POST request response being sent in weird format - spring

I intend to send my server response in the following format
Api Doc
I did the following
headersR.add("response_code", "OK");
headersR.add("cmd_code", "SET_FK_NAME");
headersR.add("trans_id", Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000000));
JSONPObject map1 = new JSONPObject("fk_name", "jj");
return new ResponseEntity<>(map1, headersR, HttpStatus.OK);
I was getting a negative response from the other side so I checked Wireshark(Had a hard time logging my response body). And I got this in Wireshark.
Wirehark Screenshot
The response body is Definitely not JSON.
How can I fix this?

The response body fk_name("jj") is not JSON, it's JSONP -- Browser would take the function name fk_name and try to execute it with "jj" as parameter.
The root cause is you are using JSONPObject, whose constructor accepts 2 parameters: a function name, and the data value. Not the expected JSON key and value.
To fix this issue and return {"fk_name":"jj"}, remove the JSONPObject stuff and use code as follow:
return new ResponseEntity<>("{\"fk_name\":\"jj\"}", headersR, HttpStatus.OK);


Springboot RestControler multiple produces

I have one method in my RestController that produces 2 types of return
#PostMapping(value = {"myUrl"}, produces = {MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE})
So when are everything ok. the method return the multipart_form but when I got some validation error, I need to return that error in a JSON type.
It`s possible to make this? in my requet (with postman) if I insert in Accept header /, when I got error the return are 406 not acceptable(and not the json), but if I put application/json he return my succes in a Json too :(
It`s possible to return 2 dif produces in one request? how

Http PUT volley. Parameter in the middle of the url

I am using Volley for my HTTP requests and I have an HTTP put URL which looks like below.{roomNumber}/count. I am using a JSON object request. How do I make the API work with the extra "/count" in the API? I am passing the parameter room number in the JSON object.
JSON Object request works fine with this type of URL "{roomNumber}"
JSON Object request
JsonObjectRequest request = new JsonObjectRequest(METHOD_TYPE_PUT, url, jsonObjectParams, responseListener, errorListener)
Can somebody help me with passing the JSON object parameter in the middle of the URL
You can call the API dynamically like this,
private void getTheApiData(int roomNumber){
JsonObjectRequest request = new JsonObjectRequest(METHOD_TYPE_PUT,
"" + roomNumber + "/count",
jsonObjectParams, responseListener, errorListener)
and call the above API dynamically by the method when you get the new data every time like this.
getTheAPiData(20) //if room number is 20
let me know if you have any issue #Shravani

ClientResponse(org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.ClientResponse) showing inconsistency across the classes while using WebClient

I have started using WebClient(org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient) for calling rest services. I have 2 classes say and is where I use WebClient. A post call I am making looks like -
ClientResponse response =
(ClientResponse above is org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.ClientResponse)
(I am using exchange instaed of retrive because I want headers as well as status code)
Now trying to convert this response into some DTO - ResponseDTO.
Mono<ResponseEntity<ResponseDTO>> mono = response.toEntity(ResponseDTO.class);
ResponseEntity<ResponseDTO> resEntity = mono.block();
ResponseDTO myObj = resEntity.getBody();
So myObj is an object of ResponseDTO class.
The issue is - when I perform the conversion of 'response into' in my utility class, I get myObj = null. But if I do it in my (just after calling post API), it returns the proper body (ResponseDTO object).
The same issue occurs even if I perform the conversion and post call operation in two different methods in the
Do I need to configure something here?
I figured out what was the issue.
After calling REST api, body in the response if flushed out after I read it from the response for the first time. I had a Sysout statement in service implementation class where I was reading the body content.
Recommendation: Read the body content only once and store it in a variable. Use it wherever required.

Request method is always same when endpoint called using Postman

Using POSTMANto call an endpoint for example:
Checking Request Method in the code using:
No matter what I change request method in postman request, I always get the first request method I select let say GET.
When i change request to
It works and start sending correct request methods i select in POSTMAN
I am expecting that when I call:
It should behave same way.
Any explanation to point to the right direction would be appreciated
you need to redirect /v1 to /v1/ try like
public ModelAndView redirectToPage() {
return new ModelAndView("redirect:/v1/");

Backbone.js save behaving weird

I create a new model (msg) and save it like below:{}, {success: this.createSuccess, error: function(model, response){
console.log('nay', response);
Now the server returns status: 200 and statusText: "OK" but still the error callback is called.
The model has no validation nor does the server (Express.js).
What could I've overlooked?
I'm using the latest version of Backbone and Express…
Are you returning anything in your body? If all you are returning is 200 OK in the head, then you will get an error. You should return the JSON representation of the saved item (including the id, which is really important for updates/deletes later) from your server.
If you want to return an empty response, the response code should be 204 No Content. See
