Could adding variadic parameters to a function break existing code? - go

Is adding a variadic parameter to an existing Go function a breaking change?
For example:
// Old function
func Foo(a int)
// Updated to:
func Foo(a int, params ...string)
Callers of the API can omit the new parameter, so I would think the API is backwards-compatible.
Can anyone provide an example where a user of the old API could not use the new API without changing their code?

I. Changing functions
Calling them will continue to work without modification, but since the function signatures do not match, that may easily break some code.
For example (try it on the Go Playground):
func Foo(a int) {}
func Foo2(a int, params ...string) {}
func main() {
var f func(int)
f = Foo
f = Foo2 // Compile-time error!
_ = f
The line f = Foo2 produces a compile-time error:
cannot use Foo2 (type func(int, ...string)) as type func(int) in assignment
So this is a backward incompatible change, don't do it.
The above example gave a compile-time error, which is the lucky / better case, but there may also be code that would only fail at runtime (non-deterministic if / when that happens), like in this example:
func Foo(a int) {}
func Foo2(a int, params ...string) {}
func main() {
process(Foo2) // This will panic at runtime (type assertion will not hold)!
func process(f interface{}) {
Calling process(foo) succeeds, calling process(foo2) will panic at runtime. Try it on the Go Playground.
II. Changing methods
Your question was directed at functions, but the same "problem" exists with methods too (when used as method expressions or method values, for example see golang - pass method to function).
Additionally, this may break implicit interface implementations (it may make types not implement interfaces), like in this example (try it on the Go Playground):
type Fooer interface {
type fooImpl int
func (fooImpl) Foo(a int) {}
type fooImpl2 int
func (fooImpl2) Foo(a int, params ...string) {}
func main() {
var f Fooer
f = fooImpl(0)
f = fooImpl2(0) // Compile time error!
_ = f
Because signatures don't match, fooImpl2 does not implement Fooer, even though fooImpl does:
cannot use fooImpl2(0) (type fooImpl2) as type Fooer in assignment:
fooImpl2 does not implement Fooer (wrong type for Foo method)
have Foo(int, ...string)
want Foo(int)


Assign "func returning pointer to struct" to var of type "func returning pointer to interface" [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
cannot use function (type func()) as type in argument
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have two functions which return pointers to two separate structs conforming to the same interface. How can I put the functions in the same map? I came up with creating wrapper functions (getFooer in the example) to make the types check. Is there a better way? What are the rules that make types check for the type conversion in the getFooer function, but not for the type conversion in the commented out line in main?
package main
import (
type Fooer interface {
type A struct {
func (a *A) Foo() {
var a A = A{}
func getA() (*A) {
return &a
func getFooer() (Fooer) {
return getA()
func main() {
var f func() (Fooer)
// f = getA // /tmp/foo.go:29:7: cannot use getA (type func() *A) as type func() Fooer in assignment
f = getFooer
How can I put the functions in the same map?
You cannot, they have different types.
I came up with creating wrapper functions (getFooer in the example) to make the types check. Is there a better way?
Basically: No. You could modify the signature of e.g. getA to getA() Fooer but that would require type assertions back to *A if you need an A.
What are the rules that make types check for the type conversion in the getFooer function, but not for the type conversion in the commented out line in main?
Dead simple: A function getA() *A hase type func() *A and this type is different from func() Fooer (no covariance). Functin types must match literally. You can return a *A as a Fooer because you can assign a *A to a variable of type Fooer. The getA yields a *A and this *A is assigned to the return value of getFooer which is a Fooer.

