Open an image in Google Docs - google-api

Just a little background: As you might know, if you have an image in Google drive and you try to open it with Google Docs, Google tries to extract the text within your image (OCR) and show the text alongside the image in a newly created Google Docs file.
I am writing a script and within that script I would like to open an image (with some text) with Google Docs.
When I try to do it through the following code, I just an Error message with no explanation on why it fails.
var file_url = file.getUrl();
var doc = DocumentApp.openByUrl(file_url);
}catch (e) {
Logger.log("Error Occurred: " + e.toString());
Any help would be appreciated.
Edit 1: Here is an actual scenario. I have the following .png image and I can open it with Google Docs.
When I open with Google Docs, I get the following document:
Document generated after opening the .png image with Google Doc.
Having the url of this .png file, I would like to do all this through my script so I can have the OCR generated text.

You want to convert a PNG file to Google Document by OCR using Google Apps Script.
If my understanding is correct, how about this modification? In this modification, Drive API is used.
When you use this script, please enable Drive API at Advanced Google Services and API console. You can see about this at here.
Modified script:
var fileId = "### file ID of PNG file ###";
var file = DriveApp.getFileById(fileId);
{title: file.getName(), mimeType: MimeType.GOOGLE_DOCS},
{ocr: true}
When the URL of PNG file is like, ##### is the file ID.
In this modified script, the filename of created Document uses the filename of file retrieved by fileId. If you want to use other filename, please modify title: file.getName().
Advanced Google Services
Drive API


How to use Google Picker with Google Drive using flutter

I can't find any resource to embed google Picker in a flutter to upload a doc to Google drive. Can any provide me with an example of how to integrate Google Picker to Flutter?
Same issue here, you can use file_picker:
final result = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles();
It will navigate user to an UI for selecting files including other app's files, i.e. google drive.
BTW, you should request permissions before picking the file:
final googleSignIn = GoogleSignIn(scopes: []);
await googleSignIn.signIn()
// request when you need it!
await googleSignIn.requestScopes([SheetsApi.spreadsheetsScope])
Found similar question here: File Picker for Google Drive Rest API for Android

Read the word document content from google drive

I am trying fetch doc content from google drive using the Google sdk. The problem is, the get() function is not working properly. It gives only file metadata not any actual content.
$googl = new Googl();
$this->client = $googl->client();
$this->drive = $googl->drive($this->client);
$file = $this->drive->files->get("fileId");
return $file;
From the documentation it looks like you can download a file using:
$file = $this->drive->files->get("fileId", array('alt' => 'media'));
$content = $file->getBody()->getContents();
I suspect that we may have a language issue here.
Read the content from a Google drive file
The google drive api is a file datastore api. This means that it stores the file itself and the information about said file. It does not give you any access to the contents of that file.
If you want to know what is in the file you will need to download the file and open it up on your machine.
or try Google documents api however i suspect that it will only be able to read a google drive document file and not a word file you may have to convert it first.
download the the file
If you check the documentation for Download Files you will find the following.
$fileId = '0BwwA4oUTeiV1UVNwOHItT0xfa2M';
$response = $driveService->files->get($fileId, array(
'alt' => 'media'));
$content = $response->getBody()->getContents();

Google Sheets API: How to "publish to web" for embeddable sheet?

If I wanted to publish a Google Sheets spreadsheet so I could embed it on a page within an iframe, I would manually do the following:
Navigate to Google Drive
Open a spreadsheet
File > Publish To Web > Embed > Copy the generated iframe link into an html file
How would I programmatically achieve the above through the Google Sheets API using JavaScript on the front end? I'm generating spreadsheets on the fly in my application and want to immediately embed them on the page once created.
Once the sheet is created, I can dynamically create an iframe element with the necessary attributes (the sheets ID, among others). That throws an error. From this question, it looks like a sheet needs to have a published: true attribute or something, but that requires using the Drive API - I'm trying to avoid that. Is this possible to handle only through the Sheets API?
After searching through the entire Sheets API, googling, and just general soul-searching, I had no choice but to include the Drive API and use it to do my bidding. Here's the solution I came up with. Hope this helps someone else out there!
Used this script from Google for the client-side JS library in the index.html file:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Then for the JS stuff:
// Cache the api's into variables.
var sheets = gapi.client.sheets;
var drive =;
properties: {
title: 'new-sheet'
}).then(function(newSpreadSheet) {
var id = newSpreadSheet.result.spreadsheetId;
fileId: id,
revisionId: 1
}, {
published: true, // <-- This is where the magic happens!
publishAuto: true
}).then(function() {
var iframe = [
'<iframe ',
// We're using jQuery on the page, but you get the idea.
As you have concluded, it is not possible through the Sheets API today and is only possible through the Drive API (using the PATCH request, documented at

