Office Add-in Ribbon - Checkbox - outlook

I'm working on an Outlook 365 Add-in. I have a working Manifest XML that shows an icon with the icon responding to a function click. How would I go about adding a checkbox to the compose new email ribbon to the right of the button similar to the example below? I know how to do this VSTO, but looking how to do this using the Office 365 Add-in Javascript implementation. Thanks for any help!

The developer wants to create a ribbon button with checkboxes on it. Unfortunately - this is not possible through office-js manifests.
You can check the add-in commands (ribbon buttons for office-js) documentation from here:
From the documentation:
Control types
Simple buttons - trigger specific actions.
Menus - simple menu
dropdown with buttons that trigger actions.
That capability doesn't exist today in office-js framework.


How to add custom button in outlook mail page and outlook calendar page using outlook add-ins manifest file?

In outlook mail , mail read page and calendar page , i want to add a custom button using outlook add-ins manifest file
if i install outlook add-ins this button will be show on that places
Any extension point is there for custom button add , I want trigger some function in outlook add-ins after click that custom buttons
it is possible or not , The outlook mail support for add custom button using outlook add-ins
please suggest me
Currently the feature you requested, is not a part of the product. We track Outlook add-in feature requests on our Tech Community Page. Please submit your request there and choose the appropriate label(s). Feature requests on Tech Community are considered, when we go through our planning process.

Can I add a button to my add-in next to Send/Discard buttons?

I am writing an Outlook Add-In (Web version, Desktop) and so far I was able to add a link to my app in the contextual menu (see screenshot below - highlighted in yellow). This work well, but it is almost impossible to find the add-in and this is resulting in a ton of customer support calls. I was wondering if there is a way to add the button next to "Send", "Discard", or after the "Elipsis" buttons. This way the add-in would be more visible.
I was thinking about directly modifying the DOM if it is not possible, but I would prefer to not do that.
You can add a button there neither from a web based JS addin nor from a COM based addin for the desktop version of Outlook.

How i can add button to main menu not inside message

How to add button to main menu behind "Mark all as read"
instead of showing button inside email body read document but it doesn't help me to find solution,
You cannot get your add-in icon displayed in any place you like. The add-in controls are defined by manifest and displayed in predefined locations of particular client (Outlook Web, Outlook desktop for Windows or Mac, Mobile). Up to developers (Microsoft team) to define the place where the add-in controls will be displayed.
There are two places where add-ins may appear in the client interface. This depends on what type of add-in you have created. There are command add-in and contextual add-in. Both of them will appear somewhat in the space of the message view anyway. The following are examples of where they appear withing the interface ...
And for web view ...
To read more on Outlook add-ins Extension points got to Outlook Add-ins overview article.
Currently the feature you requested is not a part of the product. However, we track Outlook add-in feature requests on our user-voice page. Please add your request there. Feature requests on user-voice are considered when we go through our planning process.

Ribbon Workbench:Button added on Application ribbon does not appear on all tabs in MS dynamics CRM

Ribbon Workbench:
I have added a button on application ribbon using Ribbon Workbench tool. Button added successfully.
referred above url to add a button.
Problem is I am facing is that I could see this my custom button in MS Crms "Setting" area only.
However, ideally it should be visible on all tabs like Sales, Marketing. I have tried it on all browsers as well as on clean CRM but no luck.
Can anybody tell what I am missing here or is there any other way to add button in each tab in MS dynamics crm.
You'll need to add the the application ribbon. If you want it to appear on all screens, then you'll need to add to the homepage, subgrid and form ribbon tabs.

How do I enable/disable my Ribbon Buttons in Outlook

I have an Outlook Add-in created with VSTO. Using the Ribbon Designer I have created a tab with three buttons on it. (Environment: Outlook 2010, .NET 4.0, VSTO latest runtime)
When one of the buttons is pressed a modeless dialog is opened. As long as the user is working on this dialog I do not want him to be able to press the button again. So basically I want to gray out the button till the dialog is closed. How can I do this?
For whatever reason, in the button click handler, if I do this.button1.enabled = false; it is just not working. Am I missing something about the way ribbons work.
You need to re-render the control using IRibbonUI.InvalidateControl(controlID) or IRibbonUI.Invalidate(). See MDSN on how to dynamically update the Fluent UI for reference. This is done for performance reasons so that you can change all your Fluent UI settings and then re-render all control changes at once. However, if you are only changing one UI element (as you indicate) this can seem confusing and unnecessary.