Type func with interface parameter incompatible error

I have declared a new type func that takes any value that conforms to interface{}. However, when I invoke a function that has been passed as an argument (conforming to that type specification) I get an error.
Can somebody explain why this is the case? Below is the simplest example I could recreate the issue with.
type myfunc func(x interface{})
func a(num int) {
func b(f myfunc) {
func main() {
b(a) // error: cannot use a (type func(int)) as type myfunc in argument to b
The concept you're looking for here is variance in the type system. Some type systems and types support covariance and contravariance, but Go's interfaces do not.
While an int can be passed to a function that expects interface{}, the same cannot be said about func(int) and func(interface{}), because interfaces do not behave covariantly.
If type x implements interface ii, it doesn't mean that func(x) implements func(ii).
What you could do is pass func(int) into a function that expects interface{}, so you could do
package main
import "fmt"
func foo(x interface{}) {
fmt.Println("foo", x)
func add2(n int) int {
return n + 2
func main() {
Because func(int)int does implement interface{}.
In addition to the Wikipedia link at the top of the answer, this post provides more details about the different kinds of variance programming languages support. It mostly uses other languages, because variance is best demonstrated with languages that support inheritance.

Writing a generic binder in Go

Consider the following function -- a binder of the second argument.
func bindSecond(value interface{}, f func(a interface{}, b interface{})) func (c interface{}) {
return func(arg interface{}) {
f(arg, value)
Consider a function
func f(x int, y int) {}
When trying to use it as a parameter in binder, go compiler says:
cannot use f (type func(int, int)) as type func(interface {}, interface {}) in argument to bindSecond.
Could you please suggest me the proper way of implementing binders in go (golang)?
Replace interface{} with int and it will work.
Or, more to the point, try to find a solution to your original problem using the features Go provides, instead of trying to force a solution from a different paradigm.
I see what you're trying to do, some templates, right? But this is not going to work this way. Your f func(a interface{}, b interface{}) argument is not an interface, so it must be of the matching type. You could achieve what you want by passing f interface{} and then manipulate it with reflect package.
Some naive example:
package main
import (
func bindSecond(value interface{}, f interface{}) func(c interface{}) {
return func(arg interface{}) {
reflect.ValueOf(f).Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(arg), reflect.ValueOf(value)})
func main() {
sum := func(x int, y int) { fmt.Println(x + y) }
inc := bindSecond(1, sum)
// Prints 11
Doable, but not very pretty. And panics in runtime if anything unexpected happens, for example f is not callable and doesn't take exactly two arguments. Or you pass a wrong type to inc. Complier won't help you anymore.

Using function names as parameters

In Go, you can pass functions as parameters like callFunction(fn func). For example:
package main
import "fmt"
func example() {
fmt.Println("hello from example")
func callFunction(fn func) {
func main() {
But is it possible to call a function when it's a member of a struct? The following code would fail, but gives you an example of what I'm talking about:
package main
import "fmt"
type Example struct {
x int
y int
var example Example
func (e Example) StructFunction() {
fmt.Println("hello from example")
func callFunction(fn func) {
func main() {
(I know what I'm trying to do in that example is a little odd. The exact problem I have doesn't scale down to a simple example very well, but that's the essence of my problem. However I'm also intrigued about this from an academic perspective)
Methods (which are not "members of a struct" but methods of any named type, not only structs) are first class values. Go 1.0.3 didn't yet implemented method values but the tip version (as in the comming Go 1.1) has support method values. Quoting the full section here:
Method values
If the expression x has static type T and M is in the method set of type T, x.M is called a method value. The method value x.M is a function value that is callable with the same arguments as a method call of x.M. The expression x is evaluated and saved during the evaluation of the method value; the saved copy is then used as the receiver in any calls, which may be executed later.
The type T may be an interface or non-interface type.
As in the discussion of method expressions above, consider a struct type T with two methods, Mv, whose receiver is of type T, and Mp, whose receiver is of type *T.
type T struct {
a int
func (tv T) Mv(a int) int { return 0 } // value receiver
func (tp *T) Mp(f float32) float32 { return 1 } // pointer receiver
var t T
var pt *T
func makeT() T
The expression
yields a function value of type
func(int) int
These two invocations are equivalent:
f := t.Mv; f(7)
Similarly, the expression
yields a function value of type
func(float32) float32
As with selectors, a reference to a non-interface method with a value receiver using a pointer will automatically dereference that pointer: pt.Mv is equivalent to (*pt).Mv.
As with method calls, a reference to a non-interface method with a pointer receiver using an addressable value will automatically take the address of that value: t.Mv is equivalent to (&t).Mv.
f := t.Mv; f(7) // like t.Mv(7)
f := pt.Mp; f(7) // like pt.Mp(7)
f := pt.Mv; f(7) // like (*pt).Mv(7)
f := t.Mp; f(7) // like (&t).Mp(7)
f := makeT().Mp // invalid: result of makeT() is not addressable
Although the examples above use non-interface types, it is also legal to create a method value from a value of interface type.
var i interface { M(int) } = myVal
f := i.M; f(7) // like i.M(7)
Go 1.0 does not support the use of bound methods as function values. It will be supported in Go 1.1, but until then you can get similar behaviour through a closure. For example:
func main() {
callFunction(func() { example.StructFunction() })
It isn't quite as convenient, since you end up duplicating the function prototype but should do the trick.
I fixed your compile errors.
package main
import "fmt"
type Example struct {
x, y float64
var example Example
func (e Example) StructFunction() {
fmt.Println("hello from example")
func callFunction(fn func()) {
func main() {
hello from example
To add to #zzzz great answer (and the one given at here is an example that creates a method value from a value of an interface type.
package main
import "fmt"
type T struct{}
func (T) M(i int) { fmt.Println(i) }
func main() {
myVal := T{}
var i interface{ M(int) } = myVal
f := i.M
f(7) // like i.M(7)

