How to use "OR" in route parameter? - laravel

I'm building a twitter-ish website and I'm having a problem with routing:
this code will bring the user to the profile page of the person with the given id.
Route::get('/profile/{id}', 'ProfileController#show')->name('');
this code will bring the user to the profile page of the person with the given username.
Route::get('/profile/{username}', 'ProfileController#show')->name('');
and finally, this code will bring the user to the profile page of the person with the given email.
Route::get('/profile/{email}', 'ProfileController#show')->name('');
I mean all these three URLs will show the user the same page:
my question is:
is there a way to merge all these routes? like below:
Route::get('/profile/{id|username|email}', 'ProfileController#show')->name('');

Am not sure about merging the routes but you could write your route like this
Route::get('/profile/{identifier}', 'ProfileController#show')->name('');
and then change the method signature for show in ProfileController to something like this
public function show($identifier) {
if (is_numeric($identifier)) {
// do something
} else if ($this->isEmail($identifier)) {
// do something
} else {
// assume it is a username, and do something with that
// method to check if value provided is an email
// preferably, move this to a file of your custom helper functions
private function isEmail($value) {
// check if value is an email
// and return true/false indicating whether value is an email
And here is a link for a good way on how to check if a value is valid email address


How do I pass a value in my Route to the Controller to be used in the View in Laravel?

I have 2 entities called Match and Roster.
My Match routes are like this
http://localhost:8888/app/public/matches (index)
http://localhost:8888/app/public/matches/14 (show)
In order to view/create the teams for each specific match I added the routes for the match roster like this:
Route::get('/matches/'.'{id}'.'/roster/', [App\Http\Controllers\RosterController::class, 'index']);
Now I need that {id} i have in my URL to pass it to the Controller here:
public function index()
return view('roster.index');
I need that for a couple of things. First I need to do a search on the Roster table filtering by a column with that value, so I can display only the players that belong to that match.
Second, I need to pass it on to the view so I can use it on my store and update forms. I want to add or remove players from the roster from that same index view.
How can I do that?
#1 You can get the route parameter defined on ur routes via request()->route('parameter_name').
public function index()
// get {id} from the route (/matches/{id}/roster)
$id = request()->route('id');
#2 You can pass the data object via using return view(file_name, object)
public function index()
// get {id} from the route (/matches/{id}/roster)
$id = request()->route('id');
// query what u want to show
// dunno ur models specific things, so just simple example.
$rosters = Roster::where('match_id', '=', $id);
// return view & data
return view('roster.index', $rosters);
#3 It can be done not only index but also others (create, store, edit, update)
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Like a Blog, Board, etc..
You need to know essentials to build Laravel App.
Most of the time, I prefer named routes.
Route::get('{bundle}/edit', [BundleController::class, 'edit'])->name('bundle.edit');
In controller
public function edit(Bundle $bundle): Response
// do your magic here
You can call the route by,
route('bundle.edit', $bundle);

October CMS Static Pages plugin - hide / show pages in the backend based on user roles?

How can I hide some static pages based on the user's role?
I defined the role of users with the name "blabla".
Now I want to hide all the pages from these users, except for the page "blabla" in the "Static Pages" backend.
How can i do this?
sorry for my English))
yes of course you can do it but we need to write some code here.
we can utilize cms.object.listInTheme event
In your plugin within boot method you can add this event listener and filter static pages.
\Event::listen('cms.object.listInTheme', function ($cmsObject, $objectList) {
// lets check if we are really running in static pages
// you can also add more checks here based on controllers etc ..
if ($cmsObject instanceof \RainLab\Pages\Classes\Page) {
$user = \BackendAuth::getUser();
// role code and role name are different things
// we should use role code as it act as constant
$hasRoleFromWhichIneedTohidePages = $user->role->code === 'blabla' ? true : false;
// if user has that role then we start filtering
if($hasRoleFromWhichIneedTohidePages) {
foreach ($objectList as $index => $page) {
// we can use different matching you can use one of them
// to identify your page which you want to hide.
// forgot method will hide that page
// match against filename
if ($page->fileName == 'hidethispage.htm') {
// OR match against title
if ($page->title == 'hidethispage') {
// OR match against url
if ($page->url == '/hidethispage') {
currently this code will check page-url / title / file-name and restrict user statically from showing page in list but you can put your own logic here and make things dynamic.
if you didn't get it or want dynamic solution then please comment , I will explain in more detail.

how to restrict user from accessing another user's pages by inputing id in url laravel

