How do I do basic customization of a custom Chromecast Receiver app? Like setting the background image while loading? - chromecast

I have a custom Chromecast receiver app with the most basic code:
<script type="text/javascript"
It works but it's very ugly. When you hit cast the app brings up "MyCustomReceiver" (the name of my receiver) while it loads. I'd prefer to have a splash screen or a thumbnail for the content being loaded. Or heck even just delete the gross "MyCustomReceiver" text.
I looked at the Customize UI docs
It says you can hook into keywords like --playback-logo-image to customize the UI.
I try this:
body {
--playback-logo-image: url('');
Nothing happens. I expected it to show up as the logo as shown further down in the page.
I try setting it for --buffering-image. Also no luck.
body {
--buffering-image: url('');
How am I supposed to customize this?

Basic customization can be done with CSS itself. The SDK (V3) has its own CSS variables for this.
body {
--watermark-size: 120px;
--watermark-image: url("your-img-location/url");
--progress-color: #ffd200;
Add this tag on receiver HTML File

I've had similar difficulties figuring out what each styling keyword does, you may want to reference the styled media receiver docs.
I think --logo-image will replace the default receiver text.


Using an iframe in FireFox adds an extra <body> tag?

I have a webpage that uses an iframe to embed another one of our websites. However, FireFox is having issues rendering the contents of the iframe. When I inspected the raw html that was in the DOM, I noticed the following DOM structure inside the iframe:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head> … </head>
<body> … </body>
Notice the body tag above the head tag - that's not in the source DOM! Removing it from within the developer tools fixes all of the rendering issues. For some reason, FireFox is adding a second body tag just before the head tag. Here is my puzzle:
The extra body is not in the source HTML being delivered
The extra tag only shows up in FireFox, Chrome and IE do not have it in there iframes
If I go straight to the url the iframe is loading in FireFox, the extra body tag is not there!
I have no addons - FireFox install is clean
I have the latest FireFox as of this post (v24.0)
Does anyone know what could be causing this? The site being embedded is really simple and does not have any javascript that could be adding this extra tag.
I don't know what causes this to happen in some FF iframes and not others, but if you have access that allows you to change the code of the page that is loaded into the iframe, you could add this script that removes the first empty body tag:
<script type="text/javascript">
var ffFixCount = 0,
clearExtraBody = function(){
var bodies = document.getElementsByTagName("body");
if(bodies.length > 1){
// assumes the empty, extra body tag you want to remove is the first one
if(ffFixCount = 20){
//check for extra body tag will run every 100ms,
// 20 times, or, for 2 seconds (to give time for bug to happen)
// or will stop if extra body tag is found
var ffBodyFixer = window.setInterval(
}, 100);