Map of methods in Go

I have several methods that I'm calling for some cases (like Add, Delete, etc..). However over time the number of cases is increasing and my switch-case is getting longer. So I thought I'd create a map of methods, like Go map of functions; here the mapping of functions is trivial. However, is it possible to create a map of methods in Go?
When we have a method:
func (f *Foo) Add(a string, b int) { }
The syntax below create compile-time error:
actions := map[string]func(a, b){
"add": f.Add(a,b),
Is it possible to create a map of methods in Go?
Yes. Currently:
actions := map[string]func(a string, b int){
"add": func(a string, b int) { f.Add(a, b) },
Later: see the go11func document guelfi mentioned.
There is currently no way to store both receiver and method in a single value (unless you store it in a struct). This is currently worked on and it may change with Go 1.1 (see
You may, however, assign a method to a function value (without a receiver) and pass the receiver to the value later:
package main
import "fmt"
type Foo struct {
n int
func (f *Foo) Bar(m int) int {
return f.n + m
func main() {
foo := &Foo{2}
f := (*Foo).Bar
fmt.Printf("%T\n", f)
fmt.Println(f(foo, 42))
This value can be stored in a map like anything else.
I met with a similar question.
How can this be done today, 9 years later:
the thing is that the receiver must be passed to the method map as the first argument. Which is pretty unusual.
package main
import (
type mType struct {
str string
func (m *mType) getStr(s string) {
var (
testmap = make(map[string]func(m *mType, s string))
func main() {
test := &mType{
str: "Internal string",
testmap["GetSTR"] = (*mType).getStr
method, ok := testmap["GetSTR"]
if !ok {
log.Fatal("something goes wrong")
method(test, "External string")
You can do this using Method Expressions:
However, this makes the function take the receiver as a first argument:
actions := map[string]func(Foo, string, int){
"add": Foo.Add
Similarly, you can get a function with the signature func(*Foo, string, int) using (*Foo).Add
If you want to use pointer to type Foo as receiver, like in:
func (f *Foo) Add(a string, b int) { }
then you can map string to function of (*Foo, string, int), like this:
var operations = map[string]func(*Foo, string, int){
"add": (*Foo).Add,
"delete": (*Foo).Delete,
Then you would use it as:
var foo Foo = ...
var op string = GetOp() // "add", "delete", ...
operations[op](&foo, a, b)
where GetOp() returns an operation as string, for example from a user input.
a and b are your string and int arguments to methods.
This assumes that all methods have the same signatures. They can also have return value(s), again of the same type(s).
It is also possible to do this with Foo as receiver instead of *Foo. In that case we don't have to de-reference it in the map, and we pass foo instead of &foo.
