Date field must cast to 'date' in Eloquent model - laravel

Hi I'm using laravel nova for create an admin panel. And I'm trying to use Date Field.
This is my migration,
This is my my nova resource,
public function fields(Request $request)
return [
Date::make(__('Day'), 'day'),
This is my model,
class Menu extends Model
use HasTranslations;
public $translatable = ['name','description'];
protected $fillable = [
'name','description','typology', 'cost', 'day', 'active', 'buffet'
This is my error,
Date field must cast to 'date' in Eloquent model.
Do I need to do anything in resource ?

In your model class you just need to add the following lines which describe to laravel that you must cast the day field into a date object (Carbon):
//Casts of the model dates
protected $casts = [
'day' => 'date'
Check here someone has the same issue.
I have seen that your day column is set to nullable i think that your field Nova should be to like in this post :
public function fields(Request $request)
return [
Date::make(__('Day'), 'day')->nullable(),
And we need to change the model like this,
protected $casts = ['day' => 'date'];


Format date before query database: casts and mutatores

The front end of my application consumes the following date format: d-m-Y h:m:s
To achieve this , I use protected $casts in the model:
protected $casts = [
'created_at' => 'datetime: d-m-Y h:m:s',
'updated_at' => 'datetime: d-m-Y h:m:s',
Works well (for output).
The problem is when, for example, I want to get data from the database within a date range.
In this case, the date is sent to the server side in the following format 01-02-2022.
For the query to work correctly, the date must previously be in the format 2022-02-01.
I tried to solve it with a mutator, but it is not working.
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
protected $fillable = [
public function setCreatedAtAttribute($value)
$this->attributes['created_at'] = Carbon::createFromFormat('d-m-Y', $value)->format('Y-m-d');
This is a common design pattern for me, as Laravel conveniently allows us to overload newQuery() in a 'BaseModel' class, and extend from this class in all our other Models:
you may Override Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model 's query()!
* Overrides Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model 's query()
* #return mixed
public function newQuery($excludeDeleted = true)
$query = parent::newQuery($excludeDeleted)->where('created_at',$this->getCreatedAt());
return $query;

How to create a data associatively? laravel eloquent

I have a Post model:
class Post extends Model
protected $fillable = [
public function favorites()
return $this->hasMany(Favorite::class);
public function addFavorite($state = 1)
Favorite model:
class Favorite extends Model
protected $fillable = ['user_id', 'post_id', 'state'];
When I test in tinker:
$post = Post::first();
It returns me an error below:
Illuminate/Database/QueryException with message 'SQLSTATE[HYOOO]: General error: 1364 Field 'user_id' doesn't have a default value (SQL: insert into favorites...
Why it ask user_id when it is given in the post? Question is do I necessarily need to input the user_id to achieve this?
The question of whether user_id is necessary is up to you. Will it come in handy later on? Does having it on the posts table suffice?
It is asking for user_id because you do not have a default value field on that field in the favorites table. You can either set a default value, remove it from the table (if you decide you don't need it), OR provide it when creating via the relationship:
class Post extends Model
protected $fillable = [
public function addFavorite($state = 1)
'state' => $state,
'user_id' => $this->user_id,
public function removeFavorite()
Don't forget to include the relationship definition of favorites on the Post model.
Based on the plural name, it seems that a post has many favorites, but then your removeFavorite() method calls the addFavorite method?? This would not actually remove anything - it would create a new record.
Since Favorite model is related to Post model and you create it via relation()->create(), you can skip specifying post_id as Laravel can deduce it. But you do have to specify user_id, because there's no way for your code to know that favourite.user_id and post.user_id is the same. So in short: yes, you have to specify user_id.

Laravel alias column name in Eloquent model

How can I alias a column name in a model? I would like to show idUser instead of id in API responses. So far I've tried the following.
protected $maps = [
'id' => 'idUser',
protected $visible = [
protected $appends = [
This gives me an error:
'Call to undefined method App\User::getIdUserAttribute()'
Also, I would like to alias created_at and updated_at to createdAt and updatedAt.
you can define accessor method in your model like this :
public function getUserIdAttribute($)
return $this->id;
and then you have to add the attribute name in the $appends array
protected $appends = ['user_id'];
for more details checkout the docs
As #Namoshek's comment, you should be able to return a custom aliases for each column by renaming it.
First, look for which route you want to edit in folder routes/api.php. You can either use callback function or a Controller to manage the response.
// routes/api.php
Route::middleware('auth:api')->get('auth/retrieve-user', function(Request $request) {
$user = Auth::user();
return response()
'userId' => $user->id,
'createdAt' => $user->created_at,
'updatedAt' => $user->updated_at,

Laravel Relationship Without Timestamps

Is there away to call a model with a relationship without timestamps when calling the with statement in the model itself - instead of going into that relationship model and saying $protected timestamps = false;
class Post Extends Eloquent {
public function template() {
return $this->hasOne('App\Template', 'id', 'template_id')->timestamps(false);
You can add this in following model to skip the values
protected $hidden = [

How to apply $casts converting to pivot column with manyToMany relationships in laravel 5.3?

I have problem with apply $casts to pivot column in laravel 5.3. I using manyToMany relationships.
My 3 DB tables:
users - contain: id,…other columns
books - contain: id,…other columns
book_user (pivot table) - contain: book_id, user_id, options
“options” is JSON type.
I want use $casts to converting my pivot column options to json_encode/json_decode.
$casts = ['pivotColumn.options'=>'array']
My models:
class User extends Model
protected $casts = [
books.pivot.options' => 'array',
public function books() {
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Book’)->withPivot('options');
class User extends Model
protected $casts = [
users.pivot.options' => 'array',
public function books() {
return $this->belongsToMany('App\User’)->withPivot('options');
I found that the version 5.1 and higher you can use dot notation for pivot casts.
protected $casts = [
books.pivot.options' => 'array',
I tried more variant but nothing. It is not working :/.
Can you help me please?
Thank you for each answer.
