DAX code change from calculated column to a measure - dax

I have a fact table with settlement_date, product_id, service_id, location_id, and ticket_id and srv_adjusted_earning columns.
I have determined the DAX query to generate a calculated column that sums the srv_adjusted_earning column over the date range: settlement date and settlement date - 27 days (i.e. a 4 week window) as:
FILTER(factService, factService[PRO_ID] = EARLIER(factService[PRO_ID])),
FILTER(factService, factService[SER_ID] = EARLIER(factService[SER_ID])),
FILTER(factService, factService[LOC_ID_SELLING] =
FILTER(factService, factService[TIS_ID] = EARLIER(factService[TIS_ID]))
I am trying to convert this DAX calculated column to a measure and I tried the following:
ALLEXCEPT(factService, factService[PRO_ID]),
ALLEXCEPT(factService, factService[SER_ID]),
ALLEXCEPT(factService, factService[LOC_ID_SELLING]),
ALLEXCEPT(factService, factService[TIS_ID])
But I get:
Error: Calculation error in measure 'factService'[blob]: A single value for column 'SETTLEMENT_DATE' in table 'factService' cannot be determined. This can happen when a measure formula refers to a column that contains many values without specifying an aggregation such as min, max, count, or sum to get a single result.
Anybody know how I fix this?

As the error mentions, the issue is with factService[SETTLEMENT_DATE]. In the measure, there is no row context so that it knows which date you are talking about, so you need to specify it somehow. I'd suggest using a variable along these lines:
blob :=
VAR SettleDate = MAX ( factService[SETTLEMENT_DATE] )
SettleDate - 27,
Here the variable picks the maximal settlement date in the current filter context. If that's not exactly what you need, adjust the definition accordingly.


How MAX(Calendar[date]) -as a filter in CALCULATE- evaluates to the current context date when calculating running total?

This Article by Alberto Ferrari shows how to compute the running total over a dimension:
Sales RT :=
VAR MaxDate = MAX ( 'Date'[Date] ) -- Saves the last visible date
[Sales Amount], -- Computes sales amount
'Date'[Date] <= MaxDate, -- Where date is before the last visible date
ALL ( Date ) -- Removes any other filters from Date
In this video
he says: "Maxdate contains the last date that is visible in the context"
Where did the context come from when we are using ALL(Date) which cancels all filters and returns the entire Date table?
Shouldn't Max(Date) be always equal to the Maximum date of the entire Date table? not the one corresponding to the row being calculated.
What is meant by [visible context] hear? how is it defined? And/or how is it treated by CALCULATE when ALL is used?
If anyone please could explain to me -in depth- how the [MAX ( 'Date'[Date] )] evaluated to the date corresponding to the row being calculated and not to the Maximum date of the entire Date table

Calculate the difference between the current and the previous row in DAX

In Analysis Services I have a table for Covid Cases, as shown below:
It shows the cumulative cases on a daily basis for 193 different countries. I would like to add a calculated column to calculate the difference between the current row and the previous row, so I can see the daily new cases. Also, as column Country/Region contains 193 different countries, this calculation needs to be somehow grouped for each country. The Date column should also be in the right order.
How should I sort the table and what DAX function should I use to make this work?
Try this
Column =
VAR current =
CALCULATE ( MAX ( tbl[Value] ) )
VAR prev =
tbl[Country] = EARLIER ( tbl[Country] )
&& tbl[Date] < EARLIER ( tbl[Date] )
current - prev

A way to filter a distinct set of columns using a measure from the same table - Tabular2017