Opening a PDF file in Windows Phone

I'm developing an app for Windows Phone 7 and I'm using a Phonegap template for it.
Everything looks perfect, but now I’m stuck trying to open a PDF file in the browser.
I tried the following but that doesn’t work because the url of the PDF exceeds the 2048 character limit (it’s a data url). This code runs after the deviceReady event was fired.
var ref ='', '_blank', 'location=no');
ref.addEventListener('loadstart', function () { alert(event.url); });
Now, I'm trying to save the PDF file to storage and then I'm trying to have it opened by the browser, but the browser doesn't show anything. I'm editing the InAppBrowser.cs code from cordovalib and I added the following lines before calling browser.Navigate(loc);
private void ShowInAppBrowser(string url)
IsolatedStorageFile store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
FileStream stream = store.OpenFile("test.pdf", FileMode.Create);
BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);
var myvar = Base64Decode("the big data url");
if (store.FileExists("test.pdf")) // Check if file exists
Uri loc = new Uri("test.pdf", UriKind.Relative);
This code is returning the following error:
Log:"Error in error callback: InAppBrowser1921408518 = TypeError: Unable to get value of the property 'url': object is null or undefined"
I don’t wanna use ComponentOne.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You cannot open pdf files from the isolated storage in the default reader for PDF files. If the file is online e.g. it has a URI for it, you can use WebBrowserTask to open it since that will download and open the file in Adobe Reader.
On Windows Phone 8 you actually can open your own file in default file reader for that extension, but I am not sure how that will help you since you target PhoneGap and Windows Phone 7.
Toni is correct. You could go and try to build your own viewer (which would be the same thing as using C1, but with more time involved). I worked on a port of iTextSharp and PDFSharp for WP7, but neither of which are PDF Viewers. They are good for creating PDFs and parsing them some (but to render them there is more work involved). This has been a personal quest of mine, but honestly the best I have gotten is to be able to extract some images from the PDF (and none of the text)
try this
var installedLocation = Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.InstalledLocation;
var assets = await installedLocation.GetFolderAsync("Assets");
var pdf = await assets.GetFileAsync("metro.pdf");
This worked correctly on my Device.

Is it possible to upload image or file to SkyDrive fom Metro Style App?

Is it possible to upload image or file to SkyDrive fom Metro Style App?
I have already found how to browse the file from SkyDrive. But I haven't found regarding uploading file to SkyDrive. If you reply me, it will be very thankful..
I don't think the file picker method works unless the user has the desktop app installed.
You should use a Sharing contract. If you add a data file (Storage Item) to share, then SkyDrive will be listed as a share target and the user gets a UI where they can choose where in their SkyDrive they want to save. This is how I implemented it in my app.
For more info...
You can use FileSavePicker to save files. This will of course give the user a chance to select where he wants to save to local documents folder or sky drive. The user is in control.
FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.DocumentsLibrary;
savePicker.DefaultFileExtension = ".YourExtension";
savePicker.SuggestedFileName = "SampleFileName";
savePicker.FileTypeChoices[".YourExtension"] = new List<string>() { ".YourExtension"};
StorageFile file = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
if (file != null)
await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(file, "A bunch of text to save to the file");
Please note that in the sample code I am creating the content of the file in code. If you want the user to select an existing file from the computer then you will have to first use FileOpenPicker, get the file and then use FileSavePicker to save the contents of the selected file to the SkyDrive
Assuming that you are using XAML/JavaScript, the suggested solution is to use FilePicker.
The following link may help you.
Thanks Mamta Dalal and Dangling Neuron, but there is problem. But it looks like I can't use FileSavePicker. I have to upload file(documnet, photo) not only text file. I have to copy from one path to another. If I use FileSavePicker, I have to write every file content (text, png, pdf, etc) and can't copy. Currently I am using FolderPicker. But unfortunately, FolderPicker doesn't support SkyDrive.My Code is As follow:
>FolderPicker saveFolder = new FolderPicker();
>saveFolder.ViewMode = PickerViewMode.Thumbnail;
>saveFolder.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.Desktop;
>StorageFolder storagefolderSave = await saveFolder.PickSingleFolderAsync();
>StorageFile storagefileSave = [Selected storagefile with file picker];
>await storagefileSave.CopyAsync(storagefolderSave,storagefileSave.Name,NameCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
It will be greate that if FolderPicker supports SkyDrive or can copy file using FileSavePicker.
