WSO2 EI Multiple certificates per endpoint - wso2-enterprise-integrator

For this situation I'm using WSO2 Enterprise Integrator 6.4.0
I currently find myself in the situation where I have 1 endpoint (SOAP) controlled by government (which I need to use) and multiple of our end customers need to connect to. In order for this to work, all the end customers need to address the same endpoint in the same fashion but using their own client certificate.
So customer 1 has certificate 1 and customer 2 needs certificate 2, etc.
AS far I as could tell, from documentation and trying, one endpoint can only ever use a single certificate in its connection. Since the amount of customers might change on a daily basis I would to have a single common solution to this problem.
Currently to circumvent this problem I'm creating a design in which I use endpoint per customer and a reverse proxy to connect to the final endpoint. This is however not ideal since I would still need to create 1 endpoint per customer, which might turn out to be pretty intensive.
I'm open to any suggestions.

You are right that you cannot get the ESB to present a different certificate based on the client that is trying to connect. If you really want to go down that route putting a reverse proxy (like nginx) in front of the ESB and using that to handle the SSL could work, but I wouldn't really recommend doing that.
If you are wanting mutual SSL (link, link) then you need to add the certificates of the clients that will be connecting to your endpoint to your client trust store. The default truststore is located at <wso2EI_home>/repository/resources/security/client-truststore.jks. To import a cert keytool -import -trustcacerts -file <cert-file-name> -alias <choose-a-useful-name> -keystore client-truststore.jks The default password is wso2carbon.
Doing this does require you to maintain the certificates, when a client cert changes because it expired you need to import the new one. They won't be able to connect until you do.
Another option could be to disable mutual SSL and have you endpoint open for anyone (that you allow through your firewall) to be able to connect. You won't have to maintain a list of client certificates. The traffic will still be encrypted, you will just lose the tight control over who can connect.


Identifying which certificate is needed in order to perform https post using Oracle utl_http

Short story
I'm trying to send a POST request from a PL/SQL script using the utl_http utility in Oracle. I've been able to send the request using http, but not https. I've added what I thought was the necessary certificates to a Oracle Wallet, and I believe they are being imported and used (but in all honesty, this is a little hard to verify). My current assumption is that calls from our DB server are passing through a proxy server, and that that is somehow messing up some part of the https / certificate functionality.
Supporting evidence (possibly?): I tried to make calls (POST requests) to a dummy service at Again, I got this working with http, but not https - the latter results in a cert validation error.
I then tried to replicate the behavior using postman, and that basically produces the same result, unless I fiddle around with the settings:
Initial Postman result:
Could not get any response
There was an error connecting to
Disabling SSL verification
Under the Post man settings, I turned off SSL Certificate Verification, and tried again. This time, I got a 200 OK response, and confirmed that the webhook received the post request fine.
It seems clear that the error is due to a missing cert, but I can't figure out which, or how to configure it. My assumption is that if I can get this to work for a webhook-url from Postman (without disabling cert verification), then I should also be able to get it to work from PL/SQL later.
When I look at the webhook site in a browser and inspect the certs, the webhook cert is the lowest cert (leaf node?). Above it there is one intermediate cert related to the company I'm working for, and then a root cert also related to the company. The root node is named something like "Company Proxy Server CA" - So I'm assuming the proxy somehow manipulates my requests and inserts it's own cert here.
I've tried downloading all of these certs and importing them into my cert store, as well as importing them under the Postman settings (under Certificates) in various combinations, but nothing seems to make any difference; all attempts at posting with HTTPS produces the following error in my Postman Console:
Error: unable to verify the first certificate
Any ideas about how to resolve this, or at least obtain more information about what to do would be greatly appreciated.
Switching OFF "SSL Certificate Verification" in Postman only means that it (i.e. Postman) will not check the validity of SSL certificates while making a request. Meaning that it will just send the certificates as they are. Because your connection fails if the setting in ON, this means Postman cannot verify the validity of your certificates.
This is most likely the case with the actual service you're trying to POST to, they cannot verify the certificates. Is that service outside your company network? And is it a public one or one owned by your company? Where is that service hosted? What certificate do they need?
BTW, TLS client certificates are sent as part of establishing the SSL connection, not as part of the HTTP request. The TLS handshake (and exchange/validation of client and server certificates) happens before any HTTP message is sent.
I'm thinking this might be a blocked port issue.
You said... ""Company Proxy Server CA" - So I'm assuming the proxy somehow manipulates my requests and inserts it's own cert here."
That means your client software needs your Company Proxy Server CA in its trusted certificates list. If that client's list is that of the oracle wallet...
This talks about how to do that.
Also, if your system running postman has a non-oracle based wallet trusted certificate (probably the operating system?) you'll have to execute something like adding the trust to your account on the workstation
in order to have the proxy server certificate trusted.
Once the certificate you're making the connection with has a root of trust per the effective configuration of the client being used, then you'll be able to verify the certificate.
A couple of possible issues:
The server doesn't actually support HTTPS. Connect a browser to the URL that you POST to, and see if you receive a response. (It looks like you already did this, but I'm documenting it for completeness.)
The server uses the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension to determine what certificate chain to send back, but your POSTing client doesn't send that extension. You can identify this case by looking up the IP for the host you're POSTing to, then going to https://nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn/ (obviously use the IP here, instead of the literal string 'nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn') in your browser, and checking the certificate chain it returns. If it is not the same as you get from step 1, this is your problem, and you need to figure out how to either get SNI support in your Oracle PL/SQL client or get the POST endpoint exposed on that hostname. (alternatively, you might be able to use these certificates to prime your Oracle Wallet, but they might have an issue with the hostname in the certificate not matching the hostname you connect to.)
You have a proxy in the way. I don't think this is what's going on, since that would basically only cause problems if you were doing client-side certificate authentication. (If this is the problem or is a condition, you need to import those certificates into your trusted wallet; you also need to ensure that the server you're posting from is going through the same proxy. Otherwise, you need to ensure that the certificate authority for the proxy that the machine actually running the code sees is in the wallet. This may require the assistance of the system/network administrators who run that machine and its connection to the network.)
HTTPS is a finicky beast. Many, many things must work exactly correctly for TLS connections to work and the certificates to correctly verify (the TLS port must respond, the client and server must agree to speak the same version of TLS, the client and server must agree to use the same cipher combination, the certificate chain presented by the server must be issued by a CA the client recognizes, and the leaf certificate in that chain must certify the name client requested).
SNI is needed to support multiple names on a single host without messing with the certifications of other names on the same host. Unfortunately, SNI is one of those things that has been standardized for over a decade (RFC 3546), but many enterprise-grade softwares haven't implemented.

