how to parse yin files with opendaylight - opendaylight

I tried to follow this wiki to make an example.
But I don't know how to initiate YinStatementStreamSource and can not found YangInferencePipeline in neon release.
below is my added dependencies.


Unable to create SAAJ meta-factoryProvider com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.SAAJMetaFactoryImpl not found

We are upgrading from java8 to java11 and we tried solutions provided in following links
Unable to create SAAJ meta-factory: Provider com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.SAAJMetaFactoryImpl not found
Unable to create SAAJ meta-factory after packaging as JAR
but none of solution works. We even added system property also, but it was not useful.
Dependencies I have imported are

how to create a web project with jersey2.25 , spring 4 ,mybatis3.1.1

i am trying to create a web project with jersey2.25 , spring 4 ,mybatis3.1.1 and tomcat.
i have to use jdk1.7 , the following are all jar file in my web project lib.
with that jar file, i can not start my tomcat.
so someone can help to create a pom.xml file , so that i can build my web project with maven ?
you can use Eclipse neon for project development, first you need to create maven ptoject and add dependencies into pom.xml, you can refer below sample code.">
<description>ProjectName web api.</description>
<name>Spring Framework Maven Release Repository</name>
<!-- Test Case Dependency -->
in this pom you can get the Spring Framework with hibernate and JPA. for more you can refer below link
You can use online application called Spring Initializr that can generate a Spring Boot project
structure for you. It doesn’t generate any application code, but it will give you a basic project
Just Visit:
Specify the Build Tool (Maven or Gradle), language, Spring Boot Version, project Metadata and the dependencies and download the project. You'll also find the generated pom.xml in the downloaded file.

Resolving same classes defined in different dependencies

I'm running into a strange issue where I have two dependencies in my Maven file that both define BasicLineFormatter.class. The issue that I am running into is that one of my dependencies obviously uses a different version that the code is expecting and it throws and error.
How can I tell Maven that I want to use my standard http-core dependency for this class rather than the one that is causing an issue.
RESOURCE LOCATION: jar:file:/var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib/tika-app-1.10.jar!/org/apache/http/message/BasicLineFormatter.class
My pom.xml looks like this:
My code is getting the BasicLineFormatter class from the Tika dependency which is causing the issue. I want it to be coming from my defined http-core which is the correct version. It also seems to be ignoring the ordering the dependencies in the file.
Use - Shade Plugin -
Reference - Maven dependency: exclude one class

Maven assembly plugin including multiple versions of Spring XSD files

We are packaging our Spring application into a jar using Maven. Initially, for testing, I was building a folder with all the dependency jars within Eclipse:
File -> Export -> Runnable Jar -> Copy required libraries into a sub folder
(This actually creates the application jar as well, but that I built outise Eclipse using Maven).
The application ran fine from the command line. Now, I have added the assembly plugin (jar-with-dependencies)to the pom.xml and am using that to generate one jar with all the classes from all the dependent jars. This will not run, and it appears the issue is that multiple versions of various Spring XSD files have been included in the dependency-jar.
I built a maven dependency tree, (mvn dependency:tree >dependencies.txt), but this does not help to show what is causing this problem,as it only shows dependencies between jars, not at the class or file level . These are the jars in our build:
Any help is very much appreciated.
Yes all the spring jars have spring.schemas and spring.handlers (which take care of the namespace handling) files in their respective META-INFs. Those files will get overwritten by each other. You will need to use the shade plugin (instead of assembly) with ResourceTransformers. The two combined, will merge the file content of the same file name onto one file. An example of the plugin for spring use would be something like this: (obtained from the ResourceTransformer link above). The two combined, will merge the file content of the same file name onto one file
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer">
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer">
I'd also recommend looking into Spring Boot. It makes running Spring apps a lot easier, without having to deal with this problem.
NOTE: And just an FYI, there are not multiples of the xsd files. Each spring jar has its own set with different name and versions. What you are duplicates are the spring.schemas and spring.handlers. They handle the namespace "directing" for each of the jars. But when you use the assembly plugin to build an uber jar, only one of the files will be used. So one of the many spring jars will be able to handle the namespaces
Sorry about my NOTE, I misread your title. The versions of the xsd don't make a difference. They're all there for backward compatability. The version you action use is either specified on the xml app context files, of if not specified there, the latest version will be used

Deploy Microsoft Azure API jar on karaf

i am new to Maven and OSGI, can anyone please help me knowing how to deploy Microsoft Azure API jar on karaf OSGI container?
Following is pom content of my Maven project.
i have embedded dependencies like following
When i do this it keeps showing missing dependencies for different packages. i have imported all packages (*) in pom.
download bnd.jar (bundle tool)
keep azur and bnd both jar in a directory
go to that directory and run following command
java -jar bnd.jar wrap microsoft-windowsazure-api 0.4.3.jar
tada... your bundle is ready, just deploy it and continue your work :)
Take a look at jcloud feature for Karaf it also contains some bundles for azure. I'm sure this will give you a list of bundles working.