I have a web app i'm working on.Users can create patients, which have a unique id. Problem I have is that when another user logs in, he can easily access patients not assigned to him by simply inputing their id in the url. Please how do i solve this? Heres a sample of my route for the
user to view his patient:
Route::get('patients/{patient}/view', 'Portal\PatientController#viewPatient');
and in the Patientcontroller:
public function viewPatient($patient){
$patient = Patient::where('id', $patient)->first();
return view ('portal.patient',compact('patient'));
Please what am I doing wrong?
You can use policies for that:
Policies are classes that organize authorization logic around a particular model or resource. For example, if your application is a blog, you may have a Post model and a corresponding PostPolicy to authorize user actions such as creating or updating posts.
Or gates:
Gates are Closures that determine if a user is authorized to perform a given action
I'd use policies, but you also can manually check if a user can view a page with something like:
if (auth()->id() !== $patient) {
return redirect('/')->with('message', 'You can not view this page');
You could also keep GET to access to this page without inputing the id. For example, if you want to obtain patients only from the current user logged in :
web.php :
Route::get('patients/view', 'Portal\PatientController#viewPatient');
Patientcontroller :
public function viewPatient(){
$id = auth()->id();
$patient = Patient::where('id', $id)->first();
return view ('portal.patient',compact('patient'));
Keep in mind that this will work only with an authenticated user.
If your database table structure is like this
id //Unique ID of Patient
user_id //User that created
Then you can do the check in controller like.
public function viewPatient($patient)
$patient_check = Patient::where('id', $patient)->where('user_id','=',Auth::user()->id)->first();
if($patient_check == null || count($patient_check) == 0)
return "You cannot view this patient";
return view ('portal.patient',compact('patient'));
This is simple and yet does the work.

Best practice passing data to view model

I have a login view which lives in its own shell. Also I have adjusted the HttpClient to automatically redirect to the login shell if any http request returns an unauthorized state.
Additionally I'd like to show some textual info to the user on the login page, after he has been "forcefully" logged out. How can I pass the information (logoutReason in the code below) from MyHttpClient to the login shell/view model?
Here's some conceptual code:
// ...
export class Login {
username = '';
password = '';
error = '';
// ...
login() {
// ... login code ...
this.aurelia.setRoot('app'); // Switch to main app shell after login succeeded...
// ...
// ...
export default class {
// ...
configure() {
this.httpClient.configure(httpConfig => {
response(res) {
if (401 === res.status) {
let logoutReason = res.serversLogoutReason;
// How should i pass the logoutReason to the login shell/view model?
return res;
// ...
I've chosen to take the "event" path as suggested in bluevoodoo1's comment with some adjustments:
MyHttpClient fires/publishes a new HttpUnauthorized event which holds the needed information (description text, etc.)
MyHttpClient doesn't change the shell anymore since the concrete handling of the 401 shouldn't be his concern
login.js subscribes to the HttpUnauthorized event, changes the shell & shows the desciption text...
I'm still open to any suggestions/improvement ideas to this solution since I'm not quite sure if this is the best way to go...
You could set a localStorage or sessionStorage value and then clear it after you have displayed it. What you are asking for is known as a flash message where it displays and then expires.
Within your response interceptor add something like the following:
sessionStorage.setItem('message-logoutReason', 'Session expired, please login again');
And then in the attached method inside of your login viewmodel, check for the value and clear it, like this:
attached() {
this.error = sessionStorage.getItem('message-logoutReason');
Then in your view you can display it:
As Bluevoodoo1 points out, you could also use an event, but I personally try and avoid using events as much as possible, harder to test and debug when things go wrong.

View from custom controller overriding default view

I'm using orchardcms 1.9 (no tag created jet). I am writing a custom module that implements its own controller that calles a service wich check some information and based on the service response I either redirect or let the user stay on the page.
The module is on the default layer in other words it is on everypage. So when user tries to log in or register this module checks information normally.
This is my route:
new RouteDescriptor {
Priority = -1,
Route = new Route(
"{*path}", // this is the name of the page url
new RouteValueDictionary {
{"area", "modulename"}, // this is the name of your module
{"controller", "controllername"},
{"action", "Redirect"}
new RouteValueDictionary(),
new RouteValueDictionary {
{"area", "modulename"} // this is the name of your module
new MvcRouteHandler())
and this is my controller:
public ActionResult Redirect()
String response = _authService.VerifyRegistration(_orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentUser);
if (response.Equals("2"))
else if (response.Equals("3"))
return View();
What happens is that when I go to registration or login controller triggers, checks the infromation, says no redirect needed then returns view. But because the view is empty my page is blank instead of its default login/registration form.
How can I solve this? Am I making a mistake in routing that I somehow override the default view (I tried different priorities but same response).
Your route overrides all routes ({*path}. So when you redirect, you redirect to....your redirector I guess. Therefore the view you are rendering is the one for your controller, not the page you were after.
Whatever the logic flaw - this is not a good way to globally control authorization type scenarios on your site. If you meant to have a single page that people might go to (e.g. http://www.mysite/welcome) then your problem is that your route is too global. However, if, as your code suggests that you want to create a "all pages" check to see if you should go to login or register, then you should implement an authorization filter. An example of an authorization filter (for a slightly different purpose) can be found at . You are looking to fill in the OnAuthorization method with suitable code to redirect the user (or let them through
