Makefile FILES command will not execute - makefile

I am trying to learn Make syntax, I have instructed it to compile a file and it does this correctly, when I tell it to execute a shell command to create a file using touch it does not do this, it returns no error to indicate anything is wrong.
HelloWorld: HelloWorld.c
gcc -o HelloWorld HelloWorld.c
FILES="$(shell touch > file1.txt)"

As pointed out already your syntax is wrong. But beyond that your shell function is never even executed.
Why not? Because in your makefile, you define a variable which contains the shell variable invocation but then you never use the variable anywhere. Since you don't use it, the variable is never expanded. Since the variable is never expanded, the function in it is never invoked.
If you want the variable to be expanded you either need to make it a simple variable (using :=) so that the right-hand side is expanded when the variable is assigned, or you have to use the function in a context where it's expanded immediately; the other answer has an example of using that (outside of any variable assignment)
Here's an example of using a simple variable:
HelloWorld: HelloWorld.c
gcc -o HelloWorld HelloWorld.c
FILES := $(shell touch file1.txt)
(note you don't need quotes when setting makefile variables, unlike shell variables).
As for the manual, it's written to be a user guide: that is you're supposed to read it starting at the beginning, rather than a reference manual where you jump around. In particular you won't get anywhere writing makefiles until you read carefully and fully understand the initial two chapter "Introduction to Makefiles" and "Writing Makefiles". For fluency you need to understand the section How make Reads a Makefile.

I think you want:
$(shell touch file1.txt)
(Notice the lack of a > redirect in there). Also touch does not output anything to stdout, therefore FILES would be blank no matter what, so the assignment is useless.
If you're going to do things like this be aware that the $(shell ...) commands (in the global scope) are executed at parse time, before any of the recipes are run.
------------ EDIT -------------
In regards to your question about creating a blank file:
$(info output $(shell echo "hello world"))
$(shell touch file1.txt)
should produce your file:
> ls file1.txt; make; ls file1.txt
output hello world
make-3.81: Nothing to be done for `all'.


how to set the directory where Makefile exists so that I can run make from different directory using `make -C` option?

Say in ~/prj/abc/abcsim/abctsim/abcxyz/Makefile there is a line below.
TOOLCHAIN_DIR := $(PWD)/../../../prj1/tools/gcc_tools
If I'm in directory ~/test, and if I run make -C ~/prj/abc/abcsim/abctsim/abcxyz, this doesn't work because the $(PWD) variable is set to ~/test, not ~/prj/abc/abcsim/abctsim/abcxyz. How can I get the directory path where the Makefile exists?
In bash there's something for this : How can I get the source directory of a Bash script from within the script itself?
If you really use make -C (not make -f) and your Makefile is not included in another, you can simply use the CURDIR variable. GNU make sets it to the absolute path of the current directory when it starts, "after it has processed any -C options". So, in your case it should do exactly what you want.
Else, if you sometimes use make -f or if you have included Makefiles, you can put this as the first line of any of your Makefiles (or, at least, before any include statement):
HERE := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
and then use $(HERE) to refer to this Makefile's directory. See the GNU make manual for the details.
Note: I was almost sure this question would be a duplicate. Surprisingly I searched SO for a clear answer and found only old answers that first suggest shell calls before using make built-ins or wrong answers (using firstword instead of lastword, for instance).

