Fetch variable from yaml in puppet manifest - yaml

I'm doing one project for puppet, however currently stuck in one logic.
Thus, want to know can we fetch variable from .yaml, .json or plain text file in puppet manifest file.
For example,
My puppet manifest want to create user but the variable exist in the .yaml or any configuration file, hence need to fetch the varibale from the outside file. The puppet manifest also can do looping if it exist multiple users in .yaml file.
I read about hiera but let say we are not using hiera is there any possible way.

There are a number of ways you can do this using a combination of built-in and stdlib functions, at least for YAML and JSON.
Using the built-in file function and the parseyaml or parsejson stdlib functions:
Create a file at mymodule/files/myfile.yaml:
▶ cat files/myfile.yaml
foo: bar
Then in your manifests read it into a string and parse it:
$myhash = parseyaml(file('mymodule/myfile.yaml'))
That will output:
Notice: Scope(Class[mymodule]): {foo => bar}
Or, using the loadyaml or loadjson stdlib functions:
$myhash = loadyaml('/etc/puppet/data/myfile.yaml')
The problem with that approach is that you need to know the path to file on the Puppet master. Or, you could use a Puppet 6 deferred function and read the data from a file on the agent node.
(Whether or not you should do this is another matter entirely - hint: answer is you almost certainly should be using Hiera - but that isn't the question you asked.)


How check is my file create/modyfy after other file?

I need a function similar 'make' program.
If my file not exist or if file need update (modyfy time is before my other file) tell me true.
I have one file dependencies to other file. How update it only if neccesary.
You might want to use FileUtils.uptodate?.
uptodate?(new, old_list)`
Returns true if new is newer than all old_list. Non-existent files are older than any file.
In your example you can use it like this:
unless FileUtils.uptodate?('file_a', ['file_b'])
# file_a needs to be updated
require 'time_difference'
TimeDifference.between(File.ctime("FilenameA"), File.ctime("FilenameB.txt")).humanize
Using gem 'time_difference'
trouble with other lang than english (withouth .humanize You get number)

Replacing variable value in ruby while setting the value using "set" command

I have a .properties files as below:
Next, I have a ruby script with Watir for browser automation. In this script, I have statements like
browser.text_field(:id => 'identifierId').set "#{user}:variable to be replaced by its value from .properties file".
Similarly, other values need to be replaced for "pwd" and "system".
I tried the solution per below posts:
Replace properties in one file from those in another in Ruby
However, "set" command is setting whatever has been paased as arguments to it instead of replacing the variable with its value.
Please help.
You have to read the information out of the file.
Most Watir users leverage yaml files for this.
user: abcd
pwd: xyz
system: test
Then read the yaml file & parse your data:
properties = YAML.safe_load(IO.read('config/properties.yml'))
text_field = browser.text_field(id: 'identifierId')
text_field.set properties['user']
Alternately you can take a look at Cheezy's Fig Newton gem, which is designed to work with his Page Object gem

chef recipe FileEdit insert_line_after_match and insert_line_if_no_match

I want to edit file using chef cookbook recipe.
The file appears now as,
I want to change it like:
So basically, I want to add a line if it does not exist in the file and I want to add it after a particular line in that file.
I found 2 options under Class: Chef::Util::FileEdit which could be useful here insert_line_after_match and insert_line_if_no_match. But I want an option which can perform both of the actions. If I use insert_line_after_match, it works for first run but for next run it just keep adding lines even if line is already in the file. And insert_line_if_no_match adds line at the end of file if line does not exist in file but I want to add line after particular line in that file.
I am bit new to chef recipes. Is there any solution to solve above problem?
I would suggest not editing files, but rather overwriting them. You should create a template or a file inside the cookbook and then using template or cookbook_file resource overwrite the file on the machine with the one from cookbook.
Your config file looks similar to toml, so you can also use toml-rb gem to generate this file from json (data bag) or attributes like that:
chef_gem 'toml-rb' do
compile_time false
file '/path/to/file.conf' do
content( lazy do
require 'toml'
"# This file is managed by Chef\n" +
TOML.dump( my_json )
end )
Pretty please don't use FileEdit. It is an internal API and not intended for public use. What you want is the line cookbook, specifically the replace_or_add custom resource. Make sure you craft your regexp very carefully.
In general we do not recommend this kind of management style as it is very brittle and easily broken by unrelated changed. A better option is to use a template resource or similar to manage the whole file in a convergent manner.

