars.get("${__property(StateCodeProperty)}")); I need help on how to separate the columns and use it in api call. –

In any case if you want to access the DB results in different Thread group then you can try to do something like this inside beanshell assertion (not sure though) -
ArrayList results = ${__property(StateCodeProperty)}; //it should return the object as an arraylist
for (int i; i < results.size(); i++) {
if (results.get(i).get("statecode").equals("NY")) { //iterating the results, 'statecode' is the name of your 1st column, similarly you can do for 'State'
//Do your comparisons or whatever you like here


How to store values from a while loop to a list as a property in JMeter

Is there a way to add each session Id that is retrieved from a Loop Controller to a list and assign it to a property for use in the following thread group? Below I used a couple of Dummy Sampler to explain my requirement.
I had 3 users stored in a list to retrieve 3 session ids in the setUp Thread Group.
JSR223 PreProcessor
List usernames = Arrays.asList('Peter', 'Alex', 'Mary');
props.put('accounts', usernames);
I was able to read a username from this property to get a session id in the response accordingly per iteration in the Loop Controller.
"sessionId": "this_is_my_session_id-${__groovy(props.get('accounts').get(${__jm__LoopController__idx} % 3),)}-${__jm__LoopController__idx} "
I parsed the 3 session ids out by a JSR223 PostProcessor
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper();
def response = jsonSlurper.parseText(prev.getResponseDataAsString());
def json = JsonOutput.toJson(response.sessionId)
def sessionId = new JsonSlurper().parseText(json)'The session id is:' + sessionId)
ArrayList<String> sessionIds = new ArrayList<String>();
props.put("sessionIds", sessionIds.add(sessionId))
I needed to add these 3 session ids to a list and assign it to a property so that I can use one session id inside the property per VU/thread in the following Thread Group. But it didn't work as expected. It threw error saying No such property: sessionIds
${__groovy(props.get(sessionIds).get(${__jm__UseSession__idx} % 3),)}
We don't know what do you "expect"
Most probably the problem is here:
props.put("sessionIds", sessionIds.add(sessionId))
Collection.add() function returns a boolean value so it puts true to the sessionIds property instead of the real value of the ArrayList.
So I believe you need to change it to something like:
props.put("sessionIds", sessionIds)
if you're going to run the JSR223 Test Element in the loop you can also reconsider the way you're initializing the sessionIds and implement the following logic:
If sessionIds property exists - read its value
If it doesn't exist - create a new ArrayList
Something like:
ArrayList<String> sessionIds = props.get("sessionIds") ?: new ArrayList<String>()
More information on Groovy scripting in JMeter: Apache Groovy: What Is Groovy Used For?

Validate the JDBC request with a user defined variable

I am new to JMeter,
In my test I am creating a JDBC Connection to oracle DB and running a query which fetching me the count of records, which I want to validate must be equal to the SAMPLE-NUMBER (which is a defined variable in the user defined variable).
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM event_log WHERE audit_context_key LIKE '288017ec-0dcf-4fd5-9565-e8ad15e65cd2' AND event_desc = 'Success'
Response Body:
UserDefined Variable
You can do this, defined the variable name in JDBC request,
for example, TOTALCOUNT and add a JSR223 Assertion with the following code,
1.upto(vars.get('TOTALCOUNT_#') as int, {
if (vars.get('TOTALCOUNT_' + it) == '${__groovy(vars.get('SAMPLE-NUMBER'),)}') {
Response Assertion can do the trick for you:
In the JDBC Request define "Variable Names", i.e. ACTUAL_COUNT
Once done you can compare the ACTUAL_COUNT variable value with the SAMPLE-NUMBER variable like:

JMeter: Dividing dataset between 'users'

