how hive is running without hive-site.xml file? - hadoop

I am trying to set up hive on my local. I started all Hadoop processes and set up the {hive}/bin path. On command prompt I can run hive commands , create and read tables. My questions are -
1) is hive-site.xml is optional file ?
2) in absence of hive-site.xml file, how hive get information regrading metastore and other configuration?

If you're running Hive queries from your local machine which has Hadoop installed, hive-site.xml is not needed as you are talking directly to hive/bin in the Hive installation directory. You don't need to tell Hive where to find Hive.
If you wanted to run Hive commands from another machine, but interacting with Hive on your local machine, you'd need hive-site.xml.


Hive installation

After we install hive-3.2.1 on Hadoop-3.3.0 in Ubuntu, we start the hive services. I am not sure how HIVE identifies hadoop services though we don't give anything related to Hadoop in the HIVE setup process. Does HIVE identify hadoop by the means of HADOOP_HOME environment variable defined in .bashrc file ?
Can someone please confirm my understanding.
Yes, Hive uses HADOOP_HOME/conf to discover the cluster, which could be specified in

Not able to see databases after creating new hive metastore

I have manually installed hadoop and hive on my Ubuntu 16.04 laptop. Hive was working fine and I created a few test databases (derby).
On restarting laptop, I found that hive was running but running any command like show databases, it was giving error.
I followed the solutions given web. ie:
1) rename metastore_db to metastore_db.tmp.
2) run schematool to generate new metastore_db
3) remove tmp metastore_db.tmp (Not removing gives error when you run hive)
Now I am able to run hive but on running show databases I see only default database.
Is there any way to add databases I created previously (for exxample /user/hive/warehouse/computersalesdb.db saved in hdfs filesystem) to newly generated metastore?
On further analysis I found, metastore_db folder is being created where ever I run hive. So this seems to be the cause of problem. The solution is:
1) As advised in comment by #cricket_007 have metastore in mysql or any other rdbms you are using.
2) Always run hive from same folder
3) set property “javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL” to create metastore in specific folder, which is defined in hive-site.xml
Leaving this comment for the benefit of other nubes like me :D

Hive failed to create /user/hive/warehouse

I just get started on Apache Hive, and I am using my local Ubuntu box 12.04, with Hive 0.10.0 and Hadoop 1.1.2.
Following the official "Getting Started" guide on Apache website, I am now stuck at the Hadoop command to create the hive metastore with the command in the guide:
$ $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop fs -mkdir /user/hive/warehouse
the error was mkdir: failed to create /user/hive/warehouse
Does Hive require hadoop in a specific mode? I know I didn't have to do much to my Hadoop installation other that update JAVA_HOME so it is in standalone mode. I am sure Hadoop itself is working since I am run the PI example that comes with hadoop installation.
Also, the other command to create /tmp shows the /tmp directory already exists so it didn't recreate, and /bin/hadoop fs -ls is listing the current directory.
So, how can I get around it?
Almost all examples of the documentation have this command wrong. Just like unix you will need the "-p" flag to create the parent directories as well unless you have already created them. This command will work.
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop fs -mkdir -p /user/hive/warehouse
When running hive on local system, just add to ~/.hiverc:
SET hive.metastore.warehouse.dir=${env:HOME}/Documents/hive-warehouse;
You can specify any folder to use as a warehouse. Obviously, any other hive configuration method will do (hive-site.xml or hive -hiveconf, for example).
That's possibly what Ambarish Hazarnis kept in mind when saying "or Create the warehouse in your home directory".
This seems like a permission issue. Do you have access to root folder / ?
Try the following options-
1. Run command as superuser
2.Create the warehouse in your home directory.
Let us know if this helps. Good luck!
When setting hadoop properties in the spark configuration, prefix them with spark.hadoop.
Therefore set
This works for older versions of Spark. The property has changed in spark 2.0.0
Adding answer for ref to Cloudera CDH users who are seeing this same issue.
If you are using Cloudera CDH distribution, make sure you have followed these steps:
launched Cloudera Manager (Express / Enterprise) by clicking on the desktop icon.
Open Cloudera Manager page in browser
Start all services
Cloudera has /user/hive/warehouse folder created by default. Its just that YARN and HDFS might not be up and running to access this path.
While this is a simple permission issue that was resolved with sudo in my comment above, there are a couple of notes:
create it in home directory should work as well, but then you may need to update hive setting for the path of metastore, which I think defaults to /user/hive/warehouse
I ran into another error of CREATE TABLE statement with Hive shell, the error was something like this:
hive> CREATE TABLE pokes (foo INT, bar STRING);
FAILED: Error in metadata: MetaException(message:Got exception: File file:/user/hive/warehouse/pokes does not exist.)
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask
It turns to be another permission issue, you have to create a group called "hive" and then add the current user to that group and change ownership of /user/hive/warehouse to that group. After that, it works. Details can be found from this link below:
if you r running linux check (in hadoop core-site.xml ) data directory & permission, it looks like you ve kept the default which is /data/tmp and im most cases that will take root permission ..
change the xml config file , delete /data/tmp and run fs format (OC after you ve modified the core xml config)
I recommend using upper versions of hive i.e. 1.1.0 version, 0.10.0 is very buggy.
Run this command and try to create a directory it would grant full permission for the user in hdfs /user directory.
hadoop fs -chmod -R 755 /user
I am using MacOS and homebrew as package manager. I had to set the property in hive-site.xml as

