How do I pip install pandas under the new system? - windows

I have pip installed many packages using the windows powershell from my python 37 window, but havent for a few months and now I am getting an error instead of an install.
I have tried installing two packages (pandas and numpy) and get the same results for both.
I tried switching pip and pandas, as well as pip and the file name (including extension) and received no favorable results. When I type in the name of the module it returns that there is no module with that name, when I type in the full file name for the module it tells me that numpy-1 does not exist.
As you will see in the next section the problem seems to be that the format for pip installing seems to have changed when I wasn't paying attention.
my code (which has worked in the past) looks like this
py -3.7 -m pip install numpy-1.16.2-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
the error looks like this
PS C:\Users\Hezekiah\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37> py -3.7 -m pip install numpy-1.16.2-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
C:\Users\Hezekiah\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\python.exe: No module named pip
I expect my pip install code to install numpy, instead it tells me that pip is not a module.

follow steps cmd
2.give full path to the script folder
3.then try pip commands
pip install pandas
C:\Python37-32\Scripts>pip install pandas


google drive api and pip problems with pycharm and anaconda on macos [duplicate]

I'm trying to use pip to install a package. I try to run pip install from the Python shell, but I get a SyntaxError. Why do I get this error? How do I use pip to install the package?
>>> pip install selenium
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
pip is run from the command line, not the Python interpreter. It is a program that installs modules, so you can use them from Python. Once you have installed the module, then you can open the Python shell and do import selenium.
The Python shell is not a command line, it is an interactive interpreter. You type Python code into it, not commands.
Use the command line, not the Python shell (DOS, PowerShell in Windows).
C:\Program Files\Python2.7\Scripts> pip install XYZ
If you installed Python into your PATH using the latest installers, you don't need to be in that folder to run pip
Terminal in Mac or Linux
$ pip install XYZ
As #sinoroc suggested correct way of installing a package via pip is using separate process since pip may cause closing a thread or may require a restart of interpreter to load new installed package so this is the right way of using the API: subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'SomeProject']) but since Python allows to access internal API and you know what you're using the API for you may want to use internal API anyway eg. if you're building own GUI package manager with alternative resourcess like
Following soulution is OUT OF DATE, instead of downvoting suggest updates. see for reference.
UPDATE: Since pip version 10.x there is no more get_installed_distributions() or main method under import pip instead use import pip._internal as pip.
UPDATE ca. v.18 get_installed_distributions() has been removed. Instead you may use generator freeze like this:
from pip._internal.operations.freeze import freeze
print([package for package in freeze()])
# eg output ['pip==19.0.3']
If you want to use pip inside the Python interpreter, try this:
import pip
package_names=['selenium', 'requests'] #packages to install
pip.main(['install'] + package_names + ['--upgrade'])
# --upgrade to install or update existing packages
If you need to update every installed package, use following:
import pip
for i in pip.get_installed_distributions():
pip.main(['install', i.key, '--upgrade'])
If you want to stop installing other packages if any installation fails, use it in one single pip.main([]) call:
import pip
package_names = [i.key for i in pip.get_installed_distributions()]
pip.main(['install'] + package_names + ['--upgrade'])
Note: When you install from list in file with -r / --requirement parameter you do NOT need open() function.
pip.main(['install', '-r', 'filename'])
Warning: Some parameters as simple --help may cause python interpreter to stop.
Curiosity: By using pip.exe you actually use python interpreter and pip module anyway. If you unpack pip.exe or pip3.exe regardless it's python 2.x or 3.x, inside is the SAME single file
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys
from pip import main
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw?|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])
To run pip in Python 3.x, just follow the instructions on Python's page: Installing Python Modules.
python -m pip install SomePackage
Note that this is run from the command line and not the python shell (the reason for syntax error in the original question).
I installed python and when I run pip command it used to throw me an error like shown in pic below.
Make Sure pip path is added in environmental variables. For me, the python and pip installation path is::
Python: C:\Users\fhhz\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\
pip: C:\Users\fhhz\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\Scripts
Both these paths were added to path in environmental variables.
Now Open a new cmd window and type pip, you should be seeing a screen as below.
Now type pip install <<package-name>>. Here I'm installing package spyder so my command line statement will be as pip install spyder and here goes my running screen..
and I hope we are done with this!!
you need to type it in cmd not in the IDLE. becuse IDLE is not an command prompt if you want to install something from IDLE type this
>>>from pip.__main__ import _main as main
>>>main(#args splitted by space in list example:['install', 'requests'])
this is calling pip like pip <commands> in terminal. The commands will be seperated by spaces that you are doing there to.
If you are doing it from command line,
try -
python -m pip install selenium
or (for Python3 and above)
python3 -m pip install selenium

