Laravel session variables get Null, once redirect to Payment Gateway and return back - laravel

I found some related questions, but they don't have enough explanations/solutions for my problem. I'm integrating Paycorp payment gateway with an existing project. In PaymentController.php I put all the hotel IPG settings in an array and put in session. Once I put it in session, I try to print it with vardump, it is working, it is in the session! Then I initiate the payment and redirect to generated url. It redirects to Paycorp payment, I provide the card details and submit. When it returns to PaymentCompleteController.php I need to complete the payment and I Need the Hotel IPG settings which I've put in session. When I tried to get it, there is nothing and it is NULL.
$params['something1'] = $something1;
$params['something2'] = $something2;
$params['something3'] = $something3;
$params['something4'] = $something4;
Session::put(SampleModel::PARAMS, $params);
//At this point Params are in the session
//var_dump(Session::get(SampleModel::PARAMS)); exit();
//Initiate Payment and Redirect to URL
Once the card details are given and submitted, it will redirect back to
vardump(Session::get(SampleModel::PARAMS)); exit();
In PaymentCompleteController.php session variable is null. But the variable put before the PaymentController.php are still there.

When a Laravel application lifecycle starts, any value put in Session are not yet stored until the application lifecycle ends. The redirect is preventing that.
Persist the session values right after you call put():
Session::put(SampleModel::PARAMS, $params);


Retain session when login in with Laravel Socialite in google or reset id with previous one

I currently have a Laravel app that signs in using Socialite.
public function redirectToGoogle(Request $request)
return Socialite::driver('google')->stateless()->redirect();
When it loads and redirects I lose the previous session id.
I need that session id because it's loaded in my db to track some cart info.
Is there away I can retain the previous session id when Socialite loads the google driver?
I can also reset the session id since I have it in my db. However I don't know how to regenerate it with a custom string.
But passing it a custom string?
$request->session()->regenerate('some value');
session()->getId(); //does not regenerate 'some value'
I would setId like so:
From here

How do I manually send a password reset request in Laravel 5.4?

I would like to manually send a password reset request to a specific user (not the one currently logged in) from within a controller. I did some digging around in the Laravel code and it seems like I should be calling postEmail(Request $request) in ResetsPasswords, but I can't seem to figure out how to get access to the right PasswordController instance to call it.
Seems like you are admin, so from your end, you can set a column in database (is_active), and change that to 0, and check when user logged in if is_active == 0. If it's 0, allow him to set a new password, then make a hash of new password and change is_active to 1

How to return to intended page in this case

I have the typical scenario of an online newspaper where you have the article and below a form to comment, but where you need to login to comment. So on clicking it takes you to the log page and it should return you to that page once you have authenticated.
So, because the form is part of a page that the user can see without being logged in, I cannot write the middleware for that page created by a PostController, (get route).
The CommentController only has one method, which is the store one for the Form. so, of course, if I placed a middleware for that controller, it would fail because although it would indeed take you to the login page on clicking the submit button, the Intended URL saved would be that Post for the form, so on returning after authenticating, it would take you to a non existent URL page under the name of the Post route for that Form.
I have read about Auth::guards and the like but could not come clear with it,
Laravel 5 - After login redirect back to previous page
asks exactly the same question that I do, it is the same scenario, but I dont see how his answer works, because defining a protected variable (and I have that already) like protected $redirectTo in the Auth controller only tells where to go after authenticating, and it is only a fixed route, in my case it takes you to the dashboard. But I dont want to be taken to the dashboard, it has to return to the page where the article and the comment form are.
I found the solution at Laracasts. I must say I really dont understand it, but it works. It adds two functions to the AuthController.
public function showLoginForm()
session()->put('from', url()->previous());
return view('auth.login');
public function authenticated($request,$user)
return redirect(session()->pull('from',$this->redirectTo));
It's been a while since i've done this, but this should work normally.
You could add a GET param in your link from the comment section to login page.
Put the intended url in in the session variable url.intended and after login you redirect like so
This will redirect back to the the url '/' if the session variable is not available.

How do we protect our post data processing method in CodeIgniter controller from the external form?

I'm working on a small project with CodeIgniter which handling some post data submitted from the admin form page.
I do transfer the post data to a method in my controller and send it to the database.
Its working all the time.
Im thinking, what if someone make an external form with the exact same inputs name and action attribute with mine in the admin page (I dont know how to figure the inputs name out but this is just my wonder), and try to post some data to the controller?
I try to use session but I wonder if there are any way to protect that kind of inject method?
you can try before your form_validator with
if( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] == base_url()){
//form validator
$this->session->set_flashdata('warning', 'You try to enter from an external web without permission');
redirect(base_url(), 'refresh');
There are a couple of things you can do.
First, since this is an admin only page I assume you have some kind of login and user verification in place.
You can use session data to store the successful admin login.
//admin log in OK
$this->session->set_userdata('admin_logged_in', TRUE);
In the method that processes the form post, confirm the user is logged in
if($this->session->userdata('admin_logged_in') !== TRUE)
return; //here in case the redirect call doesn't work
Second, since you are 'posting' to this page confirm that is the method the server has received - it MUST be post. If you are using CI version => 3.0 the do this
if($this->input->method() !== 'post')
//somebody is trying to fool you
return; //here in case the redirect call doesn't work
If you are using an earlier version of CI (before 3.0.x) do this
if(strtolower($this->server('REQUEST_METHOD') !== 'post')
//somebody is trying to fool you
return; //here in case the redirect call doesn't work
You also might want to consider the case where the session info checks out but it was not a POST request. That is very suspicious to me and it might be wise to destroy the session before redirecting.

Restful URL After Insert

I am new to RESTful URLs and I have a general question. Let's say I have a URL that I use to retrieve student records: which retrieves the details for the student with ID 123.
I then do the following to load an empty form for adding students: where zero indicates that I want to display an empty student detail form (or
The question I have is that after I add a student record I get back a new Id. However, if I add the record using AJAX without submitting and refreshing the page, my URL still shows If a user clicks refresh then the empty form is displayed again rather than the new student record.
How should that be handled?
It's not like your server can't respond to AJAX requests, right?
All you need to do is send back the newly generated ID, and then:
Use window.location = 'new_url' to redirect the user
Or even better, use history.pushState() (if available) to change the URL without any redirection (and reloading) happening at all
One thing that seems off, though, is the use of GET page/students/0 to get an "empty record", or, as I understand it, a "template" for new records. I don't think that's how RESTful services work, but then again, I'm not an expert in REST services.
