tslint-eslint-rules with SonarQube? - sonarqube

I am quite new with tslint-eslint-rules and I am planning to use this in my project . But moving forward I have to use this as a plugin in SonarQube(which is also quite new to me) as well . I know that Sonar provides TS plugin but is it possible to use tslint-eslint-rules(or any linting) instead of using Sonar provided plugin?
I have gone through this link and it says I can create my own plugin like this. I am scratching my head as I am not sure if this is the solution I am looking for.
Can someone please help me out here.

I'm using https://github.com/SonarSource/SonarTS and I can recommend it for 100%. Nice think is you don't have to install sonar, you just add it as plugin to tslint.


Is there any cool and simple project for learning Gitflow for beginners?

I'm new to Git and Maven, going to deliver a presentation about Gitflow and versioning control with maven plugin, I wanted to add a cool&simple project (python&Jupyter Notebook/java&intelliJ) as an example in the end, but not sure how to do this, anyone has any thoughts? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Where is the Elasticsearch Plugin API Documentation?

The closest thing I've found is their Elasticsearch Plugins and Integrations
page, which doesn't help. I was following their out of date tutorial to make a "hello world" plugin, but I can't find any documentation on the classes used. Is there a page with information on what each class does, or do I have to look at the code to figure it out on my own?
To quote elastic search developer Adrien Grand(jpountz) "No, there is no guide about writing plugins and the API is actually quite unstable. The plugin API is mainly a way for us to provide additional functionality through plugins so that we do not have to fold everything into a single release artifact that would be quite huge. Some community membors have writter plugins by taking inspiration of existing plugins but we do not want to commit on a stable API for plugins as this might prevent us from improving other areas of elasticsearch."
The only real way of learning about developing a plugin is trying to find something similar and modifying it to suite your needs. Developing anything remotely complex will require an extensive knowledge of the ES codebase. I suggest you look into some plugins developed by jprante to get started.

Creating a Maven-like project documentation website with gradle

Maven provides a way to generate a project documentation site. Does Gradle provide a similar plugin?
The only site plugin that I am aware of is this one. I personally I haven't tried it so I can't tell you about its feature set or quality.
I had to move on to something else soon after commenting, then forgot about checking out the plugin Benjamin mentioned. I had a little time this evening so I looked at it. The plugin hasn't been updated in 3 years, so it appears abandoned/dead. I couldn't find a place to download the artifact, so I cloned the Git repo and built it.
I spent a little time trying to get it to work, but gave up. I looked around a little to see what else is out there. A couple of options that look promising are Gradle's TestReport task:
and the Gradle Site Plugin:
but I only played around with them for an hour and haven't used them in a real project.

Sonar - reporting on most actively edited files?

I'd like to create a report in Sonar for the most actively edited files. I've looked around but can't find a plugin to do this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
If relevant, my team uses AccuRev for SCM, and Sonar v2.14
Thanks in advance
Unfortunately, there's currently no plugin that meets your need (at least none that I'm aware of).
I could have suggested you to develop your own plugin based on the metrics generated by the SCM Activity Plugin, but Accurev is not supported so you would have to start from scratch :-/

Integrating SourceMonitor into a Jenkins CI-System

I would like to integrate SourceMonitor into my Jenkins CI-system. Since there is no SourceMonitor plugin how can i make the results of SourceMonitor visible on my Jenkins Server.
There is an open issue associated with the Violations plugin.
You can vote up for the implementation of this issue: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-5741
I guess you're out of luck. You could take a look at similar plugins (probably FindBugs, PMD, Checkstyle plugins should be comparable) and write a plugin yourself.
You could also give a try to post to the Jenkins user mailing list, maybe someone there can help you.
Don't know what kind of output SourceMonitor produces, but if it produces HTML Reports, there is an HTML Publish Plugin, which would let you link and display those results in your job. Not as integrated as a real plugin would be, but perhaps that would be enough for you.
You only realistically have the following options:
Create a Hudson plugin for SourceMonitor yourself.
Contact the SourceMonitor development team and ask them to create a Hudson plugin.
Use an existing Hudson plugin that is similar to SourceMonitor.
