puppet is not creating agent_catalog_run.lock file - ansible

I have an ansible script that starts puppet agent and then waits for /var/lib/puppet/state/agent_catalog_run.lock file.
I found that this file is not getting created on target machine.
Ansible version is: 1.9.7 and puppet agent version is: 3.8.7
I checked on target linux machine and puppet agent is in running state.
Below is ansible script line:
- name: ensure that puppet lock file is created
path: /var/lib/puppet/state/agent_catalog_run.lock
timeout: 1800
What are things that should be checked in this scenario ?
(Note: No puppet logs have been created.)

The code is simply checking for the wrong file.
As the name suggests, the agent_catalog_run.lock is:
A lock file to indicate that a puppet agent catalog run is currently in progress. The file contains the pid of the process that holds the lock on the catalog run.
In other words, that file will only be there if a Puppet agent run is occurring.
You may want the pidfile instead, which is:
The file containing the PID of a running process. This file is intended to be used by service management frameworks and monitoring systems to determine if a puppet process is still in the process table.
Default: $rundir/${run_mode}.pid
(Where $run_mode would be "agent".)
Note that you can inspect your actual settings using puppet config print, e.g.:
▶ puppet config print pidfile
Yours will be different because mine is running as the non root user on a Mac OS X laptop. Thus, I think you will need to change your code to:
- name: wait for the puppet PID file to be created
path: /var/run/agent.pid
timeout: 1800


How to restart Ansible host machine on Linux?

I've installed Ansible host on my RHEL Linux machine.
I made some configurations changes and I want to restart it but I can't find how it's being done.
I used this manual for installation.
Checking running services I don't see an Ansible service.
How can I restart Ansible?
*NOTE: I installed Ansible from source files.
Ansible is not a service, it is an executable program (actually a few executables) which is called, starts, and ends its execution.
There is no way to restart Ansible other than calling it again. The changes in configuration will be reflected on the next run.
Also: there is no "Ansible host" component. "Ansible control machine" is a general term for the machine you run Ansible executables on.
Similarly Ansible-Pull is also not a service, but a script which is scheduled externally.
ps -ef|grep ansible
to double check that there is no ansible service or daemon.

How to run a binary executable using ansible and keep it running? Can I use a command/ shell module to do it?

I am having a executable file say : carbonserver . I need to run it and keep it running so that api can interact with it.
If this a real service, then instead of ansible I would delegate the task to the system's service handler. On most modern linux distributions this is usually systemd, so I would create a template that generates a new systemd unit file, then use ansible's systemd module to start it up:
Description=Carbon Server
- template:
src: templates/carbonserver.service.j2
dest: /etc/systemd/system/carbonserver.service
owner: bin
group: wheel
mode: 0644
- systemd:
name: carbonserver
state: started
enabled: True
This is the preferred way if your server is something that you want the system itself to manage. For example if it stops or dies, you can configure systemd to start it up again. You can also configure it to start up automatically on system startup, etc.
If you have a Linux distribution that does not support systemd, or you want to run it on other type of machine (OSX or Windows) then you might need to use the specific operating system's own service mechanism to do that.
If however you only want to run it once using ansible, and just want to keep it running on the background (and don't really care if it dies, etc.) then you can try some others like:
- shell: "( ( nohup /usr/bin/carbonserver 1>/dev/null 2>&1 ) & )"
async: 5
poll: 0
This runs a generic shell command in the background, makes sure it won't get killed when ansible finishes, and does it all in the background, so the next task can run immediately. Note that this is only a viable approach if you really don't care about your service running, which is most likely not what you want

How to modify the default `--logdest eventlog` for the Puppet Agent service on Windows?

I'm running Puppet Agent as a service on Windows but I'm unable to find in the docs how to modify the default behaviour --logdest eventlog to --logdest <FILE>. I want to have agent logs stored in a file, and not in the Windows Event Log, or better - if that's possible - have them sent back to the Puppet Master.
You can add the --logdest to the 'ImagePath' value located in this registry key:
We add the switch through puppet code after the agent is installed, meaning that the first run output goes to the event log, but all the subsequent are sent to the local file. You can also modify the reg key during install through a powershell script.

