I am not able to generate script using jmeter.
Getting below error.
Response code:
Response message: Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown
**ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy certificate**
Can some one help what would be the issue. I have already installed JMeter _CA certificate.
When you record new script with JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder it generates new certificate. Probably you install several certificates or did not enable checkbox "Trust this CA to identify websites"?
Check this quick guide for getting started with JMeter Recording
How to remove old and add new certificate in Firefox:
Start Firefox
Open menu
Privacy & Security
View Certificates
Ensure there are no certificates starts with names "_DO NOT INSTALL..", "DO NOT INSTALL..", "JMETER..", "_JMETER.." and other related to JMeter cerificates, and Delete them if they present.
Click Import.
Navigate to your JMeter bin dir and choose ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt file.
Check Trust this CA to identify websites.
Press Ok
While recording a https application from Jmeter by using Mozilla Firefox am getting a popup in the browser with title as 'This site is asking you to sign in.' with text box for username and password.
Not sure if we need to provide proxy - username/password (or) application - username/password here, tried both, but again and again getting the same popup and upon clicking on cancel in the popupp it shows 401-Unauthorised
Working fine from mozilla forefox when proxy is "Use system proxy settings". above issue exists only when proxy is "Manual Proxy Configuration" and recording from Jmeter.
Jmeter was lanched from cmd by providing proxy details.
jmeter certificate was installed in mozilla firefox.
Try specifying username, password and your domain in system.properties file (lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation)
as it might be the case your corporate browser is configured to automatically login to the website using the account of the currently logged in user (the approach is known as SSO)
See Using JMeter behind a proxy article for more information.
Also be aware of alternative way of recording a JMeter test: JMeter Chrome Extension, in this case you won't have to bother about proxies and certificates as the extension is less "invasive" than JMeter's MITM proxy
I am entering my user id and password for a https site that i am trying to record using JMeter's test script recorder element. On entering my user id and password, I get an error. When looking into the logs, I see the below error.
"Empty response to http over SSL. Probably waiting for user to authorize the certificate for XX.XX:443".
I have added the certificate in the browser. I am only having issues with a specific website alone and any other https website seem to be working fine.
I am using JMeter version 5.
Any help or guidance is appreciated. Thank you.
Tried importing new certificate
Tried Java,Httpclient4 type to record the flow.
You have to authorize JMeter certificate to browser which you are using. If so, go through this steps and look if you missed something:
Press Start record in HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder.
You should get this message:
Start Firefox
Open Firefox Menu
Go to "Options"
Go to "Privacy & Security"
Click "View Cerificates"
Ensure there are no certificates with names "_DO NOT INSTALL..", "DO NOT INSTALL..",
"JMETER.." and other related to JMeter cerificates, or Delete them if they are present.
Click "Import" to add new certificate.
Navigate to your JMeter bin directory and choose ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt file.
Check Trust this CA to identify websites.
Press Ok.
Do actions with your web application to record requests.
Most probably something is wrong with your browser configuration, i.e. old JMeter certificate is present somewhere in the certificates storage. Few things to consider:
Clear your browsing history.
Consider using a browser which has separate proxy and certificates configuration, for example Mozilla Firefox
Delete proxyserver.jks and ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt files from the "bin" folder of your JMeter installation. The files will be regenerated next time you start the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Import the newly generated ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt file into the browser
Be aware that as of now certificate lifetime is limited to 7 days so you will have to regenerate it and reimport prior to using again for recording. The certificate life span is controllable via proxy.cert.validity property
Also be aware of an alternative way of recording a JMeter test script: JMeter Chrome Extension, in this case you will not have to worry about proxies and certificates.
I have read documentation on how to use recorder, I have setup proxy on Firefox 64.0, added certificate that was generated by JMeter, but when I navigate to https://www.google.com, I am getting Your connection is not secure error on firefox, I disabled it in firefox settings, but it keeps throwing me that message, how can I disable it and be able to record actions in google.com?
You need to clear your browsing history, to be absolutely sure you can remove everything since the beginning of the time.
If the history is "valuable" you can create a new Firefox profile for using it solely for recording.
Another option is to "forget" about the website you're trying to record:
Once done you should be able to add the exception and proceed with the recording:
Check out Recording HTTPS Traffic with JMeter's Proxy Server article for more comprehensive information and more troubleshooting tips.
I am trying to set up proxy in firefox so that I can use recoding controller from Jmeter GUI. Below is my network settings in firefox:
and also the jmeter GUI:
But when I try to load my site in firefox, I am getting the following error:
The owner of app.example.net has configured their website improperly.
To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not
connected to this website.
This site uses HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) to specify that
Firefox may only connect to it securely. As a result, it is not
possible to add an exception for this certificate.
Learn more…
Report errors like this to help Mozilla identify and block malicious
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Try running Chrome with --ignore-certificate-errors following Recording stops due to HSTS answer in JMeter group:
Recording stops due to HSTS
Lily Nguyen
5 posts
I had the same issue with JMeter 3.2 , using Chrome. I got it resolved by
invoking Chrome from command line with flag --ignore-certificate-errors
...This would get rid of the "Your connection is not private" error and i
was able to record normally after installing the certificate everywhere
Or record site with Blazemeter Chrome extension
This is not a JMeter problem, this is a technique of protection against MITM attacks called HTTP Strict Transport Security
You can try to bypass it by
Remove entry for your app.example.net from the SiteSecurityServiceState.txt file in the Firefox Profile folder
Add the next Integer value at about:config page:
test.currentTimeOffsetSeconds= 11491200
Clear your browsing history or start with the new Firefox profile
Be aware that there is an alternative way of recording a JMeter test: JMeter Chrome Extension, you will not have to worry about proxies and certificates, just execute your scenario in the browser and once done you will be able to export it as a JMeter test script.
I have imported the certificate in firefox which got generated.
But still in "View Result Tree" getting the below error, and page in firefox also not opening:
Response message: Software caused connection abort: recv failed
ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy certificate
I have followed below steps:
Choose the following options:
Tools / Options
Advanced / Certificates
View Certificates
Import …
Browse to the JMeter launch directory, and click on the file ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt, press Open
Click View and check that the certificate details agree with the ones displayed by the JMeter Test Script Recorder
If OK, select "Trust this CA to identify web sites", and press OK
Close dialogs by pressing OK as necessary
2 things to check:
If you added the certificates 6 days ago, ensure you add it again as it expires by default after some delay that can be tuned with:
Another possibility is that there is an SSL algo mistmatch between Java version of JMeter and server version. This would be adjusted in java.security.