How to solve this "4th dimension" missing certificate problem? - spring

I have a rest client maven module which is responsible for getting a token, and then for creating requests using this token.
Here is the "login()" method :
private static final String ROOT_URL = "https://my-url";
private static final String LOGIN_API = "/LogIn";
RestTemplate restTemplate;
public String login() {
LoginRequest loginRequest = new LoginRequest();
LoginResponse loginResponse = restTemplate.postForObject(ROOT_URL + LOGIN_API, loginRequest, LoginResponse.class);
String token = loginResponse.getLogInResult().getToken();;
return token;
When I call this "login()" method from a JUnit inside the module, it works.
Also I have various services from other modules who depend on this rest client module and they can call it with no error.
Now I've just created a new module who needs to use this rest client service. When I call the "login()" service from this new module, it ends with :
ResourceAccessException: I/O error on POST request for "https://my-url/LogIn":
unable to find valid certification path to requested target
What can possibly could cause this error in a case and not the other, when the URL called is a constant ?
I've tried to check the "restTemplate" object is the same in both case and I think it is, but even if it was not, how could this happen ? by which mechanism ?
UPDATE : I've tried to activate spring debug on org.springframework.beans to see if a wrong restTemplate injection could be the cause of this problem, but when I do this from my parent module, I don't even see the injection of any restTemplate.
It's like some process are happening in a forked JVM, and this forked process doesnt know about the certificates (the ones in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts).
If I debug the call from the child module, I can see the restTemplate injection happening.


Wiremock does not receive any requests

I am writing an integrationtest for a resource (Jax-rs with resteasy) which invokes a thirdparty request to the Trustpilot Api to get a review link for a product.
In my tests I wanted to mock this call by using Wiremock and invoke the request by using resteasy Dispatcher.
The code below shows my Setup (names etc are changed).
#ContextConfiguration(classes = { MyResourceTestContext.class })
public class MyResourceIntegrationTest {
public WireMockRule wireMockRule = new WireMockRule(wireMockConfig().dynamicPort().dynamicHttpsPort());
private MyResource myResource;
private Dispatcher dispatcher;
private MockHttpResponse response;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
dispatcher = MockDispatcherFactory.createDispatcher();
response = new MockHttpResponse();
public void testResourceShouldReturnRedirectToTrustpilotreview() throws Exception {
URI apiRequestURI = UriBuilder
+ "/{businessUnitId}}/invitation-links")
URI expectedRedirectURI = UriBuilder.fromUri("{reviewLinkId}")
.willReturn(okJson("{\"reviewLinkId\":\"" + REVIEW_LINK_ID + "\","
+ "\"reviewUrl\":\"" + expectedRedirectURI.toString() + "\"}")));
MockHttpRequest request = MockHttpRequest.get("/myResource");
dispatcher.invoke(request, response);
WireMock.verify(1, postRequestedFor(urlEqualTo(apiRequestURI.toString())));
Assert.assertEquals(HttpStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT.value(), response.getStatus());
Assert.assertEquals(expectedRedirectURI.toString(), response.getOutputHeaders().getFirst("Location"));
But what I'm getting is (with my actual bid in the url):
com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.client.VerificationException: Expected at least one request matching: {
"url" : "<bid>/invitation-links",
"method" : "POST"
Requests received: [ ]
Stepping into the request with the Debugger I can say this request and other requests are actually executed successfully. But they are not recognized/mocked by Wiremock.
Is there something wrong with my Wiremock setup? Any Ideas? Thank you!
There are a couple of reasons why this isn't sending anything to WireMock at the moment:
WireMock only accepts relative URLs when stubbing so passing the full URL including protocol and domain won't work. Try something equivalent to stubFor(post(urlPathEqualTo("/v1/private/product-reviews/business-units/<bid>/invitation-links") instead.
There doesn't seem to be any way for your class under test to know which host/port WireMock is running on and no forward proxying set up so the code is presumably still trying to call the real Trustpilot API.
To solve 2. you have a couple of options:
Set up your class/code under test to use localhost as the destination host and the result of wireMockRule.port() as the port number, or wireMockRule.httpsPort() if you're on HTTPS.
Use the new auto JVM proxy setup feature to proxy your app's calls through WireMock. This assumes you're on WireMock 2.31.0+ and that your app's HTTP client respects the JVM proxy system properties.

How to retrieve appended authorization header's access token from custom RestTemplate implementation?

