Updating from FactoryGirl to factoryBot results in NoMethodError - ruby

I tried to convert from FactoryGirl to FactoryBot. This should not be a big issue but i do not get it to work. The code:
Added to Gem File
gem 'factory_bot'
Added to spec_helper
FactoryBot.definition_file_paths = %w(spec/factories)
config.include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods
FactoryBot.define do
factory :user do
first_name 'John'
last_name 'Doe'
birthdate { 21.years.ago }
admin false
When i try to run a rspec test i get following error:
NoMethodError: undefined method 'first_name' in 'user' factory!
Method_missing at C:/jruby-
block in (root) at <path to factory>
It seems to me the gem is correctly loaded into the project, the factoryBot code is executed. But for some reason it does not recognize the structure of the factory.
- I did a bundle install/update

Like people said in the comments static attributes like first_name 'John' have been deprecated on v4 (check this guide) and then removed on v5, the alternative is to make them like dynamic attributes: first_name { 'John' }.
They even included a Rubocop to help you fix all of your factories:
rubocop \
--require rubocop-rspec \
--only FactoryBot/AttributeDefinedStatically \
My recommendation is to migrate slowly but surely, go from FactoryGirl to FactoryBot using a similar version, run your specs, check for all deprecation warnings, run the custom Rubocop to auto-correct your factories, then only migrate major versions after reading the changelog.
I agree the message could be a bit better, usually the main goal of deprecation is to simplify code and reduce branching logic, so once the deprecation warning was there for enough time and it is time to remove it, any detection of the old usage would be extra code that had to be removed, common result in open source projects.
Glad you found your way out.


Trying to change Ruby Cucumber Transforms Code to Cucumber 3.0.0 Replacement

I recently found this old project for setting up ruby, cucumber, and capybara on this page: jonathanchrisp/capybara-cucumber-ruby-kickstarter
I was able to fix some runtime errors by adding the following line in support/env.rb
require 'capybara/dsl'
However, whenever I run "cucumber" to run the code, it always fails with
undefined method `open_google_maps' for "google maps":String (NoMethodError)
I think the problem is that the "Transforms" code in features/step_definitions/transforms.rb was deprecated in cucumber 3.0.0. The code I am looking at is over 3 years old so I am not sure if the original author will still maintain it. I did reach out to him. In the meantime, I was wondering if there is a Rub/Cucumber expert who can tell me what is the proper way to change the old transform code from:
Transform(/^google maps$/) do |impersonator|
Transform(/^the user$/) do |impersonator|
Transform(/^a anonymous user$/) do |impersonator|
to something that works in cucumber 3.0.0 and later.
Transforms were removed from Cucumber 3 and you need to swap over to using ParameterTypes. How to do that is documented in the 'Upgrading to Cucumber 3' blog post at https://cucumber.io/blog/2017/09/21/upgrading-to-cucumber-3 .
For your first transform above it would be something like
name: 'GoogleMaps'
regexp: /google maps/,
transformer: -> (_) { google_maps }

Testing Ruby-based CLIs with Aruba and Bundler

I have an RSpec suite, run via Bundler, that is testing a number of different command-line applications using Aruba. It works fine ... as long as the command being tested is not itself written in Ruby using Bundler. But I cannot figure out how to prevent the RSpec suite's bundler config from interfering with the execution of commands that themselves use Bundler - at least, not without extreme measures.
I have tried various permutations of unset_bundler_env_vars and with_clean_env, to no avail. Here's an example of a technique I thought would work:
describe 'my ruby app' do
before :each { unset_bundler_env_vars }
it 'should work' do
Bundler.with_clean_env { run_simple ruby_command_name }
I also tried unset_bundler_env_vars without with_clean_env, and vice-versa, in case they interfered with each other. No dice.
The only way I've gotten it to work is to massage Aruba's copy of the environment manually, like this:
before :all do
aruba.environment.tap do |env|
if env.include? 'BUNDLE_ORIG_PATH' then
env['PATH'] = env['BUNDLE_ORIG_PATH']
env.delete key
There must be a better way. Neither the test suite nor the command being tested should know or care what language the other is written in. And my test code that uses Aruba and Bundler should not need to know the details of how bundle exec affects the process environment.
So what am I doing wrong? How should I be doing this?
It looks like unset_bundler_env_vars is deprecated and replaced by delete_by_environment_variable which requires a string param (source).
You might try before :each { delete_environment_variable('BUNDLE_GEMFILE') } in your spec. If that does not work, you may need to iterate through the PATH variable list to delete each one.
In the deprecation notice, there is a work-around, though I am not sure how brittle that would be moving forward.
Hope this helps.

Padrino Tutorial: Can't Modify Frozen String (Runtime Error)

I am following the Padrino tutorial from here:
I am copy and pasting the commands but I quickly ran into an error I don't understand:
$ padrino g controller posts get:index get:show
create app/controllers/posts.rb
create app/views/posts
apply tests/shoulda
/Users/waprin/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/padrino-gen-0.12.4/lib/padrino-gen/generators/controller.rb:66:in `prepend': can't modify frozen String (RuntimeError)
from /Users/waprin/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/padrino-gen-0.12.4/lib/padrino-gen/generators/controller.rb:66:in `create_controller'
This might be a bit late, but in case anyone else runs across this error (and because I just worked through the same tutorial) I'll post anyway...
It looks like there's an issue when generating controllers if a test component is specified. In this case you're using shoulda, but the same happens when using rspec and maybe others. It's been reported as a bug: https://github.com/padrino/padrino-framework/issues/1850 and has been fixed, but isn't yet part of a stable release.
One option to fix this would be to change your Gemfile to work with the latest from their github repo. To do this delete your GemFile.lock file, and comment out the line under 'Padrino Stable Gem' in your GemFile:
gem 'padrino', '0.12.4'
then uncomment the line under 'Or Padrino Edge':
gem 'padrino', :github => 'padrino/padrino-framework'
then re-run bundle install.
Of course, you'll no longer be running the stable release, and that may come with other trade-offs.
As a side-note, I believe that the guide on that page is fairly out of date. I also needed to replace:
get :index do
#posts = Post.all(:order => 'created_at desc')
render 'posts/index'
get :index, :provides => [:html, :rss, :atom] do
#posts = Post.order('created_at desc')
render 'posts/index'
in the Post controller as the active record interface has changed since the time that the guide was written.
I was able to sole this problem by simply going to padrino gem path.
For me it was:
open controller.rb and change line number 61:
path = #controller
path = #controller.dup

