Command Prompt Changing Colors after Compile - windows

Whenever I run a compiler on a bash cmd and I get an error, the command prompt changes back to 'default' like colors. It stays like this till I change it manually again.
I have tried changing "right click->properties->color" and "right click->defaults->color" and I have went where the cmd is in the file system and change the color through properties. Same problem occurs.
I am very unsure where else I could change the color to fix this problem.
System = Razerblade Steath 2017
OS = Updated Windows 10
Compilers Using = g++ and gcc (same problem on both)
Picture of how and when it occurs. The code I am running is just one line in the main function purposely giving an error.

You can use -fno-diagnostics-color on your command line to disable this. gcc tries to determine if your window supports color and it will use it to try to make the error messages easier to read. Apparently, it's not restoring the original colors correctly.
Windows command prompts stopped supporting color long ago, but that feature has recently be re-enabled in one of the Windows 10 releases.


EmEditor Macro Error - 'document' is undefined

I used EmEditor for years now. Now I want to create and use a simple macro.
But every time a run a macro I get the error message:
'document' is undefined
I can fix the problem by deinstallation and a new installation of Emeditor.
But after a reboot, the same error will be show again.
I use EmEditor Professional 64-bit Version 22.2.0 on a Windows 10 22H2.
I had this issue also in the past, on a different notebook.
So this issue seems to be independend of my windows installion.
There is no third parts virus scanner installed, only windows defender.
EmEditor is installed in the standard path.
This error happens with the default marcos like ValidateXml.jsee or also with self recored and save macros.
If you run EmEditor as Administrator, please run EmEditor as non-Admininistrator. Please run emeditor.exe without a shortcut to see if macros run correctly.
Do you can run macro's from clipboard?
Please try it for example with "alert(".
Put this between "" to clipboard and select in menu macros - run clipboard.
In normal case you get an popup with the actual document name.

How to remove rare whitespaces in the VS Code background [duplicate]

In the VS Code editor window, there are squares of another color that bother me when coding.
Has anyone had or has the same problem?
I started experiencing this issue in my MacBook Pro M1 after the June 2022 autoupdate.
Setting "disable-color-correct-rendering": false in ~/.vscode/argv.json worked for me.
I hope this is fixed in the next release. It seems to be an old issue based on what I found when searching for a solution.
If you are on a mac, see Different colored area on macOS - although there is a linux report there too. Same dark grey patches of color. There are a couple of suggested fixes mentioned.
The most reliable appears to be changing this setting:
"disable-hardware-acceleration": true
Open command palette and search for "Configure Runtime Arguments"
Set "disable-hardware-acceleration": true
or starting vscode from a terminal with code --disable-gpu.
What did work is removing "disable-color-correct-rendering": true from
~/.vscode/argv.json file and restarting vscode. Now the different
coloured patch on the side and bottom is gone.
This happens to me with an intel mac as well. It was fixed by setting
"disable-hardware-acceleration": true in the .vscode/argv.json file.
More from the issue:
Had the same problem on my M1 macbook air, I had to open the argv.json
file (you can use Shift + CMD + P and type Configure Runtime Arguments
to open it) and set this line to false :
"disable-color-correct-rendering": false (it was on true, maybe by
After that, just close your VS Code instance with CMD + Q and restart
And here are download links (for macOS) for the previous vscode version v1.68 in case you want to rollback:
Thanks for the information to those posting in the issue comments.
if you are facing this on mac you have to follow following steps
open terminal and type cd ~/.vscode
then open 'argv.json' file using vim argv.json
just uncomment the line // "disable-hardware-acceleration": true to "disable-hardware-acceleration": true
quit vim Esc then shift+: then wq then press enter, restart vs code your vs code will work normal again.

Qt 5.10 Can I change variables (manually) during debuging as in Octave?

I was using Octave recently. In Octave I can run my code in debug-mode using breakpoints. When the execution stops at a breakpoint I can go to the Command window and change the value of my variables by hand.
For example my code sets A=5; B=8; and I stop at the line B=8. In the command Window I can now change A manually to let´s say 10 . I found this quite useful. 5.10
Now I wonder if there is a similar functionality in Qt creator?
Double click on a variable value in "Locals" view and enter new value.

Virtual Pascal v2.1 has a small display in Win7 [64bit] - can I make it bigger?

Is there some way [software or VM] that will let me run VP in a larger box - this is really frustrating me.
I thought, from the display, that VP21 was running in DOS, so I tried "DOSBOX", but when I tried to run the VP.exe file, it came back with:
"This program must be run under Win32", so it seems to be Windows with a weird display.
The simplest is to change the setting in VP: set Options->Environment->Screen Size to "Keep original". Then exit VP, size the window the way you want it, and run VP again.
From the command line, you can do it with the mode command:
mode 120,60
is nice and large.
It is very simple (or I missed something obvious): Make a shortcut for vp.exe and edit the proporties. You can change the layout/window size to any values that your monitor allows.
I don't think you can - the app itself preventing full screen mode. And you cannot use DOSBOX because VP21 is a true Win32bit app. You can download and install "real" TurboPascal - that one will run under DOSBOX and that you can expand full screen.

Extendscript Toolkit not stopping at breakpoints, why?

I am scripting Illustrator CS5 with the Extendscript Toolkit.
I set several breakpoints in my code, they show up as red dots next to the line number. But when I run the script, it executes all the way to the end without stopping and the breakpoint dots turn dark.
What am I missing here?
Check to make sure $.level isn't set somewhere, either in your code or the app's startup script. If $.level is set to 0 or 1, breakpoints are disabled. You might also try explictly setting $.level=2 at the start of your code, to ensure breakpoints are turned on.
This is a common error in the ESTK (Extendscript Toolkit), I believe it's a bug - breakpoints should not get disabled by starting the script.
Most likely pressing F11 (step into) will also make the breakpoints turn into a darker red colour (disabled). But in this state (stepping through the code) you can enable the breakpoints again and they will get hit when you let the script run on (F5).
(Shortcuts are for the Windows version.)
Another thing to try is to first start the script from the scripts panel in InDesign (run it once), and then start it from the ESTK. If you use the targetengine directive to set a specific engine name, this might even be necessary.