I have a custom RestTemplate class that extends the RestTemplate class. Purpose of it is to append an access token to it for users to use in making API requests.
The class looks like this:
public class ModifiedRestTemplate extends RestTemplate {
private String token;
private void setInterceptorWithAuthorizationHeaders() {
super.getInterceptors().add((request, body, execution) -> {
request.getHeaders().add("Authorization", "Bearer "+ this.token);
return execution.execute(request, body);
I want to unit test this class and check that the header within the custom RestTemplate indeed contains the mocked access token (this.token in case you're still confused on my goal). Reason being there is another method within this class that triggers the updating of said access token in the custom RestTemplate. So I would like to test that the updating process was successful. I'm not sure how to go about doing this.
RestTemplate API has a headForHeaders method but this method returns an empty header (expected, since my mockServer setup includes an empty success() block anyway).
Code sample below:
mockServer.expect(ExpectedCount.once(), requestTo("http://localhost:8080/test/mock")).andExpect(method(HttpMethod.HEAD)).andRespond(withSuccess());
HttpHeaders httpHeaders = modifiedRestTemplate.headForHeaders("http://localhost:8080/test/mock");
Is there a way to reach into the custom RestTemplate object/instance and extract the header with its access token?

How to test a POSTing method by using an embedded Webserver in Springboot?

I am searching for a way to test a method, which sends a POST request to an external service. The application will NOT be itself a consumable webservice, that is why I didn't implement the shown class below as #RestController, #Controller, #Service, whatever types there may be.
But I don't know how to call the method postNumberPlate() to send a request to an embedded webserver (started in/by/at the unit test) to make some assertions on it. I want to avoid, to install an external webserver.
In other words: Can I start an embedded webserver inside a unit-test and 'tell' it to accept my POST request to inspect and assert the contents?
I already did:
a massive Webresearch (2-3 days?)
read Howto's
check the springboot docs
use an embedded Jetty Server (somehow blocking loop)
declare the Application as Webapplication and setting random port to jetty
experiment with Mockito, MockMVC
read "How to unittest a class using RestTemplate offline?" and compared it to my case, but found,
that it's very old (8y),
I don't know how to implement the parent interface, which is pretty huge
that the question and answers are too generic to deduce a solution for my case
it's not answering the embedded testing webserver problem I included.
The Class to be tested:
public class RestfulClient {
private RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
private HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
private String destinationURL;
public RestfulClient() {}
public ResponseEntity<String> postNumberPlate(String key, CamImage camImage) {
LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
map.add("numplate", camImage.getIdentifier());
HttpEntity<LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object>> requestEntity = new HttpEntity<LinkedMultiValueMap<String,
Object>>(map, headers);
ByteArrayResource resource = new ByteArrayResource(camImage.getData()) {
* IMPORTANT!!! Otherwise I receive a BAD REQUEST
* #return
public String getFilename() {
return camImage.getIdentifier() + ".png";
map.add("image", resource);
ResponseEntity<String> result =, HttpMethod.POST,
requestEntity, String.class);
return result;
I hope I could clarify my question a bit.
A solution is to write a simple light-weight Webservice Endpoint and include it into your Run Configuration of your IDE. I made a separate mini project and would add further methods if needed, e.g. to accept different media.
Prior to run the actual unit tests, it is possible to configure the start of the Endpoint and return a meaningful ResponseEntity. The result can be inspected et voilĂ , assertions are possible.
A word about StackOverflow user arrogance: #Raedwald, after reading and trying, the answers in the linked question are not really helpful, but involve a lot of knowlegde about the stuff, and I have no one around of my colleagues, which could ever assist at programming. So it wasn't helpful to flag my question for deletion.