I have a Dataset, obtained from a DataBase query, of about 5,000 elements. I would like to divide this data into chunks and then have the 'users' (threads) make a HTTP request.
The purpose of this is we have a site that gives realtime information on transient data, I want to simulate multiple concurrent requests against the service.
1 - Tried to create a test plan where the DB query was done and then processed via a HTTP request via a ForEach controller. This works fine when I have only 1 'user', however; if I increase the user count to 2+ then the DB query is run 2+ times and each 'user' runs through the entire 5,000+ data points
2 - I tried moving the DB query into it's own Thread Group and then using BeanShell to put the data into the environment (props.add(...)). This worked in that the data was there but again each 'user' in the http request Thread Group iterated all the data.
Ideally what I would like is to take the data, and have the HTTP Request Thread Group divide the data so that Thread 1 takes the first 2,500 and that Thread 2 takes the second 2,500 (or if there are 4 'users' then thread 1 takes the first 1,250, thread 2 the next 1,250 and so on).
I just started looking at JMeter and I don't think it can do this "automatically" but I wanted to ask in case I'm missing something obvious.
Put a Counter element to testplan with:
Starting value: 1
Increment: 1
Reference name: (for example) cid
and disabled "Track counter independently ...".
Then add JSR223 or BeanShell sampler and write a simple code:
Integer cid = Integer.valueOf(vars.get("cid"));
Integer dataShift = 2500;
Integer startReadDataFrom = (cid - 1) * 2500;
vars.put('startReadDataFrom', String.valueOf(startReadDataFrom));
Then you can use variable ${startReadDataFrom} as a starting point to read data for every thread (0, 2500, 5000, 7500, ...).
The fastest and the easiest way is to store the data from the database into a CSV file, once done you should be able to use CSV Data Set Config and its Sharing Mode feature according to your requirements.
The storing of the data could be done as follows:
Define Result variable name in your JDBC Request Sampler:
Add JSR223 PostProcessor as a child of the JDBC Request sampler
Put the following code into "Script" area:
resultSet = vars.getObject("resultSet")
result = new StringBuilder()
for (Object row : resultSet ) {
iter = row.entrySet().iterator()
while (iter.hasNext()) {
pair =
} File("data.csv"), result.toString(), "UTF-8")
Once execution will be finished you should see data.csv file in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation containing the data from the database

Using Jmeter how extracted values can be inserted to different columns of a database table

Using JMeter-Bean shell sampler, I have extracted and split(with ',' delimiter) dynamic string. Currently I got stuck how this split values can be inserted to different columns of a database table.
Here is the code snippet which prints all the values after split. After splitting the string, each value will store into an array. You can retrieve by specifying the array position.
You can use the variable name e.g. aftersplit[0], aftersplit[1], and so on in the insert query.
String mystring = "here is my, dynamic, random, and unique string";
String[] aftersplit = mystring.split(",");
//To print all the values after splitting
for (int i=0; i < aftersplit.length; i++){
I would recommend the following approach: store your dynamic values into JMeter Variables having number postfix, example code:
String source = "foo,bar,baz";
int counter = 1;
for (String token : source.split(",")) {
vars.put("token_" + counter, token);
It produces the following JMeter Variables:
Then add ForEach Controller to iterate the generated variables and JDBC Request sampler as a child of the ForEach Controller to insert them into the database. See The Real Secret to Building a Database Test Plan With JMeter to learn how to establish database connection and execute arbitrary SQL queries using JMeter

How to send "empty" variable into JMeter

I have some functional tests created via JMeter. It is pretty huge but i can't handle one simple check.
I generate properties using BSF pre processor with help of JS. Parameter (lets call it "payment_fee") should be generated only if other parameter (lets call it "role") has a value = 1 .In this case we post pre generated integer into payment_fee and everything works well. But if role =2 then we should post nothing into payment_fee.
The problem is, i don't know how to say to JMeter: In case if role = 1 use variable with pre generated payment_fee but if role = 2, you shouldn't use this variable so just post an empty value for payment_fee . Server waits for an integer so empty string or NULL had been rejected.
For more clarification:
I will try to explain more clear.
Here is a part of my code
var role = Math.floor(Math.random()*3+1)
var paymentType = ["creditcard","cash"]
var randomPay = installerType[Math.floor(Math.random()*installerType.length)];
var payment = "";
var paymentFee;
if (role == 1){
paymentFee = Math.floor((Math.random() * 999) + 1) / 10.00
vars.put("role", role);
vars.put("payment", payment);
vars.put("paymentFee", paymentFee);
And if role == 1 i should post paymentFee value. Like this - BUT! if role == 2 || role == 3 I should remove this value, so it should be like this
I don't fully understand what you're trying to do as your 2 statements clash:
But if role =2 then we should post nothing into payment_fee
Server waits for an integer so empty string or NULL had been rejected
You should know few bits about JMeter properties:
Properties are global for the whole JVM. Once you set property it will "live" until you exit JMeter.
Properties can be accesses by all threads of all Thread Groups.
So it might be the case when you define property earlier or by another thread and expect it to be not set later on.
Also BSF PreProcessor and JavaScript isn't the best combination from performance perspective, consider switching to JSR223 PreProcessor and Groovy language.