vagrant / puppet init.d script reports start when no start occurred

So, struggling with a fairly major problem, i've tried multiple different workarounds to try and get this working but there is something happening between puppet and the actual server that is just boggling my mind.
Basically, I have an init.d script /etc/init.d/rserve which is copied over correctly and when used from the command-line on the server works perfectly (i.e. sudo service rserve start|stop|status), the service returns correct error codes based on testing using echo $? on the different commands.
The puppet service statement is as follows:
service { 'rserve':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
require => [File["/etc/init.d/rserve"], Package['r-base'], Exec['install-r-packages']]
When puppet hits this service, it runs it's status method, sees that it isn't running and sets it to running and presumably starts the service, the output from puppet is below:
==> twine: debug: /Schedule[weekly]: Skipping device resources because running on a host
==> twine: debug: /Schedule[puppet]: Skipping device resources because running on a host
==> twine: debug: Service[rserve](provider=upstart): Could not find rserve.conf in /etc/init
==> twine: debug: Service[rserve](provider=upstart): Could not find rserve.conf in /etc/init.d
==> twine: debug: Service[rserve](provider=upstart): Could not find rserve in /etc/init
==> twine: debug: Service[rserve](provider=upstart): Executing '/etc/init.d/rserve status'
==> twine: debug: Service[rserve](provider=upstart): Executing '/etc/init.d/rserve start'
==> twine: notice: /Stage[main]/Etl/Service[rserve]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
Now when I actually check for the service using sudo service rserve status or ps aux | grep Rserve the service is in fact NOT running and a quick sudo service rserve start shows the init.d script is working fine and starting rserve as the service starts and is visible with ps aux.
Is there something I'm missing here? I've even tried starting the service by creating a puppet Exec { "sudo service rserve start"} which still reports that it executed successfully but the service is still not running on the server.
tl;dr puppet says a service started when it hasn't and there's seemingly nothing wrong with the init.d script, its exit codes or otherwise.
Update 1
In the comments below you can see I tried isolating the service in it's own test.pp file and running it using puppet apply on the server with the same result.
Update 2
I've now tried creating an .sh file with the command to start Rserve using a separate vagrant provision and can finally see an error. However, the error is confusing as the error does not occur when simply running sudo service rserve start, something in the way that vagrant executes .sh commands, or the user it executes them under is causing an option to be removed from the command inside the init.d script when it's executed.
This error is R and Rserve specific but it is complaining about a missing flag --no-save needing to be passed to R when it is in fact present in the init.d script and being correctly passed when ssh'd into the vagrant box and using the init.d commands.
Update 3
I've managed to get the whole process working at this point, however, it's one of those situations where the steps to get it to work didn't really readily reveal any understanding of why the original problem existed. I'm going to replicate the broken version and see if I can figure out what exactly was going on using one of the methods mentioned in the comments so that I can potentially post an answer up that will help someone out later on. If anyone has insight into why this might have been happening feel free to answer in the meantime however. To clarify the situation a bit, here are some details:
The service's dependencies were installed correctly using puppet
The service used a script in /etc/init.d on ubuntu to start|stop the Rserve service
The software in question is R (r-base) and Rserve (a communication layer between other langs and R)
Running the command sudo service rserve start from the command-line worked as expected
The init.d script returned correct error codes
A service {} block was being used to start the service from puppet
Puppet reported starting the service when the service wasn't started
Adding a provision option to the Vagrantfile for an .sh file containing sudo service rserve start revealed that some arguments in the init.d were being ignored when run by vagrants provisioning but not by a user active on the shell.

Puppet agent daemon not reading a facter fact (EC2, cloud-init)

I am using puppet to read a fact from facter, and based on that I apply a different configuration to my modules.
the puppet agent isn't seeing this fact. Running puppet agent --test interactively works as expected. Even running it non-interactively from a script seems to work fine. Only the agent itself is screwing up.
I am deploying an Ubuntu-based app stack on EC2. Using userdata (#cloud-config), I set an environment variable in /etc/environment:
export FACTER_tl_role=development
then immediately in #cloud-config, i source /etc/environment.
only THEN i apt-get install puppet (i moved away from using package: puppet to eliminate ambiguity in the sequence of #cloud-config steps)
Once the instance boots, I confirm that the fact is available: running facter tl_role returns "development". I then check /var/log/syslog, and apparently the puppet agent is not seeing this fact - I know this because it's unable to compile the catalog, and there's nothing (blank) where I'm supposed to be seeing the value of the variable set depending on this fact.
However, running puppet agent --test interactively compiles and runs the catalog just fine.
even running this from the #cloud-config script (immediately after installing puppet) also works just fine.
How do I make this fact available to the puppet agent? Restarting the agent service makes no difference, it remains unaware of the custom fact. Rebooting the instance also makes no difference.
here's some code:
EC2 userdata:
server: "puppet.foo.bar"
certname: "%i.%f"
report: "true"
- sleep 20
- echo 'export FACTER_tl_role=development' >> /etc/environment
- . /etc/environment
- apt-get install puppet
- puppet agent --test
Main puppet manifest:
# /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
node default {
case $tl_role {
'development': { $sitedomain = "dev.foo.bar"}
'production': { $sitedomain = "new.foo.bar"}
class {"code" : sitedomain => $sitedomain}
class {"apache::site" : sitedomain => $sitedomain}
class {"nodejs::grunt-daemon" : sitedomain => $sitedomain}
And then I see failures where $sitedomain is supposed to be, so $tl_role appears to be not set.
Any ideas? This is exploding my brain....
Another easy option would be to drop a fact into an external fact.
Dropping a file into /etc/facter/facts.d/* is fairly easy, and you can use a text file, yaml json or an executable to do it.
*that's on Open source puppet, on unix-y machines. See the link for the full docs.
Thank you, #christopher. This may be a good solution, I will test it and possibly move to it from my current horrible hack.
The answer I got in the Puppet Users Google Group was that I should not assume that the Puppet agent process will have an environment of a login shell, and that Facter will also have this environment when it is run by the Puppet agent.
Here is the way I solved it (admittedly, by brute force):
- echo 'export FACTER_tl_role=development' >> /etc/environment
- . /etc/environment
- apt-get install puppet
- service puppet stop
- sed -i '/init-functions/a\. \/etc\/environment' /etc/init.d/puppet
- puppet agent --test
- service puppet start
As you can see, after installing Puppet, I stop the agent, and add a line to /etc/init.d/puppet to source /etc/environment. Then I start the agent. NOT ideal... but it works!
I don't think . /etc/environment is going to work properly the way cloud-init executes runcmd. Two possible solutions:
Export the variable with the puppet agent command:
export FACTER_tl_role=development && puppet agent --test
If that doesn't work:
Just drop the commands into a user-data script and wire them together as a "multipart input" (described in the cloud-init docs).
The second solution executes the commands as a proper shell script, and would likely fix the problem. If the first works, though, it's easier to do with what you have.
