Prisma graphql computed fields on relations - graphql

I have the following datamodel:
type Tvshow {
id: ID! #unique
title: String!
pricing: [Pricing]
startDate: DateTime!
endDate: DateTime!
subscribers: [Tvshowsubscription!]
type FavoriteTvshow {
id: ID! #unique
tvshow: Tvshow!
user: User!
type User {
id: ID! #unique
name: String
email: String! #unique
password: String
googleID: String #unique
resetToken: String
resetTokenExpiry: String
permissions: [Permission]
address: Address
phone: String
favorites: [FavoriteTvshow!]
tvshowSubscriptions: [Tvshowsubscription!]
I have my custom Tvshow resolver using addFragmentToInfo:
const Query = {
favoriteTvshows: forwardTo('db'),
tvshow: (parent, args, ctx, info) => {
const fragment = `fragment EnsureComputedFields on Tvshow { pricing { minQuantity maxQuantity unitPrice} subscribers { id }}`
return ctx.db.query.tvshow({}, addFragmentToInfo(info, fragment))
const Tvshow = {
countSubscribers: (parent) => {
return parent.subscribers.length;
This is an example, I have more computed fields for Tvshow
I can query Tvshows with countSubscribers, It works fine doing something like this:
tvshow(where: { id: $id }) {
pricing {
But what I want to do is to get all the favorite Tvshows from an user returning the countSubscribers, a query for that could be something like this:
query FAVORITES_FROM_USER($userId: ID!) {
favoriteTvshows(where: { user: {id: $userId} }) {
tvshow {
The problem is that when I query this, in the tvshow-resolver.js I mentioned before, the parent doesn’t have any subscribers object

The error was very silly but I will post it anyway. I needed subscribers in the query
query FAVORITES_FROM_USER($userId: ID!) {
favoriteTvshows(where: { user: {id: $userId} }) {
tvshow {
subscribers { <---
That way the parent in tvshow-resolver.js will have subscribers object


Can you apply sorting to a lists of models inside another model?

Using AWS Amplify, can we apply sorting to the messages in the Conversation model?
When fetching the conversation, it would be nice that the messages come sorted based on the generated createdAt date.
Currently these are the models used.
type Conversation #model {
id: ID!
messages: [Message!]! #hasMany
type Message #model {
id: ID!
authorId: String!
content: String!
conversation: Conversation #belongsTo
Ideally want to place sorting on the hasMany directive, but this is not possible.
type Conversation #model {
id: ID!
messages: [Message!]! #hasMany(sortKeys:['createdAt'])
Created a secondary index on the Message model with a sort field on createdAt.
type Message #model {
id: ID!
authorId: String! #index(name: "byAuthorId", queryField: "getMessagesByAuthorId", sortKeyFields: [ "createdAt" ])
content: String!
conversation: Conversation #belongsTo
Amplify created a new query to fetch the messages and apply sorting. Following example uses react-query to fetch the messages from an authorId with sorting.
export function useMessagesPerAuthorId({
enabled = true,
}: {
id: string | undefined;
filter: any;
enabled?: boolean;
}) {
return useQuery(
['conversations', 'messages', id, filter],
() => fetchMessagesByAuthorId({ id: id!, filter }),
{ enabled: enabled && !!id }
async function fetchMessagesByAuthorId({ id, filter }: { id: string; filter: any }) {
const query: any = await API.graphql({
query: getMessagesByAuthorId,
variables: { authorId: id, sortDirection: 'DESC', filter },
const data: Message[] =;
return data;
Now we can call that hook in our view component and pass the filters.
const { isLoading, data: messages = [] } = useMessagesPerAuthorId({
id: profile?.id,
filter: {
and: [{ conversationMessagesId: { eq: conversationId } }, { deleted: { eq: false } }],
enabled: !!profile?.id,

Querying NOT NULL GraphQL with Prisma

type TrackUser {
id: ID! #unique
createdAt: DateTime!
user: User #note there is no `!`
type User {
id: ID! #unique
name: String! #unique
I want to get Alls TrackUser where User is not null. What would be the query?
This would be a possible query:
query c {
trackUsers(where: { NOT: [{ user: null }] }) {
Here you can see how it looks in the Playground. I added a name to Trackuser in the datamodel in order to be able to create it from that side without a user.
this works, but I guess it is just a hack..
query TrackUsersQuery($orderBy: TrackUserOrderByInput!, $where: TrackUserWhereInput, $first: Int, $skip: Int) {
trackUsers(where: $where, orderBy: $orderBy, first: $first, skip: $skip) {
user {
variables = {
where: {
user: {
name_contains: ''
For Prisma2, here you have the possibilities:
For products that have no invoice, you can use the following:
const data = await prisma.product.findMany({
where: {
invoices: {
none: {
id: undefined,
And for Invoices that do not have a product associated:
const data = await prisma.invoice.findMany({
where: {
productId: null,
more details here:

graphql trouble accessing items in object

I am still trying to learn graphql and I am having trouble accessing items that are within an object in the database. In my client side code the data for id and createdAt shows up just fine it is just when I add the object that I get the error:
Expected Iterable, but did not find one for field Users.profile
I am not sure what my code is missing:
Query: {
getUser(root, args, { userId }) {
const {id } = args;
const user = User.findOne({
return user;
const User = `
type User{
id: String!
createdAt: Date
profile: [Profile]
type Profile {
name: String!
email: String!
extend type Query {
id: String!
): User
How I am calling it in my client code:
const getUser = gql`
query getUser($id: String!) {
getUser(id: $id) {
profile {
This is how it looks in the MongoDB database:
_id: "22222"
createdAt: 11/22/2018
name: "Chris"
email: ""
} `
In case it helps someone in future I had to set my objects to JSON to get it to work.
const User = `
type User{
id: String!
createdAt: Date
profile: JSON
extend type Query {
id: String!
): User

