raml 0.8 enum values and multiple selection in example - raml

I am using RAML 0.8 and I am defining a query string parameter.
the value for the querystring should be a comma separated list of predefined values
So I have used enum to define the list of acceptable values to use
description: Comma separated list of stock item properties to sort on.
enum: ['status', 'orderType', 'stockType', 'model', orderNumber']
example: 'orderType,status'
However with the example, I am getting this warning
value should be one of 'status', 'orderType', 'stockType', 'model', 'orderNumber'
I would prefer if possible to get rid of this warning for the example. With RAML 0.8 is this even possible, or should I just ignore it as its only a warning and not an error

The warning is valid. An enum type will only expect one of the possible value. If you need to send an array of those values like: ?sort=status,orderType Then you will need to use a pattern. The example below uses regex to allow a comma seperate list of values. And the specific enum values that can be used are in the pattern.
#%RAML 0.8
title: enum-list
version: v1
protocols: [ HTTP ]
mediaType: application/json
type: string
pattern: ^(\s?[<<fieldset>>,]+\s?,)*(\s?[<<fieldset>>,]+)$
example: 'status,orderType'
displayName: api
is: [ sortable: { fieldset: status|orderType|stockType|model|orderNumber } ]


GraphQL: Validating array elements are in list

I have the following argument in my Ruby GQL:
argument :countryCode, [String], required: false, validates: {inclusion: {in: COUNTRY_CODES}}, prepare: :strip
What I want this to achieve is to allow an array of Strings to be used, and each value in the array to be one of COUNTRY_CODES
However, this returns the exception "is not included in the list". What is wrong here?
Better way for this case create enum with countries, but in this case client must send enum hardcoded country code, other way use validator like dry-validation of similar

Open API Spec V2.0 - Default value of a field of type Enum

I have a request body for an API specification in Swagger V2.0, which looks like follows.
- in: body
$ref: '#/definitions/StatusObject'
$ref: '#/definitions/StatusEnum'
type: string
enum: ['ALPHA', 'BRAVO', 'UNKNOWN']
Now, I want StatusObject.status to have the value UNKNOWN by default, if it is not set from the client end. I tried to achieve this as follows, with no luck.
- in: body
$ref: '#/definitions/StatusObject'
$ref: '#/definitions/StatusEnum'
default: 'UNKNOWN'
type: string
enum: ['ALPHA', 'BRAVO', 'UNKNOWN']
I also have tried with '#/definitions/StatusEnum.UNKNOWN' which again didn't work. Combed through the documentation as well but couldn't find anything further. What am I missing?
Response to marked duplicate
What I am trying to achieve is to set a default value for this property status. This works when the enum is defined in line as follows.
- in: body
$ref: '#/definitions/StatusObject'
type: string
default: 'UNKNOWN'
But, this won't work for me, as I'd like to reuse the enum, which otherwise I'll have to repeat at multiple places.
Since this is just a workaround and I am not sure if I can confirm if this is an answer, I won't mark this as accepted answer. That way, I think it will be still open for someone who figured out the right way, or a better way to achieve the expectation.
Apparently, the problem is with $ref. It's already known that the siblings of $ref are ignored in OpenAPI V2.0. So, enforcing any further constraints once you use $ref won't be possible.
For my specific use case, since I want to reuse my enum definition, I used YAML Anchors as defined in V2.0 docs. Even though the enum definition is repeated in each POJO it's not that much of a headache to manage, at least for the time being. The implementation I came up is as follows.
- in: body
$ref: '#/definitions/StatusObject'
enum: *STATUS_ENUM # Referencing the anchor
default: 'UNKNOWN'
type: string
enum: &STATUS_ENUM # This is the anchor
It must also be noted that, the enum values in this case cannot be defined using array syntax (i.e. ['ALPHA', 'BRAVO', 'UNKNOWN']) as it'll break the YAML syntax rules when you try to use YAML anchors alongside that.