How to redirect request to an URI passed in headers with Jetty AsyncProxyServlet

I'm creating a proxy micro-service with SpringBoot, Jetty and kotlin.
The purpose of this micro-service is to forward requests made by my front-end application to external services (avoiding CORS) and send back the response after checking some custom authentication. The query I'll receive will contain the URL of the target in the headers (i.e: Target-Url: http://domain.api/getmodel).
Based on this answer, I made a class that extends AsyncProxyServlet and overwrote the method sendProxyRequest :
class ProxyServlet : AsyncProxyServlet() {
private companion object {
const val TARGET_URL = "Target-Url"
override fun sendProxyRequest(clientRequest: HttpServletRequest, proxyResponse: HttpServletResponse, proxyRequest: Request) {
// authentication logic
val targetUrl = clientRequest.getHeader(TARGET_URL)
if (authSuccess) {
super.sendProxyRequest(clientRequest, proxyResponse, proxyRequest)
} else {
proxyResponse.status = HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value()
When I query my proxy, I get in this method and successfuly authenticate, but I fail to understand how to use my targetUrl to redirect the request.
The method keeps calling itself as it's redirecting the original request to itself (the request from http://myproxy:port/ to http://myproxy:port/).
It is very difficult to find documentation on this specific implementation of jetty, StackOverflow is my last resort!
First, setup logging for Jetty, and configure DEBUG level logging for the package namespace org.eclipse.jetty.proxy, this will help you understand the behavior much better.
The Request proxyRequest parameter represents a HttpClient/Request object, which is created with an immutable URI/URL destination (this is due to various other features that requires information from the URI/URL such as Connection pooling, Cookies, Authentication, etc), you cannot change the URI/URL on this object after the fact, you must create the HttpClient/Request object with the correct URI/URL.
Since all you want to do is change the target URL, you should instead be overriding the method ...
protected String rewriteTarget(HttpServletRequest clientRequest)
... and returning the new absolute URI String to the destination that you want to use (The "Target-Url" header in your scenario looks like a good candidate)
You can see this logic in the ProxyServlet.service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) code block (which AsyncProxyServlet extends from)

Spring-ws SoapHeader fields access in endpoint method

We are developing a contract-first WebService using spring-ws 2.2.0. We are trying to manage the authentication using a custom tag, named AuthToken, located in the SoapHeader.
The AuthToken has the following structure:
We are able to generate a WSDL schema containing the specified custom authentication tag inside the SoapHeader.
The problem is that when the client performs the call towards our server we are not able to unmarshal the AuthToken tag (located in the SoapHeader) in our Ws Endpoint implementation.
Using the #RequestPayload annotation in the binding method signature (handleMethodRequest as specified in the example below), we are able to access the unmarshalled payload content (located in the SoapBody).
We tried to make the same thing with the SoapHeader content without success.
In the following code examples we show you what we would like to obtain:
#PayloadRoot(namespace = NAMESPACE_URI, localPart = "methodRequest")
public MethodResponse handleMethodRequest(#RequestPayload MethodRequest request, #SoapHeader(value = "authToken") AuthToken authToken) { }
#PayloadRoot(namespace = NAMESPACE_URI, localPart = "methodRequest")
public MethodResponse handleMethodRequest(#RequestPayload MethodRequest request, AuthToken authToken) { }
#PayloadRoot(namespace = NAMESPACE_URI, localPart = "methodRequest")
public MethodResponse handleMethodRequest(#RequestPayload MethodRequest request, header) { }
#PayloadRoot(namespace = NAMESPACE_URI, localPart = "methodRequest")
public MethodResponse handleMethodRequest(#RequestPayload MethodRequest request, MessageContext messageContext) { }
In case 1, 2 we obtain the following error:
No adapter for endpoint [MethodResponse EndpointImplementation.handleMethodRequest(MethodRequest, AuthToken) throws java.lang.Exception]: Is your endpoint annotated with #Endpoint, or does it implement a supported interface like MessageHandler or PayloadEndpoint?
In case 3, 4 we have no errors but we are not able to handle SoapHeader or MessageContext (respectively in case 3 and 4) to reach our purposes, accessing the AuthToken to retrieve username and password sub element.
Looking for a solution in the web we found that many people having the same problem uses Spring Interceptors to handle the authentication.
Following the "Interceptors-way" we should access the AuthToken inside the interceptor. Unfortunately we need to use AuthToken field inside handleMethodRequest method for other purposes, for example loading user specific data, not accessible outside handleMethodRequest.
Therefore we cannot follow this way because we need to refer user specific data inside the handleMethodRequest method.
Does anyone know how can we solve the problem? Thanks in advance.
For that use case, the only supported combination of annotation and parameter type is #SoapHeader and SoapHeaderElement. Spring-WS currently doesn't support unmarshalling headers.
A hacky way of getting the value from interceptor to the handleMethodRequest is using a static ThreadLocal instance. Since the same thread that invokes the interceptor also invokes the handleMethodRequest you can use
ThreadLocal.set(AuthToken); // in interceptor.
ThreadLocal.get();// in handler and then clear it after use.
Also, I noticed that #SoapHeader(value = "{authToken") in your example does not have } is that a typo here or in your code?