shellscripts in Makefiles do not work as expected

I found many answers here and elsewhere on the topic, but none that worked. Please help me out here.
I need to set some environment variables, which is partly done in some scripts, called from a master script, partly directly. Here is a minimal Makefile that shows the unwanted behaviour:
FC := ifort
SHELL := /bin/bash
some_target: load_ifort
$(FC) file.f
source /usr/local2/bin/ ia32
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=/usr/local2/misc/intel2013/flexlm/server.lic
if I call make, I get an "ifort: command not found" error. If I execute the two comamnds by hand on the command line before calling make, ifort is found and everything is good.
What am I missing???
Each line in a recipe gets executed in a separate subshell. So you create one shell which sources the .sh file, then exits and forgets everything, then another shell which starts with a clean slate.
The straightforward solution in your case would be to collect all these commands in a single variable. I have factored out the LM_LICENSE_FILE assignment because that can be done in Make directly, but you could include that in the FC variable as well.
LM_LICENSE_FILE := /usr/local2/misc/intel2013/flexlm/server.lic
FC := source /usr/local2/bin/ ia32; \
$(FC) file.f
If the shell commands can be straightforwardly run by Make as well, you could include them, or perhaps translate the sh file into Make commands by a simple script.
Another option would be to create a simple wrapper in your PATH; maybe call it fc:
. /usr/local2/bin/ ia32
ifort "$#"
then just use fc where you currently have $(FC). (If the file contains Bash constructs, in spite of the name, you should change the shebang to #!/bin/bash.)
As a rule, only one-liner shell commands "work". From the comment about "bash", it seems likely you are using GNU make. In your example, the word "source" is not found in the GNU make manual's index. (If you found this in a working example, it would be helpful to start from that). There are two types of variables of interest:
makefile variables, which live in the make program
environment variables, which are "exported"
The latter would include $PATH, which is used to find programs. For updating that, you do need shell commands. But (lacking some special provision in the make program), exported variables from a shell script are not passed up into the make program and made available for the next line of the makefile.
You could reorganize the makefile to provide a rule which combines the source command and other initialization into a shell command which then recurs (carrying those variables along) into a subprocess which would then do the compiles. Something like
sh -c "source /usr/local2/bin/ ia32; \
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=/usr/local2/misc/intel2013/flexlm/server.lic; \
$(MAKE) some_target"
some_target: load_ifort
$(FC) file.f

MAKEFILES variable environment

How to use MAKEFILES variable environment? I writing in a bash MAKEFILES=/home/toker/mymake, but if I'm running a /home/toker/bundocode/gettingstart/testMF/Makefile then /home/toker/mymake doesn't executed. When I'm type $MAKEFILES in the bash then bash: /home/toker/mymake: Permission denied is displayed.
The MAKEFILES variable contains one or more makefiles, not the make program. From the above messages it looks like mymake is a make program you're trying to run. The shell decides what programs to run (by looking in directories listed in the $PATH environment variable) and the shell doesn't pay any special attention to the MAKEFILES variable. Only once make is running does it look at the MAKEFILES variable to see what other makefiles it might want to parse.
What is in the /usr/toker/mymake file? What do you mean by running a .../Makefile? One typically runs make, not a makefile. Then make reads in the makefile. There are ways to change a makefile to be executable but I don't think that's what you're looking for here.
If the file /usr/toker/mymake is actually a makefile (BTW, convention typically uses .mk extensions to denote makefiles although there's no really official extension), then you can do this:
$ cat /usr/toker/mymake
$(info loaded /usr/toker/mymake)
foo: ; #echo building $#
$ export MAKEFILES=/usr/toker/mymake
$ cat Makefile
bar: foo ; #echo building $#
$ make
loaded /usr/toker/mymake
building foo
building bar
If you can show an example of exactly what you did (show the makefile and the commands you typed and the results you got) and explain what you don't understand about it, then we can see much more accurately what's going on than by you trying to describe it in words).

Is there a configuration file for gnu make?

I want to tell make that it shall always use -j4 option even if I didn't specify it vie command line. Normally i would do this in some configuration file (i.e. ~/.makerc).
Does such file exist for gnu make?
Have a read about the $(MAKEFLAGS) variable:
export MAKEFLAGS=j4
However this will likely interfere with recursive-make-based builds (not that sensible people are using recursive make anyway!), by interfering with GNU make's ability to communicate with its sub-makes.
So the more sensible approach is probably a wrapper script or an alias or shell function.
Well, yes and no --- normally you would use an include file. Put your common configuration items together in a file, say and add
at the top of your makefile. If the flag doesn't have a matching way to configure it from inside the make file, you can use a function
function mk {
make -j4 $*
It doesn't exist, but you can do this by having a recursive call into make.
For example:
-include $(HOME)/.makerc
# This will handle a default goal if make is just called without any target
$(MAKE) $(MAKE_OPTIONS) -f Makefile.real $(MAKECMDGOALS)
# This handles all targets and passes it through
$(MAKE) $(MAKE_OPTIONS) -f Makefile.real $(MAKECMDGOALS)
I would like to expand a bit on the solution hinted in John Marshall's answer.
You can simply put a one-line wrapper script somewhere earlier in the $PATH with the following contents:
$(type -ap make | sed -n 2p) -j4 "$#"
(The script doesn't have to be named make, and that would make it simpler, but I find it convenient if it is.)
I would argue that this is better than the other approaches for the following reasons:
Unlike MAKEFLAGS approach, it does not break recursive builds (which are actually quite common in my experience).
Unlike include .makerc approach, it can be applied locally without changing any existing makefiles or your workflow in any way.
Unlike shell alias or function approach, it is shell-agnostic (doesn't tie you to any particular shell) and works in any additional build scripts that you might have to use, too, as long as you launch them in the same environment.
I like the MAKEFLAGS approach suggested by John Marshall in lieu of make supporting something like an automatic .makerc project config file. However, I didn't want to have to remember to source a .env or similar environment variables beforehand (and unsetting them afterward).
A solution to this is to put the MAKEFLAGS assignment at the top of the Makefile itself:
#!/usr/bin/env make
.PHONY: foo
echo "hello, make"
Run it:
$ make foo
hello, make
Compared to running without the MAKEFLAGS=... line:
$ make foo
echo "hello, make"
hello, make