Case Insensitive String parameter in schema of openApi

I have an open API spec with a parameter like this: 
- name: platform
in: query
description: "Platform of the application"
required: true
type: string
- "desktop"
- "online"
when I get the "platform" parameter from URL , it can be like this :
platform=online or 
platform=ONLINE or 
platform=Online or 
platform=onLine  or ... any other format
but when I am going to use it , it is only valid if the parameter is all lower case like "platform=online", obviously to match the enum value.
how can I make schema to be the case insensitive and understand all types of passed parameters?
Enums are case-sensitive. To have a case-insensitive schema, you can use a regular expression pattern instead:
- name: platform
in: query
description: 'Platform of the application. Possible values: `desktop` or `online` (case-insensitive)'
required: true
type: string
pattern: '^[Dd][Ee][Ss][Kk][Tt][Oo][Pp]|[Oo][Nn][Ll][Ii][Nn][Ee]$'
Note that pattern is the pattern itself and does not support JavaScript regex literal syntax (/abc/i), which means you cannot specify flags like i (case insensitive search). As a result you need to specify both uppercase and lowercase letters in the pattern itself.
Alternatively, specify the possible values in the description rather than in pattern/enum, and verify the parameter values on the back end.
Here's the related discussion in the JSON Schema repository (OpenAPI uses JSON Schema to define the data types): Case Insensitive Enums?

How do you specify possible values for an OpenAPI query parameter? [duplicate]

I am writing an OpenAPI (Swagger) definition where a query parameter can take none, or N values, like this:
How can I write this in OpenAPI YAML?
I tried the following, but it does not produce the expected result:
- name: sort
in: query
type: string
enum: [field1,field2,field3]
allowEmptyValue: true
required: false
description: Sort the results by attributes. (See http://jsonapi.org/format/1.1/#fetching-sorting)
A query parameter containing a comma-separated list of values is defined as an array. If the values are predefined, then it's an array of enum.
By default, an array may have any number of items, which matches your "none or more" requirement. If needed, you can restrict the number of items using minItems and maxItems, and optionally enforce uniqueItems: true.
OpenAPI 2.0
The parameter definition would look as follows. collectionFormat: csv indicates that the values are comma-separated, but this is the default format so it can be omitted.
- name: sort
in: query
type: array # <-----
type: string
enum: [field1, field2, field3]
collectionFormat: csv # <-----
required: false
description: Sort the results by attributes. (See http://jsonapi.org/format/1.1/#fetching-sorting)
OpenAPI 3.x
collectionFormat: csv from OpenAPI 2.0 has been replaced with style: form + explode: false. style: form is the default style for query parameters, so it can be omitted.
- name: sort
in: query
type: array # <-----
type: string
enum: [field1, field2, field3]
required: false
description: Sort the results by attributes. (See http://jsonapi.org/format/1.1/#fetching-sorting)
explode: false # <-----
I think there's no need for allowEmptyValue, because an empty array will be effectively an empty value in this scenario. Moreover, allowEmptyValue is not recommended for use since OpenAPI 3.0.2 "as it will be removed in a future version."

raml2html not generating arrays declarations properly

I am using the raml2html tool to generate html documentation for my ReST apis.
I have defined all my types in a raml file memberTypes.raml that I include in the main service.raml.
Following is a sample from the service.raml file.
#%RAML 1.0
title: update member object
memberTypes: /memberTypes.raml
type: memberTypes.TermsAndConditions[]
description: The terms and conditions that the member has accepted.
required: false
type: memberTypes.Person
description: The personal details of the member.
required: true
And following is a sample for the 2 properties above in memberTypes.raml
type: NameType
description: The name of the member.
required: true
type: DateOfBirth
required: true
type: string
description: The version of the terms and conditions.
type: date-only
description: The date on which the corresponding terms and conditions were accepted. Format is YYYY-MM-DD, ISO-8601 Calendar date format.
Now, below is the what I get in the html
The array is shown as array of memberTypes.TermsAndConditions. The questions is how do i get rid of the memberTypes? i simply want the type to be array of TermsAndConditions.
How do I achieve this? is there a command line option to raml2html tool that will do the trick?
I don't think there is command line option to do that, since the template / theme of raml2html defines how things are shown in HTML. You can edit the default theme. If I recall correctly that is defined in item.nunjucks file.
The usual use case for that is "array of objects" or "array of strings" but there is also definitions how to show non standard type types.