From self managed Let's Encrypt to AWS Certificate Manager

I have been managing Let's Encrypt's SSL certificates for a domain.
Now I am moving to Amazon API gateway. I will be using the AWS Certificate Manager to generate HTTPS certificates for the root domain and a bunch of subdomains.
If I make the transfer, what happens to my current HTTPS certificate which is associated with my domain. If browsers suddenly start seeing a new HTTPS certificate for a domain, for which they had been getting a different HTTPS certificate until now, would this be a problem?
Also, once I make the shift, what do I do with my current (manually managed) Let's Encrypt certificate? Is there a way to permanently void it?
Szabolcs Dombi says
You can have multiple valid certificates for the same domain at the
same time. Moving from one certificate issuer to another should not
cause a problem.
Toby Osbourn says
SSL certificates don’t last forever, most of them need to be renewed
on a yearly cycle and occasionally you will want to change the type of
the SSL certificate mid-cycle.
Since you are replacing certificates, I suggest you to back up the ones you have.
Once you have backed up the old certificates, just overwrite the .crt and .key files with your new ones. Then, reload your web server so it knows to look at these new certificates, and you should be good to go.
If it's within your interest to know more about how to Generate SSL certificate using Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM), I suggest Barguzar, A. (July 2018). Building Serverless Python Web Services with Zappa. where one can read a good step by step guide. See an excerpt of it below:
ACM is a service that manages and creates SSL/TSL certificates for
AWS-based services and applications. An ACM certificate works with
multiple domain names and subdomains. You can also use ACM to create a
wildcard SSL.
ACM is strictly linked with AWS Certificate Manager Private
Certificate Authority (ACM PCA). ACM PCA is responsible for validating
the domain authority and issuing the certificate.
You can have multiple valid certificates for the same domain at the same time. Moving from one certificate issuer to another should not cause a problem.
This also means that if you create a new certificate the old one still can be used unless it already expired.