PySide Installation

I'm trying to install the PySide on python 3.5 (32-bit) on windows 10, I installed the pip, it's ok, but when I run the command 'easy_install' at cmd, shows this:
Subtitle: "-U" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
When I run the command 'import easy_install' on python's console, it's ok nothing is shown here, but When I run "import PySide' shows the error 'ImportError: No module named 'PySide'"
Anyone knows why it occurs?
I don't have any experience using easy_install, but I wonder if you should try --upgrade instead of -U. Also, don't know if you want the upgrade flag at all if you don't have the package installed in the first place.
You mentioned you have pip installed, so you can install PySide like this:
python -m pip install PySide
Or if you are trying to upgrade PySide:
python -m pip install PySide
Note that you'll need python in your PATH environment variable, otherwise you'll need to provide the full path to the python interpreter, wherever that may be on your system:
C:/python27/python.exe -m pip install --upgrade PySide

Python 3.5.1 pip install 'ImportError'

While using pip install I am getting the following error:
Error while finding spec for 'pip__main__' <: No module named 'urllib.request'; 'urllib' is not a package>; 'pip' is a package and cannot be directly executed
Any advice on this one?
I thought maybe it was related to the requests module itself but I tried to download other modules and had the same problem.
I've just upgraded from Python 3.3 to v3.5.1 on Windows and hit the same error message. I understand it's not the same as your problem.
It seems that the instructions from the docs to use:
python -m pip install SomePackage
are wrong, at least for Windows because I get the error message quoted by the OP.
I forgot to add the Scripts directory to my path, the same as previous releases. When I add it the problem is fixed. My path now has (for a default install of Python 3.5):
The pip executable is located in Scripts, so pip commands can now be executed directly, the same as always:
pip install urllib

installing python packages via pip issues

all I want is install pandas comfortably the package pandas via pip.
Inside python I get the following error message:
>>> pip install pandas
c:\python34\python.exe: No module named pip.__main__; 'pip' is a package and cannot be directly executed
Allright then I use the windows powershell
PS C:\Windows\system32> C:\Python34\python.exe -m pip install pandas
C:\Python34\python.exe: No module named pip
I had uninstalled and reinstalled python because I used at first the 32-Bit version but wanted 64-Bit, but had some issues so switched back to the 32-Bit version.
Before the reinstallation process I remember, that I could get pip to work but due to proxy issues didn't get very far. I am not a hundred percent positive but I might have gotten around the proxy issue at least.
Don't know what to do. Can somebody help.

How to uninstall editable packages with pip (installed with -e)

I have installed some packages with -e
> pip install -e git+
I with pip freeze I see
> pip freeze
-e git+
when I try to uninstall the packages I get errors:
> pip uninstall horus-dev
Cannot uninstall requirement horus-dev, not installed
> pip uninstall horus
Cannot uninstall requirement horus, not installed
How do I uninstall such a package?
At {virtualenv}/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ (if not using virtualenv then {system_dir}/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/)
remove the egg file (e.g. distribute-0.6.34-py2.7.egg) if there is any
from file easy-install.pth, remove the corresponding line (it should be a path to the source directory or of an egg file).
An easier way to do the same with the new version of setup_tools is to run the following:
python develop -u
Which basically does the same as what #glarrain describes in his answer.
Here's a demonstration, showing that eg you don't want to substitute a package name into that command:
.../pytest-migration$ python develop -u
running develop
Removing /home/me/virtualEnvs/automation/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pytest-migration.egg-link (link to .)
Removing pytest-migration 1.0.155 from easy-install.pth file
Install a dev package use cmd:
pip install --editable .
rm -r $(find . -name '*.egg-info')
Now you can use:
pip uninstall package_name
or python develop --uninstall or python develop -u
Simply uninstall the package you installed in 'editable' mode:
pip uninstall yourpackage
it works for recent pip-versions (at least >=19.1.1).
It turns out that my installation was somehow corrupt.
I could find the entry in:
To solve the problem I removed the line in the .pth file by hand!
import sys; sys.__plen = len(sys.path)
/absolute-path-to/horus # <- I removed this line
This is a bug on debian/ubuntu linux using OS-installed pip (v8.1.1 for me), which is what you'll invoke with sudo pip even if you've upgraded pip (e.g. See
For a discussion on how to clean up see, though the solutions there are of the "remove everything" variety.
...pip packages [go] to /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages, and apt packages to /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
...a few packages were installed in ~/.local/lib too.
For my system all I needed to remove was /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/{package_name}.egg-link
I think I have something to add to all the answers here:
Using pip list you'll see all your installed packages, and there is a little trickery: a single pip install can create several entries in this list. In particular when you do an editable install, you'll have your <package_name> listed besides the location of the source on your disc.
This <package_name> is only used for pip and is never called in python as far as I understand, it is configured in your pyproject.toml, setup.cfg or
Thus, to properly uninstall your package using pip, you should use this name and not the named of individual modules included in your package.
Hope it helps!