How can fixtures be replaced with factories using rails3-generators?

I'm trying to replace fixture generation with factories using rails3-generators:
The gem is included in my Gemfile and has been installed:
# Gemfile
gem 'rails3-generators', :group => :development
I added the following to application.rb:
# application.rb
config.generators do |g|
g.stylesheets false
g.fixture_replacement :factory_girl
Yet 'rails g model Insect' is still generating fixtures ('insects.yml'). Is this working for others using Rails 3.0.4 and rails3-generators 0.17.4?
'rails g' shows the new generators available (such as Authlogic and Koala), but 'rails g model' still lists fixtures and doesn't refer to factories.
What else should I add to get this to work? Thanks.
Edit: I ran the gem's test suite, which includes a test for this, and it passes. No clue why it doesn't work with my app.
Edit2: I tried again with a test project and get the same result: fixtures instead of factories. If anybody could confirm whether this works for them with Rails 3.0.4 and rails3-generators 0.17.4, that would be helpful too because it would imply that I'm doing something wrong with my projects.
Edit3: It works if I run 'rails g model Insect -r factory_girl'. I thought the generator configuration in application.rb was supposed to take care of that, so this seems to be the source of the problem.
Searching around I found the following, which may help:
Try specifying a directory option for factory_girl's factories:
config.generators do |g|
g.stylesheets false
g.fixture_replacement :factory_girl, :dir => "spec/factories" # or test/factories, as the case may be
If you're using Test::Unit, try the following:
config.generators do |g|
g.stylesheets false
g.test_framework :test_unit, :fixture_replacement => :factory_girl
In both cases you will still need the rails3-generators gem, although there is a push to get that functionality into factory_girl_rails.
This Rails bug indicates that, at some point, the g.fixture_replacement code may not have worked right. Perhaps a test in 3.0.5 is in order. :)
A short update 9 years later:
instead of "factory_girl_rails" (which is deprecated now) use "factory_bot_rails".
Now, the factory gets created automagically:
$ rails g model tester name:string
Running via Spring preloader in process 31467
invoke active_record
create db/migrate/20200327152901_create_testers.rb
create app/models/tester.rb
invoke rspec
create spec/models/tester_spec.rb
invoke factory_bot
create spec/factories/testers.rb
I use rails 5.2.4, but this should also work with rails 6.

Mocha Mock Carries To Another Test

I have been following the 15 TDD steps to create a Rails application guide - but have run into an issue I cannot seem to resolve. For the functional test of the WordsController, I have the following code:
class WordsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
test "should get learn" do
get 'learn'
assert_response :success
test "learn passes a random word" do
some_word = Word.new
get 'learn'
assert_equal some_word, assigns('word')
In the Word class I have the following code:
class Word < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.random
all = Word.find :all
When I run the tests, I experience the following error (shortened for brevity):
1) Failure: unexpected invocation: Word(...).random() satisfied expectations:
- expected exactly once, already invoked once: Word(...).random()
I have tried changing changing the order of the tests along with a multitude of other things, but time and time again I continue to receive the same test failure - that Word.random() has already been invoked.
I'm running Rails 3.0 beta 4 and Mocha 0.9.8. I've searched long and hard for a solution to my problem, but I can't seem to find it. I'm new to Ruby/Rails so am rather unfamiliar with the language and the frameworks.
Thanks in advance!
mocha needs to be loaded last. I struggled a lot with this problem too.
group :test
gem 'mocha', '~>0.9.8', :require => false
#at the very bottom
require 'mocha'
I had the same problem, mocked functionality was not isolated to a test, it seems to be a problem with the load order of Mocha.
I had some issues getting Mocha to work with Rails3. I found a few stackoverflow posts regarding, but didn't stumble across the solution until I found a post on agoragames.com
Basically, in the Gemfile of your project, the require for Mocha should look like:
gem 'mocha', :require => false
Then in test/test_helper.rb, add a require line for mocha:
require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__)
require 'rails/test_help'
require 'mocha'
class ActiveSupport::TestCase
I think the require line for mocha in the Gemfile means that you need to already have mocha installed as a gem, bundler won't take care of it for you.
How are you requiring mocha? Are you using bundler? It sounds a bit as if the mocha teardown hook isn't being called?
Additionally, it seems mocha_teardown is not being called with rails31. Mocks that are setup are never removed... (this additional hack fixes it)
class ActiveSupport::TestCase
def teardown
Those solutions didn't work for me on their own, using Ruby 2.2.2, Rails 4.2.2, mocha 1.1.0, shoulda-context 1.2.1, factory_girl_rails 4.5.0 and a few more testing related gems.
What did it was also moving these two lines at the bottom of my test_helper.rb:
require 'mocha/setup'
require 'mocha/test_unit'
I also removed require 'test/unit'. It appears that mocha/test_unit already does that for me.