Reading in variables from a file in Ruby

Is there a way to read in a file of environment variables?
In bash I have a file env.sh that I can use
bash file
set -a
source env.sh
This would allow me to just use foo as if I had delcared it in the ruby script.
Also is it there a way to make sure that this file is unreadable so that passwords could be stored in this file?
It sounds like you should provide a file example for the user/admin to modify for their personal environment, and then populate the environment from that, while avoiding, perhaps, having that file with the sensitive information in a repository. Note: per file security is going to be addressed by where the file is located and your operating system, and server software.
If this is the case, then you can provide a file that holds a template of the kind of things that you would require from the administrator/user of the program you are configuring.
Ruby has the ENV constant that acts like a Hash and holds the environment of the shell you are using.
As an example, there is a file called environment.rb.sample that gets shared with anyone, publicly. It has instructions and holds the template that users can modify freely, with instructions to copy the file to environment.rb. The sample file looks like this:
# environment.rb.sample
# Copy this file to environment.rb and change the name and password to your credentials
ENV['temp_user_name'] = 'Foo Bar'
ENV['temp_password'] = 'Dazz Kezz
The file is then copied to this, perhaps:
# environment.rb
ENV['temp_user_name'] = 'Joe Admin'
ENV['temp_password'] = 'Super Secure Password'
The file that loads this and uses it is just a Ruby file that is freely modified by the user/administrator of the software, and looks like this and is also shared publicly.
# load_environment
require './environment'
puts ENV['temp_user_name']
puts ENV['temp_password']
This loads the file and uses the ENV that is a globally scoped constant for the application.
The file permissions are then managed by the user/administrator of the system and secured like any other sensitive information on their system. The sensitive file should also be listed in the repository's ignore mechanism. It should never be made public.
Yes, there is, and if for some bizzare, arcane reason you must use it, it's eval:
WARNING: Never use this on a user-supplied file
And, unless you have a very, very specific need, don't use it in production code.
eval(File.read("name_of_var_file"), binding)
If what you're really trying to do is write a configuration file, use YAML. A file like this:
foo: "bar"
Can be accessed like this:
require 'yaml'
conf = YAML.loads(File.read("config.yaml"))
conf['foo'] #=> 'bar'
This is secure and manageable, not to mention standard practice.
As for making the file inaccessible, that is an operating system level problem that can't be solved without information on the environment, OS, setup, etc.
The purpose of a local variable is to be used temporally within a method definition or a block. Using it outside of such environments, particularly across files defeats the purpose of it. You should not need to do it, and Ruby does not have a simple way to do it.
If you are using variables correctly, and want to share variables between files, that should be other types of variables such as instance, class, or global variables. Or, for the purpose of setting environments, you should be using constants. Among them, global variables and constants can be written in a file, loaded in a different file, and be used.
$foo = 1
FOO = 2
load "file-a.rb"
$foo # => 1
FOO # => 2
As for instance and class variables, they belong to a class or an instance of it, so they should be defined in such environment. And you can reopen the same class within a different file, and load it in another file.
class Bar
##foo = 1
def initialize; #foo = 2 end
load "file-a.rb"
Bar.class_variable_get("##foo") # => 1
Bar.new.instance_variable_get("#foo") # => 2

Replace properties in one file from those in another in Ruby

I want to replace properties in one file from those in another. (I am new to ruby, and read about Ruby and YAML. I have a Java background)
File 1
File 2
The ruby script should replace the $ values by their real values (I do not know if $[] is the format used in ruby. Also do Files 1 and 2 have to be YAML files, or erb files?) and produce File 1 as :
I searched the web for this, but could not express it in the right keywords to find a solution/pointer to a solution/reference material on google. How can this be done by a ruby script?
If you can switch the formats, this should be as easy as:
require 'yaml'
variables = YAML.load(File.open('file2.yaml'))
template = File.read('file1.conf')
puts template.gsub(/\$\[(\w+)\]/) { variables[$1] }
Your template can stay as-is, but the substitution file would look like:
threshold: 10
sys_name: foo
This makes it easy to read in using the YAML library.