Overview of the table in question
I need to get a distinct count of the column Fkey_Dim_Resource_ID that has holiday to spare.
My Table consists of five columns:
Resource_Allocated_Holiday_ID (Primary Key)
Allocated Holiday (Hrs):= Var X= SUM([Allocated_Holiday_Hrs_Qty])
Return if(X =0; BLANK();X)
This measure below then uses the above, and the holiday spent from another metric:
Remaining Holiday (Hrs):= Var X = 'HolidayEntry Numbers'[Allocated Holiday (Hrs)] - [#Holiday Hours]
Return if(X=0;BLANK();X)
And now, I would like a metric that gives me the distinct count of Fkey_Dim_ResourceID where 'Remaining Holiday (hrs)' >0.
I have tried a lot of different stuff, but cannot seem to get it right.
SUMMARIZE('HolidayEntry Numbers'
;'HolidayEntry Numbers'[Fkey_Dim_Company_ID]
;'HolidayEntry Numbers'[Fkey_Dim_Resource_ID];
'HolidayEntry Numbers'[Fkey_Dim_HolidayYear_Id]
;"RemainingHoliday"; sum( [Remaining Holiday (Hrs)])
I would like for a distinct count of Fkey_Dim_Resource_ID that has holiday left, that takes into account the context.
Thanks in advance.
With this measure:
test4 virker når ressourcen er med:=COUNTROWS (
VALUES ( 'HolidayEntry
"remholiday"; CALCULATE ( [Remaining Holiday
(Hrs)] )
[remholiday] > 0
I get the following result:
Result of the advice1
So the metric works, when in the context of a Resource, but not when in the context of a Fkey_dim_holiday_Year_ID.
Thanks ion advance.
Resources with remaining holiday hours =
COUNTROWS ( // counts rows in a table
FILTER ( // returns a table, filtering based on predicate
// below is unique values of the column in context, as a
// one-column table
VALUES ( 'HolidayEntry Numbers'[Fkey_Dim_Resource_ID] ),
[Remaining Holiday (hrs)] > 0 // keep rows meeting this criterion
As a matter of style, you should fully qualify column names as 'Table'[Column], and never fully qualify measure references, i.e. don't prefix with table name. This conforms with all style guides I know, and helps to ensure your code is unambiguous (since both columns and measures are referenced in square brackets).

DAX | To override active filter with Inactive (Userelationship)

I need a help in creating DAX measures. Here is the relationship in Tabular cube.
I have one Fact sales, Initial Date, final Date and product table.
Relationship : Product -> Fact Sales (1 to Many, active)
Initial Date -> Fact Sales (1 to many, inactive relation)
Final Date - > Fact Sales(1 to many, active)
Cube is used as source for Power Bi tools. Users can select any initial and final date for comparison of sales.
Actual data
Expected output
Filters :
product : Product1
Initial date : 20160101
Final Date : 20160131
Product | Initial Sales | Final Sales
Product1|100 |200
I have created DAX measure AS
Initial Sales := CALCULATE(SUM(SALES),USERELATIONSHIP('Fact Sales'[Date],'Initial Date'[Date]))
But this measure is not giving me initial sales as it is also filtered by final date.
Thanks in advance
You can relate tables without an explicit relationship by using FILTER function in DAX.
Since Initial Date relationship with Fact Sales is disabled, you need to FILTER the Fact Sales rows that match the Initial Date selected in the filter. You can use EARLIER to compare the context being evaluated against each row in Fact Sales and filter the right values for the calculation.
Use these measures:
Initial Sales :=
IF (
ISFILTERED ( InitialDate[InitialDate] ),
SUM ( FactSales[Sales] ),
ALL ( FactSales ),
EARLIER ( FactSales[Date] ) = MAX ( InitialDate[InitialDate] )
&& EARLIER ( FactSales[Product] ) = [Product]
Final Sales :=
IF (
ISFILTERED ( FinalDate[FinalDate] ),
SUM ( FactSales[Sales] ),
FILTER ( FactSales, [Date] = MAX ( FinalDate[FinalDate] ) )
This expression works as follows, it sums all values in Sales column which Date is equal to the Final Date selected in the filter. However this can be calculated easily as you know with the relationship you have set between Final Date and Fact Sales.
The ISFILTERED functions tell us if the filter have a value selected or not, if a value is selected it returns the value otherwise returns BLANK.
This is an example in Power BI since I don't have access to Excel right now.

DAX - Lookup value to retrieve exchange rate

In table "Paypal", I have:
And in table "Câmbios":
And now, I'm adding a calculated column to "Paypal" table with the formula:
Câmbio = LOOKUPVALUE('Câmbios'[Câmbio];'Câmbios'[Mês];MONTH('Paypal'[Date]))
Which is returning the error:
A table of multiple values was supplied where a single value was expected.
This doesn't make sense to me.
Can anyone help?
The problem is Câmbios table contains repeated values for at least one month and the LOOKUPVALUE function doesn't know which value use to retrieve the specified column.
You can use instead:
Cambio =
MAX ( Cambio[Cambio] ),
FILTER ( Cambio, [Mes] = MONTH ( EARLIER ( Paypal[Date] ) ) )
Or delete the repeated values from Cambios[Mes].