Partially block embedded JavaScript in Firefox

Is there a Firefox extension capable of blocking a single function from embedded javascript in a page?
<script type='text/javascript'>
function onLoad(){
setTimeout(annoying, 1800000);
function annoying(){
//do something annoying
function useful(){
//do something useful
<BODY onload="onLoad()">
<!--rest of page goes here-->
Perhaps Greasemonkey is the way to go.
The answer below is quite detailed technical, sorry if I went too far ;)
It depends a bit on how the function annoying() is used by the scripts. I am not yet an expert in JavaScript, some more experienced person's voice could be useful.
If annoying() is used by functions like window.setInterval(), window.setTimeout(), you probably can't overwrite the function directly, because of JavaScript quirks with scoping (closures). When the code window.setTimeout(annoying, 600) is executed, a reference to the "old" annoying is stored and that "old" version is executed. You might then try to get rid of the code that is invoking window.setTimeout on annoying instead.
In other cases, you can add a function with the same name and de facto overwrite the function with the following Greasemonkey userscript:
function addScript(sourceCode)
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.innerHTML = sourceCode;
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
head.insertBefore(script, head.firstChild); // insert the script as a first child of <HEAD>
addScript('function annoying(){alert("overwritten")}');
If you have code like below (I am unable to provide live demo, because it works differently on JSFiddle perhaps because its sandboxing), and the userscript above is launched for that domain, then after 600 milliseconds after page loads, you will have "Nasty alert" alert, but then any time you click the text, you will have "overwritten" alert.
<script type='text/javascript'>
function annoying(){
alert("Nasty alert");
function useful(){
//do something useful
window.setTimeout(annoying, 600); // closure; binds to the function as it is at the moment of execution
<a onclick="annoying()">Click me</a>
I know how to block it per page... I have a script here that is bugging me:
<script type="text/JavaScript">
function timedRefresh(timeoutPeriod) {
// -->
<body onload="JavaScript:timedRefresh(300000);">
What these idiots refuse to consider is that if I'm looking around for solutions, I could wind up with 10+ of these page open and 90% of my CPU time is then dedicated to refreshing their pages in the background! grr
I have firebug handy for web development and I just enter this JS command into the console
timedRefresh = function(value){alert(value);}
smile, click ok, and go on my way.
I've posted a solution here:
Since it's little more than a link here it goes again:
This does not help but instead exacerbates the problem.
The following are particularly pernicious and ugly if javascript is enabled:
(function(){(function r(){alert('irritate');setTimeout(r,10)})()})()
though this can be stopped (and all future TimeOuts) by:
perhaps as the URI of a bookmark, provided it can be clicked fast enough.
can only be stopped by
BEFORE the script is run.
Good luck with:
(function(){(function r(){alert('irritate');r()})()})()
or even simpler
( function r(){alert('irritate');r()} ) ()
Setting alert=function(){} will stop all messages but the script and its recursion of r will not stop until SO or system time out. Also, r is not in the global environment so r=function(){} is ineffective.
Some FF versions need an interesting solution, found on SO, if the alert response is mandatory, to kill the annoying page w/o killing the browser and other open tabs, by using ctrl-F4 to close the tab of the offending page. To aid the manual reflex and dexterity required to do this fast enough, ctrl-Enter is used to respond to the prompt and while ctrl-Enter is pressed F4 is typed.

Preserving Ajax page state with URL hash

There is a page on my site with two sets of tabs, each tab's link is ajax-driven but has a proper href in case javascript is not enabled. I'm about to implement an ajax 'back-button' solution using a plugin such as jQuery Address.
My problem/confusion with this solution is that a page's default content is still loaded before the javascript has a chance to parse the hash and load the correct content. If I initially hide the content, non-javascript users will never see anything. If I don't initially hide the content, the user will see the wrong page for a moment before it gets updated (besides the extra overhead of first loading the wrong tab and then the correct tab).
What are the best / most common approaches to dealing with this?
Thanks, Brian
If you use hashes, you will always have the wrong content first. You need to use a server-side solution with the HTML5 History API to avoid this. Read more
You can use:
And have the tabs render on the server side with something like if ( $_GET['tab'] === '2' ) // render 2
I think this is a good question. Have you tried using the <noscript> tag to include css that shows the content that's hidden initially for JS users. Something like this:
<style type="text/css">
#area-1, #area-2 { display: none; }
<style type="text/css">
#area-1, #area-2 { display: block; }
Hope this helps!

How to make <div>s in HTML5 draggable for Firefox?