Query.products is defined in resolvers but not in schema

Hi I defined rootQuery in Customer schema and then in Product schema I extended query. I wrote resolvers for product schema but then I got following error: Error: Query.products defined in resolvers, but not in schema.
When I move product queries to customer query definition it works.
I dont understand why I'm getting this error. Do I need implement some rootQuery and insert it into typeDefs array and then extend queries in Customer and Product ?
Customer schema
import CustomerPhoto from "./customerPhoto";
const Customer = `
type Customer {
customerID: ID!
firstname: String
lastname: String
phone: String
email: String
CustomerPhoto: CustomerPhoto
input CustomerInput {
firstname: String!
lastname: String!
phone: String!
email: String!
type Query {
customers(cursor: Int!):[Customer]
customer(id: Int!): Customer
type Mutation {
createCustomer(photo: String!, input: CustomerInput): Customer
updateCustomer(customerID: ID!, photo: String, input: CustomerInput): Customer
deleteCustomer(customerID: ID!): Customer
export default [Customer, CustomerPhoto];
Product Schema
import ProductPhoto from "./productPhoto";
const Product = `
type Product {
productID: ID!
name: String!
description: String!
pricewithoutdph: Float!
pricewithdph: Float!
barcode: Int!
ProductPhoto: ProductPhoto
extend type Query {
products: [Product]
product(productID: ID!): Product
export default [Product, ProductPhoto]
Here Im importing both schemas. Is there something missing ?
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
typeDefs: [...Customer,...Product],
resolvers: merge(CustomerResolvers, ProductResolvers),
logger: {
log: e => {
console.log("schemaError", e);
resolverValidationOptions: {
requireResolversForNonScalar: true
Product Resolvers
const ProductResolvers = {
Query: {
products: (_, { cursor }) => {
return models.Product.findAndCountAll({
include: {
model: models.ProductPhoto,
attributes: ["productPhotoID", "photo"],
required: true
offset: cursor,
limit: 10,
attributes: ["productID", "name", "description", "pricewithoutdph", "pricewithdph", "barcode"]
}).then(response => {
return response.rows;
export default ProductResolvers;
Customer Resolvers
const CustomerResolvers = {
Query: {
customers: (_, {cursor}) => {
return models.Customer.findAndCountAll({
include: {
model: models.CustomerPhoto,
attributes: ["customerPhotoID", "photo"],
required: true
offset: cursor,
limit: 10,
attributes: ["customerID", "firstname", "lastname", "phone", "email"]
}).then(response => {
return response.rows;

How to pass the values of a connection to a subscription?

I'm trying to return a subscription which consists of the following:
const postsSubscription = gql`
subscription postAdded {
postAdded {
What happens is that Author is type of User, and I just pass an authorId. That means that I don't have the author name when I create the Post:
createPost: async (root, req, { posts }) => {
const Item = {
id: uuid.v4(),
authorId: '565dbdc0-36f2-4bba-be67-c126d0c71fff',
await posts.create({ Item })
pubsub.publish('postAdded', { postAdded: Item })
return Item
Here is the Author resolver:
Post: {
author: async({ authorId }, req, { users }) => {
const Key = { id: authorId }
const { Item } = await users.get({ Key })
return Item
Here is the schema:
type Post {
id: ID
title: String
description: String
author: User #relation(name: "PostAuthor")
type User {
id: ID
name: String
email: String
password: String
posts: [Post] #relation(name: "UserPosts")
type PostPayload {
post: Post
type CreateUserPayload {
user: User
type Query {
allPosts: [Post]
allUsers: [User]
post(id: ID!): Post
user(id: ID!): User
type Mutation {
createPost(input: CreatePostInput!): PostPayload
updatePost(input : UpdatePostInput!): PostPayload
createUser(input : CreateUserInput!): CreateUserPayload
type Subscription {
postAdded: Post
input CreatePostInput {
title: String!
description: String!
input UpdatePostInput {
id: ID!
title: String!,
description: String!
input CreateUserInput {
name: String!
email: String!
password: String!
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
subscription: Subscription
So, my question is, how to pass all required fields (including the connections) to the subscription?
I made it work, but not as I wanted.
1) I had to remove this part of the code:
Post: {
author: async({ authorId }, req, { users }) => {
const Key = { id: authorId }
const { Item } = await users.get({ Key })
return Item
and added this function to the createPost function itself:
createPost: async (root, { input }, { posts, users }) => {
const Key = { id: '3b1884b8-9ee7-4d9d-ab2f-ff32bcd69b9a' }
const user = await users.get({ Key })
const Item = {
id: uuid.v4(),
author: user.Item,
await posts.create({ Item })
await pubsub.publish(POST_ADDED_TOPIC, { [POST_ADDED_TOPIC]: Item })
return { post: Item }
So this is kinda fixed. But, if you know how to fix this, using the first approach (Post: author thingy) I'll appreciate.