How to handle setting up environment in makefile?

So, to compile my executable, I need to have the library locations set up correctly. The problem is, the setup comes from a bunch of scripts that do the env variable exporting, and what needs to be set up may change (beyond my control) so I need to use those scripts instead of copying their functionality. To compile in regular command line, I need to do something like:
setup library1
setup library2
source some_other_setup_script.bash
g++ blah.c
# setup is a executable on my system that run some scripts
How would I write a makefile that accomplishes that? As far as I tried, the env variable exporting does not carry over (i.e. "export VAR=remember; echo $VAR" won't work)
You can also add environment variables properly with the machinery of GNU make, like so:
export TEST:="Something Good!"
echo $$TEST
This (I think) has different semantics from:
TEST2:="Something not quite so useful?"
echo ${TEST2}
Which (again, I think) does the substitution within make before passing along to the shell. Note that the export command doesn't work within a target block, just unindented as an immediately executed command.
If variable exporting is not working the way it does on your command line, that suggests that Make is choosing a shell different from the one you're using, with different syntax for handling variables (export VAR=remember; echo $VAR works fine for me). Make uses /bin/sh by default, but you can override this with the SHELL variable, which Make does not import from the environment. I suggest setting SHELL (in the Makefile) to whatever you're using in your environment and trying the export VAR=remember experiment again.
Ultimately you will need to define the variable and execute the compiler in a shell list or even a script, rather than in separate make commands. There are a couple of refinements you could add, however. You could tell make about the script:
maintarget: blah.c
source; g++ blah.c
setup include script here
Another thing would be to just execute all that stuff in the same shell
maintarget: blah.c
run this; run that; run the other thing; g++ blah.c
I believe all make versions will run a ; list in the same shell, but you can always force a subshell with (list) or by calling specifically a shell script as a compiler command wrapper.
Don't forget to have the appropriate targets depend on your scripts themselves. BTW, some make versions (pmake aka bsd make) can execute a command when defining a make variable, and all versions of make then exports those. But I don't think gmake can do that.
You could write another shell script that executes all those commands, then prints out variable assignments that make can use. Run the script, pipe its output to a file, then include that file from your Makefile. For example:
echo $(FOO)
./$< > $#
echo "FOO=1"
Running "make" in the directory containing this Makefile produces:
make: Entering directory `/home/luser/build/mktest'
Makefile:7: No such file or directory
./ >
make: Leaving directory `/home/luser/build/mktest'
make: Entering directory `/home/luser/build/mktest'
echo 1
make: Leaving directory `/home/luser/build/mktest'
make creates by running the shell script, then includes it. contains the output of, and is parsed as a Makefile. See for more details.
We use a variant of this in Mozilla's to let you define options in a "mozconfig" file:
Restatement: How do I get a shell variable into a make file?
Something like:
MYVAR := $(shell echo $(MYVAR)) <any_makefile_additions_here>
So, this defines MYVAR inside a MAKEFILE when an environment variable named MYVAR is also set.
It might be of interest, that, in order to override an option that is already defined in a makefile, make supports (I am referring to GNU Make 3.82, but other version probably too) the option -e.
Run make:
make -e
will use gcc-4.7 instead of gcc.