Does updating SNI config affect SSL Certificates and Validation

I'm developing an app for a non-tech client that has outsourced the backend to another developer. We'll be launching the app under 7 different branded app, over a series of weeks. Each app is exactly the same, sans for the domain the API end points are on (IIS hosted).
As part of our security, we validate the SSL certificate when we connect to the API, and ensure the key returned by the API server matches our hardcoded version of it, as to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks to sniff our REST calls. We have this functioning now for the current server (1 of 7 to be rolled out).
We've asked the backend guys to provide the certificates for the remaining 6 sites, so we can deploy the apps with the expected keys. However, they claim that as they will be rolling out the sites individually over the coming weeks, each time they bring a new a new site online, they said they are "updating the SSL certificate" which is required as they are "using SNI on the server, so each time a new site is added, the certificate will change, and the hardcoded validation for the existing sites will break".
Now whilst I'm no dummy, I'm also not a server admin, and only 99.9% sure that the SNI configuration to support another cert on the server, will not have any affect on the current certs already hosted for the existing domains. As a result, I wanted to explicitly confirm that the cert key we're validating as part of the SSL auth, is not going to change with each revision of the SNI config. The backend devs have essentially shut us down claiming we're paranoid, and going "beyond what is required" and to not expect "the same security a the major players offer" (as I mentioned that any decent commercial app validates its connection).
Is anyone able to confirm (or correct) my understanding of SNI as it relates to the certs, primarily that as they bring new sites online, that changes to the SNI have 0 impact on the existing certs for the current sites?
Edit: Whilst the use of multi-domain certs would regenerate the key, we can assume that they could generate/re-issue a multi-domain cert now in advance of the domains coming online. The question of if it's affected by the SNI config remains.
"updating the SSL certificate" which is required as they are "using SNI on the server, so each time a new site is added, the certificate will change, and the hardcoded validation for the existing sites will break".
This is a weird argument. The point of SNI is that they can have multiple sites (domains) on the same IP address where each has its own certificate. If they add a new site only a new certificate for the new domain need to be created and all the other certificates will continue to work: a client using SNI will tell which site it wants to visit and the server then can pick the appropriate certificate. If they instead could not rely on SNI then they would have to use certificates which cover all sites on the same IP address.
So while it can be that they have some process which requires this kind of reissuing certificates it is not a requirement because of use of SNI, but only because they designed their process this way.

Shipping SSL certificate in Mac OS X app

I'm writing a utility Mac OS X app that basically acts as a web server accepting incoming HTTP requests (think of it as a mock REST API server). I want to be able to support HTTPS, but ideally I'd like to remove the requirement for my users to have to purchase their own SSL certificates.
I've been thinking a little on how I might achieve this. Let's say I register a domain called I then purchase an SSL cert for that is signed by a registered CA. I ship my app with those SSL cert details embedded within it. All my users have to do is update their /etc/hosts file to point to whatever IP address my app is installed and running on.
In fact, by far, the most common scenario would be my app running on the same machine as the client, so I'm considering updating the main DNS entry for to point to, and most users wouldn't have to change anything.
So, that's the basic theory. What have I missed that would make this an unworkable plan? A couple of things that have crossed my mind:
I could use a self-signed cert. However, many SSL clients barf (or throw up warnings) if the cert doesn't have a valid CA chain. I'm happy to pay the money for a real cert to alleviate this inconvenience for my users.
I would be embedding the private key for my SSL cert into my app. In theory, someone could extract that and use it to impersonate my app. I guess my reaction is "so what?" My app is a small productivity app, it isn't an e-commerce site. It doesn't collect sensitive info. It literally just simulates web server responses so devs can test their apps.
Any advice/feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
This won't work - but for nontechnical reasons.
Distributing an SSL certificate to your users along with its associated key will violate the issuance terms of your SSL certificate provider, and they will revoke the certificate when they discover what you have done. (This happened, for example, when Pivotal tried to offer SSL service for developers through This will, of course, cause your application to stop working.
If your users have administrative access to their machines, they can create and trust their own self-signed CA using Keychain Access. Once they have done so, they could create a certificate (again, using Keychain Access) and insert that into your application to enable SSL.
As said in the other answer you can't ship the same certificate for everybody. What you could do is generate different for everybody:
The application ask them the domain name they want to use (a domain they must own, like
The application use the ACME protocol to get automatically a trusted certificate from let's encrypt
Note: you can provide them subdomains of a domain you control (like [clientid] ONLY of you can register in the public suffix list (because let's encrypt have rate limits)

WMQ AMS keystore

Can I use the same keystore and cert for AMS that my app already uses?
You can, but also have the option to use separate certs and/or keystores if you want. The keystore.conf file contains the details of the keystore and the label of the certificate that AMS will use for encrypting and signing messages. This can point to the same certificate as used by the application for making connections to WebSphere MQ, the same certificate the app server uses for SSL connections or an entirely separate keystore dedicated to AMS.
The key (excuse the pun) is to manage the keystores based on the security model required. The app server's keystore probably has a number of external-facing certificates in its trust store. For example, it might trust several commercial certificate authorities. The AMS keystore must contain the certificates of anyone who will be signing or encrypting messages that your app will consume or receiving encrypted messages from your app. Since these are usually internal-facing it might be worthwhile to use a separate keystore for AMS than is used for external-facing entities. Otherwise the two different security models (internal-facing and external-facing) end up trusting each others participants.
This is just one example and in general the idea is to construct the keystores based on the specific security model required and using a least-trust principle. You have to balance the cost of maintaining separate keystores against the extra security of maintaining individual ones.