I am playing around with the HTML5 features, and I want div's (and similar containers like articles, sections, etc.) to be draggable. Consider the following code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>A Simple Draggable Object</title>
<h1>Test #1: A Simple Draggable Object</h1>
<div draggable="true">This text should be draggable.</div>
I tested in OS X the following browsers:
In Chrome 7.0 and Safari 5.0.2 I can successfully drag the text around, but in Firefox 3.6 and 4.0b6 I can neither drag the text nor mark it (as if it was usual text). Is this a bug or a feature?
How do I achieve that Firefox lets me drag around these tags without using jQuery ?
According to HTML5 Doctor, this won't work in Firefox without some JS help.
The HTML 5 spec says it should be as
simple as adding the following
attributes to the markup of the
elements in question:
However, this doesn’t work completely
for Safari or Firefox. For Safari you
need to add the following style to the
[draggable=true] {
-khtml-user-drag: element;
This will start working in Safari, and
as you drag it will set a default,
empty value with the dataTransfer
object. However, Firefox won’t allow
you to drag the element unless you
manually set some data to go with it.
To solve this, we need a dragstart
event handler, and we’ll give it some
data to be dragged around with:
var dragItems = document.querySelectorAll('[draggable=true]');
for (var i = 0; i < dragItems.length; i++) {
addEvent(dragItems[i], 'dragstart', function (event) {
// store the ID of the element, and collect it on the drop later on

What are the differences between using an iframe and ajax to include the contents of an external page?

I have been reading up on this, and it seems that if you use ajax you can only bring in content that resides on the same domain whereas with an iframe you can bring in content from any domain. Is that the case? What other differences are there?
Bear in mind they're two completely separate technologies.
A (i)frame really loads a complete HTML page in area into the browser. Whether the page is on the same or another domain, for pure viewing, doesn't matter.
Ajax only describes a system to facilitate JavaScript to talk with (and with current security restriction across browser, only with) the server from which you document within which you generated the JavaScript call from.
The (i)frame technology loads and renders a complete HTML page from any URL given. Certain security restrictions accessing other documents from other domains with JavaScript still apply.
With Ajax, it's only meant to use purely JavaScript to talk to the originating server (send some data) and usually get some data back. In JavaScript. What this data is and what you do with it, is up to you. Whether you insert it into the DOM (Document Object Model), exchange parts or load a new page is up to you.
To a certain degree you have all freedom you want. You can have an (i)frame on a page, still make a Ajax call and decide to load another URL into the (i)frame. Or use the Ajax return value to generate new HTML dynamically inside the (i)frame. Or outside, in another document.
The security restrictions applying in this case is called "same origin policy".
Quite simply, an iframe is like a regular frame, but it doesn't split the browser window up into sections, it sits right inside a page and is affected by the scrollbar.
Ajax, on the other hand, uses javascript to do partial loads of a page, allowing small amounts of data to be loaded from the server without needing to do a complete postback. For example, Youtube uses Ajax when you post comments, vote, queue videos to play, etc. They do this so that your video isn't interrupted and restarted by a complete page postback.
Besides these differences mentioned by others, there are others as well.
iframe loads an entire html/php page, whether it is from the own server or other external server. Usually, it has a fresh <html>, <head> and <body> tag as well. Ajax only loads part of the html/php page.
Besides, Ajax pulls the CSS (and maybe, even javascript codes) from the parent file, but in case of Iframe, it cannot pull the same.
E.g this is the master file coding.
<!doctype html>
.gappu {background-color:black;color:red;}
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="../AllJqueries/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <!-- Use your own jQuery file -->
$.ajax({url:"slave1.php?bare=true", success:function(data){
}); /* End of Main Jquery */
<title>Ajax vs Iframe</title>
<div class="myDomain"></div>
<div>Iframe below</div>
<iframe width="100%" height="500px" src="slave1.php"></iframe>
Now, we also have another file, named as slave1.php
if(isset($_GET['bare'])) $bare = $_GET['bare'];
else $bare = false;
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
.gappu {background-color:blue;color:yellow;}
<!-- You can remove the above style later, and see the difference. The parent style will not apply for iframe -->
<title>Inside the Iframe</title>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="gappu">Hi, welcome to this demo</div>
<?php if(!$bare): ?>
<?php endif;
In case of Ajax call, the line Hi, welcome to this demo will be in black background and red color, since it is borrowing the css from the parent. But in iframe, it will be in blue background and white color, which is defined in slave1.php. You can remove the style from slave1.php, and you will find plain text printed in iframe format.
Hope this helps. Cheers.
Vijay Srinivas