PIG automatically connected with default HDFS, how?

I just started learning Hadoop and PIG (from last two days!) for one of my future project.
For experiments I've installed Hadoop (HDFS on default localhost:9000) as pseudo distributed mode and PIG (map-reduce mode).
When I initialized PIG by typing ./bin/pig command it launched GRUNT command line and I got message that pig connected with HDFS (localhost:9000), later I could successfully able to access HDFS thru pig.
I was expecting to perform some manual configuration for PIG to access HDFS (as per various internet articles).
My question is, from where PIG identified default HDFS configuration (localhost:9000)? I checked but I didn't find anything there. I need this info as I might change default HDFS configuration in future.
BTW, I have HADOOP_HOME and PIG_HOME defined in my OS PATH variable.
When installing Pig (I assume v0.10.0) you have to tell how it will connect to the HDFS.
I don't know how you did this but generally this is done by adding the hadoop conf dir path to the PIG_CLASSPATH environment variable. You can also set HADOOP_CONF_DIR as well.
If you are starting the grunt shell Pig will locate the directory of the Hadoop configuration XMLs, and takes the value of (core-site.xml) and mapred.job.tracker (mapred-site.xml) , i.e: the location of the Namenode and JobTracker.
For reference you may have a look at the Pig shell script to see how env. variables are collected and evaluated.
PIG can connects to underlying HDFS in the 3 ways
Pig uses HADOOP_HOME for finding the HADOOP client to Run.
your HADOOP_HOME should have been already setup in your bash_profile
export HADOOP_HOME=~/myHadoop/hadoop-2.5.2
or else there might be possibility that your HADOOP_CONF_DIR has already been setup which contains the xml file for the hadoop configuration
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop/
3-And if these are not setup you can also connect to underlying hdfs
by changing the which is present under PIG_HOME/conf dir

Installing Hive (Hadoop) on windows (Cygwin)

I've just installed hadoop on windows using cygwin which works fine, and now I am installing Hive. I am running it as:
bin/hive -hiveconf
bin/hive -hiveconf
(both give the same problem) as I have found out there is a bug with the windows naming convension (
When I run the above command, Hive seems to load fine, but when I enter "show tables;" I get no response. This is the same for all queries. CREATE TABLE etc, there is no response
Its the same problem as this guy:
Any ideas?
I resolved a similar issue and successfully ran HIVE after starting all Hadoop daemons
Task Tracker
Running queries from files using hive -f <filename>, instead of writing queries directly at the HIVE command prompt. Additionally, you may also use bin/hive -e 'SHOW TABLES'
